How to wash shoes in a washing machine. How to clean winter shoes: hand wash and machine wash. What is important to consider

On hot and dusty streets, shoes get very dirty, and the smell of sweaty feet cannot be hidden. Wiping with a damp cloth and aromatization no longer save - the gray coating begins to spread in stains, but the stench still remains. The first thought - why not wash your sneakers, sneakers or sandals in a washing machine - just like we do with clothes? But then there is a fear - what if they fall apart? After all, then you have to buy new ones. And many manufacturers strictly prohibit machine washing of their products. So, the good news is that you can still wash your shoes in a washing machine - just follow a few simple rules.

What shoes can be washed

The issue of washing shoes must be approached with all responsibility - after all, not every couple will be able to survive after such executions. For example, in no case should you throw model shoes into the machine - pumps and men's shoes, as well as any patent leather shoes.

Refrain from washing very cheap shoes of dubious quality. Even if it is relatively new and strong in appearance, its materials may simply not withstand such loads.

Perfectly tolerates machine "overloads" shoes made of textiles - sneakers, sneakers, moccasins, ballet flats, sandals, slippers.

You should not experiment with the winter-autumn assortment either: often it is enough just to wash the boots or boots from the outside, but leather and fur can deteriorate significantly when washed. In addition, special products are required for washing leather.

But shoes made of textiles perfectly tolerate machine “overloads” - sneakers, sneakers, moccasins, ballet flats, sandals, slippers. However, before washing, they should be inspected for wear. If they have parts that have begun to come off or peel off, if the seam has come apart or the sole is falling off, it is better to repair the pair first, because after washing all these defects will only increase in size.

Preparing for washing

Before throwing shoes into the machine, you need to slightly prepare them for washing. Take out the laces and insoles - they can be put in the drum separately, so they are better washed. Close all zippers, buttons and Velcro.

Rinse the soleplate under running water, thoroughly clean it of adhering dirt and stuck pebbles - they can clog and damage the machine.

If you have a suitable fabric bag (or, in extreme cases, an old pillowcase), then it is better to put the shoes in it - this will improve the quality of the wash and soften the beating against the drum. This is especially true for products with a large number of metal parts.

Machine wash

You should not wash more than two pairs at the same time - too much weight of shoes can mechanically damage the machine: deform the ribs of the drum or knock out the glass of the door.

For washing, choose a special program for sports shoes. If there is none, then set the delicate wash mode or select the shortest, for example, a 30-minute program. Set the temperature to no higher than 30 ° C, so as not to spoil or deform the shoes.

Spinning is completely better to turn off so as not to spoil the shoes and the machine with strong vibrations. But if you still decide to squeeze out the water, then set the lowest speed for this.

In no case do not turn on the drying mode, if there is one in your washing machine. High temperatures can permanently damage even the strongest type of footwear.

Pour the usual amount of powder - in proportion to the volume of the shoe. If you are washing white sneakers or sneakers, you can also add bleach to the tray to enhance the effect.


After washing, shoes must be dried properly. It is best to do this outdoors, for example, on the balcony. It may seem that the best thing is to put the couple in bright sun, but this is not so. Direct hot rays can damage the fabric and adhesive, resulting in damage and deformation. For the same reason, you should not put your shoes on hot radiators and heaters.

After drying, a properly washed pair acquires the appearance and freshness of almost new shoes.

The best solution is to stuff the shoes tightly with white paper (the newspaper may leave dark marks) and leave at room temperature in a well-ventilated area. The paper will help keep the shape of the product, but it will have to be changed frequently to dry faster.

After drying, a properly washed pair acquires the appearance and freshness of almost new shoes. Of course, you should not hope that the machine will cope with completely ingrained dirt. But what will noticeably clean and refresh shoes is a fact. And yet it is better not to abuse this method of cleaning and do not wash shoes in a typewriter more than two or three times a month - otherwise even the strongest specimens may not withstand such loads.

Not all shoes can be washed in a washing machine, but sports shoes made of synthetic materials can.

Preparing shoes for washing

Make sure that there are no parts that threaten to fall off - rivets, reflectors, inserts; that the shoes are not torn and not sticky. If there are such defects, then you cannot wash the shoes: the filter will become clogged, and the sneakers themselves will suffer even more. Clean the sole, remove pebbles and sand from the treads. It is necessary to take out the laces and insoles, place the laces in an old sock and throw them into the drum, and it is better to replace the insoles if necessary, but do not wash them: most likely, they will deform. You can use a shoe wash bag or a plain old pillowcase.

Which washing program to choose?

If the car has a special program for shoes, then the issue is resolved. If not, but there is a program for sportswear (clothing with impregnation), then you can select it. If the machine has a fairly simple set of programs, then select the mode for synthetics. If you want to set everything manually, then choose the low temperature mode - 30 degrees, the spin speed - the lowest (300-400 revolutions) or turn off the spin, leave only the water drain. You should not choose a short program to refresh things.

How many shoes and how to put in a drum?

Depends on the load of the machine and the size of the shoes, but it is quite possible to load two or three pairs (if the load is very large, from 8 kg). Be sure to put a few rags along with the shoes - there will be no imbalance during the spin cycle.

Which detergent to choose?

You can use both powder and liquid, but always without optical brighteners (an exception is if you wash white or very light sneakers or sneakers). A liquid product always has advantages over a powder: it dissolves better, it is easier to wash out, and it softens due to the balm included in the composition. You can use a stain remover designed for washing in an automatic machine.

Daily wear of shoes leads to the appearance of dirt and scuffs on its surface. In order to restore the appearance of your favorite couple, you need a quality cleaning. Some products are well washed in a washing machine, while others are categorically contraindicated in contact with water and detergents. How and where to wash shoes from different materials?

What shoes can be washed

Before you start cleaning your shoes from dirt, you need to find out product features:

  • the structure of the material;
  • degree of pollution;
  • resistance to water and soap;
  • joint strength, etc.

Textiles (ballet flats, moccasins, sneakers, slippers, sneakers, etc.) can withstand both machine wash and hand wash. If a water-repellent membrane is used when sewing them, choose liquid detergents, since powders significantly reduce the protective functions of the fabric and worsen the appearance.

There are shoes that cannot be washed:

  • products sewn from leather and its substitutes;
  • varnished or model boots and shoes;
  • suede shoes;
  • fur;
  • sheepskin boots and slippers.

Preparing for washing

Before machine or hand washing, a pair of shoes needs to be carefully inspected. Explore the following features:

  • degree of deterioration;
  • the presence of dangling elements and holes;
  • fixing strength of decorating inserts.

If the lining of the sneakers has come apart, the foam rubber inside can fluff up and come out, the buttons or decorative stripes are loosely sewn - refuse washing in the machine. Parts will simply fall off from the intense movement of the drum.

If clay or other dirt has adhered to the soles of the shoes, rinse it off before washing with running water. For the mechanism of the automatic machine, small pebbles that clog into the treads of sports boots, sneakers and sneakers are fatal, so eliminate them in advance.

Preliminary stain removal from dark and white shoes

In the process of preparing shoes for washing, remove all stains from its surface.. Under the action of warm water, contaminants are deeply eaten into the structure of the material and it is more difficult to remove them.

First, try to determine the origin of the stain in order to find an effective remedy for its removal.

  1. If oil stains appear on shoes or textile boots, treat them with a cotton pad dipped in dishwashing liquid. Wash your shoes in the washing machine after 24 hours.
  2. Remove grass stains with a mixture of laundry soap and ammonia. Moisten the contaminated area with an aqueous solution of ammonia (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water), then rub with a bar of laundry soap. The next step is washing in the machine.
  3. Remove soot from textile or rag shoes with turpentine mixed with water in a 1: 1 ratio. After processing, wash the pair with liquid powder.
  4. Get rid of paint stains with white spirit. Moisten a cloth and gently wipe off the dirt, then wash the boots in the washing machine. Products made of synthetic materials do not tolerate contact with white spirit.

Preliminary stain removers before washing - gallery

Dishwashing liquid removes greasy stains from shoes Ammonia mixed with laundry soap copes with grass stains Turpentine quickly removes dirt and soot from textile shoes White spirit removes paint stains from shoe surfaces

Mode and temperature for washing in an automatic machine

In many modern models of washing machines, the “wash shoes” option has already been implemented. If there is none, you will have to switch the equipment to the delicate washing mode and completely abandon the automatic spin cycle.

Tips for washing shoes in an automatic machine:

  • prepare the shoes by cleaning them of pebbles and dry dirt with a brush;
  • pull out the laces and insoles;
  • use only liquid powder. Dry granules cause streaks and stains;
  • if the shoes are white, wash them with liquid bleach;
  • to remove dirt from colored slippers, ballet flats, moccasins, etc., use a liquid detergent marked “for colored linen”;
  • Wash only 1 pair of shoes at a time, which fits in a mesh bag. This will prevent negative consequences: failure of the drum due to uneven load distribution and damage to the shoe itself (the appearance of scratches, holes, peeling off the sole);
  • choose a washing program with a temperature not higher than +30 ° C and a speed limit of 600;
  • turn off the spin and dry functions. If this is not done, the shoes will simply deteriorate. The exception is sneakers, they can be wrung out in the car;
  • set the correct washing time: no more than 30 minutes.

How to wash sneakers - video

The nuances of drying a fabric or leather pair

The ideal place for drying is a balcony, loggia or just open air. Direct sunlight is not suitable for drying, they destroy the adhesive layer. If it's cold or raining outside, dry your shoes at home. For quick drying, place it on a battery, which is pre-covered with a thick towel or material.

A popular way is to stuff shoes with crumpled newspapers. Fill your shoes or slippers tightly with them and leave to dry completely. The paper absorbs moisture, allowing it to retain its shape.

Do not use newspaper to dry light-colored shoes, as the printing ink will be printed on the lining. In this case, replace it with white paper, preferably writing paper with higher hygroscopicity.

Everything is quite simple: immediately after washing, you need to wipe the shoes as dry as possible with clean white napkins or paper (necessarily white, without dyes). Then we stuff the sneakers with white paper, napkins, clean bandages, cotton or gauze. Then we tightly, very tightly wrap the sneakers with a bandage or gauze in 4-5 layers, tie it up and put it in a dry, clean place.


You can dry your shoes with special electric dryers. In this case, follow the instructions supplied with the device.

Washing denim and rubber shoes in the dishwasher

The method proposed below for washing denim sneakers, shoes made of rubber and plastic may seem unhygienic to some, because then you will have to put dishes in the machine chamber. To use advice or not - everyone decides on their own, but the method has its fans who share their successes with friends.

When choosing such a wash, follow certain rules:

  • the dishwasher model must have a program set to use low temperature water and dry without heating. When washing, it is necessary to exclude the contact of shoes with boiling water and heated air flow, which destroy the material and destroy the adhesive seams;
  • the machine must be equipped with a filter on the drainage system, which must be thoroughly cleaned after washing.

Tips for washing shoes in the dishwasher:

  • pre-clean the shoes from dirt and stones;
  • take out the insoles, liners and laces;
  • after selecting the desired program, start the washing mode;
  • use a detergent without disinfectants and bleaching additives;
  • clean the drain filter thoroughly after washing is completed.

In addition to sneakers, children's or home shoes, rubber boots can be washed in the dishwasher. Put small ones upside down, adults put them on top of each other. Similarly, wash plastic slippers, slates and galoshes.

Place shoes in the dishwasher carefully, not in bulk.

How to wash shoes by hand

Before starting the procedure, make sure that your favorite pair can be cleaned of contaminants with soap and water, not all materials react equally to such treatment.

  1. Clean natural and artificial leather shoes, suede shoes, nubuck shoes with special foams or wipe with wet wipes.
  2. Treat a pair of genuine leather with soapy water (100 ml) with 2-3 drops of ammonia. Then wipe the surface thoroughly with a clean cloth.

Slippers, ugg boots made of synthetic materials, sneakers, moccasins and ballet flats made of textiles are well tolerated by hand washing. Follow the steps below to clean them properly.

  1. Dilute liquid detergent in water heated to +40 °C.
  2. Soak cloth shoes or white sneakers for 15 to 20 minutes to improve cleaning performance.
  3. Drain off the cooled water after soaking.
  4. Prepare a new solution according to the previously described recipe.
  5. With a toothbrush, clean the surface of the shoe from the outside and from the inside until stains and dirt disappear.
  6. Rinse the steam in clean water and leave to dry.

Secrets of hand washing rag shoes - video

How to remove stains and stains after washing

If, after washing, unaesthetic stains appear on the shoes, you will have to tinker with them additionally. To remove any stains, you can purchase a foam cleaner.

The use of this tool does not cause difficulties:

  • shake the bottle and spray the product on the stained area;
  • spread over the surface with a soft cloth;
  • after 3–5 minutes, wipe it off with a clean cloth;
  • dry your shoes.

You can restore the beauty of shoes by washing in an automatic machine or by hand cleaning. When choosing the appropriate method, be guided by the material from which the pair is made and recommendations for cleaning. Remember that proper washing will not only make your favorite shoes look beautiful, but also extend their life.

In the wardrobe of every fashionista, you can always find several pairs of shoes in which she is irresistible. However, in order for each look to be perfect, it is worth paying due attention to the external condition of the shoes, as dirt and stains will not decorate your stylistic decision. Do not rush to throw away the soiled product, as in most cases you can wash shoes, either by hand or in a washing machine.

What shoes can be washed

To find out if your pair of shoes can be washed and how to do it correctly, be sure to read the information on its label or packaging. Manufacturers must indicate the permitted care methods there. If you did not find such information, then you can focus on the following rules:


  • sports shoes (sneakers, sneakers, slip-ons, etc.);
  • textile shoes;
  • rubber shoes (galoshes, rubber boots);
  • beach and home shoes (slippers, flip flops, flip flops).

Cannot be washed:

  • leather, suede, velor shoes;
  • varnish shoes;
  • autumn and winter shoes;
  • very cheap shoes made of dubious materials.

But remember that it is still better to focus on the manufacturer's instructions. Otherwise, you may be in for some very unpleasant surprises...

How to wash shoes in a washing machine

You can wash shoes by hand, but machine washing will achieve the desired result faster and with less effort and time. Cleanliness, a pleasant aroma and a pleasant appearance will be guaranteed if you wash your shoes correctly!

  1. The first step is to carefully inspect the shoes. It is important to discern impulses, if any, decorative elements that may be in a torn state. Shoes with such defects should not be machine washed: after washing, the damage is guaranteed to increase.
  2. Shoes should be washed without laces, so they must be removed. The insoles also need to be removed, they are washed separately from the shoes, while the laces can be put in the drum of the washing machine.
  3. Before you send shoes to the washing machine, you need to clean them from dirt, grass, stones. It is recommended to rinse the shoes under running water.
  4. In order for the product to retain its attractive appearance, it is recommended to use a laundry bag. If you do not have a special bag, you can use old bedding, an ordinary pillowcase is quite suitable.
  5. Do not put more than 2-3 pairs of shoes into the washing machine drum, otherwise you can damage the machine (shoes can damage the drum or squeeze out the door glass).
  6. After placing the products in the drum, you need to select the appropriate washing mode. It is recommended to set the equipment to the shoe washing mode, which is available in almost all modern machines, or delicate washing.
  7. Set the washing temperature to 30 degrees. Some types of shoes can be washed at 40 degrees.
  8. The spin option must be disabled.
  9. You need to choose the right detergent. It is recommended to use gel products.
  10. Do not dry shoes in a drum, otherwise there is a big risk of deforming the shape of the product.
  11. After the washing cycle is over, it is necessary to remove the products from the machine, then send them to dry in natural conditions.
  12. The result of washing also depends on the correct drying of the product. You will need to perform simple steps: fill the shoes with paper, this measure will eliminate excess moisture from the inside, keep the shape. Periodically it is necessary to change the wet paper to dry. In summer, you can put your shoes on the balcony.
  13. The insoles can be washed with ordinary washing powder.

Washing shoes by hand

To ensure that you do not have to wash your shoes often, you need to ensure that the product is properly cared for. After wearing, it is recommended to clean the surface and shoes from dust and dirt. For sneakers, slip-ons, moccasins, sneakers and slippers, you can buy a brush to clean the surface.

  1. Before washing, you need to remove the insoles and pull out the laces, if any, remove stones and grass from the soles.
  2. For products made of synthetic fabric, it is appropriate to use ordinary laundry soap.
  3. Leather products should be washed with soapy water.
  4. First you need to soak the product in a soapy solution with a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees.
  5. After 15 minutes, you need to replace the soap solution. Send him shoes and insoles.
  6. Wash shoes with a sponge.
  7. Rinse the product.
  8. Stuff shoes with paper.
  9. Send for drying, in the summer you can go to the balcony.
  • If stains are found on the washed product, they can be removed using a composition of ammonia and soda.
  • If the shoes are made of white linen, then lemon juice will help remove the yellowness.
  • It is forbidden to use a hair dryer to dry the product, otherwise deformation cannot be avoided.
  • If the inside of the shoes smells unpleasant, then it is enough to use vinegar. It is necessary to wipe the product with vinegar from the inside with a cotton swab, then send a couple to the balcony.

You can give the cleanliness of shoes not only when you go to dry cleaning, it is enough to wash the product correctly in a washing machine or by hand.