What material is better to choose a bedding set from? How to sew bed linen: a guide for the beginning craftswoman. Requirements for children's kits

Not every housewife thinks about sewing bed linen. Modern industry supplies the market with such a huge variety of products in this category, where the abundance of colors, fabric textures and styles can satisfy the needs of even the most capricious buyer, that the idea of ​​sewing “clothes” for your bed with your own hands will seem like a waste of time to many. But never before have flow products reached the high level of elegance and chic of things made personally, with “soul”.

Sometimes life situations prompt you to pick up a machine and start making duvet covers, sheets and pillowcases.

For example, non-standard parameters of bedroom furniture, an unusual design of a bedroom, or simply a desire to decorate your home, to introduce novelty and originality.

Let's figure out how to sew bed linen with your own hands!

Numerous experience shows that even completely inexperienced seamstresses are able to cope with the task on their own.

The first step is to take correct measurements in order to accurately calculate the fabric consumption for sewing the set. Good high-quality fabric also requires good material costs, so there is absolutely no need for unnecessary trimmings (although in a pinch, they will make excellent kitchen towels or other crafts). And the “shortfall” threatens to ruin the whole plan. By increasing the size, you will have to add unwanted seams, which absolutely do not contribute to comfort and coziness.

The simplest and most optimal solution would be to purchase a special bedding sheet, where the standard width of 2.20 m is already initially set. A good housewife knows that after washing, bed fabric shrinks by approximately 3-5% and, when calculating the footage for sewing, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the material.

For example, let's take a standard teenage bed with a mattress width of 90 cm and a pillow of 60x60 cm.

Example of fabric calculation:

  • The bedding set will consist of 1 sheet, for which you will need fabric 90+30cm x 2 wide. You can add more fabric on both sides in order to easily adjust the edges of the sheet under the mattress, but within reasonable limits. The minimum additional width is 30 cm per allowance on both sides, calculated taking into account the height of the mattress and the launch.
  • When calculating the amount of fabric for 1 duvet cover, it is necessary to take into account the actual size of the duvet. To begin with, take two widths and add 10cm to them for allowances, 10cm for shrinkage and another 10cm for free movement.
    As a result, for a blanket 1.2 m wide, we get the width of the fabric for the duvet cover = 1.2 m x 2 + 10 cm + 10 cm + 10 cm.
    Only 2m and 70cm. Add 10cm to the length for seams and allowance.
  • With pillowcases everything is quite simple. If the pillow is 70x70cm, then the length and width also correspond to the same dimensions + 10 cm for allowance. Don't forget about shrinkage - +10cm along the length of the fabric. It is much more economical to cut out a pillowcase if its width is positioned along the length of the purchased cut. As a result, according to the width of the cut, we get 2 lengths of the pillowcase + 20-30cm, and the length will be the width of the pillowcase and 10cm for the seams.

By summing up all the data, we obtain the required footage of fabric for sewing a set of bed linen. A thrifty housewife does not throw money away. This means that, having calculated everything correctly and double-checked it, we buy the fabric back to back.

Calculation example for a 1.5 bed set (duvet cover, sheet and pillowcase):

What is the best fabric for bedding?

The characteristics of the material we choose for sewing bed linen also have an important influence on the quality of sleep.

The optimal solution is natural fabrics such as silk, linen, cotton.

The natural properties of natural, pure materials provide maximum comfort and convenience. They are completely non-allergenic, hygroscopic and neutral to static electricity, which means they are ideal for people of any age, even newborns.

The affordable price and unique natural properties of natural, environmentally friendly cotton make it very popular among practical housewives.

Cotton fabrics, in addition, are very practical: they can be easily washed and bleached, do not deform, can withstand different temperature changes and are ironed perfectly. Their only slight drawback can be considered the initial shrinkage, about 3-4 cm per 1 meter of length.

Brief characteristics of some fabrics:

  • Chintz attracts with its variety of colors and the cheapest price, but the low density of chintz cannot ensure longevity. As a result, the linen quickly wears out and loses its attractive original appearance.
  • Calico also pleases with its affordable prices and colors, and its density is higher. It does not shed, and over time it only becomes softer and more comfortable.
  • Flannel can also be used for bedding. It is used for sewing diapers and linen for newborns. Flannel in its properties is very similar to calico.
  • Soft and pleasant to the touch, satin is a stronger and more durable material, but increased quality characteristics also correspond to a higher price.

Linen occupies a leading position among mid-price fabrics in terms of its natural physical and mechanical qualities and beneficial effects on the human body.

Natural linen does not lend itself well to coloring, so it has soft pastel colors. The production of flax is highly labor intensive, which affects its price.

The stores offer a huge range of fabrics of various parameters and different prices to choose from. Therefore, everyone can choose the optimal combination of cost, quality and appearance.

Thread selection

Threads also play an equally significant role in achieving the highest level of comfort. When choosing a color scheme in accordance with the color and tone of the material, do not forget about the quality of the thread and its parameters. The thickness of the thread affects the quality of the seam.

Modern manufacturers offer a large selection of durable, reliable and good threads.

Suitable for bedding:

  • smooth 100% polyester Durafix thread
  • professional high-strength polystrong
  • multi-purpose Capiton thread, which fit perfectly and are practically not felt at hand.

When choosing threads in a store, you should pay attention to the markings; there are two types:

  • Lx is linen and cotton
  • LL – a combination of flax and lavsan
  • The numbers indicate the actual thickness.

Synthetic threads, labeled as 100% polyester, are much superior to natural types in terms of twist quality and practically do not fray.

You can tell the good ones from the not so good ones yourself. An excellent thread is absolutely even and stretches smoothly. Low quality threads have an uneven structure - thin areas and compactions. In the car it will go unevenly, often break off and curl. The seam will also be uneven.

Small pattern tricks

Cutting is a moment no less important than counting fabric consumption. The saying that you need to measure seven times is an indisputable fact. You can’t sew something cut back, so first we’ll prepare the fabric we’ve chosen.


  • Before cutting out the bedding set, it is better to iron the material with steam to remove all folds and wrinkles, as well as to make the first initial shrinkage.
  • The cut prepared in this way is leveled on the floor.
  • We make markings using colored chalk and a felt-tip pen. If you don’t have either one or the other on hand, an aspirin tablet is good for colored fabrics, as it leaves a noticeable line.
  • We install all markings on both edges, which will eliminate the possibility of inaccuracy and curvature of the cutting line.

How to sew bed linen with your own hands

So, we have determined the size, texture, color and fabric consumption. We bought everything we needed. We removed everything unnecessary and prepared the work area. Now you can start sewing the kit.

All seams of bed linen are usually made using the “covered” seam technique.

Stages of this technique:

  • The parts are folded inward with their front sides so that the lower side is extended outward by 6-7 mm, for further laying it on the upper part.
  • The seam constructed in this way is secured with stitching.
  • Next, you need to spread out the fastened parts in different directions and lay a new line, while closing the first one.

This bed seam technique ensures high strength and reliability of the connection.

We perform all connecting seams using this technique. The edges of the sheet are hemmed with a regular seam.

For the duvet cover, it is necessary, in the most convenient place for you, to leave an unsewn hole, the edges of which are also processed with a simple seam.


Acting as your own designer, you are free to fantasize on any topic, the main thing is that you feel cozy and comfortable. It is not at all necessary to sew new bedding to support the existing interior. Sewing with your own hands provides a unique opportunity to radically change the image of the bedroom. Make it quiet and calm, or romantic, or filled with love and promises.

Just two actions: changing curtains and bed linen can radically change your bedroom.

No two solutions are the same. But your favorite color, a few frills, hearts and bows, soft and high-quality materials will give great results.

Each of us spends a significant part of our lives sleeping. Our well-being, mood and health depend on its quality. To ensure a relaxing and healthy holiday, it is important to take into account every detail. The bed, mattress, pillow and even bed linen should be of the best quality possible.

Today we will talk about the last factor, because many people do not attach much importance to it. And in vain, it is the bed linen that comes into contact with your body all night, and therefore can directly influence the quality of sleep, making it comfortable and calm.

Most people have a question: “How to choose bed linen so that it is inexpensive and of high quality?” Our article is devoted to this issue.

First, let's figure it out - what should bed linen be like, what are the requirements for it? In fact, there are many criteria to consider.

Choosing bed linen: main characteristics

In order to choose a really good set, you should pay attention to the following parameters of bed linen:

  • packaging and label;
  • canvas;
  • fabric density;
  • smell;
  • bed linen sizes;
  • what fabric?
  • design.

Let's look at all this in more detail.

Packaging and label

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a bedding set is its packaging. A manufacturer that produces a really good product and values ​​its reputation will not skimp on packaging. Therefore, we don’t even pay attention to a product with a poorly printed and poorly glued label that does not have the manufacturer’s coordinates.

The label of good bed linen should contain the following information:

  • name of the manufacturer, its address and telephone number;
  • fabric composition (often indicated by particularly cunning manufacturers in a corner and in small font);
  • diagram of the kit and dimensions of each product;
  • care tips.

Cloth fabric

The second thing you should take a closer look at is the canvas. Poor quality fabric has a sparse structure and is translucent. It is better to refuse to buy such a set - it will not withstand even 3 washes.

Fabric density

This is one of the most important criteria when choosing bed linen. The higher the density of the material, the stronger and better quality the product. As a rule, the fabric density (number of threads per 1 cm²) is indicated on the label only by the manufacturer of very good products.

Classification of bedding sets by density

  1. low fabric density - 20-30 threads per 1 cm²;
  2. density below average - 35-40 threads per 1 cm²;
  3. the average density of the material is 50-65 threads per 1 cm²;
  4. fabric density is above average - 65-80 threads per 1 cm²;
  5. high fabric density - 85-120 threads per 1 cm²;
  6. very high density of the material - 130-280 threads per 1 cm².

Remember - the thicker the laundry, the longer it will last.

On a note

  • Batiste has a low density (at least 20-30).
  • Linen and cotton - below average and average (must be at least 60 weaves per 1 cm²).
  • Turkish silk is above average.
  • Percale, satin and Chinese silk - high (more than 65).
  • Japanese silk and satin gloss - very high.

On the label you should find tips for caring for linen, information about the composition of the fabric, an appearance diagram and the number of pieces of the bedding set.

By the way, it is much more practical (and healthier) to choose a set with a classic “duvet” duvet cover, as well as pillowcases and a sheet with an elastic band around the perimeter.

The main advantage of such underwear is the ability to fix it; it will not come off during sleep, which means it will not cause inconvenience, marks on the body or poor circulation. It is not recommended to purchase duvet covers and pillowcases with buttons and a zipper, as they can scratch the skin.

High-quality bedding should be made from solid material and have no seams or joints in the middle. And it's not just about convenience. A bedding set made of solid material is more aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, comfortable and reliable.


To choose the right bedding, you need to look at the inside of it. Good linen should be sewn exclusively with a linen seam.

If it is sewn using a regular seam and has raw edges, you should not take it, it will unravel along the seam after two or three washes.

It is worth paying attention to the threads with which the linen was sewn - they must be strong enough and strong, matched in color. Their ends should be hidden.


Good bedding should only smell like new textiles; additional odors (paint, mold or chemicals) indicate its low quality. If the kit has too strong a paint smell, it means it will most likely shed quickly. In addition, such underwear can cause allergies and even poisoning.

Pay attention to the color intensity: it should not differ much from the back and front sides.

We check the durability of paint application as follows: rub it firmly on the front side with your hand, if there are no colored marks, then the paint is durable and the linen is of good quality. You can also find out how good a dye is from the values ​​​​on the label: if the maximum permissible washing temperature is 60 ° C, then it is stable.

Wrongly sized bed linen - what could be worse? To prevent this from happening, before purchasing a new sleeping set, measure your mattress, existing blankets, and blankets (of course, if you are not going to change them at the same time).

When choosing bedding, everything matters, even the height of the mattress. To figure out what size sheet is right for you, add the height of the mattress to its width.

When choosing a set, do not forget that the sizes of domestic and imported underwear are slightly different.

For example, “our” underwear is made in 3 sizes:

  • one and a half sleeper;
  • double;
  • euro size.

Foreign bedding sets are:

  • single (“1-bed” or “single”);
  • one-and-a-half-bed (“1, 5-bed” or “extra long single”);
  • double (“2-bed” or “full”);
  • enlarged, suitable for a triple bed (“king size”).

The sizes and shapes of pillowcases also differ depending on the country of origin, so always keep this in mind when purchasing. Better yet, use the dimensions in cm and mm.

In addition, it is worth remembering the following bed linen size standards:

  • children's set - pillowcase 60x40 cm, sheet - 100x150 cm, duvet cover - 112x147 cm;
  • one-and-a-half - pillowcases 70x70, 50x70 or 60x60 cm, sheet 150x215 cm, duvet cover 145x210 cm;
  • one-and-a-half European: pillowcases 50x70, sheet 180x220 cm, duvet cover 160x220 cm;
  • double (Ukrainian): pillowcases 60x60 cm, 50x70 or 70x70, sheet 200x220 cm, duvet cover 175x210 cm;
  • euro (king size): pillowcases 70x70 or 50x70, sheet 220x240 cm, duvet cover 200x220 cm.

Bed linen fabric

The fabric from which the bed linen is made is the most important criterion when choosing it. Let's look at what fabrics are available and how to choose the best one.

So, what characteristics should the best bedding fabric have?

There are several indicators that it must meet.


This is the most important parameter. High-quality fabric allows moisture and air to pass through well, and also absorbs sweat. Only natural bed linen made from materials such as linen, silk and cotton can meet these criteria.


A very useful feature. Since the linen needs to be washed frequently, its durability is a guarantee of its long service life.

A set that is made from too delicate and soft material can present an unpleasant surprise after a couple of washes in the form of holes and unraveling seams. When choosing, it is worth remembering that the greater the weight of the fabric, the denser and more durable it is.

Also consider the wear resistance and purpose of the materials (summer/winter). Read below about the most common and popular bedding fabrics.

Types of fabrics for bed linen


Cotton bed linen is the most popular today. A variety of materials are produced from cotton, which differ in the technology of twisting and weaving of fibers: ranfors, calico, cambric, satin, biomatin, chintz.

From the same raw material you can obtain different materials that differ in density and surface quality. The denser the weave of the fabric threads, the greater the strength of the linen, the longer it pleases with its good service.

High-quality cotton fabrics have up to 500 weaves per cm², but already at 60, cotton underwear is considered good.

A set of cotton bed linen is famous for its wear resistance; it can withstand a large number of washes.

Cotton fabric has good ventilation and excellent moisture absorption. Another important advantage is that it does not accumulate static electricity.

Combined fabrics made of cotton and polyester are often found in stores. They are much more durable, but artificial fibers cannot completely replace natural ones. Their disadvantages include the ability to become electrified and roll off, easily slip off and stick to the body.


Chintz is one of the cheapest and at the same time practical fabrics that does not require special care.

However, chintz bed linen does not tolerate washing well - it quickly loses its former brightness and becomes thin.

Terry jersey

Terry bed linen consists of small fibers, which give it special softness and tenderness. Does not need ironing and stretches well, warms well, and is easy to wash. The only drawback is that it takes a long time to dry; it is recommended to dry it in a special machine.


Bedding sets made from calico are characterized by good strength and wear resistance; they are slightly stiffer than chintz. High-quality calico is a very dense and practical material. It can serve for years without losing its beauty.


Batiste successfully combines seemingly incompatible qualities: lightness, transparency, airiness and excellent strength.

But after twenty washes in the washing machine, its threads begin to “gather,” which contributes to the formation of gaps in the material. Therefore, cambric is most often used to make expensive sleeping sets that are not intended for daily use.

Satin (Egyptian cotton)

The fabric looks like smooth silk. It is made by twisting double-woven cotton thread.

The material has a luxurious shine and shine, which depends on the degree of twisting of the thread.

Satin is a durable and reliable fabric, it has good ventilation, does not wrinkle and can withstand a large number of washes.

Cons: fades a little over time, costs more than other cotton fabrics.


Warm and soft fabric with a small delicate fluff that can warm you up on a cold evening.

With frequent use, flannel bedding can become covered with pills and lose its original appearance.


It is considered the most environmentally friendly and practical fabric. The material is very pleasant and soft to the touch, easy to wash and iron (if the linen is made from a mixture of linen and cotton).

The beneficial effect of linen on the body has long been proven by scientists: linen fabric inhibits the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, therefore it is considered more hygienic than other materials. Linen underwear can be especially beneficial in the summer - it is well ventilated and suitable for sleeping even at a temperature of + 40 °C.

Thanks to this property, linen bed linen has become very popular in countries with hot climates. It is better to iron linen while it is wet.


Thin cotton material that is easy to wash and retains heat.


The fabric does not need ironing, retains heat, and dries quickly.


100% cotton. Poplin bed linen has a dense soft texture with transverse ribs and a noble shine, very pleasant to the touch.


Cotton material with twill weave threads. Twill fabric is characterized by a diagonal structure.

The twill bedding set is highly breathable, easy to wash, does not wrinkle and dries quickly. Twill can be called a good middle ground between linen made from satin and calico (it has the quality of satin and the price of calico).


The most beautiful and expensive fabric for bed linen. But not all silk is good.

The most valuable is Japanese, its price is several times higher than the cost of the bed. Thanks to Japanese silk, your bed can become luxurious and elegant, but Turkish or Chinese silk can turn your vacation into a nightmare: it either gets cold, sometimes slips, or even sticks to the body in the heat, and after some time it “pleases” you with a lot of puffs.

If you decide to buy a silk bed linen set, then either get ready to pay a tidy sum for hand-made Japanese fabric, or abandon this idea altogether.

High-quality Japanese-made silk can be used at any time of the year, but it requires special care - hand washing (can be dry cleaned) and protection from direct sunlight.

Artificial fabrics

Most often on sale you can find bedding sets made of cotton with polyester or pure polyester. These are the most practical materials, easy to wash and iron. But they are not at all useful.

When choosing bedding made from synthetic fabrics, you need to know how your body reacts to them. Underwear made from artificial fabrics can cause poor health, allergies, a feeling of cold or, conversely, heat.

Video: fabrics for bed linen

Bed linen design

Bed linen design is a matter of personal taste. However, some general recommendations do exist.

  • One of the main rules that it is advisable to follow when choosing a set of bed linen is that its colors should be combined with the overall design of the bedroom. The simplest option is white or classic pastel shades.
  • Romantics will love bed linen with bouquets of roses, ruffles and flowers.
  • For strong-willed and decisive natures - bright lingerie in oriental style.
  • A calm, balanced person will like a set in warm colors with a plant-themed pattern.
  • For business people - plain jacquard fabrics.
  • If you want to highlight the beauty of wooden furniture in the bedroom, buy bed linen in blue and white shades.

These are all the main criteria that should be considered when buying bed linen. Finally, I would like to give a few more recommendations on selection and care.

When choosing a bedding set, follow the following rules:

  1. The stronger the material, the better. Loose fabric is immediately visible.
  2. Be sure to smell the laundry before purchasing - it should not smell like chemical dyes, mold or dampness.
  3. Touch the fabric - it should be pleasant to the touch for you personally.
  4. One of the main rules of the market is that the better the packaging, the better the quality of the product.
  5. Choose bedding with a fabric density of at least 60.
  6. Pay attention to the seams - they should be linen, neat and even, without protruding or torn threads, the color of which should match the shade of the set itself.
  7. Any frills or embroideries on linen should be made from high-quality threads and fabrics that do not scratch the skin. This is easy to check - just rub the frill on the back of your hand.
  8. A high-quality bedding set should be made from solid fabric and have no seams in the middle.
  9. Good bedding usually does not have bright, flashy colors.
  10. The packaging must be reliable and durable; it must contain information about the manufacturer, the size of the kit, as well as care tips.
  11. When choosing bed linen, pay attention to its cost. A quality kit cannot be cheap!

Now you know everything about how to choose bedding. Happy shopping and healthy sleep!

In order to look rested and alert in the morning, you should take care not only of the quantity, but also of the quality of your night's sleep. To do this, listen to a number of tips. So, the sleeping room should be well ventilated. In addition, the air temperature in the room is important. It should be comfortable. There is also a dependence of healthy sleep on the quality of bed linen. Therefore, the importance of choosing the right fabric for you increases. Shops and boutiques, supermarkets and markets offer their customers a huge variety of different bedding options. Which one should you choose? How to find the right fabric?

Purpose of purchase

The bed linen offered by the manufacturer varies not only in price and quality. It is sewn from various materials. What types of bed linen fabrics should you pay attention to when purchasing? This often depends on specific goals.

Lingerie for everyday use should be made from inexpensive, but at the same time practical materials. It is desirable that the price be in the middle range. If you are buying lingerie as a gift, it should be luxurious. The cost of such a kit will be in the high price range.

Fabric selection

There are quite a lot of requirements for good bed linen. In this regard, every buyer certainly thinks about the following question: which fabric is better? For bed linen, you need a material that does not fade, does not fade when washed and does not roll up after washing, does not tear or decrease in size after soaking. The composition of such fabrics should be as natural as possible (99.9% cotton or linen).

Traditional materials

The most commonly used fabrics from which bedding is made are linen, cotton and silk. Their varieties are chintz and cambric, satin and calico, etc. They are materials in the production of which different thread weaving is used. Depends on this for bed linen.

Recently it has appeared on the market and has gained great popularity among buyers.

As a rule, natural fabrics are used for bed linen. Viscose, as well as any other exotic materials, are not used when sewing such sets. Manufacturers often offer bed linen whose fabric composition is mixed. Such materials combine cotton with linen, silk, synthetics, etc.


Which fabric is best for bed linen? Definitely high quality! Of course, its choice depends on the tastes and needs of customers. However, it is worth remembering that even the most beautiful and elegant underwear will not bring any pleasure if it is sewn from low-quality fabric. Putting a low price at the top of your priorities is a fundamentally wrong decision.


This indicator informs about the number of threads that are in one square centimeter of material. for bed linen is sometimes indicated on the kit packaging.

What is the classification of the canvas according to this indicator? Density based on the number of threads per square centimeter:

  • low - 20-30;
  • below average - 35-40;
  • average - 50-65;
  • above average - from 65 to 80;
  • high - from 85 to 120;
  • very high - from 130 to 280.

With a higher density, the fabric is more durable. The lowest values ​​of this indicator are found in cambric. Below average and medium density for cotton and linen. This indicator is higher than average for artificial materials and Turkish silk. Satin has a high density. The same characteristic applies to some types of artificial fabrics. Japanese silk is also on this list and has a very high density.

There is another definition of the density indicator. For example, the most popular calico for sewing linen has these values, defined in grams per square meter. Indicators according to Standards and GOSTs must correspond to 125 g/sq.m. m or 142 g/sq. m.

Most common material

Surely every buyer asks this question: what fabric is best for bed linen? The most common material, of course, is cotton. Bedding sets made from it breathe perfectly, that is, they allow air to pass through. In addition, cotton perfectly absorbs excess moisture. That is why a person sleeping on such underwear does not have a feeling of discomfort if he sweats in his sleep.

For bed linen they meet all the necessary requirements. Such materials wash well and are easy to iron. Cotton bed linen can last for several decades.

Or maybe you want to buy luxurious sheets? Or are you choosing a bedding set as a gift? Then know that today manufacturers offer on the market materials such as satin and jacquard, percale and many others. These are cotton fabrics for bedding sets, each of which has its own characteristics.


Bedding sets made from this material are suitable for lovers of luxury. Satin is a very beautiful fabric that will not only fit perfectly into any interior, but will also become its highlight.

This material is made from twisted cotton thread with double weaving. Satin is distinguished by its shine and high density (120-140 threads per 1 sq. cm). It feels like silk, but its cost is much lower. It is also worth mentioning that this fabric is almost wrinkle-resistant.

Satin linen is very durable. It can withstand from two hundred to three hundred washes, after which it begins to lose its shine a little. Sets made from this material are more expensive compared to other cotton materials.


This is the most common fabric used for sewing bedding sets. It contains 100% cotton, which is easy to wash and practically does not wrinkle.

Calico is made with a fairly dense weave of thick threads. She has no shine. There are several varieties of this cotton fabric - universal, crepe, luxury, etc. These types of fabrics for bed linen have a density of thirty to one hundred and forty threads per square centimeter. The higher this indicator, the thinner the thread is used in the production of the fabric and the higher the quality of the calico.

The characteristics of this material allow it to be the choice of a buyer who has not yet decided for himself which fabric is best for bed linen. Calico is wear-resistant and durable, and also has an affordable price. It is able to maintain its original brightness for a long time. In addition, this fabric is absolutely non-hypoallergenic and does not cause skin irritation. That is why calico is a great option for children's bedding sets.


This is one of those fabrics that have been used since time immemorial. It is worth saying that they knew about flax already in Ancient Egypt. This canvas has always been of fairly high quality.

This bed linen fabric (linen) is distinguished by its durability and long-term wear. But, unfortunately, in its pure form it wrinkles a lot and is difficult to iron. That is why manufacturers often use fabric in which linen thread is combined with cotton thread. This type of underwear is more pleasant to the touch. In addition, it wrinkles less and irons better.

If you have chosen linen as your choice of fabric for bed linen, then know that this is a classic material proven over centuries. Being a natural air conditioner, it cools the skin in hot weather and warms in cold weather. Linen is anti-allergenic and also has antiseptic properties. The choice of this fabric is also supported by its ability to withstand a large number of washes.


Bedding sets made from this material are considered the pinnacle of luxury. Sleeping on such sheets is not only pleasant, but also comfortable. The shine of silk has attracted people for many years. Moreover, no other material can replace this fabric in terms of quality, elegance and beauty.

The only drawback of bed linen made from natural silk is its very high price. The highest quality materials are produced by Japanese manufacturers. Chinese and Turkish silks only resemble natural ones in their external characteristics. Their quality is much lower. This silk is cool and glides. There are clues quickly appearing on it. Real Japanese fabric has a long service life. Artificial silks often upset their owners in this regard.

Bedding sets made from this truly royal fabric are not only beautiful. They are also medicinal. Anyone who sleeps on bed linen made from natural silk gets rid of skin and rheumatic diseases faster. This fabric is favored by its hypoallergenicity and ability to repel dirt. Silk can perfectly regulate body temperature. It is durable and does not lose color.


Bedding sets made from this fabric have become especially popular in recent years. Bamboo is a magnificent natural material. It grows in soil that is free of pesticides and chemicals, on private lands or special farms.

The bed linen fabric is soft, with a beautiful shine given by nature. The quality of this fabric can be compared to cashmere or silk.

The main advantage of bed linen made from bamboo fabric is its hypoallergenicity. It is perfect for people with sensitive skin, as well as children. The positive properties of bamboo fabric include its breathability and absorbency, which is facilitated by the porous structure of the material. In addition, sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers made from this fabric have antibacterial properties.

Modern manufacturers often offer sets made from fabric that, in addition to bamboo fiber, also contains cotton threads. This underwear is not only ultra-soft, but also non-slip. Many housewives prefer to pay a large sum for such linen, but then not worry about purchasing a new set. And this is completely justified, because material made from bamboo fibers can withstand up to five hundred washes without losing its qualities and color.

We hope that the characteristics of bed linen fabrics presented above will help you decide on your purchase.

High-quality bed linen is one of the conditions for comfort during sleep. The textile market offers thousands of options in different colors, plain and patterned, for single beds, single beds and double beds, Euro-size.

You should not skimp when buying a set of bedding: cheap sheets, pillowcases, and duvet covers quickly lose their brightness of color, fade, often contain synthetic threads, which increases sweating, and have a short service life. What material is the best bed linen? It is useful to find out the opinion of experts and clarify the nuances of choosing textiles for a comfortable sleep.

How to choose a sleep set

A high-quality bedding set cannot be cheap - this statement is 100% true. Unlike some types of products, the low price corresponds to a bed made from cheap materials that have lower performance characteristics. The price of high-quality kits starts from 2000 rubles.

Percale, satin, ranfors, bamboo, natural silk, calico are quite expensive, high-quality fabrics for bed linen. The listed items are ideal fabric options for bedding sets. Cotton is cheaper, but is also suitable as a base for sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers.

Jacquard is suitable for everyone who appreciates the luxury and royal look of bedding sets. The fabric looks elegant, expensive, noble, often trimmed with gold and silver threads, but the density of the luxurious fabric is quite high. For sensitive skin and anyone who is used to wrapping themselves in a soft, warm “cocoon”, it is worth looking for another fabric option with a more porous structure.

For the summer period, you can purchase a set made of thin fabric, such as silk, ranfors or percale. In winter you can use satin or calico. If the apartment is cold, then a simple, effective solution would be to buy a terry sheet. Some companies offer a duvet cover made of soft terry pile material to keep you warm when the temperature in your home is not high enough. In case of temporary violation of sanitary standards or cold in the apartment, you will have to additionally purchase not only a terry set, but also a warm, lightweight blanket made of microfiber or cashmere.

Silk bedding is a good option for summer. It is important to choose a set made of natural fiber: artificial silk wrinkles, loses its shape faster, and slips. A bed made of natural linen is expensive. It is important to know how to distinguish real silk from a fake, so as not to overpay for a product of lower quality.

Bed linen should be:

  • practical;
  • durable;
  • pleasant to the body;
  • with a minimal percentage of synthetic ingredients, for example, terry sheets;
  • High Quality;
  • without components that provoke allergies;
  • do not shed;
  • do not accumulate static electricity;
  • beautiful, pleasant colors (some prefer plain options);
  • absorbs sweat well and dries quickly;
  • do not contain harmful dyes.

Types of bedding materials

Which fabric is best for bed linen? Each fabric has advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a sleeping set, you need to take into account the features of each material, described below. You should not buy a bed at a low cost: the manufacturer probably added a large percentage of synthetics to the fabric and used low-quality dyes.

It is advisable for the housewife to buy at least two or three sets for each season: you should not constantly use one set. With careful care, a bed made of satin, calico, and other high-quality materials will last for many years. Timely washing is a prerequisite for long service life: greasy sheets quickly deteriorate even when made from high-quality material.

Another important point is the temperature and type of washing for a particular material. You should not wash your bed frequently at temperatures above +60 degrees: the fibers wear out, the fabric “diverges,” and small and large defects appear.

Note to housewives! Cheap synthetic bedding sets have only one advantage - low price, and this is where the list of positive characteristics ends. Bright colors fade after the first wash; for a long time after contact with water and powder, water colored with inexpensive dyes remains in the basin: the bedding fades.


Positive points:

  • spectacular, durable bed linen with a pleasant shine;
  • Satin bed linen practically does not wrinkle even after a few days, retains its rich color when using sets of bright colors;
  • the fabric is considered an ideal option for elite, original premium sets;
  • unlike natural silk, satin is smooth and shiny, but not slippery;
  • the material is well suited for winter sets: there is no chill on the skin, as when touching silk;
  • Another advantage is long service life. Even after two or three years, the complex looks ideal if washing conditions are observed, high-quality powders and bed linen conditioners are used.

What is the disadvantage of satin? The only negative point is the high cost of the kits. Despite this nuance, housewives from different countries often choose satin beds due to their excellent quality and comfort for sleeping.

Bright, stylish, luxurious bedding sets with a 3D effect are sewn from satin: flowers, figures, images of animals, drawings of various kinds seem three-dimensional, almost “alive”, very realistic.


The fabric is durable, high quality, with plain weave threads. Even after long-term use, the bed linen set looks like new.

Advantages of bedding made from calico:

  • excellent wear resistance: the material does not tear, does not stretch, does not shrink;
  • acceptable price;
  • When washing, you can use bleach;
  • comfort while sleeping;
  • suitable for different seasons of the year;
  • absorbs moisture well;
  • does not irritate the epidermis, suitable for allergy sufferers;
  • easy care of bed linen: many types of powders and conditioners can be used.


  • dense fabric over time, small pills form, the material loses its ideal smoothness, which not everyone likes. For anyone who is annoyed by tiny lumps on their bedspreads and sheets, it is better to purchase a more expensive satin sleep set.

Ranfors and percale

High quality fabrics from the premium category. In terms of wear resistance and ease of use, percale and ranfors are not inferior to satin.

There are many advantages:

  • the fabrics are thin, light, pleasant to the touch;
  • do not lose color after frequent washing;
  • absorb moisture well;
  • have a slight shine.

There are practically no disadvantages; there are nuances that the housewife should be aware of:

  • When washing, do not pour bleach into the compartment;
  • using conditioner softens the material and makes ironing easier;
  • too high a temperature during removal of contaminants negatively affects the condition of the fibers. It is enough to set 40-50 degrees and the “Normal wash” mode.


The option is cheaper than satin and calico, but also has many positive characteristics. You can purchase a bedding set made of cotton fabric and two made of calico or satin. Cotton is good to use in hot weather, satin - in other seasons.

The fabric absorbs moisture well, but wrinkles quickly, leaving unsightly folds after sleep. Cotton is hypoallergenic, but does not have the pleasant shine of satin.

Ironing natural material is easy: you need an iron at maximum temperature. It is important not to overdry the bed so that the wrinkles can be easily smoothed out.


Not all housewives have yet appreciated the modern option, but gradually bedding sets made of bamboo fabric are becoming more popular. When processed, yarn made from natural material produces a delicate and soft fabric with a lot of positive characteristics.

Pros of bamboo bed linen:

  • superior to cotton in many respects;
  • there is a pleasant, light shine;
  • sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers are soft, pleasant to the body, do not cause allergies;
  • environmentally friendly material: bamboo grows quickly, exotic grass with long stems practically does not require feeding, which has a positive effect on the quality and hypoallergenicity of the finished raw material;
  • calm shades of bedding sets have a positive effect on the nervous system and the perception of the material. In most cases, bamboo fabric is not dyed; the finished products retain a delicate, soft pistachio shade.

On the page, read about the best way to freeze apricots for the winter and how to preserve the beneficial properties of the product.


  • higher cost than cotton fabrics;
  • care is needed when choosing a washing mode;
  • Do not use bleaching compounds, especially those with chlorine;
  • natural fibers exhibit deodorizing and antibacterial effects;
  • bedding sets made of bamboo fabric are suitable for children, pregnant women, allergy sufferers, and people with dermatological diseases;
  • the porous structure helps the process of thermoregulation during sleep;
  • natural fiber is soft, with good moisture-absorbing properties;
  • bamboo is an ideal option for all seasons of the year: it is not hot in summer, in winter cold, high-quality hypoallergenic material does not slip, and provides good conditions for relaxation.

For a comfortable sleep, you need to choose high-quality bedding. From what material is it better to purchase an important accessory to create pleasant relaxation conditions? There are many interesting options: cotton fabrics, bamboo fabric. Main: Don’t skimp, so that after a couple of weeks you don’t have to give up using a cheap bedding set made of synthetic fabric that has faded after the first wash. Unfortunately, low-quality dye remains not only in the water: household members complain about multi-colored spots on the body.

A person spends about a third of his life sleeping, and in order for the rest to be complete, blankets, pillows and bed linen must be chosen correctly. The following video contains useful tips on how to make the right choice:

Choosing the touch of night on the body

Are you thinking about buying new bed linen, but are you confused about the fabric of the product? After reading this article, becoming an expert in the field of textiles will be as easy as shelling pears!

The best fabric for bed linen: there is a choice!

There are quite a lot of requirements for good bed linen: so that the fabric does not fade, does not fade (the color does not wash out), does not pill, does not decrease in size after washing, and does not tear. You should definitely choose bed linen, the composition of which is as natural as possible, that is, 99.9% consists of linen or cotton.

But still, what fabrics are good for bed linen and what should you pay attention to when purchasing?

Calico is the most popular fabric for bed linen

Calico completely natural (100% cotton), easy to wash and practically wrinkle-free. Durable, wear-resistant and very inexpensive. Retains the original color brightness for a long time. Anti-allergenic, non-irritating - well suited for a baby crib. It is recommended to wash bed linen at 40 degrees, and the fabric can be washed perfectly even with ordinary powders. Calico is simply created to be bed linen!

From reviews of calico bed linen: “Coarse calico is just right. Generally indestructible underwear!”;

“I love calico - it doesn’t fade, it’s pleasant to the body. I only buy these sets, I especially like the bright ones.”

Satin is the most elegant fabric for little money

Satin made from double-woven twisted cotton thread. The greater the twist of the thread, the brighter the shine of the satin. It feels like silk, but is much cheaper (however more expensive than calico and many other cotton fabrics). Bed linen made of satin practically does not wrinkle. It withstands up to 300 washes well, but then, unfortunately, it fades. Elegant fabric and low cost.

From reviews of satin bed linen: “Only pros, no cons. I’ve been buying only satin for about 15 years now. The fabric is thick, smooth, and it’s a pleasure to sleep. Bed linen is used for a very long time and remains of high quality.”

Linen is the best natural fabric for bed linen

Linen- the most classic, time-tested fabric for bed linen. A real natural “air conditioner”: in hot weather, linen cools the skin, and in cold weather it warms. Anti-allergenic, has an antiseptic effect. Withstands an infinite number of washes. Moreover, the more washes, the lighter the linen becomes. The fabric is as close to nature as possible - and this is probably why it has such healing properties.

From reviews of linen bed linen:“My husband and I are delighted! The material is excellent, very soft, pleasant. The design fits perfectly into the interior of a white bedroom. Linen is the best material for bed linen!”

Chintz is the cheapest but most practical fabric

Calico - one of the cheapest fabrics for bed linen. Its qualities are similar to calico, but calico is thinner and, as a result, wears out faster. Practically does not wrinkle. Suitable for everyday use, but, unfortunately, not for long - the fabric either becomes very dull or breaks.

From reviews of chintz bed linen:“I have been buying chintz bed linen for more than 7 years. After washing, it does not settle, the design does not wear off, it is soft, and does not itch like other cheaper bedding products. And expensive bed linen, of course it can be good, but why overpay?

Percale is the most durable bedding fabric

Percale- a kind of fabric: it feels a little like velvet. Bed linen connoisseurs compare the feel of percale to a rose petal. However, it is very dense, durable, hypoallergenic. The only drawback is it's expensive. Withstands up to 1000 washes. A real textile “fortress” - it does not leak stuffing into pillows and duvet covers.

From reviews of percale bed linen:“The fabric is durable, dense, does not fade when washed, does not shrink, or fade. It's comfortable to sleep on it. True, there is also a small minus - these bedding sets are a little difficult to iron even with a steamer, but this problem is solved by adding conditioner-rinse aid.”

Silk is the most luxurious fabric

Silk- truly “royal” fabric. It has a smooth matte surface and will become a real decoration for any bed. Silk is not only beautiful bed linen, but also healing: rheumatic and skin diseases are cured faster if you sleep on silk bed linen. Hypoallergenic and stain-resistant fabric, perfectly regulates body temperature. Quite durable, does not lose color, but for such quality you have to pay a fairly large amount.

From reviews of silk bedding:"Textile does not wrinkle, does not fade when washed, and the design does not fade. I don’t know if it improves blood circulation, but I sleep comfortably, I get up in the morning rested and in a great mood. The fabric does not gather in folds, does not stick to the body, does not shock or spark.”

Poplin is the most unpretentious fabric

Poplin- very soft to the touch fabric. It feels like satin, but does not have a specific matte shine. It looks very advantageous in variegated, bright colors. The most unpretentious fabric - bed linen can be washed at 60 degrees, and ironed at 110 degrees. The fabric is durable and completely non-allergenic. A good bedding fabric for those who don't want to bother with washing.

From reviews of poplin bed linen:“I like poplin bed linen, it’s thin and soft to the touch, pleasant to the body and really holds the color for a long time.”

Jacquard is the most delicate fabric

Jacquard- expensive and beautiful fabric. It has a pronounced relief pattern due to the complex weaving technique. Jacquard looks luxurious and elegant. But in addition, jacquard is a very delicate fabric: washing is possible at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. Under no circumstances should you dry it in direct sunlight. Jacquard should be ironed only from the wrong side.

From reviews of jacquard bed linen:“Cotton jacquard is my favorite. It's very good to sleep on it - it feels good on the body. Bed linen is easy to iron (if you iron, of course). And it looks beautiful (even if you don’t iron it). And more durable than satin."

Ranfors is the most durable fabric

Ranfors- expensive and durable fabric. Made from 100% cotton. The weaving technique can be characterized by the phrase “thinner thread, denser weave.” In terms of “technical” characteristics, ranfors bed linen is pleasantly impressive - it can be washed without special “greenhouse” conditions and creases minimally. The canvas does not lose its original appearance for several years. In addition, it perfectly adapts to the body - it warms you in cold weather and cools you down in hot weather.

From reviews of ranfors bed linen:“We’ve had bed linen for over a year now. I wash quite often at 60 degrees and 1000 spins. The set did not fade, did not stretch out or shrink, the colors remained the same. The linen is so soft, pleasant to the touch, gentle that it is pleasant to fall asleep. You feel a sense of comfort."

Bamboo is the best fabric for the body

Bamboo appeared on the domestic fabric market relatively recently, but has already earned a huge army of buyers. And for good reason, because bamboo is a fabric truly created for the body. Hygroscopic, antibacterial and deodorizing - it adapts to the needs of the body and ensures healthy sleep. Bamboo bedding is a good choice for those who want a good night's rest. It is easy to care for - durable and easy to wash.

From reviews of bamboo bed linen:“I have excellent bamboo underwear, soft and delicate, like plush. It doesn’t wash out, it doesn’t smell bad and you don’t sweat under it.”

Polycotton is the best bedding fabric for frequent washing.

Polycotton is a fabric consisting of cotton and polyester. Not only bed linen, but also table textiles are made from polycotton. Fabric with a minimum of synthetics, but it is added in order to increase the wear resistance and durability of polycotton. Does not wrinkle, practically does not get dirty, and is easy to wash - this fabric is preferred by restaurant and hotel owners for its hygiene. Washable with neutral detergent at 40 degrees.

From reviews of polycotton bedding:“I bought polycotton bed linen and was pleased, I’ve already washed it about 8 times, I haven’t noticed any changes, the fabric hasn’t changed color, it’s not hot to sleep, the air flows well.”

Polyester is the fastest drying fabric

Polyester not only the fastest-drying fabric, but also low-wrinkle and does not change its size. It is produced from substances contained in oil, and the reaction must take place under conditions of high temperature and vacuum. Polyester is easy to wash (even in cold water), but requires careful ironing. In addition to bed linen, outerwear and sportswear, underwear, curtains, and draperies are made from polyester.

From reviews of polyester bedding:“Polyester is a new and fashionable fabric! Breathable. Regulates temperature and retains heat. It does not wrinkle, which is very important and very convenient for large items. No need to carefully and often iron."

Tencel - the most technologically advanced fabric for bed linen

Tencel (tencel, tencel, lyocel)- the fabric is made using sophisticated technology from wood (most often eucalyptus). Tencel® (Tenzel) is the commercial name of the fabric produced by Lenzing (USA). Lyocell has helped the textile industry take a leap forward. The creation of this fabric is recognized as the most useful discovery in the last 30 years. It feels like cotton, looks a little like silk, but it doesn't slip. Tencel is much stronger than other natural fabrics. Does not wrinkle and retains its original color for a long time. Regulates body temperature and limits the growth of bacteria. And most importantly, its production does not harm the environment!

From reviews of Tencel bed linen:“This is not the first time I have bought Tencel bed linen. I agree that it is a little expensive, but it is so soft, dense, even slightly heavy. I don’t agree to any other – even good – bed linen!”

Fabric for bed linen: which one is better to choose?

The choice of the best fabric for bed linen should be based only on the buyer’s personal feelings. A lover of soft, warm fabric is unlikely to like the touch of cold silk, and a lover of satin will not always appreciate the relief structure of linen. It is also worth paying attention to the “performance” properties: wear resistance, long-term preservation of the original size and color, “indiscriminateness” when washing and ironing. And, of course, the final point in choosing will be the cost of the kit you like.

In any case, the most important thing is not the opinion of strangers, but the personal pleasure of sleeping on the chosen bed linen!