Birthday script for children: “Visiting a clown. Birthday with clowns Scenario for a 5-year-old girl with a clown

When a child's birthday is approaching, parents are faced with the question of how to celebrate it? The easiest option for parents is to invite little guests to a children's entertainment center or a cafe with a children's menu. The most profitable option is to invite the children home and organize the holiday yourself. If for some reason parents do not want to entertain the kids themselves or do not have enough time to prepare, then entertainment professionals can help - children's animators. Fortunately, there are now plenty of agencies for this service, and you can choose a program for every taste.

For the holiday you will need:

  • Adult clown costume (can be improvised, the main thing is to have a nose and a wig);
  • Clown noses for children (according to the number of invited guests), you can have some other attributes, for example, wigs, headbands with pigtails, ties, etc .;
  • Whatman and drawing tools;
  • A selection of fun music;
  • Balloons;
  • Small souvenirs for prizes;
  • Delicious food and fun atmosphere.

Entertainment scenario.

It is best for children to eat at the festive table before the start of the entertainment program. Yes, and you will have time to change clothes and prepare for the competitions.

To cheerful music, a clown appears with a bunch of balloons (balloons should be according to the number of children, plus 1 for the clown).

Clown: Hello! Friends! How glad I am to see you! What is your holiday?

(children answer)

Clown:(requests) - Day of jam? (No). Cookie day? (No). Day of torment? (No). Ah-ah-ah, School Day? (No). Got it, got it! Birthday!!! (Yes).

Clown: There are so many of you! Let's get acquainted! I know one fun game called "Affectionate Names". Get in a circle. We will throw a ball to each other and say our name. The one who catches the ball must call this name affectionately. Then throw the ball to the next one and say your name. Let me start. My name is Button (throws the ball to one of the children). Child: "Button", etc. until each child says their name.

Clown: That's where we met! Now, I invite you to join the clown corporation and have fun until you drop! Want to? (children answer)

Clown: Then you need to go through a special ceremony of initiation into clowns. Now let's check what kind of attentive children you are. (The clown conducts the game "Attentive listeners"). All guests stand in a circle. The clown stands in the center of the circle. The driver (clown) gives commands, and he himself executes them exactly the opposite. Children should listen carefully to the clown and do only what he says, not what he does. For example, a clown says: “sit down”, and he rises on his toes, while the children should squat down; “hands up”, and he lowers himself down, etc.

Clown: Well done! Done with the task! Now, I can accept all of you as merry fellows - mischievous people. (Gives out clown noses and other paraphernalia). We will now go to a fun clown country called "Laughland", and we will fly there in balloons. All children take a balloon and run around the room to cheerful music.

Clown: Now, let's play with your balloons. (Game "Keep the ball in the air"). Let's see whose balloon stays in the air longer and doesn't fall to the floor. To prevent it from falling, you need to blow on the ball from below, like this. (The clown demonstrates how to hold the ball) Now try it! (A game is being played. The child whose balloon has been in the air the longest receives a prize from the clown).

Clown: How clever you all are! And now we will check how serious you are. This is a test of seriousness. The game is called "Bukashechka". Now, with the help of a counting rhyme, we will choose who will be the first insect. (Choose). Now, everyone is standing in a circle, and the insect gets on all fours and, crawling in a circle, says:

I'm boo-boo-boo-bug!


I am red, I am blue!

I am the most beautiful!

Whoever laughs first, repeats all the same actions and words. Thus, two insects crawl. Whoever laughs next, also repeats everything. They become three. And so it continues until there is only one player left, or none at all. The last remaining player earns a prize.

Clown: You are very funny guys! Remind me why today is a holiday? (Birthday). And what do they do at all birthdays? (dance). I also invite you to perform my favorite dance - "Lavata". Children dance along with the clown, repeating the movements in accordance with the lyrics of the song.

Clown: Well we danced! And now I propose to draw a portrait of our birthday boy! But we will draw not quite normally! I have hints here that indicate which body part each of you will draw. Get yourself a picture. (Children pull out a picture from a clown's cap, on each of them a part of the body is drawn, which this or that child will draw. On whatman paper, the guests take turns drawing a portrait of the birthday man in accordance with the cards - hints. After the portrait is ready, you can glue children's multi-colored palms with the names of guests, prepared in advance.

Clown: Well done! You have a very beautiful portrait! Now let's see how smart you are. Let's play the game "Guess who I am?". I have pictures here, but I won't show them to you. You yourself will try to guess what is depicted there. You see, the pictures are not simple, they are with holes for the head. Poke your head into the hole and try to guess who you are in this picture. You can ask questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no”. (play the game).

If the children are not tired, you can show them two or four children's tricks, for which you need to prepare in advance.

Clown: Who has a birthday today? (Children call). Then quickly sing a birthday loaf! (They play the game "Loaf").

Clown: What is missing from our birthday? Of course it's a bastard!!!

The clown brings out a cake with candles. You can purchase self-igniting candles for more fun.

Clown: I ask everyone to the table!

While the children are drinking tea, you can play one more game.

Clown: While enjoying the cake, let's compose a congratulation from all of us. Only, that's bad luck, the words in the congratulations were all mixed up and here it turned out that what our birthday man does not need to wish at all. Can you help me figure it out? I will read the congratulations, if the wish fits, you shout - “yes”, and if it doesn’t fit, then shout “no”. Ready? Started!

Happy Torment Day! (No)

Happy birthday congratulations! (Yes)

We wish you happiness, joy! (Yes)

Grow (birthday name) bigger, (yes)

Be sure to become thicker, (no)

And beautiful (th), and funny (th), (yeah)

And noisy (s), and pugnacious (s). (no)

Kind (th) to be and give care, (yes)

To be evil - to bring everyone to tears! (No)

For mommy to love (yeah)

With a strap to beat more often, (no)

I fed you with chocolates. (Yes)

And the grandmother with cheesecakes,

Yes, delicious buns! (Yes).

You can finish the holiday with a fun disco and cutting prizes from the rope.

I thought about what could please the kids, and ... I came up with - of course, sweets! Well, with them, the Country of Sweets appeared, and the main character is Candy Iriska. And that's what happened ... Most of the poems and riddles were composed by me, well, something was borrowed and partially redone.


Toffee rings the doorbell, and the kids greet her together, and a friend reads a verse:

One day, luxuriously dressed,
Candy appeared to Daryana.
She had a pretty wrapper on.
A protruding pigeon bow.
And she had a mandate
Celebrate your birthday here!


Do you know that in the city where I live, everything is made of sweets - chocolate houses, jelly rivers, candy flowers, and sweets grow on trees and bushes? There are candies and sweets everywhere! And sweet girls and boys live there, very similar to you. Do you want to visit the Land of Sweets?

Children: YES!



Then let's cast a spell and move there!

Children repeat line by line after Toffee.

Toffee and children:

We are lovers of cakes, pastries and sweets,
Give us a ticket to the land of sweets,
We want to be in the country for just one hour,
It's a miracle to see at least once!


One, two, three, come on!!!

We spin around ourselves, clap our hands and go into the room (previously, children were not allowed into it).

She dressed up the room in advance under the Land of Sweets, hung paper sweets on the walls, real sweets on the curtain, made a garland of candy wrappers and sweets, a fancy sun, a congratulatory poster with a cake and daughters crawling out of it, laid a sweet table, made a gingerbread man. There was an idea to put up a Christmas tree decorated with sweets, but did not have time.

Game "Picture"


This is beauty, it's almost like in my city! And to give you an even better idea of ​​what my city looks like, I'll show you a picture now. Oh, that's the trouble, I have it shattered into pieces. Can you help me fold it?

Toffee distributes pieces from the picture, and the children attach them.

I drew a landscape and separate parts of the picture in advance - a house with a chocolate roof, caramel walls, a pipe made of cookies and candy, a tree on which sweets grow, candy flowers, a jelly lake ... I attached double-sided adhesive tape to them for adhesion.

Master class "Ship"


Did you know that candy wrappers don't have to be thrown away? You can make a lot of different things out of them, fold them into different figures, cut them out, stick them on, weave them, and just save them, because they are so smart! Let's make a chocolate boat!

Toffee distributes Gorky chocolates, toothpicks, candy wrappers. We make boats: we pierce the candy wrapper with a toothpick in two places, give it the shape of a sail and stick the toothpick into the candy. We put the made ships on the jelly river in the picture.

Master class "Crown"


And now, in order to feel like princes and princesses of the beautiful Land of Sweets, I propose to make yourself a crown with the help of candy wrappers. Here's paper, a stapler, glue, scissors and candy wrappers. Let's stick and attach candy wrappers on paper, you can cut something out of them, in general, as you want. Go!

Toffee gives each child a strip of paper 10 cm wide and about 30 cm long, cut with teeth. It is necessary to attach candy wrappers to a strip of paper to taste, fold it into a crown, put it on the heads of the children and admire. Not without the help of parents.

General photo

There is a photo session in crowns.

Sugar bowling game


And now let's play bowling, but not in the usual, but in the sugar one, we are in the Land of Sweets! Now I will teach you. Here are 5 towers (we build towers from pieces of sugar, stacking one on top of the other up, you can also connect children). Everyone takes turns throwing the ball 1-2 times, and whoever knocks down the turrets more will win a prize.

Crossword in riddles


And now let's check if you can guess which sweets are encrypted in my crossword puzzle. I will guess riddles, and you guess more boldly!

I wear different clothes
But inside I, as before:
caramel, chocolate,
And condensed, marmalade.
Children all over the world know
There is no tastier me in the world!
Expand, look
And immediately put me in your mouth.
There is certainly no secret here.
What is my name?...

Happy birthday day
They bake bread alone
And they all sing: "Choose,
Someone you love, ..."

It's tile, but not in the bathroom
It contains nuts and raisins,
As soon as you take a bite, it's sweet.
What is this? ...

wooden leg,
Chocolate shirt.
I'm melting in the sun
In the mouth I disappear.

Very fond of children
Cold pack.
Cold, cold
Let me lick you once!
(ice cream)

We blinded two halves
And they got a white ball.
For many children, he is an idol,
And it's called...

Sweet, not sugar
Sticky, not glue
The bees give it
Eat and don't get sick!

They bake me for my birthday
With nuts, cream and even jam.
And covered with whipped cream
And they stick candles in me, if necessary!

The white stone melts in tea. Fall into a glass of water
And while it goes to the bottom, it will disappear.

The children wrote the words themselves.


What other sweets do you know? And who loves the most?

Children's answers: toffee, gingerbread, cakes, jam, jam, halva, gozinaki, jelly, waffles, marmalade, condensed milk, meringue ...



I announce to everyone now
It's our birthday.
And so it's time
Everybody shout "Hurrah!"

Children: WOW!

Master class "Chupa-chups flowers"


There are a lot of candy flowers in my country, let's make such a flower with you and give it to moms, because they also love sweets!

The birthday girl cuts sweets from the curtains and distributes each lollipop.

Iriska distributes blanks of petals and leaves, glue. We make crafts: with a lollipop leg, we pierce the petal blank, wrap the leaf blank around the stem and glue it. We give moms and dads.

Game "One candy, two candy"


Now let's play a candy game. Line up, facing your parents, and be careful. Now take turns saying:

First participant: One candy!
Second participant: Two candy!
Third party: Three!
Fourth participant: One candy!
Fifth participant: Two candy!
Sixth member: Three!

But the one who says "Three candy" and not "Three" is out of the game. The most attentive participant wins - the one who remains last. That's why the prize.

We left the three most attentive, who did not want to make mistakes, so they all received prizes.

Round dance to the song of the sweet tooth

(words and music by Anna Petryasheva)

There will be more joy in the world
If there are more sweets:
Lemonade and cakes
Marmalade and candies.
It's just a delight!
It's just a meal!
For children all over the world
Nothing tastes better!

Us strawberry jam
Raises the mood!
Instead of cabbage soup and semolina
We will always eat it!
Chocolate candies
We will replace all the omelettes.
Only adults we talk about it
We will never tell!

There will be more joy in the world
If there are more sweets:
A sea of ​​delicious caramel
Cotton candy clouds!
We will eat waffles and gingerbread.
Adults, don't panic!
Our teeth will be intact
We know for sure!

There will be more joy in the world
If there are more sweets!
In every bar of chocolate
Pleasure secret!
The world will be filled with sweet
Pastila and marmalade.
For children all over the world
Nothing tastes better!

I printed out the lyrics and handed them out to my parents, they bravely sang along, and the children danced.

Search for gifts


And I have news for you! They handed me a letter and said that somewhere in this room a surprise was prepared for you, and we need to find it using a riddle note. Let's open it and guess!

We open and find an empty sheet.


Blimey! Where is the text of the letter? How many of you know how to develop text? Can he be shaken, can he say: “Text, appear!”, can he blow? (we carry out all these manipulations with children) No, it does not help. But I know another way - the sheet must be wetted! Let's try!

The envelope contained an invisible letter. But in order to read it, you need to guess how to restore the text. The letter is done like this: two pieces of paper are taken, one is wetted with water, we put a dry sheet on top and write the text with a ballpoint pen, then we dry the wet sheet and put it in an envelope. But to develop the text, you need to wet the sheet again.

Read the riddle and guess it:

A movable support hangs on the ceiling,
He shakes his friends and makes him very happy.
On it you can climb to the very ceiling,
And you can exercise by pulling the sock forward.

On the rope ladder, a large candy with gifts for children is tied in advance, it must be removed and opened. And we entrusted this to the birthday girl.


Birthday girl, let's cut the candy and see what's inside.

The birthday girl takes out a candy, opens it and distributes gifts to friends. We had Shrek figurines with candy.



Oh, how quickly time has flown by, it's time for me to return to my home. I had a lot of fun with you! The country of sweets is wonderful, but remember that eating a lot of sweets is harmful, although we live in such a country, we eat sweets a little bit. After all, teeth suffer from sweets, and we take care of them very much. So promise me that you will brush your teeth twice a day and eat sweets in moderation!

Children: We promise!


Well, then I am calm and can return to my home. Happy birthday, Daryanochka! Bye! Happily! And don't worry!!!

P.S. After the competitions, of course, small gifts were given. Those who wished to take the crowns with them (I was glad that one guest walked in his crown then the whole day!). And, of course, then there was a cake and a stormy independent game with a pogrom!

The room where the celebration will take place according to the scenario of the birthday of 5 years "Air World" must be decorated with balloons. The host (who has twisting skills) is dressed in a clown costume.

The children have gathered and are waiting for the birthday boy. The birthday boy is absent at first, he can be sent for a walk with his grandmother. When all the guests are assembled, the host gives them whistles, balloons and holiday caps. And when the birthday boy enters the apartment, guests immediately appear, shouting “Happy Birthday!” and blow whistles.

Hello Petya! Today I found out that it's your birthday and you turn 5 years old!!! And this is already a very large and significant date. This is the very first anniversary, which can be only once in everyone's life, and therefore we will now sing a song for you with the guys, if you know that, sing along.

Further, as the scenario of the Birthday of 5 years "Air World" suggests, the Clown takes out an accordion and "Cheburashka's ears". The ears are put on the birthday boy and the guys, together with the clown and the birthday boy, sing the song “Let them run awkwardly.” After the song, the clown escorts everyone to the table.

During the feast, the guys give gifts to the birthday man. After presenting the gifts, the clown says:

So many gifts you gave Petya, and I want to give gifts to all, all the guys!

And the clown rolls up various figures from balloons and gives them to children.

After the guys have eaten, the clown, according to the scenario of the 5-year birthday "Air World", holds games and contests with them:

The mobile game "Happy rides"

The facilitator distributes balloons to the children. The guys squeeze the balls between their knees. The music turns on, the task of the guys is to jump as long as possible so that the ball remains in place and does not fall out. The winner is the one who was able to keep the ball between his knees the longest.

Team game "Peredashki"

The clown divides the guys into teams. Each team forms a circle. Teams are given a balloon. While the music is playing, the participants quickly pass the balls from hand to hand. And the clown counts the number of circles that the ball has passed, the team that passes the ball faster than the other wins.

Balloon game "Air Man"

For this game you will need 2 large t-shirts, 2 pants and lots and lots of balloons. 2 adults are called, they will play the role of air men. The task of the guys is to cram as many balls as possible under the T-shirt and pants to the music. The team with the most balloons under their clothes wins.

Fun game "Leaky Ball"

Leaves are placed in the balls with the image of body parts: mouth, nose, ears, arms, legs, stomach, etc. The balls are scattered on the floor. The task of the guys is to burst the balloon, get the image and show what we can do with this part of the body. For example, you can jump, sniff, laugh, clap your hands, etc. Everyone must complete their task.

Creative contest "Draw Kapitoshka"

Children are given markers and balloons. The task of the guys: draw Kapitoshka's face on the balloon. Then a competition is held for the funniest Kapitoshka.

At the end of the evening, the guys sing “Loaf” to the birthday boy, and mom takes out a cake with candles. The birthday boy makes a wish and blows out the candles. After that, everyone drinks tea and goes home.

Birthday script 5 years "Air World"

Birthday script with clown Iriska

A clown enters, holding a bouquet of balloons in his hand.

Hello kids!

The clown Iriska came to you,

Oh, I forgot the sausages!

I will entertain you

and give gifts.

How beautiful it is here, how festive! And what kind of holiday do you have?

I'm sorry, what? As you said? (puts free hand to his ear)

Jam Day? No?

Cookie day? Also no?

Treatment day? Not again?

Day of torment?

So what are we celebrating anyway? Day of study? No? But you still need to study, we must not forget about it!

Wait a minute... I think I get it. Ah-ah-ah-ah, that's it! Birthday! Why didn't I think of it right away? And who is our birthday? Whose birthday is It? At your place? Let's congratulate our hero of the occasion!


And yet, congratulations alone are not enough! My mother told me that on my birthday you should give gifts.

(looks around)

But where is my candy cart? It seems that I lost everything along the way ... Well, let's see(turns out his pants pockets, throws up his hands)- empty.

Oh, Children-children, did you hide the sweets? No? But what is your name? (approaches one of the children). Well, what is it with us, we will all know now!

(having hidden a candy in his hand, holds the child behind the ear, and takes it out as if from there)

Now I know where my sweets are - you picked them up and hid them. No?(scratches his chin thoughtfully)

Then who picked them up? Let's try to figure it out! Do you love riddles? Well, of course you love it, I knew it!

So let's get started.

I was traveling by train - I mixed up the regions.

I moved to the wrong place - there are no trains here!

All scattered candy,

left somewhere behind...

Now we will figure out who picked up the candy.


1) Who opened a huge mouth? That's right - this is ... (behemoth).

2) Jumps and jumps smartly, he loves carrots (hare) very much

3) Bristles with needles, and hides under the trees (hedgehog)

4) Lives in an earthen hole, but is simply called - (mole)

5) Milk gives us again, called - (cow)

6) Cunning, shameless, and even red-haired! (a fox)

7) He knows a lot about piglets, but they call him - (wolf)

8) A log floats along the river, it is all green. Cunning did not surprise us green (crocodile)

9) Huge, clubfoot, sucks a paw in a den. And he knows how to roar, and his name is - (bear)

10) Barks angrily at strangers, and bites robbers (dog)

The game "Freedom to candy!".

We determined the answers, and received gifts!

But what are these magic balls? Children, look - it seems there is something inside. After all, it's candy! But how do you get them out of there? You have to play a game and defeat the resistance of the ball.

How to get candy, how to do it? You need to press the ball down to release it!

Kids, you need to push on the balloon to make it pop! If you can't, call your friends for help and do it together. Friendship conquers all!

In the meantime, I'll turn on a fun song for you!

Finally we won and got candy!

Game "Curious ball".

H Asha Masha is crying loudly - she dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, girl, don't cry - now your ball has sailed to us!

Kids, you love to play ball, don't you? Raise your hands who love! Very well. Do you know who asks the most questions? That's right - you yourself. This is because you are interested in knowing everything in the world. Right now you are ignorant, and when you get answers to all the questions in the world, you will become a know-it-all!

But we need to learn the rules of how to play the Curious Ball game! It's very simple: the one who caught my ball - I asked him a question!

Rules of the game:

Questions should be short and simple. For example, “what is your name?”, “what color is the ball?”, “how old is the birthday boy?” etc.

Game "Attentive listeners".

And now - carefully! listening carefully.

You don't believe your eyes - better believe your ears.

The monkey repeats - she does not understand the words!

You won't bring us down so easily - we distinguish where the lie is.

The principle of this game is:children look at the clown and follow his instructions. For example, the clown says "squat!" and starts to squat, then “raise your hands up!”, after which he raises his hands up, etc.

To test the children for attentiveness, periodically the command does not coincide with the actions of the clown. For example, he says “squat”, and he begins to clap his hands. The one who did not sit down, but also began to clap, is out of the game. By the end of the game, the most attentive players should remain.

Game "Depict an animal."

(Toffee shows the children a basket of cards)

In order to be in time for the holiday, I had to overcome many countries. And when I hurried to you, I met different animals.

Funny and scary, decorated with different colors!

To guess the name, you need to show the animal!

In the clown's basket there are two or three dozen cards with the names of animals (or more). Toffee chooses the child who will play first. He comes up and pulls a card at random from the basket, read to himself what is written there, and then they must show the animal so that the audience can guess who it is.

Relay race

The final - the game "Decorate the cake with candles."

( The alarm melody sounds loudly or the clock strikes on the phone in the pocket of a clown)

So the signal rang - our carnival is over!

Iriska needs to get ready, so we will say goodbye ...

Did I forget anything? How did you forget? True, children - where are the gifts?

Oh, but what is it? What do I see? I can't believe my eyes - a birthday cake without candles! We need to help and supply him with candles.

(Donut takes out a candle and three boxes, puts a candle in one of them, closes all three, then puts them on the table in front of the audience. After that, he starts rearranging the boxes so that the audience forgets which one has a candle)

I twist and turn - I want to confuse!

Come on, come on, guess - and decorate the loaf!

The child who guessed which box the candle is in gets the right to place it on the cake.

After all the candles are set, the birthday person makes a wish.

Elena Bespalova

Birthday script 5 years

For spending the day birth according to this scenario we need a leader and this Clown Chamomile. Chamomile you need to dress appropriately, as children at 5 years old are more receptive and still believe in many things. Chamomile you can wear a suit clown, put an orange wig on your head like in fairy tales and be sure to wear a red nose.

Children enter the group and are met by Clown Chamomile.

Clown: Hello kids, thanks for coming for the day the birth of your friend(name). Today (name) exactly 5 years old, and you can congratulate him and give gifts. And in order to give a gift, we need to draw it

Children draw a postcard on paper and give it to the birthday person.

Clown: But you know, this morning I was carrying a gift, but the evil fairy stole it and hid it. Can you help me find a present?

Then let's think about where to start. Oh, look, the evil fairy left her suitcase. Let's see what's inside. Yes, and here we have a note: if you collect puzzles, then you will find your gift. So that's what it means. The kids need to assemble the puzzle as soon as possible.

Inside the suitcase are a note and a puzzle. It is better to have a vase on the puzzle. As soon as the children complete the vase puzzle, the fairy He speaks:

What did we get? That's right, a vase. So the gift is in the vase. Let's go look for a vase.

Children find a vase, and there is another one inside a note:

Collect from these letters a word and your gift.

Clown: what an evil fairy, does not want to give a gift to our birthday boy. Children, let's make a word from these letters.

The vase should contain three cubes or three cards with the letters SHAR. Children make up the word balloon and fairy He speaks:

So we got the word SHAR. What does it mean? I think the gift is in the balloon. Only in what? See we have so many balloons. Okay, let's try to find the ball we need.

Children begin to look for the right ball. You can pop the balloons, but you can also give the children the balloon they need. When the right ball is there, the children burst it and inside there is another one. a note:

Your gift is in your favorite place in this kindergarten, where you sleep.

Clown: children, let's quickly go to the bedroom (name) there is a gift hidden under the bed.

The children run into the bedroom and see a birthday present on the bed.

Clown: Hooray, we found your gift. Rather, unfold it and see what I have prepared for you. And I will give memorable prizes to our guests for helping us look for a gift.

Clown gives prizes to all guests, you can pipe. Soap bubbles or something else.

Clown: Well, since everyone gave gifts, then we ask everyone to the table.

Children go and sit at the table. When the kids don't eat much The clown says:

Kids, let's play with you. Our game "Golden Gate". The rules are very simple. They hold hands and raise them, forming "Gates".The rest of the players join hands and go through the gate in a string

Words like this:

Golden Gate

We don't always miss:

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is forbidden

And for the third time

We won't miss you.

Clown: well, we played, and now I want to ask you, do you like to build?

Clown: Shows how to build a tower out of disposable cups.

Clown: So how did you like it? Then I propose to build with me. And the children are divided into two teams, and begin to build, whose team builds first and wins.

Clown: Kids, our holiday on the occasion of the day has ended birth(name, I hope you liked it and you will come in a year for 6 years (name). Will you come? Well, well, then, goodbye and see you soon.