How to keep up a conversation with your girlfriend. Correct and confident speech. Topics for communication...



Almost everyone can meet a girl, but not everyone is able to carry on a conversation and chat with a friend about everything. What can you talk about with a girl? How to easily carry on a conversation with a girl?

Of course, you can easily approach a girl who is standing at the other end of a crowded room and introduce yourself. But have you ever run out of topics to talk about after a few minutes? Or have you decided to talk to the girl of your dreams, but you are tongue-tied? Whether you are outgoing or shy, you will find it easy to carry on a conversation with a girl if you follow the tips in this article.

Carrying on a conversation

1. Invite a girl to talk to you. Take the circumstances into account. For example, don't ask her about astronomy while buying shoes. Here are some possible options:

If you don't know exactly how to start a conversation with a girl, give her a recommendation. For example, a girl in a cafe cannot decide which drink to get, recommend her your favorite drink or tell her that you can guess what exactly she wants.

If you already know a girl, then start the conversation with a general topic. If you study together, talk about classes or extracurricular activities. If you work together, talk about some news on the robot or ask for help.

Ask for a small favor. For example, ask someone to look after your things (say, your phone) while you go get a drink. A girl will be more interested in you if she has done you a favor.

Give her a compliment. If she looks good today or said something very interesting during class, tell her about it. Compliment her hair, smile or dress. Don't be overly feminine. Your compliment should be sincere and not fake.

2. Ask questions. You want to show her that you are interested in her and at the same time get to know her better. With a good question, you can make her like you, make her think, and make her laugh at the same time.

Avoid questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no.” For example, “Did you like the new movie that came out this weekend?” Such a question can be answered unequivocally, but the conversation will not start. It's better to ask what films she's seen lately and why she likes them. A question like this requires a much longer answer.

Girls like it when guys make the first move. Don't wait for a girl to ask you something and talk to her yourself. Once she answers the question, nod and state your point of view. The conversation should be balanced, which means you should also express your opinion.

Find out about her hobbies. If you like this girl, then you might find out something really exciting about her. Ask her why she likes what she likes and why she thinks what she thinks. Ask her what you would really like to know about her, rather than just asking questions to keep the conversation going. If you are not sincere, she will understand it, and your conversation will go downhill.

People like to talk about themselves. If you know what a girl is interested in, then the conversation will go easily and naturally. This is the easiest way to start a conversation.

3. Create a positive image during the conversation. Your task is not only to find out as much as possible about the girl, but also to please her.

Talk about something that interests you. When you talk about what you really like, you will be at your best. If you are passionate about music, then discuss your favorite band. If you have a favorite activity, then talk about it.

Don't express an opinion about something you don't know at all. You need to impress the girl with your wit, conversation and intelligence. If you discuss something you don't know, it won't look very intellectual.

4. There should be pauses in the conversation. You won't be able to talk about anything all the time; and that's completely normal. Pauses are a natural part of conversation. Feel comfortable and let your interlocutor understand that pauses should be present in the conversation.

Smile at her, take a sip from your cup, and look around while you think about what to say. As long as you appear confident and interested, she will be looking forward to the next stage of the conversation. If you're nervous or looking at your feet, she won't feel comfortable and will likely say, "see you another time."

Use pauses during conversation. When you pause, try to appear focused, as if you are thinking about what you want to say. She will be looking forward to what you say, and may want to fill the pause herself.

People's speech rates naturally synchronize during conversations. This means that people unconsciously imitate each other. If you speak slowly, she will also speak slowly, which means the conversation will last longer. To speak slowly, be confident and don't be nervous.

Take pauses as a chance to impress the girl. Don't feel like you need to come up with a new topic. A pause is an invitation to the girl to take the initiative into her own hands. If she does this, it means she really enjoys talking to you.

5. The conversation should be easy. Do not discuss controversial issues or topics that are uncomfortable for your interlocutor. Don't gossip about other people, otherwise the girl may think that you are not a good person.

Use a sense of humor. Avoid shocking or obscene jokes. Test the waters before you say anything that a girl might perceive as rude or insulting.

Tell funny stories. Even more than jokes, people love to hear funny stories that have happened to you. Remember funny and entertaining events in your life and, before telling the story to a girl, present it to your friends for judgment.

Stay up to date with what's happening in pop culture. Find out the latest news in the world of celebrities, film industry and music. This will always give you something to talk about. In addition, you will be able to impress the girl with the versatility of your knowledge.

6. Pay attention to body language. Use deep eye contact, sit up straight and smile warmly. She will feel your attention.

Watch the girl. If you have eye contact, she touches your hand, leans towards you when you talk, then you can be sure that she likes you.

Use body language with positive momentum. Don't cross your arms, stomp your feet, sigh or moan. These are all signs that you are bored or unhappy with the girl.

If she's constantly looking away, fidgeting with her drink or jewelry, or looking like she can't wait until she can leave, she's probably lost interest in you. You can try saying something like, "Are you having a bad day? You look like you're a thousand miles away." You can also politely thank them for the conversation and leave.

7. Give her your full attention. Let the girl know that she is important to you. Don't be the center of the conversation, concentrate on it.

While talking to a girl, turn off your mobile phone. If you go out to take a call, you may not find her when you return.

If you run into friends, introduce them to the girl, but continue to focus on your conversation. Give your friends nonverbal signals that you will talk to them next time.

8. If a girl says she has to go, end the conversation on a good note. Tell her that you enjoyed talking to her and getting to know her better. If you start a relationship, ask for her phone number. The next morning, send her a text and tell her you had a wonderful time and wish her a wonderful day. If she answers you, then you have a chance to continue the conversation.

There is an unwritten rule to wait at least a day before calling her, especially if you were complete strangers. You don't want to appear too pushy or pathetic. Set it aside for one day.

Keep phone conversations short and sweet. Just ask her if she would like to go to the movies or have coffee together. It is better to make an impression in person, when you are more in control of the situation.

Don't be persistent unless you're sure she really likes you. She may feel weird if you push her. Just keep the conversation casual.


The feeling of slight weakness will go away with practice. You will always be a little nervous when talking to a girl, but with experience you will become more and more confident. In any case, the more you communicate, the greater your chances of meeting an amazing girl.

Remember, he who does not take risks does not drink champagne. If you don't dare to start a conversation, you will never know what you missed. If the conversation goes smoothly, you may develop a close and long-lasting relationship.

Be polite and be yourself.

Don't gossip or speak badly about anyone. Focus on the girl. Gossiping will make you effeminate. If a girl starts gossiping, then perhaps she is sending you to the friend zone. It's not certain, but it's certain.

If you're from a different country or culture, introduce her to your race, culture, or language. For example, you are from Asia and the girl is from America, tell her about your language and cultural differences.


Carry chewing gum or lozenges with you to freshen your breath. This way you will be sure that your breath is fresh during a conversation.

If a girl is wearing a low-cut dress, look her in the eyes. If she catches you looking at her cleavage, the conversation won't last long.

The same goes for the skirt. Don't look under the table, otherwise the conversation will end there.

Some people know how to carry on a conversation and easily transfer it to any topic. Such skills increase self-esteem, allow you to make useful contacts and achieve success in business.

But how to maintain a conversation if this fails and there is an awkward silence? Such skills are not difficult to master; it is enough to know the basic rules of communication.

Ask open questions

To keep the conversation going, avoid questions that can be answered with a clear “yes” or “no,” as this will immediately lead the conversation to a dead end and create difficulties for further communication. For example, instead of asking whether you liked the movie, it is better to ask what the other person thinks about its plot.
You can get a detailed answer by expressing your own opinion. The other person will definitely want to express their point of view, which will create a dialogue.

Ask questions based on the other person's answers

How to maintain a conversation with people if it reaches a dead end? A good technique is to use information coming from the interlocutor. After listening carefully to him, you can always catch on to something and find a topic to continue communication. If a question doesn’t come to mind, it’s enough to invite the person to talk about something in more detail.
The main thing is not to interrupt your interlocutor and give him the opportunity to speak out, finish his thought, otherwise he may think that his reasoning is not interesting and stop expressing it.

The environment is the best topic for conversation

How to maintain a conversation if it doesn't work out from the very beginning? The best topic for discussion will be the environment. For example, if you are participating in a social event, talk about it. During dinner at a restaurant, you can discuss the atmosphere and interior of the establishment. At a party, a suitable theme would be music, food, decorations.

Be positive

One simple thing to remember is that people love to communicate with optimists. Therefore, there is no need to constantly complain about your failures, this will only alienate your interlocutor. Perhaps he wants to relax and forget about his own misfortunes, and not bother himself with the sorrows of others.

It’s better to remember the positive moments, you can even tell some funny story. As you know, humor brings people together and allows them to find a common language.

Conversation with a girl

Communication with a man

When talking to a man, a woman should remember that the stronger sex loves to be listened to. True, it is not always possible to understand discussions about cars or computers. How to maintain a conversation with a man in this case? The conversation can always be directed in the right direction by catching on to something familiar and finding a topic of interest to both.

The main thing is not to interrupt the man at the moment when he is enthusiastically speaking, and not to criticize him. Discussing your acquaintances would not be a good topic. It's better to leave it for friends. It is also advisable not to talk about diets.

Conversation in company

A person who knows how to carry on a conversation in a company so as not to receive a negative attitude towards himself will not enter into meaningless arguments and criticize others. He will remember that every speaker tries to find his audience. That is why, when communicating in a company, he will try to pass off his own silence as interest in the story. If several people are having a conversation, it is easier to present yourself as an interesting interlocutor - it is enough to sometimes ask questions when there is a pause.

If you don't know how to hold a conversation on any topic, educate yourself.
There are several simple recommendations.

  1. Practice. Try to communicate with everyone you encounter. These could be cashiers at the supermarket, people in line, colleagues. For communication, it is advisable to choose people with opposing values ​​and views. This will allow you to develop in different directions and expand the list of topics suitable for conversation.
  2. Read a lot. Choose literature on different topics, as these are sources of information that can be discussed in the future.
  3. Keep a notepad. Write down funny stories that happened to you in the past. They can be useful and become a topic for communication.
  4. Talk to your reflection in the mirror. As you know, this is exactly how actors rehearse, so why not adopt this style of training?
  5. Overcome shyness, because in many cases it is the reason for constraint in conversation.

What should you not do?

How to maintain a conversation without causing negativity from others? There are several warnings about what not to do during a conversation:

  • extol yourself, try to show yourself better than you really are - such behavior repels others and creates barriers to further communication;
  • be tactless - if the interlocutor does not like the topic, it is better not to touch upon it, otherwise they will want to end the conversation with you as soon as possible;
  • using rude, vulgar speech with slang and profanity will be frowned upon in many circles;
  • pry out personal secrets and lay out your ins and outs;
  • interrupting your interlocutor, cutting him off mid-sentence is bad form, which can lead to the end of communication.

Sarcasm and scientific sayings in French will also not be appreciated. There's no point in trying to seem smarter. For pleasant communication you need to win someone over.

Of course, you can talk to your best friend about anything, but you also need to be able to engage in dialogue with strangers. Moreover, there are plenty of topics for communication, you just have to choose the most suitable one. Being able to not only express your point of view, but also listen to the other person is a mandatory requirement for a pleasant and lengthy conversation. If you adhere to these rules, the question of how to maintain a conversation will not arise.

Meeting or talking to a girl is a serious challenge for shy guys. In their case, we are not talking about the usual slight jitters, but about a real tsunami of fear and excitement. Sean Cooper, a man who got rid of shyness on his own, is sure that all these troubles can be overcome. Below are some of his recommendations to help combat shyness and make conversation more relaxed.

3 reasons why you are afraid of girls

1. Feelings of inferiority

Just the sight of someone attractive makes you nervous, and the thought of approaching her makes you terrified. Why? Because you consider yourself unworthy of this beauty. Think of women whose appearance is far from your ideal. Surely their company causes less discomfort.

The point is that men make too far-reaching conclusions based only on a woman’s external data. But imagine: what if she’s stupid? Or does she completely lack a sense of humor? Or do you just have nothing in common? You don’t know this person yet, but you are already sure of her magnificence (and your inadequacy to it).

As a result, feelings of inferiority deprive you of confidence and prevent you from expressing your individuality.

Advice: Remember that appearance speaks more about genes than personality. So don’t rush to deify a stranger and add yourself to the list of unworthy ones. It’s better to find out in practice what kind of person she is.

2. Obsession and unrealistic fantasies

Shy guys tend to choose one girl as the object of their dreams. You can connect with a beautiful person with just a couple of short conversations or smiles: for a shy person this is enough to imagine a future together in every detail. What happens in the end? The guy pushes himself so hard that when it comes to taking decisive action, he gets lost under the weight of high expectations.

You thought about her for so long and turned her into such a perfect being that you were paralyzed with fear.

Sean Cooper

Another scenario: you finally dare to ask her out on a date, but after three minutes of conversation you realize that she is not the beautiful lady in your head. And based on a three-minute conversation, you decide to retreat without really getting to know the girl.

Advice: say “stop” to empty fantasies and direct your energy to communication. Well, remember that there are many cute and interesting girls in the world. Obviously, you shouldn't focus on one that you're barely familiar with.

3. Procrastination

Guys who suffer from shyness or have little relationship experience may wait a long time to talk, touch, or have a first kiss. But the longer they wait and the more they think about it, the stronger the fear becomes.

Advice: act impulsively. All thoughts that appear after the first impulse are aimed at dissuading you from doing something. After all, it is better to do and regret than not to do and regret.

How to talk to a girl

1. Structure the conversation correctly

Cooper mentions the chain message method. You've probably already used this technique, but perhaps not entirely correctly.

Its essence is as follows... Any, even the most insignificant information becomes the starting point. Then a clarifying question is asked. Based on the answer to this question, the following replica is constructed. And further down the line.

Example of a failed conversation:

A: Hello! Where are you from?

IN: From Chelyabinsk.

A: Oh, and what are you doing there?

IN: Working.

A: Where, if not a secret?

IN: At the factory.

A: And by whom?

IN: Milling machine operator, *&%+#!

Mistake A is that he approached the conversation too formally. As a result, it came down to a banal listing of facts, which made milling machine operator V. go berserk.

Advice: rely on emotions, not boring data.

Exercise “Conversation Map”

Take a blank sheet of paper. In the middle, write a word that can serve as a conversation starter or that you often hear from girls. Now draw the rays that extend from it. They will be the directions of the conversation. Formulate them as statements or as questions. The main thing is that they relate to emotions and values. The more directions you come up with, the better.


  • Starting word: psychologist.
  • Branch-emotion: How do you feel when you enter into such close relationships with different people?
  • Branch-value: you must be a very caring person if you chose this profession.

Sudden pauses in conversation, Cooper says, are normal. What is not normal is that you feel awkward and uncomfortable about them. It is these feelings that you need to fight.

The first thing to do is to realize that you are not a toastmaster, but an accomplice in the conversation. There is no need to blame yourself for not being able to react instantly and figure out how to continue the conversation. This will only increase the stupor.

The second rule is to stay relaxed. If you're nervous about silence, it automatically becomes awkward.

The third rule (and tip) is to naturally continue the conversation. This is where situational comments can help. The essence of the method is to pay attention to what is happening in the outside world, and not try to frantically find a topic in your head (which becomes completely empty due to stress).

When you are relaxed and not focused on internal search, the dialogue ceases to be forced.

3. Learn to talk about nothing

Another problem many shy people have is that they believe that every conversation needs to be meaningful. At the same time, conversations are constantly happening around, the content of which many instantly forget.

These are annoying or confusing, and their participants may seem simply narrow-minded. However, these people have no difficulty initiating contact and get their dose of social interaction. And this is worth learning from them.

Where to begin? Stop thinking and allow yourself to be spontaneous. Be in the present moment without worrying about what you said 10 seconds ago or what you need to say in another 10 seconds.

Trust your brain, and don't try to squeeze all the juice out of it. In fact, this is a powerful device with a decent amount of information. You just need to let him do his job.

4. But just in case, have a list of topics.

Prepared topics are like a cheat sheet: you don’t have to use it, but you feel more confident with it. The range of topics that you can talk about with a girl does not need to be kept in mind all the time. It is enough to outline it and leave it on the periphery of consciousness: if something goes wrong, you can always use it.

Sean Cooper suggests nine areas from which to draw conversation ideas:

  1. Hobby.
  2. Work, study.
  3. Trips.
  4. Entertainment.
  5. Food, cooking.
  6. Past experience.
  7. Observations of the present (situational comments).
  8. Future plans.
  9. Human relationships.

As a practice, you can come up with five example topics for each of these areas.

Another option is to talk about what you really know a lot about, and try to interest your interlocutor in this. You will feel more confident in your field and be able to open up.

Another alternative is to let the girl talk about what she understands, but at the same time remain genuinely passionate about the topic. Genuine interest is always felt. And it attracts.

Of course, you shouldn’t follow all the advice at once. Try one technique, then another, check in practice in which situations they work better, or choose the one you like best.

How to keep a conversation with a girl

The question of the right topics for conversation with a girl is very important if your goal is to please her, seduce her, establish communication, etc. In general, what follows will be about those who have just met a beautiful stranger and want to show her themselves as a cheerful, sociable and active guy in conversation.

In general, conversations during seduction do not have to carry any kind of informational load. Well, at least it’s not particularly heavy, you don’t have to weigh the girl down, you won’t earn any points with this! I will list several topics that should and should NOT be discussed during the seduction process.

Not worth it

So, here’s exactly what you shouldn’t start a conversation about with a girl - these are topics that can lead to disputes and conflicts: these are topics about religion, politics, Nazism. Conversations on such topics are fraught with the risk that you and she will find yourself on opposite sides of the “barricades” and quarrel without starting to communicate... And in general, to be honest, these topics are not suitable for a seductive conversation.

Also, you shouldn’t try to keep the conversation going with stories about your favorite football, hockey, or basketball team, even if the conversation doesn’t go well at all. Girls don't like that! Even if she is an exception, I don’t think it’s worth finding out at the seduction stage. It's not worth it...

But try this

So, first of all, talk to her about things that are pleasant and interesting - one of these things is leisure. Remember how you spend your free time, what clubs you go to, what you saw last in the cinema, and which cinema is more convenient. Do you go to the theaters? You are cool, and if in a conversation with a girl you mention the repertoire that is currently on, then you are guaranteed +100 points!

Secondly, talk to her about art... Ummm, the topic is certainly not an easy one, but if you appreciate the design or architecture of a building, that's already good. Well, if you distinguish the Empire style from the Baroque, I think you can win the heart of more than one lady in a conversation.

Don’t forget that you are not talking to your boys, but to a nice lady, and what do nice ladies like? That's right, gossip! Try to tell her something interesting about your friends, watch her reaction to see if she is interested in it. The main thing is not to overdo it! It will be very disappointing if she considers you a terrible gossip and does not want to communicate further.

So, don't forget to joke! A joke can lighten the situation and fill an awkward pause. But think about what you're joking about! Save your bearded jokes for the bar with your friends. Here your sense of humor should show all the subtlety and intelligence. By the way, maybe she is a fan of the Comedy Club?

You can also maintain a conversation with a girl by sharing your dreams and fantasies with her, this puts you in a positive mood and brings you closer together. At the same time, such a personal topic can be touched upon after preliminary communication on other, more general topics, since people talk about dreams only with those they trust. Well, if in response to your confession, she told about her dreams, even without your request - you’re great, and all this was not written in vain!

In general, if you have read, understood and remembered everything, get ready for a date and don’t turn off your brain when you talk to a girl. And you’ll add points to yourself, and you won’t ruin her evening!;)

Want to know what to talk about with the girl you like? Then read on for 30 tips to help you keep a conversation going with your friend.

Most guys know what it's like if they like a girl. When she is nearby, the presence of butterflies in the stomach is guaranteed.

You feel anxious every time a girl comes into your attention, and when it comes to communication, things get even more difficult.

Why is it that when you like a girl, it becomes so difficult to talk to her? Your palms sweat, your mouth becomes dry, and for some inexplicable reason, although you are a completely normal and adequate person, you are unable to express even a single trivial thought, let alone transform it into something articulate.

While you are usually the center of the universe and the life of the party and can talk to anyone about any topic, if your conversation partner is someone you can't stop thinking about, suddenly everything changes.

If you have a problem starting and developing a conversation with a girl due to internal depression, you are not alone in your trouble.

The best way to deal with such a situation is to prepare for it in advance. Even though you may not be able to behave in a completely natural way during a conversation, you cannot look stupid when the conversation suddenly stops and there is a long and uncomfortable silence.

An additional stone in your garden will be the inability to find a way out of the trap of your own silence. That's why it's a great idea to adopt interesting conversation topics.

It doesn’t matter whether you want to start communicating with a girl for the first time, having an insidious plan to capture her phone number, or you already, but want to be sure that communication will proceed without a hitch, having prepared interesting topics and questions for the girl, you can guarantee that you will have a great time with her.

What to talk about with a girl

Starting a conversation with a girl you like is actually simple, and the suggested topics for communication will help you on the right path.

Once the conversation starts, you will find yourself relaxing and everything becomes much easier.

But having cheat sheets prepared, just in case, will give you peace of mind, because now you will know exactly what to talk about with the girl.

1. Did you see what they showed on TV yesterday..?

Popular culture and the media are unlikely to ignore your friend. This is a very easy way to start a casual conversation.

If you have witnessed particularly interesting information thanks to television or the Internet, talk about it.

2. Do you have brothers, sisters?

By the way, this is quite useful information. What if her brother is Roman Abramovich?

3. Do you have good relations with your relatives?

This is a rather personal but important question.

If you decide to build a long-term relationship, a girl from a close-knit family will be the right choice.

Moreover, talking about relationships with your family brings you closer.

4. Where do you work and study?

Ask where the girl works or studies, and whether she likes this type of activity or her chosen specialty.

Showing interest in a girl's professional activities will be a good way to start communication, since most people can talk for hours about their work or study and how much they love it or hate it.

5. What did you dream of becoming as a child?

This question will help you move on to the topic of childhood and develop your dialogue with children's stories.

6. What is your favorite dish?

Pay attention to your girlfriend's favorite dish, because if everything goes well, you can cook her a wonderful dinner later, adding priceless points to your male knight appearance.

7. What do you usually do in your free time?

Find out about her hobbies and interests. This question will show your compatibility, and give a hint on choosing a place for.

8. What kind of music do you listen to?

If you don't know what to talk about with the girl you like, start a conversation about music.

Music is a completely neutral topic because every person has their favorite music preferences, as well as music genres that they hate.

Tell us about the concerts and festivals you attended. You may have a lot more in common than you expected.

9. What is the best day of your life associated with?

Who knows. Maybe she will answer what’s wrong with you...

10. What was the most memorable night of your life?

Information about your friend's nightly adventures can give you another round of ideas.

Moreover, what if this girl is not your destiny? Then you are absolutely handsome. Use the free idea you received to organize a date night with another girl.

11. If you could invite anyone to dinner, who would it be?

This is a funny and moderately stupid question that can still tell a lot about a girl.

12. What would you do if you won the lottery tomorrow?

Daydreaming together about what you'll do if you become super rich is a fun way to pass the time.

13. What would you do if you had a week to live?

It is unlikely that such a question will become painful. Rather, it will start a fun and light-hearted conversation about many crazy activities and things.

14. Do you have an idol?

A role model is an important personality characteristic.

15. Why did you agree to the date?

A stupid question that shows your weakness.

But if you're not, this question can help you learn something interesting about yourself.

16. Describe your ideal evening?

Find out what a girl likes to do in her free evenings.

17. Do you love animals?

If a girl doesn’t like animals, and you can’t imagine your future without your beloved dog Wolfie, why do you even need such a girl?

18. What is one superpower you wish you had?

Another funny question that will make a girl first frown and then smile.

19. Which countries have you been to abroad?

Stories about travel and places you've visited are great conversation starters.

Even if you've never traveled, talk about where you'd like to go in the future. You can even plan a trip together.

20. Did you like studying at school?

Every person has a bottomless store of school stories in their memory, so why not tell about them?

21. Do you have a lot?

By learning about a girl's friends, you will better understand what she is like.

22. What is important to you in a guy?

Why not find out right away what's on a girl's mind. At least you will understand from the very beginning what rank you are assigned in this romantic story.

Actually, another question about myself, but for a date with another girl.

23. What do you value in a relationship?

Find out how your views coincide.

What if the girl pursues an exclusively open relationship.

24. What is your hobby?

The more eventful your life and the life of your friend, the more interesting the conversation will be.

25. Topics for conversation with a girl:
  • Childhood, both hers and yours.
  • Current interests and hobbies.
  • Future plans.
  • Personal preferences and outlook on life.
  • Family.
  • Relationships with the opposite sex without specifics and memories of your ex.
  • Psychology and esoterics.
  • Current problems of your generation.
  • Own stories from life.
26. Thinking out loud

Practice talking about whatever you want, i.e. about everything that comes to your mind, and do not turn the conversation with the girl into an interrogation. Don't act as an investigator, so add your own stories to the conversation.

27. Be confident

You don't need to agree with everything the girl says, but you shouldn't argue either.

28. Be emotional

You may well talk about what interests you, however, by doing it expressively and emotionally, the girl will enjoy the communication.

29. Practice on other girls

Go on a few dates with girls you don't have exciting feelings about.

It will be much easier for you when you finally muster the courage to talk to the girl of your dreams.

30. Smile and eye contact

It's a no-cost way to position yourself correctly that works wonders.

31. Keep the end goal in mind

Don't forget to get the girl's phone number. Or did you just want to kill your time?

32. Look attractive

If you are silent by nature, then your appearance can rehabilitate you at least a little.


You will never get 100% guarantees that a date or conversation will go smoothly, since there are countless external factors for a successful conversation. However, the more you interact with people, the more confident and natural you become.

So practice often and eventually you will understand what to talk about with a girl.