How to help children learn parent meeting. Parent meeting "how to help your child study well." Municipal educational institution

More than two-thirds of underachieving students are potentially capable, but these abilities have not been developed for various reasons. And one of these reasons was the inability, and sometimes unwillingness of parents to provide timely support to their child in educational activities. And sometimes that help looks something like this:

Some statistics 10% of children entering the first grade have visual impairments of varying degrees. 20% of children are at risk due to a tendency to myopia. Every day, children lack sleep from 1.5 hours to half an hour In 20% of schoolchildren, poor health is the reason for poor progress

15% of first-graders complain of headaches, fatigue, drowsiness, lack of desire to study. A third of first-graders have various postural disorders, which are aggravated in the first year of study. Only 24% of first-graders maintain a nightly sleep standard.

Direction of assistance - maintaining and strengthening health, observing the daily routine, rational nutrition, morning exercises, playing sports, maintaining correct posture (correcting posture disorders), staying in the fresh air, alternating work and rest, observing the norm of sleep ...

Direction of assistance - starting from preschool age, to engage in the overall development of the child: to develop all mental processes (different types of memory, attention, imagination, thinking, speech ...); curiosity; Creative skills; develop the hand, especially fine motor skills of the fingers.

Teach your child to communicate and cooperate with peers and elders. Teach discipline, the ability to manage your behavior. (A person without a brake is like a spoiled machine. From early childhood, children should be accustomed to the exact time and to the exact boundaries of behavior. A. S. Makarenko)

If a son or daughter cannot sit himself down for lessons, what to do? This question can only be answered in this way: there is a long and hard work ahead to form the quality of arbitrariness in a student - the ability to control his own behavior so that a person becomes the master of his desires, and not vice versa.

1) Lotto, checkers, dominoes, etc. games where the player must maintain voluntary attention. They will help 2) It is very useful for a child to do some work together with adults. What exactly is not so important. It is only necessary that this business be carried out quickly, cheerfully, without preliminary buildup, and without tedious pauses. You can clean the dishes together: an adult washes, a child wipes; read a book - adult page, he page; to adjust or repair something - dad works, and the child gives him nails, a hammer, a screwdriver.

Direction of help control over homework, control should be systematic, and not from case to case, help to children should be provided in a timely manner as much exactingness to children as possible and as much respect as possible, control should be unobtrusive and tactful it is very important to control not the final product of their work, and the process itself is not to coach them in individual skills and abilities, but to teach them to think independently, analyze, prove, turning to you for advice and help

The place of work is also important. It must be permanent. Organized according to sanitary and hygienic standards. No one should interfere with the student. It is very important to study in a collected manner, at a good pace, without being distracted by extraneous matters. Those who work fast work well

It is necessary to teach children to plan the upcoming work. For example, when solving a problem: read the problem, imagine what is being said; briefly write down the condition, scheme; explain what each number means, repeat the question of the task; think about whether it is possible to answer the question of the problem; if not, why not; draw up a plan for solving the problem; check the solution; write solution in notebook

Directing help teaching independence Do not rush to point out mistakes, let the child find them himself Do not give a ready answer to their questions, let the child look for the answer to it himself, and you help him Teach children to highlight the educational task, i.e. the child must clearly imagine what skills and knowledge he must master in order to be able to perform this or that task. The child must have constant responsibilities

2 extremes of preschool education, leading to a reluctance to learn even before entering school: parents do not conduct joint cognitive activities with the child, and then the child's cognitive interest is simply not formed; or parents "stuffed" the child from an early age with various knowledge, which causes rejection in him.

For primary school students, grades are a fairly strong incentive to study. For children, praise is extremely important. Younger schoolchildren have not yet moved very far from the age of why students. It is for these two reasons that among elementary school students, as a rule, there are a little underachieving, future “losers”.

Senior schoolchildren (grades 10-11), as a rule, are already aimed at entering a university, imagine what subjects they need, or are interested in any science due to natural inclinations. At the same time, it is curious that subjects that are not of interest, that are not important for the university, are abandoned

The most neglected group in terms of the goals and motives of education are middle school students, from grades 5 to 9, or more precisely, of them, six, seven and eight graders. It is with these children that the teacher is most difficult to work. They have absolutely no idea why they are studying, receiving a wave of information and no instructions on how to deal with it further. It is at this level that there is an extremely high risk of losing a person who yearns for spiritual growth in a child. It is at this age that a lazy person develops, bored in the classroom.

How to be? How to correct the situation, how to interest the child in learning, instruct him "on the right path"? To help a child regain interest in learning, it is imperative to make him understand what education is for, what is its true goal, what exactly the child will benefit from, what he will actually learn by memorizing boring formulas and exceptions to spelling rules.

It is necessary to constantly maintain the fire of knowledge in the child, not to let it go out. The constant children's question "What's inside?" should accompany a person from childhood to old age, only he helps to develop thinking in a person, teach him to think and reason. Of course, parents should and can help the child in this difficult matter.

Be sure to use additional sources of information: children's encyclopedias, all kinds of "entertaining mathematics" and similar publications, educational computer programs, which are usually made in an exciting, often semi-playful way.

Participate in competitions, olympiads, conferences. This will help your child not only maintain interest in learning. The child will develop, his horizons will expand, his creative abilities will develop, he will learn to apply his knowledge in a new environment, speak in public (he will develop his speech, learn to control himself, his behavior) ...

You should definitely read together. And not only to read, but also to discuss what has been read. And of course, at every step the question “Why?” should be asked. Why did the hero of the book or film act this way and not otherwise? Why do we write "water" and not in another way? Why are plant leaves green? Why does a person need eyelashes? And so on and so forth…

Develop yourself, and your child will develop with you! And remember: loving, caring and wise parents are a guarantee that the child will not only study well, but also grow up as a thinking, educated person, a real Personality! You will succeed, you just have to want!

Sources of information: html shkole/ shkole/ uchitsia-v-shkole.html uchitsia-v-shkole.html htm a/kak_nauchit_rebenka_sosredotachivatsja/ a/kak_nauchit_rebenka_sosredotachivatsja/

How to help your child learn

Class 3

Teacher: Korablina O.N.

Sergeeva O.N.

Krasnogorsk, 2014

Parent meeting on the topic:

"How to Help Your Child Learn"

Target : integration of the efforts of parents and teachers to form a successful educational activity of students.


to expand the amount of knowledge of parents about the forms and methods of solving problems with children;

· develop a joint program of action to stimulate the cognitive activity of students;

identify problems of interaction between parents and the child to overcome educational difficulties

preliminary work

The children's answers to the following questions:

Is it easy to be a student?

In order for the teaching to be successful...

Answers of teachers: What ensures the success of the lesson?

Decreased interest in learning is one of the most common acute problems for many families. Therefore, today we are talking on the topic “How to help your child learn?”

“Harmonious, all-round development is possible only where two educators - a school and a family - not only act together, setting the same requirements for children, but are like-minded, share the same beliefs, always proceed from the same principles, never allow differences neither for the purposes, nor in the process, nor in the means of education"

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

We know that learning takes a lot of effort. Some students grasp everything on the fly, others do not. It turns out that more than two-thirds of the underachievers are potentially capable, but these abilities have not been developed for various reasons. Probably, one of these reasons was the inability (and sometimes unwillingness) to provide timely support to your child in educational activities. Hence, academic performance sometimes does not correspond to the level of the student's own abilities.

When children's studies are difficult, children begin to worry about grades. Someone skips classes, explaining that no matter how hard he tries, he cannot fully master the educational material, someone sits all evening memorizing homework. For some guys, teaching has turned into a heavy duty, and its formal sign - evaluation - alas, often does not please. In addition, according to assessments, parents get some idea of ​​how their child learns, because the education of our children is what accompanies your, dear parents, life for a long time and in which you (to varying degrees, of course) are sure to participate. How many hopes, how many happy expectations are associated with the education of children in families!

Our task today is to identify together the typical problems in the learning activities of children and to expand the knowledge of practical methods of helping them in this activity.

But first, we want you to smile, “get into trouble”, for this we will now show you a comic scene with the help of our children.

When are you going to do your lessons?

After cinema.

Too late after the movie!

It's never too late to learn!

Why don't you open your textbook at home?

Well, you yourself said that textbooks should be protected!

Any parent knows exactly what their child is studying for.

- All parents want to be no worse than others, to go to college, make a career, etc.But this is for us parents.

Let's listen to the 11th grade student Usmanova Ruzil,what does it mean to study well?

To keep the child's desire to learn, the desire for knowledge, it is necessary to teach him to study well.. We, teachers, explain to children the methods of work, but how the child has mastered these methods, how he uses them and whether he uses them at all, remains out of the teacher's field of vision. And parents have full control over their child. They can provide assistance that a teacher cannot provide.

Of particular importance in this case is the cooperation of parents and teachers, the coordination of their actions. The efforts of the family and the school in solving this problem are united. Assistance to children should be effective, competent and should go in three directions:

organization of schoolchildren's homework;

teaching children to be independent.

control over homework;

They can provide assistance that a teacher cannot provide.

Of particular importance in this case is the cooperation of parents and teachers, the coordination of their actions. The efforts of the family and the school in solving this problem are united. Assistance to children should be effective, competent and should go in three directions: organization of schoolchildren's homework; teaching children to be independent. homework control.Let's listen to the teacher of the beginning of classes Mashkovtseva A.A.

Based on the above, it follows:

In order to improve the performance of the child, it is necessary for him to be responsible for his studies!

Never justify poor progress by reasons beyond your control: the tasks on the control were too difficult, the teacher was picky, etc.

Let's take note of the tips that will help improve the academic performance of children:

    Teach them to take their homework seriously.

Learn how to make a plan for studying subjects.

· Teach homework to start with a difficult subject.


· Never call a child stupid, etc.

Praise your child for any success, no matter how small.

· Every day look through notebooks, diaries without complaints, calmly ask for explanations on this or that fact, and then ask how you can help.

· Love your child and give him confidence every day.

Do not scold, but teach!

What are the reasons decreased interest in learning?

When a child or teenager loses interest in learning, he gets deuces, he starts skipping classes, parents all the time attack him with reproaches and insults.

But more often the abundance of deuces in the diary, the unwillingness to learn is the result of some problems. Why is this happening? Why do children not want to study and, as a result, get deuces? Let's look at the possible causes of problems in the decline in academic performance:

1 reason failure of the child in school, or rather a complex of reasons:innate traits, received by the child from parents by inheritance, psychophysical abilities due to the weakness of the nervous system, temperamental characteristics (slowness, difficulty switching from one type of activity to another, absent-mindedness, etc.), which makes it difficult to successfully and actively master the school material. For example, a child does not keep up with the educational process, which is designed for children with an average speed of perception of information and activities. Slow children take longer to enter into some process, so it can be difficult to plant them for lessons. The flip side of slowness is often conscientiousness and thoroughness. But the negative reaction of parents and teachers, constant reproaches and countdowns can lead to serious health consequences, cause disgust for teaching in general. When slow children begin to be urged on, usually with irritation and threats, they begin to fuss, make unnecessary unnecessary movements, and because of excitement and fear, they generally lose the ability to think and do something. Excessive stress leads him to overwork, loss of contact with other children, and as a result, the child completely loses interest in learning, begins to hate school.

2 reason a whole lot of things can interfere with successful studymedical plan reasons: somatic weakness, neurodynamic, movement disorders, mental deprivation (insufficiency), neuropsychiatric disorders, etc.

Rule: To avoid unnecessary problems and conflicts, measure your own expectations with the child's capabilities.

3 The reason is oxygen deficiency and a sedentary lifestyle and, as a result, poor performance, fatigue, lack of concentration can be a direct consequence, which is especially often observed in children who stay at home too much, sleep with the windows closed. "Unsportsmanlike" of the guys, dislike for outdoor games, long walks and hikes.

rule : Morning exercises, better in the fresh air, gymnastic breaks-warm-ups during the preparation of lessons, as well as running, skiing, cycling, swimming, ball games, badminton, especially on weekends. And it is better to play sports together with the child, setting an example - this is a necessary condition for maintaining the normal performance of the student, tempering the will.

4 reason - In a child since elementary schooldeveloped a sense of dread of school. The reasons may be different: a general disturbing background in the child's perception of people and reality, someone's unflattering reviews about the school, stupid threats from parents. Fear of school can be passed on to children by parents if they themselves had problems at school in childhood.

rule : Take into account the individual characteristics of the child. Create a favorable climate in the family. It is necessary to show interest in the school affairs of the child, in the school, in the class, in every day spent at school. Support in your child his desire to be a schoolboy. Your sincere interest in his school affairs and concerns, your serious attitude to his achievements and possible difficulties will help confirm the significance of his position and activities.

5 reason - features of adolescence "In adolescence, many human virtues are manifested in eccentricities and inappropriate actions" (I. Goethe)

· It is humiliating for a teenager to shift from foot to foot at the blackboard, to blush, not knowing the material and not understanding some things that almost everyone in the class learned when the girls' mocking eyes look at him. And a teenager, if he fails to study successfully, prefers to get away from a shameful situation in general, declaring to everyone that he does not really need education.

· Statements like “I don’t want to study, but I want to ...” earn money, live for my own pleasure, etc. sometimes done forfind the boundaries of their powers in the family and society and try to expand them.

· Seduces the example of friends who are already graduated from school , they revel in the pseudo-romanticism of the will, the opportunity not to bother themselves with anything and despise the "nerds", demonstrating to them the reckless prowess, the superiority of supposedly older, independent and experienced people who do not "have any obligations. However, not all teenagers are tempted by a free carefree life. Therefore, a bad example of friends is only a superficial reason for the school boycott.Behind it, others are sure to hide.


1. This happens to all children - they all go through adolescence, learn to communicate, find their place in life, make friends. Sit down and think about all your adult acquaintances and relatives - they were all once teenagers

2. You're not the only one experiencing problems with your teen - a huge number of parents are experiencing the same thing!

3. You may feel that you are powerless to change your child. But think about what you want to change? You want to change the personality of another person! Direct your forces to change, first of all, the one who can change thanks to your forces - yourself!

4. Not only the child, but you also have rights. Attention, freedom, privacy, respect and understanding.

5. You do not have to do everything strictly according to the points. Don't be afraid to drastically change what you've been doing so far and try other methods, especially if the old ones don't work.

6 reason - Poor academic performance is often the result oflack of willpower.

· Sometimes a teenager even scolds himself for laziness, weakness of character, but there is little sense in this (he only lowers his self-esteem), since the cause of weak will usually lies deeper than the level of “wanted and sat down for lessons.” Anger, abusive labels, threats can only aggravate the situation and become the cause of "school neurosis". We adults are sometimes unable to force ourselves to do what needs to be done. Let's still approach our children with the same degree of severity as we treat ourselves.

Rule: To teach a child to manage himself, curb laziness, and without external pressure, is one of the main and most difficult tasks of parents. You can solve it together with the child, and not in the fight against him, and the sooner, the better to involve in work, increasing responsibilities every year. Adulthood is the ability to manage oneself.

· parents themselves sometimes become a disorganizing factor when, for not very valid reasons, they are allowed not to go to school, skip classes, creating in children an attitude towards school as something optional.

· lack of daily routine and unwillingness to work. At child, life - as God puts on the soul: lunch - when you want (and it’s not lunch, but - grabbed what is tastier and chewed on the go), watching TV - without looking back at the clock, lessons - when mom loses her temper. It happens that such relaxation comes from the mother herself (or from both parents), who also live without any kind of routine: on weekends they luxuriate in bed almost until dinner, in the kitchen there is a mountain of unwashed dishes, household chores are rarely done. No wonder they say that raising children is, first of all, self-education. The careless, disorderly life of the family greatly weakens the children, kills diligence, in general, the desire to work.

Example: A survey was conducted among teenagers: do they help at home with the housework? The majority of students in grades 4-6 answered in the negative. At the same time, the guys expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that their parents did not allow them to do many household chores, wash, iron, go to the store. Among students in grades 7-8, there were the same number of children who were not employed in the household, but the number of dissatisfied was several times less! This result shows how the desire of children to be active, to take on themselves various things if adults do not contribute to this. Draw your own conclusions!

7 Reason: Emotional Deficit . In general, insufficient contact between the child and adults prevents the active assimilation of the basic norms and rules by which people live. Lots of spiritual energytakes away the heavy, tense atmosphere in the family, frequent conflicts, even just constant disagreement of parents with each other. Some parents naively believe that we sort things out among ourselves, we solve our problems so emotionally, but this does not concern the child, he does not react. Big delusion! . The child also easily changes his mood, and during the lessons it is not easy for him to concentrate, concentrate on the subject of the lesson, to delve into the material.

Rule: A child needs the emotional warmth of a home, a sense of security, confidence in the stability of his being, that his experiences will be perceived with understanding and sympathy. This is the foundation upon which successful learning is built.

8 Reason even worse affects the fundamentalthe difference between the views of the father and mother on the teaching of the child. For example, the son received a deuce, and the father arranges a scolding, and the mother becomes a mountain to protect her boy. Or mom because of the deuce - in tears, and dad carelessly throws: “So what, I didn’t even finish school, but I live no worse than people.” Why, with such a disparity in the positions of mom and dad, the son must necessarily take a more progressive (aimed at gaining knowledge) line of behavior?

Rule: (restrictions, requirements, prohibitions,) must be agreed upon by adults among themselves. Contradictions between your requirements and the requirements of the school and teachers are also harmful. If you do not agree with our requirements or you do not understand them, please contact the teachers

9 Reason Interest in learning can disappear in children with sufficient abilities for the school curriculum if they somehowundermined self-confidence (low self-esteem). An epithet thrown in the hearts like “stupid”, “stupid” or something like that can be stuck in memory for a long time and pop up at the most crucial moments. And the replicas “do you understand anything?”, “What is your head stuffed with?”, “when will you grow wiser?”, “how stupid you are!” etc., which both dear parents and teachers often throw so easily, purposefully kill the child's faith in himself. And how else can he evaluate himself if the closest and most authoritative people do not believe in his abilities? Further - unexpected absenteeism for parents at school.

Rule: A person needs to be loved, understood, recognized, respected; that he was needed and close to someone; so that he has success in business, study, at work; so that he can realize himself, develop his abilities, improve himself, respect himself.

10 The reason for not maintaining the balance of "praise - condemnation." M. Litvak in the book "If you want to be happy" reports on the data obtained by scientists in the course of practical experiments.Their results suggest that for a successful human existence, it is necessary that stimuli that cause positive emotions make up 35 percent, that cause negative emotions - 5 percent, and emotionally neutral - 60 percent. In this regard, in addition to punishments and rewards, the author of the book names another very effective technique - ignoring. When the ratio of positive and negative stimuli is not respected, a psychological catastrophe occurs.

Reason 11: Exceeding a reasonable threshold for strictness parents in relation to the offspring, forcing the situation around his educational affairs, preparing lessons changes the effect of influence on him from plus to minus. Fear of parental sanctions paralyzes mental activity. An excessively strict, indiscriminately, parental reaction to a bad mark switches the attention and emotions of the offspring from chagrin about the state of their educational affairs to another question, not at all the main one: what will happen to me for this and how to hide the ill-fated deuce from my parents?

Rule: Parental demands should not come into direct conflict with the most important needs of the child.

12 Reason: people who come from families wherethe cult of knowledge did not develop , the search for truth. Where dad spends all his free time in front of the TV or in the yard behind dominoes, and you never see mom reading a book, where they don’t even read newspapers, there is no tradition to get an education without fail, and there the child does not form a sense of learning as something important. required. He begins to feel like a “black sheep” in the family: why is he only forced to sit at books? It is difficult to encourage a child to study hard if parentsdo not show an example of diligence.


· It will be very good if parents, during those hours when their son (daughter) has to do their homework, also take up their work, do housework, go to the market or the store, or at least sit down to read a book.

· Be an example for a child - this is the most unobtrusive method of education.

13 Reason: parents did not teach their child to overcome difficulties from an early age , mother too briskly rushed to help her child at the slightest hesitation. And so it studies quite successfully in the first years, but in the middle classes, where the tasks become more difficult, there are more subjects, the program is more extensive, it immediately gives up, it loses interest in learning in general.


· If it is difficult for a child and he is ready to accept your help, be sure to help him.

· At the same time, take on only what he cannot do himself, leave the rest to him to do.

· As the child masters new actions, gradually transfer them to him.

14 Reason: does not contribute to good performancepoor contact between parents and teachers. Usually, it is precisely because of this that it is not possible to prevent a child’s breakdown in learning in time, skipping lessons and whole school days, lagging behind in the program, and therefore help to eliminate gaps in knowledge.

There is a contradiction. Most parents are frequent visitors to the school while their children are in elementary grades, when they are, as a rule, enthusiastic and obedient. Parent-teacher contact noticeably weakens in the middle grades, when this enthusiasm fades, difficulties arise in mastering the material, and the desire for independence from parents and teachers is far ahead of responsibility for oneself.

rule : Maintain regular contact with teachers - this will help you identify problems at the beginning and thus provide timely assistance to your child.

15 Reason: p reasons for not attending school can bepersecution of the child by classmates. Not to be accepted in a childish environment, subjected to ridicule, hostile attacks can be for anything. But behind the external signs that provoke reactions of rejection, there is usually a subconscious self-doubt, low self-esteem of the persecuted. A timid teenager, even if he tries to be “like everyone else” in everything, if he wants, they will definitely find something to cling to. The persecution of one of the children sometimes begins with a negative attitude towards the child of the teacher, if he cares more about his authority among the students and about the controllability of the class than about the psychological well-being of individual children.

Rule: Parents should help him build a strategy of behavior with classmates.

16 Reason: n is of great importanceschool curriculum . In order for a child, and then a teenager, to go to school willingly, he must clearly understand what she gives him, why he needs the knowledge that he receives. The more often he realizes “it will come in handy in my life”, the more practical material there is that gives an answer to a young citizen how to live in the modern world, the more likely it is that he will stay at school until the end.

So we studied the possible reasons for the decrease in interest in learning in children. But the main thing is knowledge and desire for change. You already have the knowledge, and the desire for change is up to you. You will have “mistakes”, but these are quoted mistakes, in fact they are steps on the path to success.

The well-known innovative teacher M. Shchetinin said: “We aim not only to educate the student, but to put him in the position of an active creator of himself and others ... It is impossible for the student not to breathe in the prospect.”

Summing up the meeting.

Today we have seen that there are many reasons for the “unsuccessful” educational activity of children. You can find out these reasons and get rid of them only with the support of teachers and you parents. Every child is unique. I have prepared for you the booklets “Psychotherapy of underachievement” and I am pleased to offer them to you, concluding today's conversation (I distribute recommendations to parents).

Advice to parents “psychotherapy of poor progress” (based on the materials of O.V. Polyanskaya, T.I. Belyashkina)

Rule one: do not beat the lying . A "D" is enough punishment, and you shouldn't punish twice for the same mistakes. The child has already received an assessment of his knowledge, and at home he expects calm help from his parents, and not new reproaches.

Rule two: no more than one flaw per minute. To save a child from a lack, notice no more than one per minute. Know the measure. Otherwise, your child will simply “turn off”, stop responding to such speeches, and become insensitive to your assessments. Of course, this is very difficult, but if possible, choose from the many shortcomings of the child the one that is especially endurable for you now, which you want to eliminate first of all, and talk only about it. The rest, however, will be overcome later, or simply turn out to be unimportant.

Rule three: chase two hares... Consult with the child and start by eliminating those learning difficulties that are most significant for him. Here you will rather meet understanding and unanimity.

Rule four: praise - performer, criticize - performance . The assessment must have an exact address. The child usually believes that his whole personality is being evaluated. It is in your power to help him separate the assessment of his personality from the assessment of his work. Praise should be addressed to the individual. A positive assessment should refer to a person who has become a little more knowledgeable and skillful. If, thanks to your praise, the child begins to respect himself for these qualities, then you will lay another important foundation for the desire to learn.

Rule Five: Evaluation should compare the child's successes today with his own failures yesterday. No need to compare the child with the success of the neighbor. After all, even the smallest success of a child is a real victory over oneself, and it should be noticed and appreciated according to its merits.

Rule #6: Don't be stingy with praise . There is no loser who has nothing to praise for. To single out a tiny island, a straw, from the stream of failures, and the child will have a springboard from which to attack ignorance and inability. After all, parental: “I didn’t do it, didn’t try, didn’t teach” gives rise to Echo: “I don’t want, I can’t, I won’t!”

Rule Seven: Estimated Security Techniques . It is necessary to evaluate child labor very fractionally, differentiatedly. A global assessment is not suitable here, in which the fruits of very different efforts of the child are combined - both the correctness of calculations, and the ability to solve problems of a certain type, and the literacy of the record, and the appearance of the work. With a differentiated assessment, the child has neither the illusion of complete success nor the feeling of complete failure. The most business-like motivation of the teaching arises: “I don’t know yet, but I can and want to know.”

Rule Eight: Set very specific goals for your child . Then he will try to reach them. Do not tempt the child with unfulfilled goals, do not push him onto the path of deliberate lies. If he made nine mistakes in a dictation, do not take promises from him to try to write without mistakes next time. Agree that there will be no more than seven, and rejoice with the child if this is achieved.

"How to help your child study well" SLIDE

Studying at school is one of the most difficult and crucial moments in the life of children, both in socio-psychological and physiological terms. The whole life of the child changes: everything is subject to study, school, school affairs and worries. This is a very stressful period, primarily because from the very first days the school poses a number of tasks for the student that are not directly related to his experience, it requires the maximum mobilization of intellectual and physical forces.

(talk about the "World of Activities" circle) SLIDE

To study? What does it mean?

I do it myself

What I do not know?

I'll find a way

All parents want their children to do well in school. But some parents believe that by sending their child to school, they can breathe a sigh of relief: now all the problems associated with education should be solved by the school. Of course, the school does not abandon its responsibilities. This is not only a matter for the school, but also for the parents. We, teachers, explain the methods of work to children, monitor how they use them and whether they use them at all. You can provide help that a teacher cannot provide.

More K.D. Ushinsky said that it was at the initial stage of education that parents should take care of their child as much as possible. Their job is to teach you how to study. The efforts of the family and the school in solving this problem are united.Help for children should be effective, competent and should go in three directions: SLIDE

organization of the daily routine;

control over homework;

teaching children to be independent.

1. Organization of the daily routine.

The organization of the daily routine allows the child: SLIDE

easier to cope with the study load;

protects the nervous system from overwork, i.e. improves health. In 20% of schoolchildren, poor health is the reason for poor progress.

Therefore, teach children to observe the daily routine; rational nutrition; make sure that in the morning the child does morning exercises; I did sports; been outdoorsat least 3.5 hours.

The exact schedule of classes is the basis of any work. It is necessary to include daily household chores (buying bread, washing dishes, taking out the garbage, etc.) in the daily routine. There may be few of them, but it is necessary that children fulfill their duties constantly. A child accustomed to such duties will not have to be reminded to put his things away, wash the dishes, etc.

It is absolutely necessary that daily reading of books be included in the daily routine. Preferably at the same time.

A well-read student develops faster, quickly masters the skills of literate writing, and copes with solving problems more easily.

(reading technique)

It is good if you ask to retell what the child has read (a story or a fairy tale). At the same time, adults will be able to correct speech errors, incorrectly pronounced words. Thus,children will learn to express their thoughts.

An important issue in the organization of the daily routine is the organization of leisure.

It is important not to leave the child unattended, but to give the opportunity to do what you love in your free time from school.

It is necessary to properly organize sleep. You need to go to bed at 21:00. Good, restful sleepit is the foundation of health.

Make sure that after dinner the child is not overexcited, did not watch "scary films" (they watch "Greek"), did not play noisy games. All this will affect the sleep, the well-being of the child. It's good to take a walk before bed.

If the child is sleeping, make sure that the TV or radio does not sound loudly. Turn off the lights, speak more quietly. Often parents go on about the children, put up with the whims of the child: children participate in feasts, go to bed late. It is unacceptable. Here you need to show firmness.

You must remember that now you have a student, and not interfere with him. Often parents do not notice that they are disturbing their children: they talk loudly, turn on the TV. Sometimes parents do lessons for children (projects - children do, parents guide, help, control). In this case morality also suffers. Children get used to lies and hypocrisy.

You should not forget that, due to age characteristics, schoolchildren do not easily switch from one type of work to another. For example, a child sits down to draw, his parents send him to the store. You have to give it time to switch. Otherwise, inner reluctance may be accompanied by rudeness. Remember: any unreasonable switching from one type of work to another can develop a bad habit:don't finish the job.

2. Direction of assistance - control over the implementation of homework. SLIDE

Control must be systematic but not on a case-by-case basis and not limited to:

What marks?

Did you complete the lessons?

After an affirmative answer, the parents go about their business without supervising the children.

Some parents do not control their children at all, explaining this by lack of time, busyness. As a result, children do not learn the material, work is done carelessly, dirty, gaps begin to accumulate, which can lead to intellectual passivity of the child. He does not understand the questions of the teacher, the answers of classmates. He becomes not interested in the lesson, he does not try to work mentally, and not the desire to strain mentally develops into a habit, i.e. intellectual passivity develops. What makes a child unwilling to learn. Therefore, assistance to children should be provided in a timely manner. Otherwise, gaps in knowledge will accumulate, and it will be simply impossible to eliminate them. That is, control should be constant, everyday, especially in elementary school.

As much demands on children as possible and as much as possiblemore respect. Control should be unobtrusive and tactful.

At first, a small student needs your help, to remind him of the lessons and even sit next to him while he does them. These first school steps are extremely important: perhaps his whole school life depends on them.

It is very important to control not the final product of their labor, but the process itself. That is, it is very important not only to control the result of the work, but to controlHow the child did this work, to help overcome difficulties in work.

Well if you were interested: SLIDE

what did the child study at school today;

how he understood the material;

how can he explain, prove the actions that he performed.

When working with children, it is important not to train them in certain skills and abilities, but to teach them to think independently, analyze, prove, turning to you for advice and help.

Control is the organization of assistance to eliminate some gaps and difficulties.

It is typical for younger students that they first do something, and then they think. Therefore, it is necessary to teach children to plan ahead work.

For example, solving the problem: SLIDE

briefly write down the condition, scheme;

explain what each number means, repeat the question of the task;

think about whether it is possible to immediately answer the question of the problem; if not, why not;

draw up a plan for solving the problem;

check the solution;

write the solution in a notebook.(talk about math work

Doing the writing exercise: SLIDE

repeat the rules

complete the task in writing;

check work.

A very important point is to develop the habit of rigorous homework:

whatever the weather may be;

no matter what transmissions are going on;

Whose birthday is being celebrated.

The lessons must be done, and done well. Excuses for unfulfilled lessonsNo and it can not be. To develop this habit, it is necessary that parents treat learning with respect - as an important and serious matter.

It is very important that the child sits down for lessons at the same hour. Special studies have shown that a fixed time for classes causes a state of predisposition to mental work, i.e. producedinstallation.

With such an attitude, the child does not need to overcome himself, i.e. the painful period of being drawn into work is reduced to zero. If there is no regular class time, then this attitude cannot be developed and the idea will be formed that the preparation of lessons is optional, secondary.

The location of the work is important. It must be permanent. No one should interfere with the student. It is very important to study in a collected manner, at a good pace, without being distracted by extraneous matters.

Children have two distractions: SLIDE

The first reason is the game: the child is drawn into the game imperceptibly. The reason may be an abandoned toy;

Second occasion - business: looking for a pencil, pen, textbook. The more distractions, the more time spent doing homework. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a clear order: a ruler. pencil, pen - on the left; textbook, notebook, diary - on the right.

Younger students have a habit of doing half-hearted work. It seems to be not distracted, but thoughts flow lazily, constantly interrupted, returning back.

The pace of work is very important. Those who work fast work well. Therefore, the child must be limited in time (set a clock).

If at first you sit next to the child, you should encourage him: “Take your time, baby. Look what a good letter turned out. Well, try one more, so that it would turn out even better. ” This, of course, will help him in difficult work, even make it more fun. If you get annoyed, if every blot pisses you off, the child will hate these joint activities. So be patient and don't be nervous. But if the child has already done his homework poorly, then it is necessary that he redo it on a piece of paper and put it in a notebook, not for evaluation, but so that the teacher sees that the child tried, and respect his work. One of the main tasks of "sitting" next to a son or daughter is to ensure that they are not distracted in any way during work. And this can be achieved even from the most unassembled child, if the mother or father sitting next to him will politely and calmly return him to work.

The most difficult thing for children is writing skills. Here you can be reassured that in our age, calligraphic writing is not the most important thing, and that if your child speaks, then, in the end, let him write not so beautifully, and do not torment him for it. It is important to teach him to write cleanly, respecting the margins, always without blots.

Again, for educational reasons: a person should do everything beautifully, decisively everything. Help your child in this with a kind word and your presence. And you will not regret the time spent: it will bear fruit.

The question arises, but when to leave the child alone with the lessons? This must be done as early as possible. but not abruptly, but gradually. To delay the process of this "sitting" is also harmful. Such children, who do their homework only with one of the adults, will never be able to complete the work assigned to them.

With reasonable assistance and a control system, children learn to do their homework at the same time, gradually learn to allocate time on their own.

When checking homework, do not rush to point out mistakes, let the child find them himself, do not give a ready answer to their questions. When doing homework, you do not need to replace the student at work; children unlearn thinking and wait for clues. In this, children are very cunning and find ways to “make” work for themselves.

Teach children to see the learning task, i.e. the child must clearly understand what skills and knowledge he must master in order to be able to complete this or that task. Each time highlighting the learning task on the example of the material that has just been learned, we help the child learn to see it himself both in the new material and in the one that is still to be mastered. Therefore, when helping a schoolchild, adults should not forget that the main thing is still not to overcome this or that difficulty that has arisen today, but to show, using the example of each particular case, how it is generally necessary to overcome difficulties in learning and to teach children to be more and more independent.

Homework control Slide

Parent meeting on the topic


Meeting goals:

  1. Discuss the causes of early childhood learning difficulties and determine how they can be prevented and overcome.
  2. Teach parents how to develop habits in their children of rigorous homework.

Members Key words: class teacher, parents, school psychologist.

Conduct form: informational conversation.

Organization of a parent meeting:

  • preparation of invitations for parents;
  • study by the teacher of psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic of the meeting;
  • invitation of a school psychologist;
  • organizing a book exhibition to help parents;
  • preparation of memos with advice for parents.

If a child succeeds in school, he has every chance of success in life.

W. Glasser


I. Opening speech of the class teacher

Dear parents! Education at school is one of the most important, most difficult and responsible moments in the life of children. treasonthe whole life of the child is taken into account: everything is subordinated to study, school, school affairs and concerns. And each of you wants the children to be independent and successful in their main activity - education.

In the dictionary of the Russian language SI. Ozhegov, the word "success" is considered in three meanings: as luck in achieving something, as public recognition, and as good results in work, study and other types of socially useful activities.

Teachers, psychologists and parents strive to do everything possible to ensure that the education of younger students is successful, so that each child achieves the highest possible results in their educational activities.

From the axiom: "Any pedagogical influence is successful if it takes into account the needs of the child."

Let's take a look at the most important of these needs.

  1. The student wants to acquire new knowledge at school. "
  2. The student strives for self-affirmation, recognition from adults.
  3. As children grow older, they begin to realize that school prepares them for adulthood. And that they will be the better able to solve the tasks that society sets before them, the more thorough knowledge they acquire now.

Do we always take these needs of children into account in our educational work? But we must remember that "each pedagogical influence will be successful only if it takes into account the needs of children."

Should I help my child learn? Of course, yes. Let's try to use the following in work with the child.

II. Presentation by the school psychologist.

Your child is learning. The overall result will consist of several partial results. Let's name four of them.

  1. The most obvious is the knowledge he will gain or the skill he will master.
  2. The result, less obvious, is the training of the general ability to learn, that is, to teach oneself.
  3. The result is an emotional trace from the lesson: satisfaction or disappointment, confidence or insecurity in one's abilities.
  4. The result is a trace of your relationship with him, if you took part in the classes. Here the result can be either positive (they were satisfied with each other), or negative (the treasury of mutual dissatisfaction has replenished).

Remember. Parents are in danger of focusing only on the first result (learned? learned?). In no case do not forget about the other three. They are much more important.

For a child of primary school age, the attitude of adults towards him is very important. In many ways, the opinion of parents and teachers determines the child's self-esteem, forms a sense of self-confidence, and affects the level of anxiety. Therefore, your support, interest and attention to his affairs and problems are so important to the child.

And how often do we think about why learning is not connected with the joy of learning, does not arouse interest and does not serve the development of abilities? Do we remember, in pursuit of good grades, that classes through force, at the strict demand of an adult, hinder the development of a child's creative abilities? We ask him every day what he got today. We praise him and approve him precisely for his good grades and are not at all interested in the fact that the child has learned something new, what he has learned, what is especially interesting to him. No one remembers the joy of knowing!

We, adults, must take into account the individuality of the child, his characteristics and capabilities, know his pace of work, observe his growth and development. Think about it: maybe you need to reconsider in some way your attitude to his studies, to the organization of his homework, the nature and content of your assessment of his academic success?

Let me remind you of another feature of a junior schoolchild: he must perform any work “on success”. Therefore, it is so important to maintain even the most insignificant results, especially if the student has shown independence, patience, and perseverance.

III. Message from the class teacher.

How to help your child study well

All parents want their children to do well in school. But some parents believe that by sending the child to school, you can breathe a sigh of relief: now all the problems associated with education should be solved by the school. Of course, the school does not abandon its responsibilities. This is not only a matter for the school, but also for the parents. We, teachers, explain to children the methods of work, but how the child has mastered these methods, how he uses them and whether he uses them at all, remains out of the teacher's field of vision. And parents have full control over their child. They can provide assistance that a teacher cannot provide.

Of particular importance in this case is the cooperation of parents and teachers, the coordination of their actions.

It is at the initial stage of education that parents should take care of their child as much as possible. Their job is to teach you how to study. Therefore, the question “How to help a child study well?” I take it to the parent meeting.

The efforts of the family and the school in solving this problem are united.Help
children should be efficient, competent and should go in three

  • organization of the daily routine; , .
  • control over homework;
  • teaching children to be independent.

1. Organization of the daily routine.

The organization of the daily routine allows the child:

Easier to cope with the study load;

Protects the nervous system from overwork, i.e. improves health. Poor health is the cause of failure.

Therefore, teach children to observe the daily routine; rational nutrition; get the child to do morning exercises in the morning; I did sports; been outdoors for at least 3.5 hours.

Accurate class schedule- it is the basis of any work.It is necessary to include daily household chores (buying bread, washing dishes, taking out the garbage, etc.) in the daily routine. There may be few of them, but it is necessary that children fulfill their duties constantly. A child accustomed to such duties will not have to be reminded to put his things away, wash the dishes, etc.

It is absolutely necessary that daily reading of books be included in the daily routine.Preferably at the same time.

A well-read student develops faster, faster

masters the skills of competent writing, it is easier to cope with solving problems.

It is good if you ask to retell what the child has read (story, fairy tale). At the same time, adults will be able to correct speech errors, incorrectly pronounced words. In this way, children will learn to express their thoughts.

An important question in the organization of the daily routine- This is a leisure organization.It is important not to leave the child unattended, but to give the opportunity to do what you love in your free time from school.

Particular attention should be paid to staying in the fresh air (up to 3.5 hours a day), because children have a great need for movement. In a group - 1.5-2 hours. At home - 1.5-2 hours.

It is necessary to properly organize sleep. Daytime sleep - 1 hour. (If the child does not sleep, is overexcited, let him lie down, listen to a fairy tale.)

You need to go to bed at 21:00. Good, restful sleep is the basis of health.

Make sure that after dinner the child is not overexcited,did not watch "scary movies", did not play noisy games. All this will affect the sleep, the well-being of the child. It is good to take a walk before going to bed for 30-40 minutes.

If the child is sleeping, make sure that the TV or radio does not sound loud. Turn off the lights, speak more quietly. Often parents go on about the children, put up with the whims of the child: children participate in feasts, go to bed late. It is unacceptable. Here you need to be firm.

You must remember that now you have a student, and do not interfere with him. Often parents do not notice that they are disturbing their children: they talk loudly, turn on the TV. Sometimes parents do homework for their children. In this case morality suffers. Children get used to lies and hypocrisy.

You should not forget that, due to age characteristics, schoolchildren do not easily switch from one type of work to another. For example, a child sits down to draw, parents send to the store. You have to give it time to switch. Otherwise, inner reluctance may be accompanied by rudeness. Remember: any unreasonable switching from one type of work to another can develop a bad habit: not to finish the job.

Control must be systematicand not on a case-by-case basis and not be limited to questions: what marks? did you complete the lessons?

After an affirmative answer, the parents go about their business without supervising the children.

Some parents do not control their children at all, explaining this by lack of time, busyness. As a result, children do not assimilate the material, the work is done carelessly, dirty, gaps begin to accumulate, which can lead to the child's intellectual passivity. He does not understand the questions of the teacher, the answers of his comrades. He becomes uninteresting in the lesson, he does not try to work mentally, and the unwillingness to strain mentally develops into a habit, that is, intellectual passivity develops. What makes a child unwilling to learn. Therefore, assistance to children should be provided in a timely manner. Otherwise, gaps in knowledge will accumulate, and then it will be simply impossible to eliminate them. Therefore, control should be constant, everyday, especially in elementary school.

As much demands on children as possible and as much respect as possible. Control should be unobtrusive and tactful.

At first, a little student needs your help, in order to remind him of the lessons, and even, maybe, to sit next to him while he does them. These first school steps are extremely important: perhaps his whole school life depends on them.

It is very important to control not the final product of their labor, but the process itself, that is, it is important not only to control the result of the work, but to control how the child performed this work, to help overcome difficulties in work!

Well, if you were wondering:what did the child study at school today; how he understood the material; how can he explain, prove the actions that he performed.

When working with children, it is important not to train them in certain skills and abilities, but to teach them to think independently, analyze, prove, turning to you for advice and help.

Control is the organization of assistance to eliminate some gaps, difficulties.

It is typical for younger students that they first do something, and then they think. Therefore, it is necessary to teach children to plan ahead work.

For example, when solving a problem, you need to:

“explain what each number means, repeat the question of the task; think about whether it is possible to answer the question of the problem; if not, why not;

“make a plan for solving the problem;

to check the solution;

“Write down the solution in a notebook.

Performing an exercise in the Russian language, you must:

* repeat the rules

It is very important to develop the habit of

rigorous homework:

  • whatever the weather may be;
  • no matter what TV shows are on;
  • Whose birthday is being celebrated.

The lessons must be done, and done well.Excuses for unfulfilled lessonsit can not be. ForTo develop this habit, it is necessary for parents to respect their studies as an important and serious matter.

It is very important that the child sits down for lessons at the same hour.

Special studies have shown that a fixed time of classes causes a state of predisposition to mental work, that is, it develops installation.

With this attitude, the child does not need to overcome himself, and in this way; the painful period of being drawn into work is reduced to zero. If there is no regular practice time, then this setting may not work. develop, and the idea will be formed that the preparation of lessons is not an obligatory, secondary matter.

The location of the work is also important. It must be permanent. No one should interfere with the student. It is also very important to study in a collected manner, at a good pace, without being distracted by extraneous matters.

Children have two reasons for distraction.

The first reason is the game. The child is drawn into the game imperceptibly. An abandoned toy can serve as an excuse.

The second reason is business. Looking for a pencil, pen, textbook. The more distractions, the more time spent doing homework. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a clear order: ruler, pencil, pen - on the left; textbook notebook diary - on the right.

Younger students have a habit of doing half-hearted work. It seems to be not distracted, but thoughts flow lazily, constantly interrupted, returning back.

The pace of work is very important. Those who work fast work well. Therefore, the child must be limited in time (set the clock).

If at first you sit next to the child, you should encourage him: “Take your time, baby. Look what a good letter turned out. Well, try one more, so that it comes out even better. ” This, of course, will help him in difficult work, even just make it more fun. If you get annoyed, if every blot pisses you off, the child will hate these joint activities. So be patient and don't be nervous. But if the child did the task very badly, then it is necessary that he redo it on a piece of paper and put it in a notebook, not for evaluation, but so that the teacher sees that the child tried, and respectfully treated his work. One of the main tasks of "sitting" next to a son or daughter is to ensure that they are not distracted in any way duringworking hours. And this can be achieved even from the most unassembled child, if the mother or father sitting next to him will politely and calmly return him to work.

The most difficult thing for our children is writing skills. Here you can be reassured that in our age, calligraphic writing is not the most important thing, and that if your child speaks, then, in the end, let him write not so beautifully, and do not torment him for it. It is important to teach him to write cleanly, respecting the margins, always without blots.

Again, for educational reasons: a person should do everything beautifully, decisively everything. Help your child in this with a kind word and your presence. And you will not regret the time spent: it will bear fruit.

The question arises, when to leave the child alone with the lessons? This should be done as early as possible, but not abruptly, but gradually. To delay the process of this "sitting" is also harmful. Such children, who do their homework only with one of the adults, will never be able to complete the work assigned to them.

With reasonable assistance and a control system, children learn to do their homework at the same time, gradually learn to allocate time on their own.

When checking homework, do not rush to point out mistakes, let the child find them himself, do not give a ready answer to their questions. When doing homework, you do not need to replace the student at work; children unlearn thinking and wait for clues. In this, children are very cunning and find ways to “make” work for themselves.

Teach children to highlight the learning task, that is, the child must clearly understand what skills and knowledge he must master in order to be able to complete this or that task. Each time highlighting the learning task on the example of the material just learned, we help the child to learn to see it himself both in the new material and in the one that is still to be mastered. Therefore, when helping a schoolchild, adults should not forget that the main thing is not to overcome this or that difficulty that has arisen today, but to show, using the example of each particular case, how to overcome difficulties in learning in general. and teach children to be more and more independent.

IV. Summarizing

Drawing up rules that should be followed when communicating with the child.

1. Do not interfere in the child's business if he does not ask for help. With your non-intervention, you will inform him: “You are all right! Of course you can do it!”

2. If it is difficult for a child, and he is ready to accept your help, be sure to help him. Wherein:

  • take upon yourself only that which he cannot do himself, and leave the rest to be done by himself;
  • as the child masters new actions, gradually transfer them to him.

3. Think out loud with the child, analyze, reason. Think with your child together, plan, discuss. Solve life situations. Teaching your own child to think is the main responsibility of a parent!

V, Meeting decision

  1. Use the information received in your work with the child.
  2. Apply various popular educational literature to organize classes with children (to develop memory, thinking, attention, observation, imagination, etc.).

Sections: cool guide

Purpose: integration of the efforts of parents and teachers to form successful learning activities of students.

  • expand the amount of knowledge of parents about the forms and methods of solving problems with children;
  • develop a joint program of action to stimulate the cognitive activity of students;
  • to identify the problems of interaction between parents and the child to overcome educational difficulties

Event form: round table

In preparation for the round table, we will ask the children and parents to answer the following questions:

  • Is it easy to be a student?
  • For learning to be successful...
  • What makes a lesson successful?
  • Why do we want our child to study well?
  • What makes you successful at home?

Opening speech:

In childhood, most people think that studying requires a lot of effort. Some students grasp everything on the fly, others do not. Some have a highly developed ability to listen, and they can perceive information quite well by ear. Others have developed visual perception - the material is better absorbed when reading. In this situation, someone may have difficulty learning. It turns out that more than two-thirds of the underachievers are potentially capable, but these abilities have not been developed for various reasons. Probably, one of these reasons was the inability (and sometimes unwillingness) to provide timely support to your child in educational activities. Hence, academic performance sometimes does not correspond to the level of the student's own abilities.

The training is very difficult. Children begin to worry about grades. Someone skips classes, explaining that no matter how hard he tries, he cannot fully master the educational material, someone sits all evening memorizing homework. For some guys, teaching has turned into a heavy duty, and its formal sign - evaluation - alas, often does not please. In addition, according to assessments, parents get some idea of ​​how their child learns, because the education of our children is what accompanies your, dear parents, life for a long time and in which you (to varying degrees, of course) are sure to participate. How many hopes, how many happy expectations were associated with studying in families!

Our task today is to identify together typical problems in the educational activities of children and work out practical methods of helping them in this activity.

But first, we want you to smile, “get into trouble”, for this we will now show you a comic scene with the help of our children.

(When are you going to do your homework?

After cinema.

Too late after the movie!

It's never too late to learn!

Why don't you open your textbook at home?

Well, you yourself said that textbooks should be protected!)

Question for parents:

- Why do we want our child to study well?(parents' answers to the question posed)

Standard answers - to be no worse than others, to go to college, make a career, etc. But this is for us. Let's listen to the children : Is it easy for them to be students and what does it mean to study well? (performance by 3-4 students).

Question for teachers:

- What, in your opinion, ensures the success of the lesson? Guest teachers provide the necessary information about what students need to do so that the lesson is not in vain.

Based on the above, it follows:

  • In order to improve your academic performance, you must treat your studies responsibly!
  • Never justify your poor progress by reasons beyond your control: the tasks on the control were too difficult, the teacher was picky, etc.

Let's ask today those who are conscientious about their studies, what is the secret of their success? (2 students share experiences)

Let's develop a program to stimulate the cognitive activity of students. Take advice to help improve your academic performance.

  • Take your homework seriously.
  • Make a plan for studying subjects.
  • Remember to take short breaks between subjects, especially if the task is large.
  • Start your homework with a difficult subject.

Tips for parents:

  • Never call a child stupid, etc.
  • Praise your child for any success, no matter how small.
  • Every day, look through notebooks and diaries without complaints, calmly ask for explanations on this or that fact, and then ask how you can help.
  • Love your child and give him confidence every day.
  • Do not scold, but teach!

And now, dear participants, we will work in groups and try together to “get to the bottom” of the reasons for our children’s lack of interest in learning activities

An exchange of views on the question “Why are our children less interested in learning?”

Summing up the meeting.

Today we have seen that there are a lot of reasons for the “unsuccessful” educational activity of children. You can find out these reasons and get rid of them only with the support of teachers and you parents. Every child is unique. In conclusion, I want you guys to not waste your time and try your best to study well. Then your efforts will be crowned with success in your studies, which, in turn, will bring to each student and his parents a lot of joy and great satisfaction. I have prepared for you the booklets “Psychotherapy of underachievement” and I am pleased to offer them to you, completing today's conversation (I distribute recommendations to parents) .

Advice to parents “psychotherapy of poor progress” (based on the materials of O.V. Polyanskaya, T.I. Belyashkina)

Rule one: do not beat the lying. A "D" is enough punishment, and you shouldn't punish twice for the same mistakes. The child has already received an assessment of his knowledge, and at home he expects calm help from his parents, and not new reproaches.

Rule two: no more than one flaw per minute. To save a child from a lack, notice no more than one per minute. Know the measure. Otherwise, your child will simply “turn off”, stop responding to such speeches, and become insensitive to your assessments. Of course, this is very difficult, but if possible, choose from the many shortcomings of the child the one that is especially endurable for you now, which you want to eliminate first of all, and talk only about it. The rest will be overcome later or will simply turn out to be unimportant.

Rule three: you will chase two hares... Consult with your child and start by eliminating those learning difficulties that are most significant for him. Here you will rather meet understanding and unanimity.

The fourth rule: to praise - the performer, to criticize - the performance. The assessment must have an exact address. The child usually believes that his whole personality is being evaluated. It is in your power to help him separate the assessment of his personality from the assessment of his work. Praise should be addressed to the individual. A positive assessment should refer to a person who has become a little more knowledgeable and skillful. If, thanks to your praise, the child begins to respect himself for these qualities, then you will lay another important foundation for the desire to learn.

Rule Five: Evaluation should compare the child's successes today with his own failures yesterday. No need to compare the child with the success of the neighbor. After all, even the smallest success of a child is a real victory over oneself, and it should be noticed and appreciated according to its merits.

Rule six: do not skimp on praise. There is no loser who has nothing to praise for. To single out a tiny island, a straw, from the stream of failures, and the child will have a springboard from which to attack ignorance and inability. After all, parental: “I didn’t do it, didn’t try, didn’t teach” gives rise to Echo: “I don’t want, I can’t, I won’t!”

Rule Seven: Estimated Security Technique. It is necessary to evaluate child labor very fractionally, differentiatedly. A global assessment is not suitable here, in which the fruits of very different efforts of the child are combined - both the correctness of calculations, and the ability to solve problems of a certain type, and the literacy of the record, and the appearance of the work. With a differentiated assessment, the child has neither the illusion of complete success nor the feeling of complete failure. The most business-like motivation of the teaching arises: “I don’t know yet, but I can and want to know.”

Rule Eight: Set very specific goals for your child. Then he will try to reach them. Do not tempt the child with unfulfilled goals, do not push him onto the path of deliberate lies. If he made nine mistakes in a dictation, do not take promises from him to try to write without mistakes next time. Agree that there will be no more than seven, and rejoice with the child if this is achieved.