The development of a nine-month-old baby - skills, habits and abilities. Physical and emotional development of a nine-month-old child Development of a child by months 9 months

An active nine-month-old baby has already mastered crawling. Therefore, his parents should be patient and develop a rapid reaction. The development of a child at 9 months implies the presence of certain skills and abilities. Time during this period runs quickly and every few days or weeks mark new turns in the development of the crumbs.

What can a nine-month-old baby already know:

  • reaches for a toy that is in the zone of its inaccessibility;
  • can independently sit down from the “lying” position on the tummy;
  • stands, leaning on something;
  • rolls the ball at the request;
  • perceives the game of hide and seek;
  • expresses violent indignation if a toy is taken away from him;
  • drinking from a cup on his own;
  • moves on tiptoe, holding on to a support;
  • can pull himself up and get up from a sitting position;
  • pronounces the words: "mother", "woman";
  • uses gestures for greetings and farewells.

We determine the level of development of the baby

  1. If, holding the child by the handles, lower him to the floor, then he should confidently stand on two feet. The toes should not be twisted.
  2. We put an empty box on the floor, and throw a cube into it. Ask the kid to get it. A child at 9 months old should be interested in this offer and stick a pen into the box. Perhaps he will not be able to get the cube, but this is not the main thing.
  3. We take a few noisy toys (rattles, cubes with bells inside) and drop them on the floor so that they make noise. The kid must repeat these movements, throwing objects alternately with both hands.

Psychological development

The kid already knows the names of the surrounding objects, can speak individual words. A sign of normal development at 9 months is the ability to identify your reflection in the mirror, distinguishing it from others. If you ask the baby to show a certain object, then he will easily point to it with his finger. The child enjoys playing educational games, looking at color pictures, shifting objects from place to place.

The kid nods his head in agreement if he is asked leading questions. Sometimes he pinches, bites, is naughty and shakes his head in disagreement. Why does he do this? Thus, the child determines the boundaries of what is allowed to him. It should be explained to the baby in a calm tone that this cannot be done, but do not break into a cry. During this period, he wants to taste everything, so adults should not leave him alone with small objects in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Physical development

The baby can stand up on its own, holding on to a support. He walks so far only with support and mostly on his toes. A 9-month-old child is characterized by excessive energy in actions, speed and ability to control his body. The child actively shows interest in unusual objects around - a pendant around the aunt's neck, a mobile phone in the hands of the father - and tries to reach them. He seeks communication with other children and tries to contact them.

Baby sleep at 9 months old

At this stage of development, the baby sleeps a total of 12-14 hours a day. Of these, night sleep takes 10 hours, daytime - 1.5-2 hours twice. The third daytime sleep is usually already absent. At night, the baby can wake up 1-2 times for feeding.

Baby feeding at 9 months

During this period, the baby is still a baby, but still mother's milk is no longer the main product in the diet. Now his menu is varied: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. All dishes are served boiled or steamed. Many special children's canned food with fish, meat, and vegetables have been developed.

They can also be introduced as complementary foods. The baby eats 4-5 times a day, eating about 200-250 grams of food at one time. Between feedings, you need to give him compote or unsweetened tea to drink to avoid dehydration. New fruits and berries should be introduced into the diet carefully, observing whether they are allergic.

Games with a nine month old baby

How to develop a child in the ninth month of life? Of course, through games, this is the most effective method of early development of children today. What can be learned by playing? Yes, almost all basic skills.

  1. Educational toys - pyramids, turrets, nesting dolls. These devices should be as simple as possible to assemble - the rings on the pyramids should be with wide holes and a wide rounded safety pin.
  2. The development of fine motor skills of the hands. To do this, you need to use finger gymnastics. You should bend and unbend the baby's fingers, making circular movements. At the same time, you can tell comic poems or sing songs. Such exercises should be carried out daily, for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Grain games. We take two plastic containers and fill one with peas, lentils, beans. The kid will be happy to pour cereals from one container to another.

Parameters of a nine-month-old baby

The weight of a boy at this age should be about 9 kg, and height - 71 cm. The weight of a girl is about 8.5 kg, and height - about 70 cm. These parameters are recommended by doctors, but can fluctuate one way or the other. Features of the development of each child are individual, therefore, such figures are not a constant value.


Tips for parents

  • Stimulation of speech development. It is necessary to talk with the child constantly, talking about the world and objects. Thus, the process of repetition of words and sentences is stimulated.
  • Games for the development of fine motor skills of the hands are important not only for the physical development of the fingers, but they also play a key role in the speech development of the child.
  • You need to use restrictions. In this case, you need to be persistent, otherwise the meaning of the prohibitions is leveled. However, one should not fall into excessive severity.

How to praise a child

In this case, the main rule is the golden mean. Due to excessive praise, a child may develop a psychological dependence on it. It dulls the child's interest in learning new skills and information. Excessive praise leads to the fact that the child performs some actions because of the expectation of subsequent approval. Therefore, it is worth praising the child for success, but not exaggerating them.

Baby safety

The term "complete child safety" does not exist. But still, some rules will minimize the risks of developing adverse situations. After all, it is easier for us to prevent trouble than to deal with the problem that has already occurred.

  • Do not leave heavy objects or dishes with hot liquid near the child.
  • The sockets in the house should have special plastic plugs.
  • Do not leave filled containers with water (buckets, basins) in the reach of the baby.
  • It is necessary to equip the dwelling with indicators of domestic gas leakage.
  • You can not leave even for a short time the baby alone in the bath with water. One hand should always be kept on the back of the child in order to intercept him in time at the right time.
  • Walkers are not recommended. They are sometimes deadly to a child.
  • You can not leave the baby for a long time in the ultraviolet during a walk. The most dangerous sunburn is from 10 am to 3 pm. It is not recommended to be in direct sunlight at this time.

All household chemicals, medicines, solvents should be kept out of the reach of children. But if the child still got to toxic substances and drank them - do not rush and look for an answer on the forum from other mothers, but immediately go to the hospital!


Time is running inexorably. It seems that only yesterday your baby was born, notifying everyone about this with a loud cry, and today he is already sitting on his own, crawling and even trying to stand on his legs that have not yet grown strong. 9 months is an important stage in the development of the child, when he actively learns the world around him and acquires new skills. The fewer months left to a year, the faster and more noticeable the development of children. A 9-month-old child should weigh 8.6-9 kg, and its height reaches 70-75 cm. Naturally, these figures are averaged and parents should not panic if their baby's height and weight are slightly different from the generally accepted ones. But in the case when significant deviations from the norm occur, the pediatrician should send the baby for examination.

Activity and new skills of the child

The peanut at 9 months is characterized by extraordinary activity. At this age, the child begins to crawl quite well, and he makes a lot of effort to carefully explore the surrounding space. The kid wants to touch everything, turn it over, open it and taste it, so parents need to hide from him all sharp and small objects, household chemicals, medicines and other things that can harm their son or daughter. To prevent your little one from sticking his fingers into sockets, purchase special plugs for them. It is especially dangerous for a baby to be in the kitchen, where danger awaits him at every step in the form of a boiling pot or kettle, which he can easily tip over himself. Parents need to ensure maximum safety for the crumbs during his wakefulness, so you can not leave him unattended.

The child perfectly holds the back and sits, he can easily sit down from a prone position. 9 months - the period when the baby makes attempts to rise, holding the mother's hand or surrounding objects. However, it is still very difficult for him to stand without support. You should not force the baby to stand on his feet, if he is not already striving for this. In some actively crawling children, the desire to gain a foothold comes a month or two later than in those who do not crawl.

The speech of the child is actively developing and enriched with new sounds. The baby easily pronounces simple syllables and the words “na”, “ma”, “ba”, “mother”, “dad”, manipulates the volume of the voice and tries to repeat some simple words after adults. At 9 months, the baby easily points his finger at familiar objects that adults call him and fulfills elementary requests (“give”, “take”, “go to the handles”).

The potty problem is non-existent for most nine-month-olds. Usually at this age, the child, by signs or sounds, makes it clear to adults about his physiological needs and allows himself to be seated on the potty. But there are times when a peanut at 9 months fails to “make friends” with a pot. If you have such a problem, pay attention to the pot. Perhaps he is just cold or uncomfortable for the baby.

Nutrition for a 9 month old baby

Many nine-month-old babies continue to be breastfed, but their diet is already quite varied. In addition to mother's milk, they are happy to eat milk porridge, soups with meat, fruit and vegetable purees, and sour-milk products. At 9 months, boiled sea fish should be introduced into the child’s menu, choosing low-fat varieties (hake, pollock). For children prone to allergic reactions, fish should be given with extreme caution, starting with a tiny portion.

If the baby has enough teeth to bite and chew, you can carefully invite him to chew on hard baby cookies or dryers. With the help of solid food, the little one will massage his itchy gums. However, care should be taken to ensure that the child does not bite off a large piece of the cookie, as he may choke. A nine-month-old baby should be taught to drink water from a mug. Buy him an unbreakable small cup with two handles that he can easily hold in his hands.

Most young mothers believe that their baby is already old enough and they give him a piece of smoked sausage, a fried cutlet, a spoonful of Olivier salad and other food from the common table to try. You can’t do this, because the children’s digestive system is not able to cope with heavy and fatty foods. As a result of such feeding, a baby from an early age will have problems with the liver, stomach and pancreas.

Baby toys

When buying toys for a 9-month-old toddler, give preference to soft animals, sound and mobile toys. Considering that the modern market for children's goods is filled with low-quality products, buy toys for your baby in company stores or at least require a quality certificate for the products. The toys your child will play with should not have sharp or loose parts. Since a 9-month-old baby has a habit of putting everything in his mouth, make sure that his toys are always clean.

9 months is the age when the child begins to assemble a pyramid, stick different geometric figures into the right holes and build towers from cubes, so get these educational games for him. They will not only be favorably reflected in the improvement of the state of fine motor skills of the crumbs, but will also have a positive effect on his intellectual development. With a baby at this age, you can play a variety of games aimed at improving coordination of movements. Teach your child to play "Ladushki", roll the ball with him on a flat surface, invite him to show his nose, mouth and eyes on his face, give him a sheet of paper, and let him tear it.

Sleep and walks of the child

Sleep in the life of a 9-month-old baby continues to play an important role. The child should sleep at least 10 hours at night and rest during the day 1-2 times for 1.5-2 hours. It is important that the baby goes to bed at the same time, in which case he will easily be able to fall asleep and he will always wake up in a great mood. From the age of nine months, the baby can begin to read the simplest fairy tales before going to bed, because reading perfectly develops the imagination of small children.

The normal development of the baby is impossible without fresh air. Walking with mom outside should become a regular activity. Do not avoid festivities in bad weather, because the cold helps to harden the child. Just dress your child warmly and don't worry about anything. It will be good if your crumbs at this age will have their first friends. Nothing develops a child like interacting with other children. By the way, a walk can be turned into an exciting game: show your son or daughter flowers, leaves on a tree, a cat, a bird. Invite your child to copy a dog barking or an airplane buzzing in the sky. The child will absorb new information with interest.

A child at 9 months can easily distinguish familiar people from strangers. He is wary of any new person in his environment and may burst into tears if a stranger comes too close to him or picks him up. Adults should remember that a sudden loud exclamation or scream can scare the baby, so you should not show violent emotions in his presence.

A test to determine the development of the necessary skills of a nine-month-old baby

To determine the development of your child at the ninth month of life, a simple mini-test will help. So, the baby does not lag behind his peers if he:

  • confidently holds the back while sitting, crawls after a toy, rises after the hands extended to him and gets up, can take small objects with both hands;
  • knows how to express his desires with gestures;
  • imitates the simple movements of adults (knock the table with a spoon, beat the drum with chopsticks);
  • responds to his name, knows the names of mom, dad, brother or sister, can show objects by hearing their names;
  • answers a smile with a smile;
  • holding on to a support or the hand of an adult, he can climb a few steps himself;
  • plays in the company of other children under the supervision of adults, repeats the actions of another child;
  • in its own way reproduces the syllables and words heard from adults;
  • expresses a desire to sit on the potty;
  • fulfills the requests of the elders “give”, “let's go”, “eat” and others.

If your child successfully completes most of the above activities, then his physical and mental development is normal. Encourage the activity of the baby, communicate with him as much as possible, read books to him and sing songs. The little one, surrounded by care and love, will grow up healthy and delight you with new achievements.

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You are celebrating another date - the child is 9 months old! Extrauterine development has caught up with the time spent by the baby in the mother's tummy, and now it will exceed it more and more. From this age, the baby will become less helpless and more independent. He is still very vulnerable and needs constant adult supervision, but now social development and personality development come to the fore. Do not miss this moment, cultivating in him respect for himself and others.

What can a 9 month old baby do?

  • Imitates the speech of adults, repeats the syllables pronounced by them. In baby talk, imitation of sentences becomes audible, intonations, various combinations of sounds are noticeable.
  • Copies the behavior of other children, communicates with gestures. If several babies nearby cry, he can “support the company” and burst into tears for no other reason.
  • There are already favorite activities that she prefers.
  • Crawls quickly, can crawl holding a toy in one hand. At will, he easily sits down, sits confidently, stands at the support himself, can walk with support “under the arms”.
  • Responds to his own name, turning towards the speaker. Knows the names of some objects, to the question "where?" looking for a familiar object with his eyes.
  • Small objects can be taken with two fingers - owns a "tweezer grip".
  • He enjoys playing a variety of educational games, trying to copy adults when making cubes or "pyramids". Even without seeing all the details in the actions of adults, he tries to repeat after their actions.

A 9-month-old baby seeks to explore and touch everything that has not yet been explored and touched, therefore, before opening him access to any room, make sure that nothing threatens children's curiosity there and that in the "exploratory" impulse he does not ruin anything important.

Development at 9 months

At this age, the baby consolidates and improves previously acquired skills. A baby at 9 months already knows how to crawl and actively uses this skill. Holding on to a support, he is able to stand up and walk a little along a coffee table or cabinet, holding on to them with handles. Regardless of what the child managed to learn by 9 months, the hallmark of this period is energy in actions, increased speed and skill in controlling his own body.

Children at 9 months already have preferences. There is a favorite toy and a favorite pastime. Sometimes a mother needs to make a considerable effort to wash a toy worn across all floors - the child flatly refuses to part with it even for the duration of sleep.

The kid intensively expresses dissatisfaction, aimed at specific actions in relation to him. So many children vehemently protest against trimming their nails or cleaning their nose, so mom needs to be patient in order to complete the necessary procedure to the end and not lose her temper. In any case, do not ignore the perturbations of the little one, explain, for example, that he needs to cut his nails so that his fingers look beautiful.

The child carefully observes the parents, remembers their actions, so later he is able to get the thing hidden with him. He remembers the places where you put objects of interest to him and tries to get them. So, knowing that mom has a beautiful medallion hanging around her neck, she will reach out to him in every possible way, trying to grab the chain, or she will get into the inside pocket of dad's jacket, where the mobile phone is.

Nine month old baby sleeping 12-14 hours a day, at night - about 10 hours and twice a day for an hour or two. The kid has long abandoned the third daytime sleep and, therefore, his daily routine has changed a little. Healthy babies at 9 months old can stay awake for 3-4 hours in a row without getting tired of their vigorous activity. At night, the child in most cases wakes up at least 1 time to eat.

Imitative behavior is incredibly strong. Mental development at 9 months is such that at this stage behavioral models are formed on the basis of imitation of the actions of adults. For a baby, it is important to learn the purpose of objects, how to deal with them and what results to expect from various manipulations - for this, he carefully monitors adults and tries to copy their actions.

Care at 9 months

Many mothers at this age decide haircut for the first time. This must be done with care so as not to bring the infection into the children's body. Do not cut your head, especially do not shave your baby - this can adversely affect delicate hair follicles or cause inflammation of the scalp.

Nutrition at 9 months becomes richer by one more product: we introduce fish. Now the baby's diet includes most of the "adult" products, he can already eat dishes from vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat and fish. The baby should eat at least five times a day, with breaks between daily feedings of 3-4 hours.

Give the baby foods of various hardness: soups, cereals, fruit pulp, pieces of meat, vegetables, dried fruits. You will be surprised how quickly your little one will figure out what to drink, what to chew, and what to chew with effort. To develop and consolidate chewing skills, it is useful not to grind vegetables and fruits to a homogeneous, mushy substance, but to add small pieces of pulp. You can put some crushed bananas or peaches in cereal cereals.

Introduce new foods carefully, continue to keep a food diary. Until solid food becomes habitual for the child, mother's milk remains the main source of nutrition for him.

Exercises and games for a 9 month old baby

It is not easy for a nimble and mobile nine-month-old child to get a massage, because. it is almost impossible to keep him in one position for a long time without causing indignation. The benefits of massage for a continuously escaping and capricious toddler are approximately zero. Therefore, instead of massage, it is perfect gymnastics for children at 9 months.

  • In the supine position, bend and unbend the legs of the crumbs: both legs at the same time, then alternately one or the other, then again at the same time.
  • In a sitting position, bend and unbend the handles. Carefully rotate the handles in different directions.
  • Hold the child by the arms, wait for him to pull himself up and stand up, walk a few steps with him, insuring him under his arms.
  • Squat at the support, insuring the baby from falling.

Your little one will surely like such gymnastics, just do not overdo it and do not overwork him, so as not to cause negative physical exercises.

Educational games for a child at 9 months - an invaluable help for his physical and mental development. Working with the baby, the mother improves the motor skills of her child, expands his passive vocabulary and, importantly, strengthens the two-way emotional connection. Tell him poems, read books. And when doing something around the house, sit next to you and explain what and how you are doing.

There is a very interesting game for children at 9 months – « funny sticker". Take a set of bright stickers, seat the child in front of you. Now show him any sticker, quickly stick somewhere on the body of the little one so that he does not notice. Then ask him: “Where is the sticker?” Look for it together, naming the body parts in question one by one. For example, while checking the left hand, say: “There is no on this hand! Where then? Let's look at the other hand. Where is your other hand? Etc. When you find a sticker, say, on a leg, be sure to say: “Here it is! On the foot!" After a while, let the nine-month-old baby find it on his own. Then play the same game, just stick them on your body. Make sure that the baby does not put the sticker in his mouth.

Nine months - that's how much time the baby spent in his mother's tummy, and lived the same amount as a little man. Now he is gaining more and more independence. And, although the baby is still dependent on his parents, he is no longer as helpless as before.

It is time to pay special attention to the development of his personality. He knows how to get along with others, respect himself and others. Let's follow the development of the child at 9 months.

Physical parameters

The kid is already well physically strong. Weight per month will increase by another 0.5 kg, and growth will add a couple of centimeters to its indicators. So the parameters look like this:

  1. The weight of a child at 9 months will be about 9000-9200 gr.
  2. Height - approximately 74 cm (± 2 cm).

By reaching this age, the baby masters the skills of getting up from a sitting position. He learns to control his body, coordinating the movements of his legs while crawling, pulling himself where necessary with the help of handles.

It is not uncommon for a 9 month old baby to already have 2 or 4 teeth. At least by this time they should break through. So, if the baby is constantly naughty, does not eat well, look into his mouth. Perhaps a surprise awaits you.


At this age, 10-12 hours are allotted for night sleep, and there are also two daytime hours of two hours. It is very good if the child falls asleep at the same time, especially for daytime rest. As far as possible, teach your baby to fall asleep on his own, without rocking or feeding. This will make it easier for him to fall asleep if he wakes up during the night.

Children's sleep can be interrupted due to the baby's fear of losing his mother.. Usually, when he starts crying at night, he just worries that he lost her. Most likely, the baby will calm down as soon as the mother approaches him. Sometimes a child falls asleep badly due to overexcitation, oversaturation of daytime events. If you have established that this is the cause of poor sleep, you should limit emotional activity during the day.

Core Skills

  1. The baby stands at the support without assistance. Holding on to the wall, he walks unsteadily, and even runs around in a walker, now jumping happily, then crouching.
  2. Sits down on his own. True, it looks pretty funny, as if it falls on the ass. Sitting, he knows how to reach for a nearby object, a toy, so that later he can take up it with interest.
  3. Fine motor skills of the hands are becoming more and more perfect. Now the baby is able to take small details with his fingers. Visually, such skills can be seen when the little one, sitting under the dining table, picks up crumbs on the floor.
  4. The baby has a pretty strong grip. If he took something in his little hands, he would have to try to take it away. The toddler will clench his fists even tighter and even push you away.
  5. The baby crawls well. True, not all children are equally able to cope with this task. Some people find it easy to crawl in any direction, while others only move forward or backward. Some immediately get on all fours, others crawl for a long time in a plastunsky way.
  6. The child may well participate in daily activities. For example, when dressing him on the street, ask him to squeeze his fingers into a fist and put it in his sleeve. Let him take off his socks after a walk, a previously untied hat. During water procedures, the baby can wash the hands and face.

We sit down here, we get up there. Yes, I'm determined!


At the age of 9 months, the diet is mixed. On the one hand, the mother continues to breastfeed (or formula), on the other hand, new foods are being actively introduced as complementary foods. The diet usually includes 5 feedings, and the interval between them increases to 3.5-4 hours.

If at the 8th month the baby has not yet met with fish dishes, it's time to do it. However, due to the high allergenicity of the product, it should be administered with caution, in a small portion. Preferably white fish: pollock, hake, cod.

Little by little, you can switch to finely ground food to develop chewing muscles. It is permissible to give a banana or peach in the form of small pieces, of course, under the supervision of an adult.

The first whims associated with pickiness in food may begin. The baby resolutely rejects some dishes, turning away from food and clutching his mouth. Events sometimes develop in such a way that suddenly he refuses any complementary foods and wants nothing but breast milk. There is no need to panic. Try to eat more often with the whole family in his presence, demonstrating with all your appearance how delicious it is. Usually such a trick works, and the reaction is not long in coming.

Psycho-emotional development

  1. The child has a fairly large passive set of words, and now he is increasingly practicing pronunciation not only of syllables, but also of individual words: “dad”, “mother”, “give”, “well, well”. At the same time, speech is emotionally colored.
  2. Actively asks with gestures and “mooing” for a thing that he wants to take in his hands.
  3. Fulfills simple requests to submit something, find and show the desired toy. Nods his head affirmatively or negatively when asked about something.
  4. He perks up when he hears his name. He understands that they are talking to him.
  5. Favorite action in relation to toys is throwing and observing the trajectory of the fall, hitting one against the other, listening to the resulting sounds, putting one object into another.
  6. The child is now a small imitator of adults. He repeats actions and models the behavior that he “peeped” from mom or dad. Therefore, children are so fond of pretending to talk on the phone, feed the dolls, wipe the floors with a rag or kitchen towel.
  7. Interested in his peers. Let him play with other children on the playground and watch their interactions. Looks very funny.

Children are little repeaters

Security measures

Your baby, feeling the strength, will strive to conquer one height after another. It's time to think about the safety of a bed - a crib. The hour is approaching when the little rascal will try to get out of captivity on his own, which is fraught with falls from a height. Tip: lower the sides of the crib or its bottom, if this is possible.

Check if there are unstable chairs in the house, if there are plugs on the sockets. What about safety in the kitchen? We advise you to cook on distant burners, and turn the handles of the pans to the stove.

We help develop

  1. Build a tall tower of blocks together. Although the baby cannot yet do this himself, he will be happy to serve you “building blocks”. Teach your little one to build a pyramid.
  2. Why not toilet paper toy! After all, it can be unwound, torn into small pieces, crumple. A simple piece of adhesive tape glued to the palm will distract the child for a long time.
  3. It's time to get familiar with the colors. There are special options called "finger paints". They are safe, non-toxic and wash well. Some are engaged in similar creativity right in the bathroom, painting wall tiles.
  4. In the bathroom, too, kids love to pour and pour water from one container to another.
  5. As an idea, you can collect pieces of fabric of different textures in a box, regularly replenishing the assortment with new items. So the little one develops tactile sensations.
  6. Games in "Magpie-Crow", "Ladushki" are still relevant. They develop coordination, a sense of tact.
  7. Sing songs to the baby, dance the waltz, circling him in your arms. What makes you happy will please him.
  8. In the kitchen, play with cereals, inviting the baby to find a hidden toy in a bowl of semolina.

Do not skimp on communication with your child, play with him, helping to develop harmoniously. Set goals and achieve them. It is a great happiness for parents to see how their baby grows and, therefore, grows up.

If the child is 9 months old, then parents have to deal with his hatching independence. Changes occur at the physiological and psychological levels, it is important not to forget about the control of this process so as not to miss anything important.

Baby development at 9 months

The body of the baby is strengthened, preparing for walking, the muscles become stronger, the coordination of movements improves. He learns to build the simplest logical chains, to correlate familiar sounds with subsequent actions. A child at 9 months old knows how to show emotions, it is already possible to recognize not only joy and displeasure, resentment, interest, surprise, and others become clear from his reactions.

Baby weight and height at 9 months

Correct development is indicated not only by newly emerging skills, but also by the results of measurements of physical parameters. One of the most important is the weight of the baby at 9 months. According to WHO, the weight of boys at this age should be in the range of 7.1-11 kg. For girls, the indicator is between the borders of 6.5 and 10.5 kilograms. During this period, weight gain slows down somewhat due to the higher activity of the baby.

The growth of a child at 9 months of WHO is considered normal 67.5-76.5 cm for boys and 65.3-75 cm for girls. The increase in growth for this month is 1-2 centimeters. With strong deviations from these parameters, an examination is required. Growth retardation may indicate liver disease, heart disease, endocrine or genetic disorders. When combined with a lack of weight, there is a risk of latent flow.

What should a child be able to do at 9 months?

At this age, children begin to actively reinforce everything that they have learned earlier. They move more, become more curious. A pediatrician can tell you what a child can do at 9 months, but these points should be taken as a guideline. Small discrepancies are allowed, you need to worry if there is not even a hint of acquiring a skill.

  1. It is not convenient for all babies to move around on all fours, but in a plastunsky way they are already willingly getting close to toys or their mother.
  2. He sits down on his own and can stay in this position for up to 10 minutes, can reach objects of interest.
  3. Easily holds pieces of food, a spoon in his hands, but opens his fingers with difficulty. Therefore, it is difficult to take away a thing from a child.
  4. When the child is 9 months old, he tries not to take the object with his whole palm, but to use his fingers. He picks up crumbs, tears paper, diligently feels everything that is in his reach.
  5. Can stand holding on to a support. Some babies take their first steps with a chair. In a walker, he moves with his feet, does not get tired for about 10 minutes.
  6. Many people like to listen to music, jump and stomp their feet to the beat.
  7. It is not yet possible to fully pronounce the words, but the child actively repeats the syllables, imitates his parents, and communicates emotionally.
  8. At this time, children try their hand, learn to pretend and manipulate their parents.
  9. If the child is 9 months old, then he already knows how to recognize his name. In response to a call, he will look or crawl closer. Can fulfill simple requests - take or throw a toy, stand up, find familiar things or lie down.
  10. He masters gestures, points a finger at a place that he would like to see. Can play hide and seek and find parents by voice or rustle. Favorite idea is to knock toys or throw them on the floor.

Baby food at 9 months

This moment is individual, due to peculiarities or diseases, separate recommendations can be made. If it was started at six months, then the question of how to feed a child at 9 months should not cause difficulties - all the basic products are already on the menu. It can be made more varied by gradually reducing the volume of breast milk or formula. It should make up no more than a quarter of the total diet. If you start complementary foods before 6 months, there will be no new foods in food, only portion sizes will increase.

Baby menu at 9 months

By this period, the composition of children's food already includes:

  • fruit and;
  • meat;
  • yolk;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • cottage cheese and kefir;
  • wheat bread;
  • porridge.

At 9 months, your baby should start receiving:

  • lean;
  • steamed meatballs;
  • cereals from a mixture of cereals in milk, except for semolina;
  • combined vegetable purees.

The diet of a child at 9 months does not need mother's milk or formula so much. They are left for the first and last meals of the day, and for washing down unusual dishes. With their introduction, care must be taken, because there is a risk of receiving an unusual reaction. To reduce it, you need to start with a small amount. It is better to offer a new one in the morning so that there is time to evaluate the effect. if by the evening everything is fine, then food can be given on an ongoing basis.

How many times to feed a baby at 9 months?

To determine the amount of food that a baby should receive per day, you need to divide its weight by 9. The figure is indicative, the appetite of children may differ. To organize daily nutrition, the child's diet at 9 months is divided into 5 meals. The intervals between them should be 3-4 hours so that the food is evenly distributed throughout the day. It is advisable to gradually introduce finely ground food, replacing mashed potatoes with vegetables mashed with a fork.

Baby routine at 9 months

At this age, curiosity increases, the desire to explore the world around us ensures a long wakefulness. A baby at 9 months hardly wakes up at night, and the daytime rest regimen may change slightly. Walking is recommended to be done twice a day - in the morning and in the afternoon, the organization of sleep during this period is allowed. In the summer, you can stay outside longer to give you the opportunity to learn new things and get the necessary hardening.

How much does a 9 month old baby sleep?

The total sleep time is 15-17 hours. It is divided into three sections:

  • night - 10-12 hours;
  • daytime - 2 times for 1.5-2.5 hours.

A nine-month-old child gradually reduces the time of his rest. Often active children refuse one daytime sleep or reduce it to 30-60 minutes, pediatricians do not consider this wrong. In this case, parents need to monitor the absence of overwork. The kid should not be capricious until the next bed, not lose his appetite and remain inquisitive. If all this persists, then you should not force him to sleep a second time during the day.

9 month old baby not sleeping well

Due to the increase in activity, children may have difficulty going to bed and then waking up several times during the night with tears. This is not always a sign of something serious, even waking up every hour can be normal.

  1. Breast-feeding. A child of 9 months does not sleep well at night due to the habit of feeling the warmth of the mother, and having lost it, ceases to feel safe.
  2. Teething. This process rarely goes smoothly, in such a situation, poor sleep is justified.
  3. Diseases. Colds, colic and otitis often cause pain, which provokes increased anxiety of the crumbs.
  4. Wrong schedule. A child of 9 months may not have enough daily activity, which he makes up for in the evening.
  5. Uncomfortable environment. Stuffiness or too low temperature in the room, uncomfortable clothes, irritating odors can interfere with deep sleep.
  6. Strong impressions and noisy games in the evening may take a long time to calm down.

How to develop a child at 9 months?

The period is distinguished by greater independence and curiosity, the desire to explore everything around and learn more. Therefore, the main thing that a nine-month-old baby needs is development. You can offer him new toys and more interesting activities, helping to acquire new skills. To make him learn faster, you can try:

  1. Alternately put your hands to support your legs.
  2. Place a blanket under your chest and push forward a little.
  3. Build a house with a tunnel in which your favorite toys are laid out.

Games with a child at 9 months

  1. Cubes. They can be used to build towers and other structures. It is not always possible for children to completely repeat these actions, but they watch their parents carefully.
  2. Treasure chest. In the box you need to put small items with different textures - pieces of fabric, cardboard, sponges, bottle caps. A baby at 9 months old, whose development includes the formation of grasping functions, will be happy to touch them.
  3. Bath games. While swimming, you can teach to pour water from glass to glass.
  4. Phone. First, the mother imitates a conversation on the phone, and then offers to repeat after her.
  5. Painting. For this, finger paints are used. Your child may enjoy fiddling with salt dough. You can make a cake out of it, roll up small objects, and then offer to get them.