Artistic work in kindergarten. The main tasks of artistic work in kindergarten. labor in nature

1. To reveal the nature and essence of artistic work as a creative activity of a person who equips his life and organizes his life according to the laws of expediency, harmony, and beauty.

2. To promote the formation of an emotional and value attitude to artistic work as a manifestation of human life in all its diversity of facets (natural, material, social, spiritual); reveal the specifics of the result of artistic work - the unity of utility and beauty (functional and aesthetic).

3. Expand the understanding of the types of artistic and creative human activity; to acquaint with the work of a folk master, an artist-constructor, a designer. To form the idea that all types of labor can be creative if the person himself is a creator /

4. To enrich the experience of artistic and productive activity at all its levels: perception-performance-creativity, in accordance with age, gender, individual characteristics.

5. Develop aesthetic perception, creative imagination, lateral (flexible, creative) thinking, universal artistic abilities and educate the qualities of a working person - diligence, responsibility, honesty, communication, etc.

6. Promote the development of artistic methods, techniques, technologies and the development of general manual skills based on the integration of intellectual and artistic activities.

7. Create conditions for the personal growth of each child.

It should be highlighted basic psychological and pedagogical conditions , ensuring the success of the development of the content of artistic work by children as an integrated activity:

- a variety of types of artistic and productive activities;

- constant change of activities, united by the educational goal and the development program (unity of strategy and tactics);

– individual programs and development routes;

- the role of the teacher is to create conditions for free, independent activity and organization of the educational process by the method of real co-creation (with a teacher, parents, artist, craftsman, other children) in various forms of interaction;

– the presence of a specially equipped place (workshop, design studio, craft center, etc.), including a wide selection of materials, art tools, albums, cultural objects and works of art.

Instead of traditional classes, a form is offered creative projects , which are characterized by the following:

- identifying not a specific topic, but meaning as a way for each child to comprehend the world around him and his being in this world;

- expanding the boundaries of educational and real (material) space (museums, exhibitions, master classes, workshops at the kindergarten site, walks and excursions, cultural events);

– involvement in project activities of other people - adults (parents, grandparents, teachers of additional education, artists and masters of folk art, music director, guide, etc.) and children of different ages in order to expand the team of like-minded people, go beyond the existing group;

- discussion of the problem at all stages (from concept development to implementation and application) with the teacher and other children to comprehend the results obtained and make decisions about further actions;

– presentation of the result of productive activity that has personal and social significance (man-made toys, books, albums, souvenirs, collages, layouts, arrangements, installations, collections);

- the absence of a single task for all and a single criterion for evaluating the result.

Creating a portfolio (individual, collective, family) and organizing exhibitions of children's creative works is a common task, in which teachers, parents and children themselves take part.

Today, educators and psychologists note that each child must set goals for himself, there can be no coercion to creativity, imposing ideas, interests and solutions. Individual development programs, independent artistic and productive activity in a situation of real “living” affairs, focus on children’s practical comprehension of the semantic field of folk culture, emotional and value attitude to the world around them, true integration of intellectual and aesthetic development, presentation and fixation of the result, organization of educational activities project method - these are the most important features of the design of artistic work in a modern kindergarten.

it is a universal activity with a long history and centuries-old traditions. All artistic techniques and technologies known to us are based on ancient actions or operations: weaving, tying, stringing, stitching, cutting, twisting, twisting, modeling, etc. At the same time, manual labor is a very free activity associated with experimentation and self-realization at the level of genuine creativity.

Childhood is almost the only segment of human life where creativity becomes a universal and natural way of human existence. The entry of a child into the human world is a continuous chain of “discoveries for oneself”. But thanks to these "discoveries" through the activities of the younger generations, the global reproduction of creative abilities is carried out on the scale of the whole society. This is what often gave rise to consider the child as the personification of the universal human, divine-human, and even divine creative principle, which should be equal to the adult creator. According to the English philosopher F. Bacon, in order to enter science, we must become like children. Echoing him, the Russian philosopher P.A. Florensky wrote that the secret of creativity is to preserve youth, and the secret of genius is to preserve childhood for life

MASTER_CLASS for preschool teachers

Theme:"Artistic manual labor in kindergarten"

Target: to expand ideas about children's manual labor and in practice to show ways of making handicrafts available for preschool age.

The fundamental basis, the core of all mental, physical, moral and aesthetic development of the individual is work. Our immediate environment - the objective environment - is a product of the labor of human hands. Based on the domestic and social labor of people, traditional crafts and art crafts are formed, which are the cultural heritage and pride of the people. The “spirit of the craft” is embedded in manual labor, to which children should be introduced from childhood.

Labor education of preschoolers is unthinkable without active manual labor. In such work, the child shows the highest interest, success, and - more importantly - low fatigue. These factors have a positive impact on the overall mental and mental development of children. Of particular importance for them is artistic work as one of the components of aesthetic activity, which is based on the artistic content of arts and crafts.

The theory of modern design for children and the practice of their manual labor, artistic creativity reveals ample opportunities for such productive activities that can captivate children, fill their free time with interesting and meaningful work, develop a desire for beauty, cultivate taste and respect for folk traditions.

Introducing the child to labor activity in folk pedagogy has evolved over the centuries. The formation of handicraft skills has always been associated with the manufacture of necessary and useful household items. In the family, the elders taught the younger ones various elements of the labor process until the “hand was set”. The basis of the premise of such a teaching was the conditions of the surrounding life.

The activities of children with various materials in folk pedagogy were classified as follows:

a) work with natural material; processing of flax, wool, yarn and weaving;

b) carving on wood, stone, bone, leather;

c) chasing for metal;

d) working with clay, making ceramic products.

The transfer of craft skills from generation to generation, the creative process of making various products under the guidance of adults contributed to the consolidation of positive emotions, mastering the specifics of craftsmanship, and the formation of initial ideas about folk decorative art. The concepts of "heritage", "traditions" in teaching artistic skills have always been important. The most valuable was considered the product of labor, which accumulated not only individual creativity, but also the inherited experience of previous generations, assimilated in the process of practical actions.

The high artistic level of children's creative assimilation of accessible forms of material in modern decorative art allows us to assert that even today manual artistic labor is considered in pedagogical theory as a necessary element of the moral, mental, and aesthetic education of children.

Artistic manual labor is the creative work of a child with various materials, during which he creates useful and aesthetically significant objects and products to decorate everyday life (games, labor, recreation). Such work is a decorative arts and crafts activity of a child, because when creating beautiful objects, he takes into account the aesthetic qualities of materials, on the basis of which his ideas, knowledge, and practical experience are developed, acquired in the course of work and in art classes in kindergarten. Adults surrounding the child should not only form and improve his labor skills, but also gradually expand the content of the child's labor activity, achieving awareness and purposefulness of labor motives. Many teachers consider it important to develop the child's ability to anticipate the results of his actions in advance, plan the sequence of execution, and creatively transform his experience. The well-known psychologist A. V. Zaporozhets wrote that “the ability to understand the beautiful with the mind and heart develops most successfully when the child actively recreates artistic images in his imagination when perceiving works of art, while simultaneously participating in the forms of artistic independence available to him.

The content of the artistic work of preschoolers in the practice of kindergarten is: work with paper, cardboard (application from paper of different textures in combination with fabrics, natural material), the manufacture of decorative panels, volumetric and planar objects and structures for decorating holidays and entertainment, decorations and souvenirs, models doll rooms;

work with fabric, threads (decorative applique made of fabric, weaving, weaving, making panels, clothes for dolls, costume details for games, table setting items, souvenirs, theater and decorative puppets);

work with natural material (making small and large sculptures; decorative collages and three-dimensional compositions from dry plants, straw; weaving products from twigs, dry grass; making decorative bouquets from dry and living plants; decorating a living corner);

woodworking (crafting and assembling wooden toys, souvenirs, making small sculptures using elements of natural material, doll furniture, small household items);

work with clay (creating decorative ornaments, ceramic panels for interior decoration, making wall inserts, small sculptures, souvenir toys, doll dishes);

work with artificial material (knitting and weaving from synthetic and polymer films, decorative braid, colored soft wire, making decorative ornaments and household items, clothes, theater and decorative toys and souvenirs from synthetic fabrics).

Properly organized manual labor in kindergarten and family gives children in-depth knowledge about the quality and capabilities of various materials, helps to consolidate positive emotions, stimulates the desire to work and master the peculiarities of craftsmanship, introduces them to folk decorative art, and prepares the child for subsequent schooling. Therefore, there is every reason to consider manual labor as an important element in the harmonious development of children.

In this process, the training of a teacher is of no small importance, which should be aimed at mastering knowledge about certain types of artistic crafts. And to expand your horizons, I offer you a reminder where you can get acquainted with the history of macrame, knitting, origami.

In the practical part, I will introduce you to the types of artistic manual labor acceptable for preschoolers.

  1. Magic rope transformations

You can learn to draw not only with a pencil, crayons, brush, but also with the help of an ordinary rope. To do this, we need a piece of cord from 0.5 to 1-1.5 m. Take a short cord (0.5 m), place it comfortably on a flat surface of a table or carpet. You need to start the image with objects that are simple in shape - a flower, an apple, a pear. When performing the forms of an apple and a pear, the cord is first folded in half, a small depression is made, and then the oval of the form is laid out from two segments from the bottom up, closing the rope of the “tail” of the fruit.

Any image of animal figures in motion should be started from the head, then follow the nature of the shape of the body of a particular animal.

If the child, having fallen in love with this activity, tries to bring his own additions to the image of the form, approve of his undertaking. Drawings by means of a rope have their own figurative characteristics - the softness of the resulting forms evokes a feeling of peace, completeness, thereby bringing the child closer to the perception of arts and crafts, in particular artistic embroidery, lace.

Plasticine application

Plasticine is a wonderful craft material for preschool and primary school children.

Diverse in color, it looks very interesting in the works. Children love to sculpt plasticine, because. working with it allows you to acquaint them with various types of art - sculpture, graphics, etc. Plasticine classes contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, because. it is necessary for the development and enhancement of the intelligence of the child. The better the baby works with his fingers, the better he develops, speaks and thinks better.

Plasticine modeling is recommended from the age of three. At an earlier age, working with plasticine is beyond the child's strength. But, if you periodically show him some manipulations with plasticine, give it to his hands so that he crushes it, press the ball of plasticine with the baby's finger, roll it out. The kid will like it, and he will be happy to return to this activity. The main thing is to skillfully bring him out of this game.

And therefore, I would like to bring to your attention plasticine applications.

For making cherries we will need: red or burgundy plasticine - for cherries; green - for leaves; brown - for twigs and stalks. Cardboard for the background in any suitable color.

Let's get to work.

We outline the center where the branch will be located.

We roll out a not very thin “sausage” of brown color - it will be a twig, and fasten it in the center. Then the brown stalks for two cherries, cut off and laid on the intended place, lightly press down.

We roll out the flagella of red or burgundy color, fold them so that we get a circle. We need 2 circles for 2 cherries. We put them in place.

Then we make flagella from green plasticine, twist 2 ovals out of them - these will be leaves. The leaves can be given a slightly pointed shape. We attach the leaves to the branch.

It turned out charming "princesses" - cherries.

And to make an elephant we will need: gray plasticine - for the elephant; black - for the peephole; white - for pupils. Cardboard for the background in any suitable color.

Let's get to work.

On the cardboard we mark the position of the head and torso.

The image of an elephant may consist of circles and ovals. You come up with your options.

We roll out a long flagellum from gray plasticine. We twist it in a circle, form a head and immediately make a trunk. For the body, we roll out a long flagellum and form an oval with it, we finish the body with a tail. Transfer to cardboard, press lightly. We make legs from flagella, twisting them into an oval, and connect them to the body. We make an eye out of black plasticine, roll up the ball and flatten it a little when connected to the head, we make pupils from white plasticine.

  1. Origami

Origami promotes concentration, as it forces you to focus on the manufacturing process in order to get the desired result.

Origami is of great importance in the development of children's constructive thinking, their creative imagination, artistic taste.

Origami also stimulates the development of memory, since a child, in order to make a craft, must remember the sequence of its manufacture, techniques and methods of folding.

Origami introduces children to basic geometric concepts (angle, side, square, triangle, etc.), while enriching the dictionary with special terms.

Origami activates thought processes. In the process of construction, the child needs to correlate visual symbols (showing folding techniques) with verbal ones (explaining folding techniques) and translating their meaning into practical activity (independent performance of actions).

Origami improves the labor skills of the child, forms a culture of work.

Origami contributes to the creation of game situations. Having folded animal masks out of paper, children join in a dramatization game based on a familiar fairy tale, become fairy-tale heroes, travel to the world of flowers, etc.

And this is not all the advantages that the magical art of origami contains.

Systematic origami classes with a child are a guarantee of his comprehensive development and successful preparation for schooling.

Making various crafts from colored paper is an exciting activity for preschool children.

A practical demonstration of the manufacture of a boat, fish, swan, flower.

A toy that a child makes together with an adult, investing a part of his work, invention, fantasy and love, is especially dear to him. Work miracles together and, believe me, it will bring joy to you and your child.

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2015-2020 -

Manual labor as a means of comprehensive development of preschool children

Stol Oksana Vladimirovna, teacher of MADOU No. 203 "Kindergarten of a combined type", Kemerovo
This material will be of interest to educators, primary school teachers, teachers of additional education
Target: creation of conditions for the formation of a comprehensively intellectual, aesthetically developed creative personality; promoting the development of initiative, invention, creativity in children of senior preschool age, through various types of applied activities
The main task of manual labor- to teach children to make crafts with pleasure, work with any material at hand, fantasize and make cute crafts with their own hands so that the process and result of the work can be seen.

Artistic labor is a productive and at the same time instrumental activity in which the child masters tools, explores the properties of various materials and transforms them in cultural ways in order to obtain a specific result.
For many years now, in my work in kindergarten, I have given a special place to artistic manual labor with children of different ages.
I organized and lead a circle "Do it yourself" with children of senior preschool age.
Making toys and all kinds of crafts from different materials is an entertaining and enriching activity for the child, during which he will be pleased to feel like a creator.
Manual labor is one of the most favorite activities of the child.
Indeed, right before his eyes, ordinary paper sheets and scraps will turn into unprecedented dolls, ducklings and other animals.
Children show great interest in acquiring new knowledge and skills, do well, and, most importantly, get tired less.
To create a better emotional mood during work, you can use sound recordings of famous musical works.
Pedagogical and hygienic requirements for employment with preschoolers
Before starting the task, the teacher is obliged to remind how materials and work accessories should be located on the table.
When working with glue, it is advisable to cover the table with oilcloth.
The obligatory moments also include repeating the safety rules with children while working with scissors - you can’t bring the scissors close to your eyes and put them on the edge of the table, you can only pass them with the ends forward. At the end of work, children should tidy up their workplace and wash their hands with soap and water.
Before each start of labor activities, carry out several special exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands. And also perform finger exercises for 2-3 minutes and after intensive labor work.
For the successful organization of manual labor, it is necessary to create conditions:
saturated with materials and a variety of materials for children's artistic creativity subject-developing environment
free access to materials and the possibility of experimenting with them
creation of an emotionally positive creative atmosphere in the process of joint pedagogical activity with children
the use of products of artistic creativity created by children for the design of a preschool institution, the preparation of attributes of performances, the organization of exhibitions, participation in competitions; creation of a museum of children's crafts and a mini-library of children's handwritten books;
direct involvement of parents in the process of creative activity with children
Work organization methodology preschool children is based on the principles of didactics - from simple to complex, systematic, consistent, individual approach, accessibility, etc.
The content of the artistic work of preschoolers is
Working with fabric, thread
Working with natural material
Work with paper, cardboard
Working with waste and artificial material
Working with dough, clay
Methods of analysis and evaluation various products and handicrafts are used general pedagogical, taking into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of children.
From this follow the following criteria for determining the quality of children's handicrafts:
product functionality;
conformity of form, color, proportions;
texture of the material;
the use of national motifs and materials in the manufacture and decoration of the product;
expressiveness, figurativeness, decorativeness, elegance of the product;
craftsmanship, accuracy, technicality of the execution of the image.
Recommendations for manual labor
It is very important to teach a child to be independent - he invented it himself, cut it out himself, sculpted it himself, glued it himself, etc. (without refusing at the same time to help him with the difficulties that have arisen). And it’s important to educate children in careful handling of their crafts, not to be distracted during work, to bring their plans to the end, not to quit work, to help a friend finish the work.
Rules for overcoming difficulties when doing crafts
Don't get upset when you fail
If you are tired, leave your work and watch other children work, listen to music, lie down on a carpet, or visit a corner of nature
Be sure to get back to your work
Choose a better form
Review and analyze your work
Seek help from an adult
What develops manual labor in children
They develop speech, increase the level of speech development, sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure and connected speech, i.e. oral speech
Increases touch sensitivity
Develops imagination, spatial and logical thinking, general manual skill, fine motor skills, eye.
Synchronizes the work of both hands.
Coordinates the work of the eyes and hands (sensomotor).
Forms the ability to plan work on the implementation of the plan, to anticipate the result and achieve it, if necessary, to make adjustments to the original plan.
Develops strong-willed qualities (perseverance, patience, the ability to bring the work to the end).
Promotes the development of artistic abilities and aesthetic taste.
The theory and practice of modern design of non-traditional children's handmade art indicates the wide possibilities of this exciting and useful, creatively productive activity for the comprehensive development of children.

Presentation on the topic: Organization of work with preschoolers on manual labor

children of senior preschool age

Maley Galina Alekseevna,
educator GBDOU kindergarten No. 73
combined view of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg

“... Fantasy is subject to paper sheets -
For home and as a gift, and just for the game.
But the main wealth that creates beauty,
A simple piece of paper will help you create yourself!”
/ON. Kolesova/

The formation of a creative personality is one of the most important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. The person of the future must be a creator, with a developed sense of beauty and active creativity.
The task of the teacher is to awaken the creative activity of children, stimulate the imagination, the desire to be involved in creative activity. A unique opportunity for the implementation of this task is provided by such an educational area as "Artistic Creativity". One of the types that make up this educational area is artistic work.
Artistic work is a creative, socially motivated activity that gives preschool children the opportunity to maximize their playing interests and desires. Children have the opportunity to create funny toys, figures, sculptures, souvenirs and gifts for loved ones.
Artistic work is a productive and at the same time instrumental activity in which the child masters tools (scissors, stapler, needle ...), explores the properties of various materials (paper, foil, fabric, leaves, dough ...) and transforms them in order to obtain a specific product. And this product has two unique features - benefit and beauty.
Artistic work has a developing and healing effect on the child's body. Studies of outstanding teachers of the past Ya.A. Comenius, I.G. Pestalozzi, F. Frebel testify to the benefits of artistic activities, as they perform a therapeutic function, distract children from sad and sad events, relieve nervous tension, and provide a positive emotional state.
V.S. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "The more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child." Developed fine motor skills of the fingers is one of the indicators of the child's intelligence. It is in the process of creative activity that figurative, constructive, analytical thinking, imagination, visual memory develop, i.e. the personality of the child is revealed, the ease and speed of mastering knowledge and skills are brought up, the ability to use them to solve problems in various, including non-standard situations.
Artistic work contributes to the development of visual perception, the formation of sensory standards (shape, color, size), graphomotor skills and the creation of conditions for the formation of purposeful activity and the development of general intellectual skills.
N. N. Gusarova notes that in the process of making handicrafts, children gradually form systems of special skills and abilities: the development of visual perception, the eye, fine motor skills of the hands, perseverance, and independence.
The purpose of artistic work is the directed and consistent education of aesthetic and everyday culture in children, the promotion of personal growth and the formation of an emotionally valuable attitude to the world around.
Main goals:
1. Disclosure of the essence of artistic work as a creative activity of a person who equips life and organizes his life according to the laws of expediency, harmony and beauty.
2. Disclosure of the specifics of artistic work - the unity of utility and beauty.
3. Development of aesthetic perception, creative imagination, flexible thinking, universal artistic abilities.
4. Education of the qualities of human labor - diligence, responsibility, the ability to bring the work begun to the end.
5. Enrichment of the experience of artistic and productive activity at all its levels: perception - performance - creativity.
6. Mastering artistic techniques (technologies), developing fine motor skills of the hands and general manual skill.
7. Development of the ability to plan, create crafts according to the model, according to the condition, according to operational and technological maps.
8. Promoting the knowledge of the properties of the material, the desire to experiment with them.
9. Education of aesthetic taste and development of the ability to create artistic images.

In my practice of engaging in artistic activities with children, I pay special attention to mastering non-traditional techniques for working with paper of different textures (colored cardboard and paper, napkins, foil, corrugated cardboard, candy wrappers, old magazines ...), often in combination with fabrics, natural material...
The paperwork technique that I use in my work with children is different: origami, modular origami, quilling, appliqué, volumetric appliqué, trimming, collage, paper construction.
- Working with paper, cardboard (application from paper of different textures, making decorative panels, volumetric and planar objects and structures for decorating a group room, holidays, entertainment).

Volumetric appliqué is a type of appliqué created by gluing ready-made volumetric forms folded from paper onto a prepared background.

Making and designing postcards. Postcards toys. Holiday postcards. A postcard is an independent art form, with its own history. You can make it yourself for your family and friends. Making a postcard, you can continue creative experiments on your own and create your work not only for the holiday, because a beautiful postcard can also serve as a wall decoration in any room.

Origami (jap. “folded paper”) is the ancient art of folding paper figures. In this technique, you can make applique work, independent toys, various frames, rugs, pictures. It contributes to the development of fine motor skills of the child's hands, constructive thinking, imagination and creative abilities of preschool children.

Quilling is the ability to twist strips of paper of different lengths and widths into rolls, modify their shape and make volumetric and planar compositions from the resulting parts. This develops fine motor skills of the hands, forms spatial thinking, develops perseverance, determination, curiosity, awakens fantasy and imagination, teaches to observe, compare, analyze, present the final result, see similarities with real objects.

Collage is a fun and unpredictable technique. It uses and combines elements that were not originally intended for each other.
Candy wrappers, old newspapers, pieces of fabric, ribbons, nets, flat plastic toys and packaging from them, tree leaves.
The more unusual the materials, the more interesting the results. Work in this technique can be compared with the game. It helps to show imagination and patience, develop imagination, the ability to compare, cultivate perseverance.

Facing: This technique is based on the creation of images and objects using three-dimensional paper elements. The volume element of trimming is called "trimming" or "butt". It is a piece of soft paper compressed in the form of a funnel or cone.
With the help of facing, you can create amazing three-dimensional paintings, mosaics, panels, decorative interior elements, postcards. The unusual effect of "fluffiness", which gives the trimming, and the simplicity of execution is very attractive to children.

In the process of doing artistic work, I am guided by the main didactic principles: scientific, accessible, visual, consistent (from simple to complex), systematic, individual approach and use visual (sample, examination, display), verbal (explanations, description, encouragement, persuasion, use proverbs and sayings), practical (examination, joint actions, game situations) methods and techniques.
I divide the educational cycle into three stages: acquaintance with the material and its properties; training in techniques and techniques; craft making.
I build my work on the principles of revealing the personality and individuality of the child, the development of his creative potential, free without pressure from an adult, based on the child's self-expression, on cooperation and co-creation, using humane methods and techniques. I encourage the child for independent thoughts and actions; I do not interfere with the desire of the child to do something in his own way; I respect the point of view of the pupil, as a creator, as an artist, whatever it may be; I do not impose my idea, on the contrary, I try to understand the logic of the child's creative imagination; I create a situation in the pedagogical process that provokes the child to creativity.

The use of various techniques for working with paper, both in direct educational activities and in the free activities of children, has a positive effect on the development of creative abilities in older children and motivation to achieve success.
Creating crafts with their own hands, seeing the result of their work, children experience positive emotions, rejoices that the toy made by their own hands works: the spinner spins in the wind, the boat floats in the stream, the panel decorates the wall of the room, etc. So, through various actions with paper, in the process of processing it, using different methods and techniques, children learn to aesthetically comprehend the images of familiar objects, convey them in visual activity, emphasizing the beauty and color of the external appearance in a transformed form.

1. Magazine “Color World. Fine Art and Design in Kindergarten, Primary School and Family”. - ICHORAO: No. 1/2012.
2. Wonderful paper crafts: a book for kindergarten teachers
3. Internet resources.

Isachenko Lyubov Viktorovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten №49
Locality: Kansk
Material name: methodical development
Theme:"Methodology and requirements for the organization of manual labor in kindergarten"
Publication date: 17.12.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Technique a and requirements for the organization of manual labor in kindergarten






“Education should not only develop the mind, arm with knowledge, but also kindle in

man thirst for serious work ... ".

Main a task









do-it-yourself cute crafts so that you can see the process and the result

Manual labor in kindergarten gives the child the opportunity to feel






with his own hands, instills respect for the work of others.





artistic creativity, and manual labor is such, is diversity and

variety of work in the classroom. The novelty of the situation, the unusual beginning of work,






tasks, the possibility of choice, and many other factors - that's what helps not

allow monotony and boredom into children's activities, provides liveliness and

immediacy of children's perception and activity. It is important that every time

the educator created a new situation so that the children, on the one hand, could

apply previously acquired knowledge, skills, abilities, on the other hand, they were looking for new

solutions, creativity. This is what causes the child to have positive

emotions, joyful surprise, desire to work creatively.

Work organization methodology preschool children is based on

principles construction of the pedagogical process:

1. From simple to complex.

2. The principle of systematicity.

3. The principle of thematic cycles.

4. Individual approach.

5. The principle of consistency.

When conducting classes, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the age of children and


appropriate methods

training in


assigned tasks:

explanatory, illustrative


problem statement,

Partial search,

Reflective techniques and methods,


Explanatory - illustrative: conversation, questions, reading fiction

literature, figurative word (poems, riddles, proverbs, tongue twisters), explanation,

description, reminder, encouragement, persuasion, analysis of the results of one's own

activities and activities of comrades.

given to visibility


example), then

a real object (panel made by an adult, appliqué, etc.). In the process




the child's efforts to complete the task, and in others - to prevent errors. AT

at the end of the lesson, visualization is used to reinforce the result, develop

figurative perception of objects, plot, design.

Are used


and practical

methods (independent

joint performance of crafts). Making crafts, composing a composition in

the presence of children and telling aloud. This encourages the desire to "think

aloud”, that is, tinkering and pronouncing actions.

For the correct development of skills in working with the simplest tools and with











the correctness of operations and the formation of skills.

Game techniques can be used in any type of activity and in each of its





activities, in the analysis of children's activities, in the analysis and evaluation of children's work.

Methodological techniques used in manual labor:

Examination (the teacher pays attention to technique, ornament, color,

combination of colors, structure);

Analysis of the sample made by the teacher (detection of the method of creation,

design basics)





a generalized way to create them);

Analysis of intermediate results and motivation for self-control (teach

comparison actions, pronounce the names of actions, designations);




control actions, mutual control).

GCD with children can be carried out according to the following scheme:

1. Organizational moment - a surprise moment, a fairy tale plot or

any motivation for doing the work. Riddles are made, poems are read,

conversations are being held.




shape, pay attention to color, structure, and other features.

3. Demonstration of samples, panels, applications, compositions, their analysis.










work with this material.

5. Finger gymnastics, hand warm-up.

6. Self-made crafts.

7. Analysis of finished crafts of one's own and comrades.

8. Exhibition of works.

9. Cleaning of workplaces, tools, remaining material.

Methods of organization and management of manual and artistic labor in

different age groups:

junior groups. It is necessary to arouse interest in the "research" of the material




pleasure in the result of your work. Children should be encouraged to learn






patterns, knowledge of the properties of materials. To form in children the basic

practical skills in working with materials and tools.

Middle group. There is already training in paper design:



stick to the main shape of the part. Can be taught to make crafts from

natural material: bark, branches, leaves, cones, chestnuts. The teacher teaches






reels, boxes of various sizes, plastic bottles.

Senior group. There is an improvement in the ability to work with paper:

bend the sheet four times in different directions; work on the finished pattern. Children

are trained




several equal parts, smooth the folds, cut along the folds. Continues

training in creating toys, souvenirs from natural materials (cones, branches,







on one's own

toys for role-playing games; souvenirs for parents, employees of the nursery

garden; Christmas tree decorations. It is good to involve children in the production of manuals for

occupations, and independent activity, repair of books, table-printed games.





educator into several types:








use paper of different textures, make markings using a template;


fun toys;



pick up



costumes and decorations for the holidays; formation of the ability to use the sample;

creating a variety of voluminous origami toys.


sew on a button, hanger, sew the simplest products with a seam “forward with a needle”;





to cut



Working with natural material - creating figures of people, animals, birds from





general compositions.

Conditions for independent creative activity of preschool children


Saturated with materials and a variety of materials for children

artistic creativity subject-developing environment;

Free access to materials and the possibility of experimenting with them;

Availability of samples of products and crafts;

Using children's art products to create







organization of exhibitions, participation in competitions;

Creation of a museum of children's crafts, albums, books;

Direct involvement of parents in the process of creative activity

with kids.

For successful training of preschoolers in manual and artistic labor

Some preliminary work needs to be done:

Creation of exhibitions;

Creation of collections (candy wrappers, buttons, shells, stones, etc.);

Creation of albums (samples and schemes of crafts, types of fabrics, herbarium, etc.);


Viewing filmstrips;

Reading literature;

looking at pictures;



Materials and tools necessary for manual and

artistic work in the preschool educational institution:

Natural material (cones of spruce, pine, cedar, needles of coniferous trees,

bark, leaves, seeds of fruits and berries, egg shells, pebbles, cereals, seeds

vegetables and flowers)

Waste material (boxes and jars of different sizes, discs, lids,

tubes, candy wrappers, etc.)

Paper (plain, corrugated paper, napkins, newspapers, cardboard, foil) -

Fabric, wire, cotton wool, cellophane, beads, foam rubber, buttons, etc.

Scissors, glue, plasticine, brushes, sewing needles.

Conditions for successful organization of manual labor:

saturated with materials and a variety of materials for children

artistic creativity subject-developing environment

free access to materials and the possibility of experimenting with them


emotionally positive




joint pedagogical activity with children

use of children's art products for







organization of exhibitions, participation in competitions; creation of a museum of children's crafts and

mini-libraries of children's handwritten books;

direct involvement of parents in the process of creative activity with






children's creativity.





artistic creativity indicates the wide possibilities of this fascinating

and useful, creatively productive activities for the comprehensive development

Requirements for the organization of manual labor in kindergarten

constructive (analysis of the sample, "reading" the drawing, etc.) and technical





that children receive in class and outside of class. If children come up with new



the educator supports them and helps them achieve the result;

Each craft should be interesting to children in content and find

specific practical application;

In the labor process, it is necessary to provide for the complication of the proposed

children work;

Every child should take part in the manufacture of crafts;





realize the necessity and significance of the work and do it with desire;


provide for

educator, depending on the degree of mastery of various skills by children, and





labor process.

















preschooler: the importance of his work, careful attitude to the results of work,





literature, children get acquainted with the work of adults, with the beauty of their native nature, with





is carried out in different forms: not only are observations of labor or





adults. Children are impressed by the role of an adult's assistant, but the main meaning

such an organization is direct communication with the worker, during which

the child is "infected" with labor enthusiasm, imitates the actions of adults.

The effectiveness of educating a positive attitude to work depends on

showing interest in activities.

This is one of the conditions ensuring the inclusion of children in work,

successful completion of teacher assignments.






influenced by the cognitive orientation of interest, its emotional coloring.

A significant place in teaching children manual labor is given to the issue








mutual aid,

ways of coordinating actions, cooperation based on the organization of labor





labor activity.

Handicraft skills are formed in children both in the classroom and outside

classes, during independent activities.





objects that are important for the child himself, his peers, relatives

For example,


acquire certain skills, acquire new knowledge. The teacher offers

make houses and give them to kids. All his methods are not aimed at




classes - to develop the skills of making crafts.



crafts according to the sample, drawing, pattern. To do this, it sets the task for children

Properly organized examination of samples helps children master

generalized methods of analysis - the ability to determine in the subject its main

parts, establish their spatial arrangement, highlight details. This

necessary when performing crafts from paper, straw, dried plants.




stick to

worked out


emphasizes the importance of analysis (consideration) “learn to consider and

then you yourself will be able to consider the toy (picture) that you want

to do in the corner of labor.

In order for the tasks put forward to become meaningful for children, the educator

reveals the "immediate prospects" - the practical application of the obtained

knowledge and skills. For this purpose, during the lessons, the teacher shows drawings or

samples of various crafts that you can do in your free time, and after

classes puts visual material in the corner of manual labor.

So the educator aims children at independent work, summing up

tasks, emphasizing the importance of manual labor, and arouses interest in it.


carried out


problem solving: What went well and why, what else should be

learn what causes failure. The content of the assessment depends on the





children's experience, the educator forms cognitive interest as a motive for learning




realize their importance in practice.

take care





ropes, twine, soutache, paper, cardboard, glue, brushes). They need to be prepared in

large quantity.



arts and crafts


artistic and creative



performance of creative tasks;



spiritual and aesthetic






Use of collective forms of artistic and creative activity;




sociological information about local art crafts;

Inclusion in the artistic and creative activities of preschoolers of works with

various materials, which is of great importance, both in educational

relation, and in terms of consolidating skills in working with different materials, and

also in the development of artistic taste;

Working with parents involves: folders - clamshells, informational




parent meetings, seminars - workshops.



Educational and methodical

allowance. M.: Publishing House "Color World", 2011.

Grigorieva G.G. The development of a preschooler in visual activity. - M.

Features of manual labor in preschool age, forms of organization of work with children, the importance of artistic labor in the development and upbringing of children. Materials for the manufacture of crafts, criteria for evaluating children's work. Traditions of arts and crafts, artistic hand weaving.



Consultation for educators

Tutor Bulankina T. A.

Features of manual artistic labor in preschool age.

Hand labor of childrenis an independent production of crafts using the simplest tools. This work, as a rule, carries a practical, to a certain extent useful orientation. Children's awareness of the expediency of their labor activity has a significant impact on its quality, on the attitude of each child to the process and result of labor.

The individual nature of manual labor (meaning that even in collective work, each of the children performs some part of it with his own hands), subject to the consistent involvement of all children in it, makes it possible to fix and correct some shortcomings.

Labor becomes an effective means of educating and developing a personality only when it is naturally included in the daily life of a kindergarten, is aimed at satisfying children's interests, is feasible for a child,

The performance of collective tasks develops in children the ability to negotiate among themselves, to subordinate their interests and desires to a common goal, instills a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, responsibility, develops initiative, ingenuity. In the process of performing collective tasks of a visual nature, children learn to independently plan the upcoming work, coordinate their actions with the general plan, think over the sequence of its implementation, select and use the necessary visual material. At the same time, in collective work, the individual characteristics of children are clearly revealed, and creative abilities are formed.

For example, a rug, tablecloth, path will be a good gift for decorating a play corner for kids. Any decorative collective work should be distinguished by clarity and simplicity of composition, simplicity of content, and presented in the following sequence: creating the psychological readiness of children for upcoming activities, planning activities, preparing a workplace, making crafts, including teaching technology and organizing control, servicing results, summing up .

Artistic manual laborthere is the work of a child with various materials, in order to create useful and artistically - aesthetically significant objects and products to decorate his life, games, work and recreation. This child labor is a decorative, arts and crafts activity, since the child, when creating beautiful objects, takes into account the aesthetic qualities of materials based on his ideas, knowledge and practical experience acquired in the course of labor activity.

In the formation of traditional types of artistic work of preschoolers, the role of arts and crafts is great.

Decorative and applied art has a well-established tradition in its development. True craftsmen, masters of their craft, on the basis of traditional canons, create masterpieces of national culture, which more than one generation of people are proud of. Applied art, preserving the features of distant centuries, brings into the present a peculiar beauty of the past. Folk embroidery, weaving, wood painting, intricate birch bark, bone, wood carving. Ceramics and porcelain products contain pictorial elements that were carefully selected by the performers and passed down from generation to generation, like fairy tales, epics, songs, legends.

The transfer of craft skills, the creative process of making products under the guidance of adults contributed to the consolidation of positive emotions, the desire to learn and master the specifics of craftsmanship, and the formation of initial ideas about folk decorative art. The concept of heritage, tradition in teaching art has always been important. The most valuable was considered the product of labor, which accumulated not only individual creativity, but also the inherited experience of previous generations, assimilated in the process of practical actions.

Introducing the child to labor activity in folk pedagogy has evolved over the centuries. The formation of handicraft skills has always been associated with the manufacture of necessary and useful household items. In the family, the elders taught the younger various elements of the labor process until the hand was “set correctly”. The main prerequisite for such a teaching was the conditions of the surrounding life.

The activities of children with various materials in folk pedagogy were classified as follows: work with natural material; processing of flax, wool, yarn and weaving; carving on wood, stone, bone, leather; chasing for metal, working with clay; manufacture of ceramic products.

Decorative and applied work of children aged 5-7 is aimed at creating original, simple crafts, different in quality, expressiveness, and texture of materials. So that the passion for applied arts is not episodic, the teacher creates optimal conditions for the creative activity of each child who wants to test his strength in the room and on the site of the kindergarten. The atmosphere of "interesting things" is influenced by the organization of exhibitions of children's works with their subsequent use in interior decoration, in puppet and living corners, in setting a dinner table, in decorating a hall and in a theatrical performance, etc. To demonstrate the most rational decor techniques, the teacher can periodically organize exhibitions of art objects (folk and modern).

L.V. Panteleeva, E. Kamenova emphasize the leading role of the educator, who not only explains to the child the techniques of handling various materials, but also systematically, purposefully teaches to understand the beautiful, cultivates a careful attitude to folk experience and traditions.

An adult involved in the development of artistic creativity of children of senior preschool age in applied art must:

* to teach children to determine the aesthetic (artistic) goals of the design of the product, as the end result of their work;

* master the technical skills of working with materials and tools in order to be able to convey your idea without distorting it.

By showing children the simplest methods of working with paper, cardboard, clay, thread, natural material in modeling, appliqué, and design classes, the teacher solves not only artistic, but also general educational and educational tasks (teaches to compare, analyze, show independence and activity in work, help comrades, to bring the work to the end, to keep order in the workplace).

Each of the activities is unique, has its own special qualities and therefore has its own, irreplaceable influence on the personality of the child, obliges the pedagogical process to be built in such a way that the characteristic features of these activities are sufficiently developed and used for educational purposes.

It is especially important that the knowledge acquired by children in the classroom be included in children's everyday life, serve the development of labor, play, and communication. Properly organized manual labor gives children knowledge about the quality and possibilities of materials, stimulates the desire to master the peculiarities of craftsmanship, and introduces them to decorative and applied arts. When organizing artistic manual labor in kindergarten, it is necessary: ​​to teach preschoolers to determine and implement the idea (sketch) of a product, to be able to plan the final result of their work; to instill skills in working with materials and tools (paper, cloth, thread, glue, needle, etc.). At the same time, the following criteria for assessing the quality of children's handicrafts are put forward:

* product functionality, i.e. the possibility of its practical application;

* compliance with the shape, color, proportions of the texture of the material;

* use of national symbols;

expressiveness, figurativeness, decorativeness of the product.

These criteria apply to work with fabric, threads (decorative applique from fabric, weaving, weaving, making panels, doll clothes, costume details for games, theatrical performances, table setting items, souvenirs).

To work with natural material (making small and large sculptures, decorative collages and three-dimensional compositions from dry plants, straws, weaving products from twigs, dry grass, making decorative bouquets from dry and living plants, decorating a living corner).

To work with paper, cardboard (application from paper of different textures in combination with fabrics, natural materials, making decorative panels, volumetric and planar objects and structures for decorating holidays, entertainment, decorations, souvenirs, models, doll rooms).

Woodworking (crafting and assembling wooden toys, souvenirs, making small sculptures using elements of natural material, doll furniture, small household items).

To work with clay (creating decorative ornaments, ceramic panels for interior decoration, making wall inserts, small sculptures of souvenir toys, doll dishes).

To work with artificial materials (knitting and weaving from synthetic yarn, polymer film, decorative braid, colored cellophane soft wire, making decorative ornaments and household items, toys and souvenirs from synthetic flap and fur).

Artistic hand weaving has long been known in Russia. In the old days, home weaving was widespread in peasant life. Various raw materials were used for weaving: flax, wool, hemp, which were manually processed in every peasant house. Factory-made dyed threads in hand-made home weaving began to appear only towards the end of the 21st century. The weaving process was almost ritualistic, stretched out in time - in the summer the raw materials for weaving were grown, in the winter, when field work was suspended, it was processed and woven. Girls gathered together, twisted threads on hand spinning wheels. They were assisted in their work by younger sisters. On home wooden looms, which were available in every peasant family, they began to slowly weave canvases. Closer to spring, they were laid out on green, sun-warmed grass for bleaching. Various clothes, linen were sewn from these fabrics, household items were made - towels, tablecloths, curtains, valances. The ancient clothes of Russian peasant women in many regions of Russia can be considered the true art of manual artistic creativity. Sundresses, ponev skirts, zapons - aprons, shirts with patterned trims along the hem and collar, outer summer clothes - shushpans lived from woven fabric.

The principles of folk art weaving do not fade away, they develop in modern decorative art, becoming increasingly important in the preservation and development of national traditions, in the emergence of new types of products that form the objective world of modern man. Today we look at this type of applied art as a living and inexhaustible source of folk craftsmanship, wisdom and beauty. Experts believe that weaving is one of the most diverse types in modern folk art. It is no coincidence that it attracts and captures many people, regardless of their profession.

Russian patterned weaving, having passed a long way of its development and having not lost the traditions accumulated for centuries, is now filled with new content. Traditional weaving is gaining more and more recognition as one of the wonderful handicrafts of mankind.

The most widely used types of weaving, such as hand carpet weaving, tapestry, macrame.

Education in artistic weaving can be started already at preschool age, in order to master this interesting and exciting activity, one must have an idea about the weaving process itself, which has a number of technological features that should be familiarized, first of all, with a teacher-educator working with children. And so the weaving process is carried out on a manual Tatian loom or frame using two threads - the warp (weft) that form the fabric. The simplest weave is plain weave, in which the warp and weft threads are intertwined alternately.

With the skillful systematic guidance of a teacher, children can master traditional and modern types of decorative work, perform creative tasks, applying their knowledge of composition, color combinations, and the ability to present the finished product in its final form. During manual labor, they develop visual memory, imaginative thinking, static taste, which, in turn, affects the clarity and accuracy of task execution, and the quality of work.