Drawing paper for valentine's day. Poster for Valentine's Day: the idea of ​​​​designing a school wall newspaper. Ideas for decoration

Valentine's Day is a holiday that residents of Russia and neighboring countries have been celebrating for a couple of decades now. Having come to us from afar, he has firmly established himself in the local culture, bringing joy not only to couples in love, but also to perky children.

In order to develop the creative activity of students, cultural events dedicated to St. Valentine's Day are held in almost every modern school. As a rule, in preparation for the holiday, one of the tasks facing children is the independent production of thematic wall newspapers. If your child or you yourself set a goal to draw a poster for Valentine's Day, but have no idea how to achieve it, perhaps this article will help you. And even if the given master class with a detailed description of each step, accompanying photographs and all kinds of tips does not suit you as an example to follow, after reading the article your imagination will come to life, and your thoughts will be directed in the right direction.

Valentine's Day Poster: Sketching

The first stage of creating a wall newspaper on the theme "Valentine's Day" is:

  • preparation of the necessary materials (you need an A1 or A2 sheet, felt-tip pens, simple and colored pencils, corrector, eraser, ruler, glue, etc.);
  • preparation of thematic pictures and text content (pictures can be copied, and congratulations can be written by hand, or both can be cut out of magazines and postcards and glued to a sheet of paper);
  • choosing the poster design style and finding the most successful arrangement of elements on the sheet (carefully plan the appearance of the created wall newspaper so that you do not have to radically change it in the future);
  • creating sketches with a simple pencil (mark on a sheet of paper the places where the heading, blocks with texts and illustrations should be located; sketch out a sketch of the future image, slightly drawing the outlines and outlining the proportions of the objects of the composition).

Advice. If you do not have large paper on hand, you can glue several A4 sheets together.

Valentine's Day Poster: Create a Drawing

When the preparatory work to create a poster for Valentine's Day is ready, you can start drawing the details of a romantic picture. Draw a contour of a pre-planned composition with a simple pencil and erase the draft lines with an eraser. Decorate with bright felt-tip pens or pencils the individual elements of the depicted pattern, trying not to go beyond the outlined area. If you plan to borrow an illustration for a wall newspaper from a greeting card or magazine, and not draw it with your own hands, move in a different direction: cut out a paper blank from printed products and carefully glue it onto a sheet of paper. Allow the product to dry slightly, and proceed to the next step.

Poster for Valentine's Day: writing the title and body text

Any poster drawn for Valentine's Day or any other holiday should have a catchy and attention-grabbing headline. Write the phrase “Valentine's Day” or “Happy Valentine's Day” in large letters on whatman paper, drawing only the outlines of the font, and then paint over the inside of each letter using bright pencils or felt-tip pens.

Advice. The headline of a wall newspaper does not have to be drawn on a white background, and then painted over in the desired color! You can cut out the letters you need from colored paper, stick it on paper and decorate it with beautiful decorative sparkles.

Write a congratulatory text with a black (or any other) felt-tip pen, without going beyond the boundaries of the frame. To give the poster a finished look, erase the pencil sketches and other unnecessary details with an eraser, mask the glue points, and finalize the background design.

How else can you make a poster for Valentine's Day

St. Day Valentine is the most beautiful holiday for lovers. On this day, everyone wants to confess their feelings and give their soulmate an unforgettable gift.

The best gift is, of course, a handmade gift. You can make a poster for Valentine's Day yourself and it will become an original gift and recognition at the same time. The main thing here is to show imagination.

A poster for Valentine's Day can be made with candies, sweets, chocolates, beautiful pictures, etc. Lots of options.

In order to make posters for Valentine's Day you need:

  • big paper;
  • sweets and other small items that can easily stick to whatman paper;
  • glue gun or good quick-drying glue;
  • beautiful pictures, photographs;
  • sparkles in the form of hearts, stars;
  • a beautiful marker for writing wishes and confessions.

Posters for Valentine's Day should begin with a beautiful inscription, which is desirable to be placed in the middle of a large drawing paper. The inscription can be in Russian or in English. It should carry the main idea of ​​the poster, that is, for what or for whom the poster for Valentine's Day is made. Examples of inscriptions: "Beloved, I want to confess my feelings", "Happy Valentine's Day", "I love you", "I love you", "My Valentine", "Valentine's Day".

The main text of the poster should consist of wishes for your loved one on Valentine's Day. It is advisable to add beautiful pictures or your joint photos to the wishes. Do not forget about the main "trick" of the posters. On the poster, in addition to wishes, photos or pictures, you need to stick sweets and other items so that the inscriptions turn out with humor and love at the same time. Valentine's Day posters can be made in any language that you and your significant other know well, such as English.

Sweets can be included in the wishes as follows:

  • To the most beloved husband, boyfriend (instead of the word beloved, stick the juice “Favorite Garden”;
  • You are the kindest cat, husband, beloved (instead of the word kind, stick the juice “Good”;
  • You are my family (instead of the phrase my family, stick the juice "My family");
  • You are so handsome with me ... (instead of the phrase handsome, glue the juice “Handsome”);
  • I wish you to be rich (instead of the word rich, stick the juice "Rich").

2. Chocolate bar.

  • I wish your life to be sweet (instead of the word sweet, you can stick it on the poster “Bounty”, the slogan of this chocolate is known to everyone as heavenly pleasure, which will be quite appropriate in the wish);
  • I wish you and me more often or I wish you to rest more often (instead of the word rest, you can stick a “Picnic” bar);
  • I want to be with you always together (at the end of the sentence, you can add "like Twix").

3. Chocolate bar.

  • You are my perfection and inspiration (instead of the words perfection and inspiration, glue a bar of chocolate with the same name);
  • I want to dance with you (instead of the word dance, stick a chocolate bar "Sweet Dance").

4. Chewing sweets and dragees.

  • I wish your life to be bright (instead of the word bright, stick "Skittles" or "M & Ms").

5. Other sweets.

  • I wish we had more children (instead of the words of the children, stick chocolate eggs or Kinder sweets);
  • I want to say thank you for everything (instead of the word thank you, stick chocolates of the brand "Merci");
  • You are my greatest miracle in life (instead of the word miracle, stick milk drinks or yogurts of the Miracle brand).

Congratulations and wishes can be very diverse, the main thing is to express your feelings wholeheartedly and fantasize. For those who do not have enough chocolates and other sweets in the poster, you can dilute the Valentine's Day posters with other items, as long as they are not large and easily glued to the paper.

Options with other items:

  • I wish you and I would easily put up with you (instead of the word, it's easy to stick glue "Moment").

2. Soft toy.

  • You are my favorite kitten (instead of the word kitten, stick a small soft toy of a kitten or any other cute animal).

3. Colored markers or markers.

  • I wish you to paint your life with beautiful colors (instead of the word paint, you can stick a few bright felt-tip pens, markers or pencils).

So, now you know how you can dilute wishes in the most unusual way.

After the poster for Valentine's Day is decorated with the main inscription, wishes, confessions and photographs, you need to glue glitters in the form of hearts or stars into the empty places on the Whatman paper, if they are of course left. Glitter will give the posters a festive look, but don't add too much or your Valentine's Day posters will turn into Carnival posters.

After the Valentine's Day poster is ready, it needs to be beautifully wrapped. To do this, it is better to wrap the poster in a tube, but so that the contents of the poster do not peel off and the poster is not wrinkled by Valentine's Day. Then cover with beautiful wrapping paper or simply tie with a ribbon.

Valentine's Day posters make a great gift for your significant other or someone you fall in love with. It will not be a shame to give such a gift and you can safely bring it to school, university, dance or give it at home. The one to whom you give such a gift will remember it for a long time.

Posters for Valentine's Day will be a good reminder of you and your love.

All lovers are looking forward to Valentine's Day, because this is a great occasion to please your soul mate with a gift or a surprise. It is worth spending a romantic dinner for two in a well-prepared room, which conveys the atmosphere of a holiday. A Valentine's Day poster that will decorate the wall is important to prepare in advance. It can be handmade or commissioned.

A poster for Valentine's Day will help your loved one reflect the depth of your feelings, and after the holiday it will remain for a long memory. It is a good idea to use joint photos that capture highlights from the life of your couple. You can lay out the photo in the shape of a heart and fix it on a single surface.

A poster for Valentine's Day with sweets will not please every man, but still there are lovers of goodies among the stronger sex. Making it with your own hands with sweets and chocolates is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, you need to purchase the necessary products and choose a thick cardboard base for the poster. Goodies will decorate your congratulatory picture, with them you can create a unique gift that will not only be remembered visually, but also bring physical pleasure.

The poster for Valentine's Day to school in English will not only decorate the wall in the classroom, but will also allow you to learn a lot of foreign words. It is not necessary to get homework - to make a wall poster, you can take the initiative and make it yourself. As a gift for a teacher, this option is also great.

On it you can place the history of the holiday of St. Valentine's Day, or write a congratulation in English.

You can make a poster for Valentine's Day using online services on the Internet or programs such as Photoshop. Create a photo collage and then print it in any printing house.

When creating a poster for Valentine's Day, show your imagination, you may have a unique idea that no one has yet been able to realize.

You can recreate a poster for Valentine's Day on canvas using gouache or oil paints. What to depict on it is up to you. If you don't have visual talents, then you can use other Valentine's Day poster ideas.

You can decorate a poster not only with photographs and sweets, but also with clippings from magazines and newspapers, valentines, volumetric elements and sparkles. You can give a familiar scent to the poster using your own perfume, for sure your partner will be especially pleased with this smell.

For lovers of quilling, decorating a poster is not difficult. Decorate it with paper voluminous hearts. You can combine several manufacturing techniques and create a unique poster that will delight you not only on the holiday, but also after it.

A self-made Valentine's Day poster is more appropriate to attach to the wall so as not to damage the wallpaper.

Not everyone is interested in the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a poster with their own hands. For such people, customization will be relevant. Find a designer to help you design your Valentine's Day poster. To do this, you can cooperate with any advertising agency in your city or printing house. The poster can be made not only on paper, but also on banner fabric. It can be placed on the billboard of the city. Such a congratulation will be seen not only by the second half, but also by many others.

The process of creating a poster for Valentine's Day will benefit not only your significant other, as getting emotions from the surprise, but also you. Pre-holiday romantic mood will be provided.

A Valentine's Day poster can be a nice gift that will help convey the best and warmest feelings you have for your loved ones. A beautiful romantic poster for Valentine's Day can decorate a room, a school hall and any other room where the celebration of Valentine's Day will take place.

How to Make Valentine's Day Posters

A poster for Valentine's Day can be made in various ways. The choice of the appropriate option depends on artistic abilities, imagination and the availability of time.

  1. Many make such a gift on their own, paint and decorate, drawing inspiration from example pictures or other sources. This option of creating a poster is the most preferable, because the creative process allows you to transfer all your thoughts and feelings to your loved one on paper, to express your emotions.
  2. If there are no certain artistic abilities, and creating a design is difficult, you can simply print the finished sketch on a printer and decorate it yourself. Another option is to print a fully finished poster with the design you like.
  3. Another simple, but more expensive way is to order the production of a poster sketch in a photo salon, and you can do this without leaving your home. Many printing centers accept orders online.

Regardless of the way the holiday poster is made, such a gift will remind relatives and friends that they are dearly loved. To create a gift, you need to think over and prepare all the materials that will be required in the course of work. The basis of the collage is usually a sheet of thick drawing paper. The more various massive decorations will be on the poster, the denser the base should be. If there is no drawing paper at hand, you can glue together several sheets of A4 paper. In addition to the main material, you will need:

  • colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, pens, sparkles;
  • pre-printed images (photos) to be used as applications;
  • scissors, glue and other stationery;
  • a simple pencil with an eraser for creating the initial sketch, drawing a title, distributing text blocks, etc.

First, a blank is drawn on a blank sheet: the letters of the title are drawn, the main details and blocks are outlined. Then they are carefully painted. When all elements are filled with color, the extra dashed lines are erased. At the very end of the work, applications are placed and glued, after which the glue is allowed to dry.

Ideas and plots for posters

Before you start the creative process of creating a design, you need to decide on the main idea. Below are a few general ideas that you can develop and create your own, one and only.

Whatman paper is painted with hearts of various sizes, smaller images with the theme of Valentine's Day are placed against their background. They are drawn by yourself or printed on a printer.

Instead of pictures, you can leave room for joint photos with your loved one. A photo collage consisting of memorable photos will remind you of the pleasant moments spent together.

The highlight of the poster can be voluminous applications of chocolate bars, bars and sweets, located next to the corresponding inscriptions. The result is a very creative and sweet gift.

In the parts of the poster that are not filled with decorative elements, you can place wishes for Valentine's Day. They can be rhymed poems, nominal congratulations.

If the poster is to be placed in a school, a Valentine's mailbox needs to be considered. Then the students will be able to send congratulations to their classmates and teachers.

Important! When creating a collage, it is not recommended to use unsuccessful photos, obscene expressions that will spoil the festive mood.

A collage can have an interesting shape - it is not at all necessary to make it an ordinary rectangular one. Posters in the form of large hearts and flowers look original.

The plot content of the poster can be made in absolutely any subject. The choice of plot, characters and scenery depends on the imagination. The most common protagonists of posters are:

  • cute cartoon animals (bears, bunnies, kittens);
  • angels and cupids;
  • romantic images of couples in love, the most popular - pictures from the series "Love is ...";
  • flowers, flower arrangements;
  • humorous storylines;
  • legend of the origin of the holiday.

If the poster is created for a loved one, the plot may contain overt subtexts and hints. If the target audience is schoolchildren, of course, its content should be lighter, but filled with kindness.

Often, in order to increase interest and attract a large number of participants, the school organizes a poster contest for Valentine's Day. Therefore, many students try to come up with an original idea for a festive wall newspaper and decorate their creation as best as possible. A school Valentine's Day poster is always associated with romantic mail - a valentine box or personalized pockets, in which you can also leave a romantic message.

Photo of ready-made posters for Valentine's Day

The photo gallery contains several original design ideas for a wall newspaper or a congratulatory romantic poster for Valentine's Day. They will help you draw inspiration for creating your own collage idea. You can simply use one of the examples and copy it to yourself.

Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is a Christian Catholic holiday, which is celebrated annually almost all over the world on February 14th. One of its main features is sending small cards in the form of hearts to a loved one, but the holiday is not limited to valentines, especially if it is celebrated at school. Valentine's Day will be much more fun and colorful if you make a wall newspaper or a poster for Valentine's Day! You will find the best original poster design ideas below in the text.

Valentine's Day Posters - How To Make

There are at least three ways to create posters and posters for any holiday, including Valentine's Day:

  1. Draw a colorful illustration on a piece of drawing paper or A4 paper using pencils and felt-tip pens.
  2. Make a drawing on a computer and then print on a printer.
  3. You can do even easier: download ready-made ideas from the Internet and print.

In this post, we have collected the best original poster ideas for you! You can print any you like or try to draw with your own hands.

Large posters for Valentine's Day to school

Do you want to make large posters for school, but don't know how to print them on whatman paper? Fortunately, drawing paper in this case is not needed! You just need to use the printer's "poster printing" function, and then, after printing all 4 or 12 sheets (depending on how big you want to make a poster or wall newspaper), just glue them together!

Interesting Valentine's Day Poster Ideas - How to Design

Now let's look at interesting ideas on how to create a poster for Valentine's Day.

Pair of angels

A poster depicting two beautiful angels will not leave any student indifferent. It's not hard to draw it at all. A little patience, and the beautiful poster "Two Angels" will be ready!

romantic tea party

Another beautiful and very original illustration that will decorate the walls of both school and home. The picture shows a couple in love sitting on large cups with the image of hearts. You can print this drawing, but it is much more interesting to draw it yourself and print a poster. Your work will certainly be appreciated!


The image of a heart is a mandatory attribute of Valentine's Day. Therefore, the poster, which will show off big hearts, will certainly appeal to all schoolchildren.

Cupid (Cupid)

The Roman god of love and passion - such a holiday as Valentine's Day will definitely not do without him! Symbolizing romantic feelings, this marksman always decorates posters and wall newspapers in schools for Valentine's Day.

Love and bad weather

Even if the sky frowns and it rains heavily, it is only a joy for two lovers! A beautiful and touching romantic illustration can also decorate your poster.

There are also simpler ideas for designing posters for the famous Catholic holiday. The easiest option: stick a large number of colorful valentines on a sheet of paper.

Valentine's Day School Poster Drawings

Your own drawings are always valued more than printed illustrations. What can you draw for Valentine's Day so that a poster with a picture creates a festive atmosphere? See a selection of the best Valentine's Day poster designs.


Cute cats in love are enjoying the night landscape, admiring the beautiful moon. Such a charming pattern is perfect for school walls.

Lovers and crescent

An excellent sketch of two young lovers sitting on a crescent moon. Be sure to draw on whatman paper and delight the children with this beautiful illustration!

We have listed only a small part of the ideas on how to make a school poster for Valentine's Day. But even using all the illustrations listed in the article, you can already surprise schoolchildren with excellent thematic works. Together, all the presented posters will perfectly decorate the classroom or the school lobby.