DIY newspaper products. Weaving from newspaper tubes step by step: new ideas for beginners and practical recommendations. Video: “Crafts from newspaper tubes for beginners”

You can create unique things without spending a lot of money. A striking example of this is weaving from newspaper tubes. Of course, it will take a lot of time. But, in addition to the satisfaction and joy of creativity, you will become the owner of original and beautiful crafts. The problem with gifts will be solved - you can make them with your own hands.

Preparation of tubes

Before you start weaving, you need to prepare the starting material - wind tubes from newspapers or magazines. You will need the paper itself, PVA glue in a bottle with a dispenser, a long pushing knitting needle or a piece of stiff wire. The diameter of the knitting needle/wire is 1.5-2 mm. These are all tools at the preparatory stage.

Lots of ideas - lots of material!

Let's spin

To prepare the tubes, you must first cut the paper into pieces of the desired size. We cut newspaper strips or magazine spreads into several parts. Aspect ratio - 1:3 or 1:4 (for example, 27 * 9 cm, 35 * 10 cm). The exact dimensions are not important. Divide the page into several parts so that they are approximately the same aspect ratio as above.

Take a knitting needle and a strip of paper. We twist the corner of the paper around the knitting needle, and gradually, layer by layer, roll it into a tube. Secure the edge of the strip with a drop of glue. To make the tube the desired density, we lay the paper at 45° relative to the knitting needle. Then it will be quite dense, but at the same time it will bend well.

We take out the knitting needle. The tube is not too long; to work, you will have to splice them together. If everything is done correctly, one edge will be thin, the other will be thick and hollow from the inside. To connect two newspaper tubes, drop a few drops of PVA glue into the thick part and insert the second tube with a thin edge. Now we wait until it dries.

Painting and other processing methods

Sometimes, for simpler weaving, the tubes are rolled using a regular rolling pin. They become flatter. In this form it is easier to work with them - stretch them between the rows. But this is an optional step. Try “rolling”, maybe you will like weaving from newspaper tubes more this way.

Not everyone likes the “natural look” of newsprint weave. To improve the appearance, the wound tubes are painted. Acrylic paint is best suited for this. It fits tightly, works well with any type of paper, does not flow, dries quickly and has no odor. A water-based, moisture-resistant stain will also work. Paper tubes coated with acrylic varnish, to which a coloring pigment is immediately added, look good. Simultaneously with painting, they become less sensitive to moisture.

Painting each tube with a brush is long and tedious, so they look for a long tray into which the tubes are placed. Paint is poured into it, and ready-made newspaper tubes are lowered into it. Then they are laid out on a layer of polyethylene to dry.

Before starting weaving, so that the “newspaper vine” bends well, you can moisten it. It is better and easier to do this from a spray bottle, simply spraying water.

Beginning of weaving - forming the bottom

In most products, you first need to form the bottom. There are two options: make it out of cardboard, gluing stands to the edges. The option is simple and clear. Perhaps it is better for beginners - weaving the walls is a little easier than shaping the bottom. And so that the ends of the glued posts do not “scratch” the eyes, they are covered with a second similar piece of cardboard.

Among the features: in the corners you need to glue a double number of tubes. One will be on one side, the other on the other. In addition to the above option, there is another way - to stick them not on the corner, but on both sides. In this case, the racks are placed from the corner at a distance of no more than half a step (this is the distance at which you placed the other racks).

The second option is to weave the bottom from newspaper tubes. You will need long tubes - spliced ​​from two or three. There are many methods, they are mainly taken from wicker weaving. The principle is the same - the tubes, one at a time or in groups, are intertwined with each other, forming a center. Then, using some of the lozins, they braid the warp, adding dimension or making it more rounded if necessary.

Round bottom for large items

It will be a little easier if you cross several tubes laid one next to the other. In the photo (see below) we took five tubes and intertwined them relative to each other. To make the bottom less voluminous, it must be flattened. The easiest way to do this is with a rolling pin or a bottle - rolling it several times. To make it easier to work further, coat the intersections with PVA glue.

Next, we take the straw and begin to tie the bottom, passing the straw through three tubes (the rope method). So - through three tubes - we make two rows. Then - several rows - after two. A few is to ensure that the dimensions of the bottom are almost “right” - in shape.

We weave the last two or three rows through one tube. During weaving, the warp tubes must be spaced at the same distance. This is actually how it works, you just need to make sure that the distance is the same.

When switching to weaving the walls, we cross the base tubes one with the other. This makes the product more stable and the transition more reliable. To weave the walls, you can use the working tubes that were used to weave the bottom.

A simple version of the bottom made of newspaper tubes

You can start weaving from round bottom tubes in an easier way. Such a bottom will not look so elegant, but for beginners we recommend trying this method.

For a small product, take eight long tubes. Four at a time we fold them crosswise. You can also roll them with a rolling pin and glue the joint - there will be fewer problems at the start.

In the described embodiment, 15 racks are obtained (16-1). If you need more, either add as you weave the bottom, or take a larger number from the source.

Photos and patterns of weaving bottoms of different shapes

As you gain experience, you will want to make products of other shapes - oval, rectangular, multi-faceted. The section contains several diagrams showing how to make forms more elegant and complex.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for walls

As soon as you start weaving products, the patterns will become clear to you. Having gained a little experience, you will learn how to reconstruct the weaving method by looking at the photo. For beginners, we recommend starting with the simplest patterns. This is a rope, and then a pigtail. It won't take much time to master them.


To master the technique of weaving from newspaper tubes, you will need about five to seven stands. To begin with, you can attach several pieces of thick wire to some kind of stand (a piece of dense foam plastic, for example).

This is what weaving looks like live on a “simulator”

  1. We take two tubes and place them crosswise between the two outer posts. It turns out that one tube is in front of the work, the other is behind.
  2. Holding the tubes at the intersection with one hand, bend them with the other, going around the next stand. As a result, the tube that was in front turns out to be behind, the one that was behind turns out to be in front.
  3. We bend it again, going around the next rack and so on until the end of the row.

That's all - this is a method of weaving a “rope” from newspaper tubes. Already using this technique you can do the simplest things. The product is dense and durable. One important point: for this pattern to look normal, there must be an odd number of racks.

By changing the “starting” location of the tube, we get a different pattern in appearance

If you want to make it a little more complicated, you can take two tubes and go around two posts at a time. But then you need to calculate the number of racks so that the second row is offset - then the pattern will turn out to be interesting. No less interesting are two ropes directed towards each other, and not woven in one direction.


Checkerboard is another simple weaving method. To do this, you need to take two tubes, placing them one above the other.

This way you can weave a basket, tray and many other products. In terms of density, the product is not as strong as with the previous weave.

If you combine the two methods described, you get a rather interesting product. And if the transition is also decorated in a different color, it will be even prettier.


In order for the product to look neat, it is necessary, firstly, to remove the working tubes, and secondly, to somehow form the edge and do something with the stands.

We fix the working tubes

First you need to secure the working tubes. Usually they are hidden in the weave - in the nearest binding. For this operation you will need a knitting needle or a long wooden skewer.

This is a simple and reliable way to secure the working tubes. Their ends are hidden in the weaving, but are securely fixed and clamped. For those who are just starting to master paper weaving, this is perhaps the best option.

Weaving the edge - the main technique

Next, you can begin to close the edge. There are many different ways - more or less complicated. The simplest one is to do the same as with the workers, but bend them inside the product. But then the edge is not very beautiful. If you want to make it more aesthetically pleasing, you can try the “rod” edge. It is not too difficult for beginners to master, and it looks interesting.

To close the edge with a “rod”, you need an auxiliary tube or you can take a skewer or knitting needle. With its help, we bend the first post to the right, bring it behind the next post and bring it forward. We bend it to the right in the same way, hook it behind the next one and bring two more posts forward. In total, we have three bent.

We cut it with pliers so that 8-9 mm of tube remains behind the stand. To fix this trim, we bend the first of the standing posts to the right, pressing the trimmed edge. Again we have three tubes (bent) at work. Again we take the left one and repeat everything again.

A side is gradually formed that covers the top of the weave. We repeat all these steps until three stands remain: two bent and one standing. It’s easy to track this moment, it’s important not to miss it. This is where you need to be careful. If everything is done correctly, it will be impossible to find the place where the work begins/ends.

Final chords

When three racks remain uncovered, you need to make sure that the newspaper tubes are laid in the same sequence and in the same direction, so that they lie the same way as before. We take out the auxiliary tube or skewer with which we began to close the edge.

Again we take the leftmost tube, in front we go around the last standing post and then, according to the previous weaving algorithm, we need to lead it behind the next post. This stand is already bent and secured. This is the one with which they began to close the edge. We insert the tube from the back, slip it under the first curved post (it’s more convenient with a skewer) and pull it forward, laying the tube like the rest. We cut it off.

Now there are no standing racks, only three working ones remain. They must be laid in the same way as those that are already secured. We take the far left one, it must be pulled under the third post. Look carefully. This is the first stand that does not have a cut tube near it. Stretch, lay, cut.

We stretch it under the third rack. If you look closely, this is the first one, under which there is no cut tube

We lay the left tube along the top, covering the tubes we just laid. We start it from the back, pull it under the counter, in front of the laid tube.

Here we extend...

We repeat the same operations with the next leftmost one. It must be placed behind an “empty” stand, near which there is no cut tube. This stand is located to the right of the one we just worked with. Here you can’t do without a skewer - you need to slip a newspaper tube under the two already laid (look at the photo).

We lay the tube on top, hiding the cut one above. We start it from the back, put it on a skewer and pull it out. Holding it with your fingers, we rock it from side to side so that there is a place for it and it “lies down.” We cut it off.

You also need to lay it out correctly - repeating the same pattern as before

All that was left was a newspaper tube sticking out. We start it behind the third rack. It’s not difficult to find your way: under the first two there are already scraps of the ones that were just laid. We insert the skewer under the laid turns and bring it out near the bent post.

Using a skewer, we bring the last rack out and lay it out so that it lies the same way as the others. Now it can be trimmed. The edge of the basket is ready and it is impossible to find where the row begins and ends.

Photo ideas for weaving tubes

Beginning craftsmen master weaving from newspaper tubes using simple crafts. As you gain experience, you want to diversify your products and use more complex patterns. In some cases, interesting-looking weaving is not necessarily complex. Such an example is in the following photo gallery. It contains step-by-step photos of creating chess weaving.

Beginning - we braid two posts The number of turns is at your discretion It is more convenient if the tube “looks” to the right We finish the second row of checkerboard weaving, cut off the extra working tubes and secure their ends Leave as many working tubes as needed

Paper wicker weaving. Master class "Twisting paper tubes"

Semova Yulia Valerievna
Teacher of additional education MAOU DO CRTD and Yu Kamensky district of the Penza region

The master class is intended for beginners in weaving from paper wicker; it summarizes some information obtained from personal experience.
Target: learning how to roll paper tubes.
introduce materials for work, the characteristics of different types of paper;
teach how to roll neat tubes;
warn against failures at the initial stage of mastering paper weaving.

Materials and equipment: different types of paper, knitting needles No. 2 or 1.5, PVA glue, stationery knife or scissors.

Hello! Where to start working with paper vine? This question arises for those interested in this type of handmade work. Therefore, in the first master class we will consider this issue.

Let's start with the material.
1. Newspapers.
2. Consumer paper.
3. Flyers from stores.
Tubes made from consumer paper.

Tubes from advertising leaflets

Newspaper tubes

We've looked at the appearance, now let's move on to methods of cutting paper for rolling tubes.

We cut consumer paper into 3 pieces of 7 cm on the long side.

We cut newspapers using a stationery knife or scissors.
Since paper, like fabric, has a longitudinal and transverse direction of fibers, if it is cut incorrectly, the tubes will not curl and the paper will tear. We check with a knitting needle which side of the newspaper the paper curls without interference.

This is an attachment to a newspaper made of thin, smooth paper that curls very well along the long side.
We cut the paper. I usually use 7 cm wide strips, this type of newspaper is cut into 4 pieces, we get 2 pieces with a white edge, two pieces with only letters.

We place the knitting needle to the lower right corner of the paper, tuck the tip behind the knitting needle and roll it along the table, pressing the paper tightly to the knitting needle.
At first it is very difficult to do this, the paper unwinds, crumples, the tubes turn out thick with a large hole inside. They are not suitable for further work, so we study until we get a good result. The tubes should be thin, wider on one side, so that it is easy to build up during work.

If you did everything correctly, you get a thin white tube, now add some PVA glue to glue the tube. You can’t use a lot of glue, then when painting this place will be white and will not absorb the dye.

This is what happened, tubes with letters and white ones, more valuable, easier to paint.
Let's look at the length. The correct tubes are almost the same length as the original strips of paper.

Now a little about the appearance of products made from different papers.
From newspapers with letters after coloring it looks like this.

From advertising leaflets without painting.

Made from consumer paper with painted tubes.

This concludes the first master class.
You can start by twisting tubes from newspapers and advertising leaflets; this is free material, and this is its advantage. The downside is that newspapers get dirty when you twist your hand, but now printed ink is not harmful to humans and can be easily washed off your hands. Weaving newspaper tubes is not difficult if they are even and of the same size and thickness. The products turn out good. One type of newspaper is used in one work; assorted straws are not welcome.

Advertising leaflets, while accessible and colorful, have a number of disadvantages. Some are very thin, you need to get used to twisting them, you can do it with wet hands. Some, on the contrary, are very dense and glossy. Weave only when moistened with conditioner, you can use it for hair or linen (spray the tubes, wrap them in cellophane, leaving the ends dry, for further connection of the tubes when weaving). If they are too wet, they do not stick together and get wet; apply moisture carefully.

Consumer paper has many advantages. Low cost, a pack of 500 sheets costs from 100 to 150 rubles, which is 1500 tubes, enough for a long time. Excellent coloring, excellent weaving quality. There is a small minus: painted tubes require moisture so that they do not break and are not hard.

I hope the material will be useful for beginning braiders. I will answer all questions in the comments.
Good luck to all!

Who would have thought that such natural materials as wicker and straw could be replaced with ordinary paper? But modern needlewomen have come up with a way to make vases and boxes from newspaper tubes. This is a very exciting activity, for which you first need to prepare the material, and only then weave. But the vine with straw also needs to be prepared for work first: they require special processing, soaking, and steaming. It’s much easier with paper, and a basket made of newspapers is almost no different from natural material. The finished products turn out very beautiful, especially from those craftswomen who already have practical experience.

Preparing consumables

Today there are no problems with basic material: every person has a large number of newspapers, advertising sheets and magazines accumulated at home. You shouldn’t throw them away: you can use them for something interesting - you’ll get a wonderful basket made of newspapers. What will you need for needlework, besides newspapers and magazines? You definitely need scissors, PVA glue, a glue gun. The bottom of the baskets can be woven or made from cardboard. Therefore, you should prepare several pieces of cardboard. You will also need double-sided tape. To give the finished product a vine-like appearance, the basket must be painted. For this there must be a stain. But many paint products may require white water-based paint. To add strength and protect against moisture, the last layer is applied with varnish - its base should also be water. A stapler, clips or clothespins are additional auxiliary materials.

Method of making "vine"

Since the products are woven from newspaper tubes, the first thing to do is prepare the tubes.

  • To do this, newspapers and magazine sheets should first be cut into strips measuring 10 by 30 cm. It is convenient to do this with a sharp stationery knife.
  • To twist tubes from these strips, you will need a thin 3 mm knitting needle.
  • We begin to twist obliquely, placing the knitting needle at an acute angle. By acting in this way, you can obtain the desired size of the tube. It is worth doing several times - and all subsequent ones will turn out very easily and quickly.
  • When preparing the tubes, use glue: a small amount is applied to the tip so that it does not unwind. It can be PVA or office glue.
  • Masters of weaving newspaper tubes know that when twisting them, one end should be slightly wider than the other - this is required in order to lengthen them during weaving.

Another way to make the material

There is an easier way to make material for weaving baskets: these are flat strips from the same newspapers. The strips are cut, as for the tubes, only this time they do not need to be twisted: they are folded lengthwise several times to make the strip the same width. They are used in a simple way to make a braid that will become the bottom of the basket. Even a child can do this kind of weaving - there is no need for special training.

How to make a basket from newspaper

By placing the strips crosswise between each other, we make the bottom. The outer strips are secured with a stapler. When the dimensions are sufficient, you should move on to vertical weaving of the walls. When they reach the desired height, the weaving ends, everything is secured with a stapler, and the excess is cut off. The top edge is glued with one continuous strip, and your DIY newspaper basket is ready! If desired, you can make a handle for it and paint the product. But many people like the mottled look, as shown in the photo below.

More labor intensive way

But still, newspaper tubes make more beautiful baskets. They are more similar to products made from wicker. To make such a basket, you need to spend more labor than the previous product. Painted white and decorated with lace and flowers, it will please the eye and can be a wonderful gift. When the required number of tubes has already been prepared, you can begin work. If you weave from newspaper tubes step by step, you will get a similar basket.

Master class on making a white basket

  • The work begins from the bottom: eight tubes intersect, and the process of weaving in a circle begins.
  • When the bottom becomes the desired size, the weaving moves to the walls.

  • You need to keep an eye on the tubes: if there are short ends left, they should be extended. To do this, the tail of the new tube is smeared with glue and inserted into the short remainder, which must be lengthened.
  • To prevent the weaving from falling apart, the vertical tubes are fixed with clothespins.
  • When the desired height is reached, the weaving stops, the excess tails are cut off, bent inward and glued. The gluing area is fixed with a clothespin and left to dry.
  • If you are thinking about a handle, then the two tubes are not cut, but are woven in the form of an arc.

Rectangular baskets

There is another way to use leftover newspaper tubes. Weaving, the master class of which is described above, is considered classic and is used in all works. Only the pattern, shape, and size of the future product changes. You don’t have to weave the bottom of the basket: instead, use cardboard to which the tubes are glued along the entire perimeter. Weaving starts from the walls. But first you need to decide on the size of the future basket and prepare two identical pieces of cardboard. In this case, their shape is a rectangle.

Sequence of work

  • The edges of the cardboard should be marked with a pencil and a ruler: mark the places where the tubes will be glued.
  • Using PVA glue, glue the tubes to a piece of cardboard and let them dry.
  • The second piece is smeared with glue and glued to the first: this way, the tubes will be securely fixed.

  • When the workpiece dries, a basket is woven from newspapers.
  • The ends of the vertical posts should be fixed for ease of operation.
  • The first two tubes for work are glued to the base - this is where the process begins.

  • When short ends remain, they should be lengthened by gluing new pieces.
  • The edge is shaped as usual: the excess tails are cut off and glued inside.

Primer and painting

After the product is ready, it should be primed with paint or PVA glue. The latter is slightly diluted with water and applied with a brush. You need to let the basket dry and start painting from the inside. After applying several layers, the basket is left to dry completely. Only when it is dry, the outside of the basket is painted. They also apply several layers of paint and leave the product to dry. Many needlewomen end up covering it with water-based varnish. The finished newspaper basket takes on a similar appearance (photo).

The stain used in painting will give the product a dark color, and the basket will look like it is made of wicker. Looking at the creations of craftsmen who have been weaving for a long time, you will notice that not everyone uses paint. Some leave a motley newspaper color. And other craftsmen paint the tubes in advance: this gives the basket a better look. With this method, unpainted areas are not visible, and the product looks much neater.

Design of finished products

Having learned how to make a basket from newspaper, many needlewomen move on. They master new types of weaves, braids, and use additional materials. Products in which gaps are created during vertical weaving turn out beautifully: the basket seems light. So, having made the main part of the weaving, leave 2-3 cm free. Next, having glued a new newspaper stick, they continue working and decorate the edge of the basket. Where the gap is made, a beautiful satin ribbon is passed through and a bow is tied. If the basket is intended to be used on the table, for food products such as bread, then a beautiful lining is sewn inside it. Its edges are turned over the side and sewn. The seam along the perimeter is sealed with lace or braid. This bread basket decorates the table and can be a gift for any housewife. Even a simple basket, but with decorated handles, looks very interesting.

Of course, the author’s experience and imagination help create exclusive things. Needlewomen and needlewomen make wicker vases, boxes, and large boxes for linen. Particularly talented ones have turned their attention to coffee tables: many products can be made from ordinary newspapers and magazines. It is enough to start with an ordinary basket, and weaving can become an interesting hobby for every person. Many turn their hobby into a real business that brings in good income. Therefore, before throwing away the accumulated waste paper, you need to think: shouldn’t it be used in an interesting business?

Surely many housewives have a warehouse of old newspapers at home, which they rarely manage to put somewhere, but it’s a pity to throw them away. Those who are creative may like the idea of ​​​​creating some kind of thing using paper printing. A useful and unusual product that will come in handy in everyday life is a basket made of newspaper tubes. This item will be an excellent interior detail and will serve as a jewelry box or a vase for artificial flowers. In addition, a handmade basket can be a wonderful gift given for any occasion.

Master class on weaving a square laundry basket with photos

A basket made of newspaper tubes can take round, oval, rectangular and square shapes. Depending on the volume of material, the size changes: the needlewoman will be able to create both cute toys and large braids that will become indispensable at home. Below is a master class on weaving a square laundry basket, where it will be convenient to store things before washing or drying. This product, complemented by a lid and functional handles, will help you use your apartment space more efficiently.

How to make newspaper tubes

The first thing you need to prepare before weaving a basket is newspaper tubes, which are analogues of classic vines. To do this you will need: the required number of double sheets of newspaper, knitting needles of the required size, scissors and glue. How to make a newspaper “vine” for weaving a basket:

  • To create four tubes, take a double sheet of newspaper and divide it horizontally into four equal parts (cut with scissors or tear).
  • Place the knitting needle on the lower right edge, at an angle of 20 degrees. Lightly treat the tip of the paper strip with glue, and then begin to tightly twist the newspaper sheet onto the knitting needle.

  • When the surface of the knitting needle is finished, continue to roll the newspaper with your fingers. Apply a little glue to the free end and press it onto the tube with your fingers.

  • Repeat the same with the remaining newspaper strips.

Helpful tip: Practice making newspaper tubes in advance. As a rule, the first time the initial materials for weaving may not turn out to be very neat and even, but their beauty will come with experience. After some practice, you will be able to intuitively feel how tightly to pull the newspaper and twist the knitting needle, everything will work out by itself.

How to weave the bottom of a basket

  • Lubricate the edge of the element with glue and attach it to another newspaper tube (in the picture the length of the material is 25 cm). Fasten with a clothespin for better fixation. Attach two more corner tubes with glue.

  • Make the required number of strips with four tubes: as many as needed for the bottom of the basket.

  • Glue together two larger tubes (51 centimeters in the photo). Prepare more newspaper strips (75 cm in the photo).

  • Lay out the paired strips as shown in the photo.

  • Take single newspaper tubes and begin to braid paired strips with them: bend the lower one from the bottom, the upper one from the outside. Place the next 25 cm long element and do the same procedure until all the strips with four tubes are used.

  • When the bottom is ready, cut off the edges of the four-piece strips to make the bottom even. The protruding free edges of the remaining tubes must be used in the side parts of the basket to weave the walls.

Basket wall weaving

  • To make the walls of the basket, take a square box that is the right size. Prepare glue with newspaper tubes and clothespins. On the sides of the cardboard container, glue two tubes side by side at a distance of about 5-7 centimeters. Also mark the perimeter with newspaper tubes.

  • Start weaving: take a couple of paper tubes, glue their ends, as shown in the second photo, they should be located perpendicular to the paired newspaper elements. First, insert a couple of tubes of newspaper under the side materials, then put them on top, and thread them again at the bottom. Hide the ends behind the previous row and secure with glue.

  • The next pair of tubes will be attached in a mirror way: first they are placed on top, then threaded through from below, etc.

  • After you have braided the box from all sides and the desired height of the product has been achieved, you need to trim the end of one element in the pair, which was originally attached to the sides. Insert a newspaper tube with a long edge under each next one so as to hide the “chopped off” tip.

  • When all the free ends of the side elements are pulled out, continue to braid them around the edge of the basket. Hide the short free edges of the newspaper tubes under the previous row, fixing them with a small amount of glue. Secure the result with clothespins so that the glue adheres better. When the edges of the basket are ready, attach the bottom, make a lid, and handles.

Making pens

  • On both sides, at the top edge of the basket, at an equal distance from the sides, thread two newspaper tubes. Throw those that remain inside over the wall to the outer end of the elements and go around the strips from above. Repeat similarly with the second pair of tubes.
  • Generously coat the edges of the twisted materials with glue and fasten them together with a clothespin. Wait for the adhesive base to dry.
  • To hide a sloppy joint, apply a fresh layer of glue and wrap another strip of paper around it. Handles are ready!

Making a lid

  • Take flat cardboard of the required size, using a stationery knife or other tool, make small holes on the side, as shown in the photo. Insert tubes into the holes on all sides.

  • Start braiding the edge of the lid, bending one end of the paper element after the other, as seen in the photo: this is how you need to weave the desired number of rows. When finished, the free edges of the tubes are hidden under the lid.

  • Decorate the finished lid as desired: with leftover French braided newspapers, ribbons, decoupage or other decorative elements.

How to make a large rectangular basket

A large rectangular wicker can be useful in many places: as a container for bed linen or. Step-by-step instructions will help needlewomen easily repeat making a basket and see with their own eyes the intricacies of newspaper weaving. The presenter coats the finished product with quick-drying paint and gives recommendations on how to make the wicker strong, as well as how to beautifully decorate the resulting interior detail. See the technology for making a functional basket using paper tubes, a cardboard sheet and glue:

Weaving a small round basket

A small round basket with a handle is a delicate decoration for your home interior. In addition, this handmade braid makes a wonderful gift for a wedding, birthday or other event. Fill it with artificial flowers, sweets, and other elements. The master class shows how to weave a paper basket using an ordinary glass jar, and how to make a beautiful handle for it. The needlewoman offers her own version of filling the wickerwork: inside she placed polystyrene foam, which served as a fastener for the gift.

Basket made of newspaper tubes for beginners

For those who make a paper basket for the first time, it is difficult to immediately begin complex weaving options. To make your first experience successful, try making beautiful containers made in the next master class. It describes everything in detail, shows the process of creating a cardboard frame for the future product, presents step-by-step weaving instructions, and paints the resulting basket white. The braided fabric was decorated with lace and colorful braid. See how easy it is to make and how to finish weaving a basket from newspaper tubes to decorate your apartment:

Handicrafts can be called a craft bordering on art. It manifests itself in different types of creativity. There are a large number of materials that lovers of applied arts use. Thanks to new opportunities and technologies, unusual techniques and new directions in creativity appear.

Wicker weaving is a fairly ancient type of needlework. While the use of newspaper tubes as a material for weaving began to be used not so long ago, the technology itself has been tested for centuries. Newspapers are a simple and affordable material; if you have the desire and patience, you can learn how to weave useful household items.

History of the craft

Weaving from plant stems was used already in Neolithic times. Archaeologists have found household items made in this way both in Africa and throughout Eurasia. It is assumed that people used thin tree roots and flexible vines for weaving.

Much later, the interlacing of long rods began to be used in construction. In the nineteenth century, many roofs were made using this technology. Ordinary people made fences near their houses, the rich could boast of wicker furniture.

Today, decorative wicker souvenirs can often be found at folk craft exhibitions. However, you don't have to stop at history alone. Using the weaving technique using newspaper tubes, real designer objects are created.

Preparing the paper vine

The longest stage when working with newspaper tubes is the preparatory stage. Preparing identical paper twigs takes up more than a third of the total production time of the product. Collecting a sufficient number of newspapers will not be difficult. Every day we receive various leaflets and advertising brochures in our mailbox.

First of all, you should decide on the type of product and the weaving method. The type of paper depends on this. For example, thick glossy covers are used for large items (furniture, boxes, stands). Thick paper does not have plasticity, but is very durable. Elegant interior products are made from thin paper that can bend in the desired direction. Newsprint or unnecessary office sheets for the printer are especially good for these purposes.

Preparation is divided into several stages:

  1. Collection of the required amount of material;
  2. Marking pages into identical stripes (4-10 cm);
  3. Cutting identical pieces (a stationery knife may come in handy);
  4. Formation of tubes;
  5. Collect the required number of tubes.

It is best to immediately make the number of tubes with a reserve, so that later you will not be distracted by this process, but will do the actual weaving.

The process of forming newspaper tubes has several secrets. A strip of paper is wrapped around a thin metal object. This could very well be a knitting needle. The paper should be placed at an angle relative to the knitting needle. The flexibility of the paper rod depends on the angle. This option is suitable for fine work. If the item requires a durable material, the angle of inclination should be made as small as possible. Remember that these tubes are most often short. They are perfect for creating the frame of a product. While long thin twigs are needed for weaving.

Secret! The beginning of each tube is made slightly thinner than the end. This makes it possible to connect several twigs into one and continue weaving without interruption.

Types of weaving

You can intertwine paper blanks in different ways. The nature of the weave depends on the functionality of the item being manufactured, the aesthetic image, and the place of use. For a children's room, it is worth choosing a stronger weave so that the product can withstand active children's games. If you plan to make a decorative element that will stand on a shelf, you can use openwork patterns. All methods are easy to perform, but require some skill and patience.

So, weaving is distinguished:

  • simple;
  • spiral twisting;
  • fabric (layer-by-layer);
  • rope;
  • braid;
  • openwork.

To begin with, it is worth mastering the basic methods of working with paper vine. You can make a small basket for practice. Simple weaving is the formation of a frame and braiding it with flexible rods. There are options for working with one or two tubes. You can go around each frame element or through one.

Spiral twisting refers to a way of working with vines, as in children's crafts made from electrical tape. A thin object is bent around two twigs, twisting is done in each row with a slight offset. This creates a spiral effect.

Layer-by-layer weaving of newspaper tubes resembles the structure of fabric. Another name for it is fabric weaving. It is used to create round shapes. To work with this type of weaving, you need to alternately bend around the frame bases, first in front, then behind. To speed up the work, it is possible to weave with two paper twists at once. When working with round shapes, you need to carefully monitor the beginning of a new row so as not to lose the density of the binding.

There is a spiral weave around the frame rods. To work diagonally, the first row is not made at a right angle to the base, but at an angle of 45 degrees. After finishing building up the body of the product, you should use additional tape to finish the unfinished area at the bottom of the basket. Here you can also work with two or more bands at the same time.

Weaving with rope and braiding, newspaper tubes, strengthens the frame. Can be used for additional bottom or edge sealing. Working in this technique is about decorating an object. When the base is ready, additional paper strips are inserted into the edge, intertwined, capturing the body of the base. Decoration is acceptable at the bottom at the bottom, at the top at the edge and as a border. The braid can be edge and overhead.

The most complex technique can be called openwork. With its help, different patterns and designs are obtained. Often it performs a decorative function, decorating only an element of the product. There are many different options for openwork weaving. The essence of this work is to create a pattern using areas free from weaving. It can be a checkerboard, various vertical braids, plaits, twists, arcs. When several patterns are combined, an original, unique item is created.

Some types of work with paper vines are accessible even to children; to master the rest, you need additional practice.

How to weave the bottom of a product

Since the bottom can be represented by any geometric figure, this factor is the main one when choosing a weaving technique. The bottom can be solid or openwork. However, all methods are based on the formation of a frame. For it, bundles of several blanks are crossed.

With a solid bottom, take six tubes located perpendicularly, crossed 3 by 3 in a checkerboard pattern. The middle should be tight. The success of the entire structure depends on this. The resulting 3*3 square is the center around which the bottom begins to grow.

Further weaving is done with two twigs at once. The bends of the lozins are made in the corners of the central figure. The tubes can “dive” both above and below a bundle of three frame rods, or they can bend around each rod separately. During the weaving process, the shape of the bottom is formed. All lozins should fit tightly to each other.

The second option for forming the bottom is based not on three twigs, but on six. At the same time, they are intertwined in pairs. To compact the bottom, you can use not only the perpendicular intersection of the base lozins, but also add paper tubes diagonally to the main figure.

It is possible to extend the bottom without a frame. In this case, the bottom is made of two pieces of thick cardboard. The future racks of the object are attached to one of them, and the resulting structure is covered with the second part. First you need to mark the places of the racks on the cardboard, distributing them evenly. The wicker bottom looks more impressive, especially on small objects (box, vase).

Further weaving continues according to the chosen technique. The only thing you need to remember to take care of is that the length of the racks must correspond to the length of the finished product. Extending thick cardboard is very problematic and not always possible. Therefore, it is better to prepare the appropriate twigs in advance.

The weaving technique is that the entire product is woven at the same time. It “grows” in height. If you make each detail separately and then glue the structure together, you will lose elegance and the joints will look sloppy.

Tube extensions and weaving

When you are planning a tall product, you cannot do without extending the paper vine. If you adhere to the technology of preparing paper tubes and make one of the edges thinner, then extension will not be difficult. The two twigs are connected using glue, and work continues. If after assembly the product is coated with paint, the joints are completely invisible.

Often during weaving, an object is required that serves as a base, the shape of which must be repeated. This method helps maintain the correct proportions. For a rectangular shape, you can use a box. When tightly woven, a product made from thin tubes can even replicate the shape of a bottle.

The product can be painted at the final stage, or you can use pre-painted tubes. At the same time, you can make color accents and bring fantasy patterns to life. At the last stage, the product must be varnished.

What can you weave from newspaper tubes?

Wicker decor is increasingly found in interiors. It could be something small, like a photo frame. Such a modest element can be used in almost any interior style (with the exception of high-tech style).

Items made from newspapers look especially good in a country house. A unique village atmosphere is created. Various vases, boxes, and chests would be appropriate here. It should be noted that all these items can be used on the farm. The result of weaving is a very durable product.

In a modern apartment there is also a place for such things. In the nursery you can use baskets for toys. Laundry baskets are ideal for the bathroom. By the way, coated with varnish they are not afraid of moisture.

Sometimes you can even find accessories made using this technique. For example, an elegant wicker clutch will be a great addition to your look.

Weaving from newspapers is a great way to simultaneously get rid of accumulated waste paper and create a unique design object. The result is a beautiful and durable thing that can be used in life. Homemade interior items fill the room with comfort and warmth. In addition, all hand-made products are unique and original. There is a guarantee that no one else will have exactly the same box.

96 photos of products woven from newspaper tubes