Types of kisses. How to quickly learn how to kiss a guy and not embarrass yourself the first time? Gentle kiss on the stomach

A kiss can mean so many things... It is a signal of love or gratitude, acceptance into a family or a gesture of politeness. It all depends on how exactly you were kissed (and most importantly, where!).

A kiss can be one of the most magical experiences in your life. It shows how connected you are to a person. Perhaps you are just friends or passionate lovers, strangers or acquaintances while greeting. Kissing is not just for the face, as there are so many places on the body that are open to this warm gesture!

They say that a kiss is the language of our souls. Here are 20 different types of gestures brought together. Want to know what they mean?

1. Right to the forehead

This is a gentle expression of admiration. Usually friends give each other such a gesture, but often a kiss can be found among lovers who have just entered the stage of development of their relationship.

2. Allow me your pen, madam

This is a gesture where your partner gently holds your hand by the fingers and gently kisses the outside of your palm. Knights did this in medieval times to express admiration, passion or recognition. They often kissed the hand of noble people who were of higher rank. It was a gesture of respect and honor for their status.

3. Eskimo and cold

No, this is not the touch of the lips of partners. The Eskimo kiss involves two people gently rubbing their noses against each other. This is often an affectionate gesture that signifies the love and care of a parent for their child.

It is believed that the Eskimo kiss allows you to communicate your feelings, especially if you live in a harsh, cold climate. The reason is simple: there is a risk that your lips will begin to crack, or even freeze to your partner’s skin!

4. In French, with passion

Oh, that French kiss! The complete opposite of Eskimo. This is where skill and mastery come into play, because the partners show each other how much they know how to speak their language.

Of course, the French kissing technique is very difficult to master, because it requires regular training. However, this is a great way to show passion, romance and desire in partners.

5. Narcissistic kiss

This is another type of kiss that is intended for those who probably love themselves very much. All you need to do is suck the lower lip with your upper lip (or vice versa). Sometimes this kiss can show that your partner is ready for sexual contact with you. The main thing is to learn to correctly recognize such a gesture!

6. Tangle of souls

This all-encompassing kiss targets the erogenous zone. You can give your partner an unforgettable experience if you start gently biting his ear. Such a kiss means that there is probably a subtle romantic and intimate connection between you, which will definitely result in something more - passionate and hot.

7. Spider-Man Kiss

Remember when Spiderman kissed Mary Jane for the first time? At that moment, Spider-Man was hanging upside down, and his beloved came up to him, lowered his mask slightly and gently kissed him on the lips.

Of course, for safety reasons, there is no need to repeat Spiderman's actions. You just need to lie down on the sofa and lower your head so that your partner can kiss. Perhaps this epic and historical gesture will make you the strongest couple ever!

8. The flutter of butterfly wings

This is a rather unusual kiss where two people are so close to each other that their eyelashes touch. Such a gesture means that the partners are madly in love or passionate.

9. Lengthy kiss

A lingering kiss usually lasts at least 5-10 minutes. It is full of strong emotions and passions, and often means one thing - your relationship is only getting stronger.

10. "Smack" - kiss

These are short kisses that give warmth to the cheeks, shoulders and arms. The meaning of such a gesture depends on where on the planet you are. For some cultures it means hello and for others it means goodbye.

11. Kiss "Leave a Mark"

This kiss is famous for the girl applying lipstick and then kissing her partner. Accordingly, a bright or dark mark remains on the cheek, neck or lips. Perhaps she does this on purpose, playing like a cat. But it happens that girls simply forget about their lipstick!

12. Kiss "Secret Message"

Do you want to receive a hidden message? Then just practice French kissing. "Secret message" is the process of your partner gently touching you with the tip of his tongue.

You should not send messages if you are not very close to each other. Perhaps you may be misunderstood or considered that you are pestering and insisting on intimacy!

13. Like snakes

Remember how lizards and snakes stick out their tongues? They do it so quickly that you barely have time to follow the process. Imagine that you are the lizard at the moment of the kiss.

During a passionate kiss, the tongue should move in and out of the mouth quickly, creating small strokes. This gesture is ideal for hot and passionate lovers who have no embarrassment in front of each other!

14. We transmit by air

Blowing kisses can be seen in old movies, especially during greetings. This is done as if a flirty girl, with the characteristic sound “Muaaa”, passes a sweet “smack” through the air.

Imagine a picture when two people you know want to say hello, but do not want to touch each other’s lips. To do this, they simply bring their cheeks together, make a sound and bow. This kind of kiss can be seen among celebrities, as well as among strangers or relatives. This is not a romantic, but a friendly gesture.

15. Kiss of an angel

It is a tender kiss on someone's eyelids, a sweet gesture between two people who love each other deeply. A mother can do this to her child or a husband to his wife. And even though it is believed that kissing on the eyes leads to separation, it looks quite sweet and innocent!

16. Seductive kiss

This gesture is very reminiscent of a tongue kiss from true Frenchmen. Only the partners at this moment are not very keen on playing in the mouth. Such a kiss makes your knees weak, your heart begins to beat furiously, and passion and fire are ignited inside.

17. Right on the chin

It is a very gentle and sensual gesture when you kiss your partner's chin. It is intended for those who are very close to each other.

From the outside, such a kiss may seem strange, especially when it is customary in society to “smack” on the lips or cheeks. But who cares when a real fire burns between you, eclipsing everything around!

18. Don't be afraid of tracks

If you are a fan of "Twilight" or other stories about vampires, then you will definitely like this kiss for one simple reason: your partner will sexually dig into your neck, lightly biting the skin. This gesture is very popular in intimate settings.

However, don't be afraid if marks remain on your skin. But make sure that society accepts your passion, because in many places appearing with hickeys is shameful and unethical. However, foundations, gorgeous scarves, cozy sweaters and turtlenecks always come to the rescue!

19. Like little dogs

Light bites can make you shiver with pleasure. The reason is that they affect the most delicate places on the face - nose, cheeks, chin, neck. This is a sensual and sometimes spontaneous kiss that can occur between people. This gesture signifies intimacy, eroticism and sexual contact.

20. Warm up

This gesture can last for hours. And it begins with a passionate hug and a kiss on the lips. Gradually, the partner begins to move lower and lower, exploring every centimeter. This gesture is usually an excellent foreplay before sex and is dedicated to those who want to feel every cell of their partner!

Why are we kissing? Some might say that kissing is a cultural stereotype. Everyone around them kisses - on the street, in the movies, in books and magazines. And everyone knows that in a romantic setting you have to kiss.

And someone will say that a kiss is a real merging of souls, and when lovers kiss, an angel is born in heaven. And to this day no one can explain the phenomenon of kissing.

One thing is good: back in Art. BC. in ancient India, kissing was “systematized” and described in detail in the Kama Sutra. Learn all types of kisses and please your loved one!

1. Inato- This is a gentle and romantic kiss on the lips, smooth. This is a kiss with just the lips, you can’t touch your teeth, but you can’t leave not a single millimeter of your lips unkissed.

2. Smooth a kiss is a kiss when a guy takes a girl’s lips in his, folds his lips into a tube and sucks his beloved’s lips into himself, trying to touch her tongue.

3. Do you want to learn how to kiss? Fight of mouths"? Then do this: your lips are parted, you both suck and lightly bite each other's lips. But be careful not to bite too hard in the heat of passion.

4. Playful kiss- he is playful for this reason, so as to arouse passion, as if by chance. During a “playful” kiss, the guy bites the girl’s lips, and she, moving her tongue in his mouth, arouses passion.

5. During " Kissing teeth“In a passionate impulse, he “kisses” the teeth of his beloved, throwing her head lower and lower.

6. Kiss “Samayan” is the kiss of the tongue. The man takes the girl’s tongue into his mouth and, barely touching it with his teeth, sucks. The girl tries to take his tongue as deeply as possible, thus confirming the desire to move on to intimate relationships.

7. Kiss “Tenderness” teaches you to enjoy even the slightest touch of your lips and tongue. Effort is not important here, the main thing is tenderness and lightness.

8. To recreate the kiss "Mill", you need to take your loved one’s tongue by your cheek and lightly twirl your tongue.

9. "Bashful" This is called a kiss when a girl kisses, slightly moving her lower lip, as if trying to “run away” from the guy.

10. Kiss “Sink” is a classic of erotic art. Kiss your loved one gently on the ear, lightly biting the lobe and touching the skin behind the ear with your lips.

11. Sari is a kiss that a man gives to a woman. He kisses her palms, around the elbow and higher on the inside.

12. Exquisite kiss- these are gentle touches of the tongue to the palate of a loved one.

13. Kiss "Petal" - the man should pull back her lower lip and insert his tongue behind her cheek, caressing and arousing her with light movements, while tilting her head back.

14. "Stinging" A girl gives a kiss to a man. She gently and bashfully sucks his lips, and then suddenly pushes her tongue into his mouth for a moment and immediately pulls back, pretending to be scared.

15. “Tsarsky” You should kiss like this: slip your tongue over your teeth, insert it behind your cheek and gently caress it.

16. Passionate kiss is a trail of many kisses below the mouth. These are kisses of the neck, chest, nipples, belly, inner thighs, curves of the arms, legs under the knees. And the return back - along the same path of kisses.

17. Kiss “Enjoying the Bud”- This is one of the types of kisses using fingers. The guy gently squeezes both lips of the girl and kisses her on the lips.

18. "Falling Petals" It’s done like this: the guy spreads the girl’s lips with his fingers and kisses her on the teeth.

19. "Collecting Nectar" is a kiss during which the guy presses his fingers to the girl’s lips and kisses her tongue.

20. Ata is a most exciting kissing game. Play with your loved one: try to be the first to grab his lip and push out his tongue with your tongue in order to insert your tongue into his mouth. And then gently kiss the tip of the nose and chin of your loved one.

It turns out that kissing is one of the most exciting games in the world. And most importantly, there are no losers. So play and kiss to your health!

Romantic and friendly, timid and sexy - there are all sorts of kisses. They are united by two features: an expression of intimacy and a desire to please. Below are the main types of kisses. They can be combined and diversified in every possible way, or you can simply say: “Do you want to show me how the Japanese kiss? Don't be afraid, there's nothing scary there! Let's try it, it's cool! " And the start of an exciting adventure is guaranteed.

1. French. This name can often be heard, but it is not always understood correctly. And this is just a deep kiss on the lips with a game of tongues. You need to start it by gently touching your lips and move deeper gradually. A big mistake is to immediately dig into your partner, almost forcefully open his mouth and vigorously swirl his tongue. Despite the intimacy, this is a deeply sensual kiss, slow and languid. The French really know a lot about this!

2. Kiss one lip. Most often, the subject of play here is the lower lip. She is both fuller and more sensitive. The man “hugs” her with his lips, slightly squeezes her, pulls her in and out, sucks lightly and touches her with his tongue. This kiss is considered romantic, but is inappropriate on a first date.

3. Japanese. You can see it in cartoons or anime, this is how children kiss, imitating adults. Stand half a meter apart from each other, at the same time lean down and kiss on the lips. You cannot hug or make any movements with your lips, this will ruin the whole idea. The point is that at such a distance the pressure is quite strong, and the kiss is sensitive.

4. Eskimo. Quite exotic. Touch your noses and make gentle small movements, touching your partner's face with your face. Blink your eyelashes, close and open your lips. The kiss lasts at least thirty seconds, its purpose is to enjoy the smell, breath, and closeness of the partner.

5. Vacuum. This is a short kiss in which both partners seem to suck the lips of their lover into themselves. Refers to passionate kisses, despite the fact that the tongue is not involved in it.

7. Kiss-message. During a deep kiss, you need to say a pre-invented phrase. Maybe this will be exactly what is difficult to say out loud. There is no need to try to pronounce it clearly, the fact itself is enough. The girl (or guy) will be intrigued and surprised.

8. Kiss of a spider. Based on the movie "Spider-Man". The essence of it is that your faces are turned 180 degrees, that is, you kiss her lower lip, she kisses your upper lip. For example, in the park, when she was tired and lay down on your lap. Or on a swing, when she sits and you are behind her. Well, or in a more intimate setting.

9. Cream, or ordinary hickey. Not the most pleasing sight, although many wear their love markings with pride. Touch your lover's neck or chin with your lips and create a vacuum. As a result, a red spot will remain. It is completely harmless and will go away in a few days. With such a kiss you can take revenge!

10. Samayan. This is a sexy kiss in which the partners penetrate their tongues deeply into their mouths and almost freeze there. You shouldn’t move your tongue intensively, and it won’t work. If a girl agrees to such a kiss, then it is safe to assume that she not only wants a continuation, but also craves it.

To complete the picture, friendly kisses should also be mentioned:

1. Air kiss. You kiss the tips of your fingers (or imitate them), point them towards the girl and blow. Or even simpler: you show a kiss with your lips while at a distance. Quite decent, can be used with relatives.

2. Kiss on the forehead. This is how parents kiss their child good night. Appropriate when consoling a friend (namely a friend, not a mistress).

3. Kiss your earlobe. And this is already an element of a love game. Sometimes a girl does not agree to a kiss on the lips, but on the lobe - please. It doesn't seem dangerous to her. And yet, a beginning has been made, although she herself may not realize it.

4. Kiss of an angel. In the eyelids or in the outer corner of the eyes. The most romantic use is to wake up your beloved.

5. Kiss on the cheek. A universal kiss for any situation. You can't go wrong with him. He will provoke the one who is waiting even more. It is unlikely that the girl will refuse him, especially since he is seen in society as a purely friendly gesture.

Are there still kisses? Yes, as much as you like: in any part of the body, using any technique from licking to biting. However, it is already a matter of taste for the two of them when they lower the curtains and turn off the lights..

We invite you to familiarize yourself with what types of kisses exist according to the Kama Sutra: Yeah. A game. You must be the first to grab your partner’s lip, push out his tongue with your tongue and insert your tongue into your partner’s mouth, then kiss his chin and nose. Fight of mouths. Both partners have their mouths slightly open, both suck each other’s lips, biting them lightly. This must be done carefully so as not to hurt one another. Playful. The partner bites her lips. The partner moves her tongue in her partner’s mouth and arouses passion in him. Exquisitely - affectionate. The tongue touches the roof of his mouth very lightly. Imata. A gentle, unhurried kiss on the lips with just the lips, without touching the partner’s teeth, but also without leaving any part of the lips outside the affectionate kiss. Petal touch. The partner pulls the woman's lower lip, then inserts his tongue into her cheek, arousing her with light movements that tilt her head back. Mill. The partner's tongue is taken into the mouth by the cheeks and pressed with his teeth and tongue. Tenderness. The partner kisses her or his lips with his tongue, lightly touching the lips with the tongue. Pleasure lies in a light, gentle touch. Kiss with teeth. The partner sucks his teeth, tilting his partner’s head lower and lower in a passionate impulse. Sink. The partner kisses the ear, lightly biting the earlobe and touching the skin behind the ear with his lips. Smooth. The partner takes the partner’s lips into his own, makes his lips into a tube and, as it were, sucks the partner’s lips into himself, trying to reach her tongue. Kiss of the tongue. The partner takes her tongue into his mouth and sucks, barely touching his teeth. The partner tries to pull his tongue as deep as possible, thereby demonstrating that she wants him. Sari. Kiss elbows on the back of the inside , And also the partner’s palms. Passionate. Sucking the nipples and vault of the breast. Kiss below the stomach, legs under the knees, inner thighs, pubic area. Kisses, moving from the lips, to the chest and below, and then in the opposite direction. This type of kiss is quite intimate. Shy. The partner kisses, trying to break away, slightly moving her lower lip

There are other types of kisses:

  1. A simple kiss on the lips, pressing lightly on them.
  2. A simple kiss on the lips, pressing a little harder.
  3. Love bite. An exciting kiss ends with biting. The Kama Sutra recommends biting the kissing areas with the exception of the upper lip, eyes and tongue.
  4. A deep kiss, we call it a “French kiss.” The French gave it the name “kiss of the soul.”
  5. Kiss the eyes, lightly pressing them with your lips.
  6. A kiss that women really like is a kiss on the neck.
  7. A long kiss. Partners, as it were, cannot tear themselves away from each other in a fit of passion. The kiss is accompanied by either weak or strong pressure on the lips.
  8. Kiss on the corners of the lips: first in one corner, then in the other corner of the partner’s mouth.
  9. A pulsating kiss. The nose and lips are pressed to the girl’s cheek, the partner kisses, slightly vibrating and shaking it against the cheek.
  10. The partner kisses the inside of the arm with small kisses, moving from the wrist to the armpit. Such kisses usually awaken passion.
  11. A simple kiss on the cheek. You can get pleasure from such kisses if you do them quickly and quickly at different points of the face. Speed ​​plays a big role here; the faster, the more pleasant the sensation.
  12. You can give your partner an extremely pleasant sensation if you kiss the earlobe or the skin next to it. The stronger half really likes such kisses and awakens a man’s feelings.
  13. A variation of the previous kisses, only now the earlobe is sucked instead of kissed.
  14. Rain of kisses. The neck and chest are covered with kisses, going lower and lower, changing speed. The length of kisses ranges from short to long.
  15. A simple kiss. Instead of pressing on the lips, they are lightly sucked.
  16. Stroking kiss. Touch your lips to the forehead on one side, move them gently across the entire forehead and kiss the temple on the other side of the forehead.
  17. A light kiss on the very tip of the nose can be a prelude to more intense kissing.
  18. You can bite your partner's lips with just your lips so that your teeth do not participate in this.
  19. The partner inserts the tip of his tongue between the partner’s lips and runs it from right to left and vice versa from left to right. This can be done half the time for a long time and not only for the partner, but also for the woman.
  20. Usually, sucking during a kiss brings pleasure to both partners and is often a love foreplay. Sometimes one partner kisses, sometimes the other, but you can kiss at the same time.
  21. Women especially enjoy kissing the area where the neck meets the shoulder.
  22. Regarding kissing other parts of the body, many people have an unusually sensitive back to caresses, especially in its lower part and around the waist and along the spine. Women's thighs are also sensitive to caresses.
  23. Kissing partners together while stroking each other's erogenous zones.
  24. The neck and throat area is very sensitive to caresses and kisses.
  25. Kiss on the profile of the face. The kiss begins from the middle of the forehead, then the lips of the kisser move down to the nose and further to the center point of the mouth, and ends with a kiss in the middle of the chin. You need to end a series of kisses with a kiss on the lips.
  26. Kissing the nipples and upper part of the partner's breasts.
  27. Intimate kisses on the lower thighs are very exciting and awaken sexual desires. Men in this case prefer an active role, and women like to receive kisses.
  28. A spine kiss is a series of kisses along the spine. A series of kisses begins near the neck and ends at the bottom of the spine.
  29. Kissing is possible from the navel to the lowest point where the thigh and body connect. The lips of the kissing partner should seem to glide over the body.
  30. Kiss of youth. Kiss the tip of your own finger and apply it to your partner’s lips. This kiss is very symbolic and reminiscent of early youth.

Partners can come up with their own kissing techniques and mix them up. The main thing is to receive pleasure from kisses and experience emotions of unusual depth. Kiss, kiss and kiss many times, receiving pleasure and giving it to your partner.

The article describes the little-known 20 types of kisses described in the Kama Sutra.

A kiss is the most tender proof of love and affection that one person can demonstrate to another. In movies, on the streets and in the subway, you can see people kissing without noticing anyone around them. And although modern youth believes that they know everything about intimate culture, many do not even suspect that there are actually many more types of kisses than French and simple.

Even in ancient India, all 20 types of kisses were carefully studied and presented in the Kama Sutra, which give loving people the opportunity to once again show all the tenderness and passion of their feelings.

So, kisses are of the following types:

1. "Even" kiss- suction of the curled lips of a loved one with a touch of the tongue;

2. "Inato"- kisses touching only one lips. You cannot touch your teeth and tongue in this type of kiss;

3. "Playful" kiss- light biting of lips and flirting with the partner’s tongue are allowed;

4. "Fight of Mouths"- in this form, the lips of the partners are slightly parted. It is allowed to suck the corners of the lips and the tip of the tongue;

5. "Samayan"- it's a kiss of tongues. Partners take turns taking their loved one’s tongue into their mouths and lightly sucking without touching it with their teeth;

6. "Kiss of Teeth"- partners kiss each other’s teeth, tilting their heads lower and lower;

7. "Tenderness"- the name itself speaks for itself. Smooth, gentle and timid touches of the lips and tongue are important here;

8. "Bashful" A kiss is considered to be one in which the girl, smoothly moving her lower lip, pretends to resist her partner;

9. "Mill"- this is a kiss in which one partner takes the tongue of the other participant by the cheek and slightly twirls his tongue around it;

10. "Sari"- This is an exclusively male prerogative. The partner gently kisses the partner on the palm and on the inside of the arm just above the elbow;

11. Kiss "Sink" considered the peak of eroticism, because it involves gentle touching the partner’s earlobe with teeth and lips;

12. "Stinging" kiss- this is a short push of the girl’s tongue into her partner’s mouth. Then the partner fearfully withdraws her tongue;

13. "Sophistication"- gentle and timid touches of the tongue to the palate of the partner;

14. "Passion"- this is a sensual and hot path of kisses, starting from the lips and ending only on the inside of the thigh;

15. "Royal" kiss- this is a kiss of the entire mouth, including the area behind the cheeks and teeth of the partner;

16. "Gathering Petals"- This is the first type of kissing that uses fingers. The partner gently spreads the girl’s lips with his fingers and begins to kiss her teeth;

17. "Bud of Passion"- the guy squeezes the girl’s lips and gently or passionately kisses her directly on them;

18. "Collecting nectar" they call actions in which the partner presses the lips of the partner and gently sucks her tongue;

19. "Ata"- this is a passionate game consisting of lightly sucking the partner’s tongue, biting his lips and lightly touching his nose and chin;

20. "Petal" they call that kiss in which the partner pulls back the partner’s lower lip a little and timidly inserts his tongue into the mouth behind the cheek, gently rotating it there.

Kisses are different, but they are all united by tenderness, love and a great desire to please a loved one.

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