A plot to meet your loved one soon. A plot to meet a guy or girl. A conspiracy to meet a loved one as an emergency tool

Agree, sometimes you want to see your favorite face so much that you are ready to give half your life for a happy coincidence of circumstances. This is not the case in magic. There are special rituals, for example, a conspiracy to meet. Only this concept is voluminous and multifaceted. Think about it: meetings are different. Some dream of looking into the eyes of a certain person, others - to understand what fate has in store, and others - to feel the delightful delight of love. And all the rituals that fulfill such desires are called the same - “conspiracy to meet”, but their continuation, however, is different. Let's look at them in order.

Conspiracy to meet soon

Let's start with the magical organization of the desired combination of circumstances. Suitable for people who are tormented by the desire to quickly see a cute face, talk or meet eyes. The ritual is performed at any time, but works faster on the waxing moon. You need to face east. Raise your eyes to the sky. Read the prayer you know by heart. Then repeat these words three times: “Just as dew from the sun’s rays rushes into the heavens and gathers in the clouds, so the Lord’s servant (the person’s name) reaches out to me as to light, will fly and will remain forever! Amen!".

How to strengthen the ritual

If you read the meeting plot confidently, completely trusting your destiny to magical forces, then everything will definitely work out. At the moment of divination, keep in your head not your passionate desire, but your defenselessness. You know, any ritual must be filled with emotion. It is to the expression of feelings that egregors react, by whose will circumstances change. You must be able to choose your assistants, generating the appropriate emotional background. Experienced magicians do this automatically. And novice wizards should think about which powers are easiest to work with. This is how you make a “sensual advance payment” for magical services. In our case, fill your soul with a defenseless expectation of help from a strong patron.

If a loved one is “lost”

The most incredible situations happen in life. If your loved one has disappeared somewhere, doesn’t answer calls and doesn’t show up at home, then perform another ritual. Almost every home has seasonings. We will need a bay leaf. Also prepare a church candle and a frying pan. Choose whole, undamaged leaves. Place the candle in front of you and light it. Place a frying pan (or other metal container) nearby. Place a crumpled sheet of paper at the bottom. Light a leaf from the candle, saying the words of the conspiracy. They are as follows: “I blow fragrant smoke, I block the roads of the Lord’s servant (name). To forget about everything, he quickly arrived at the doorstep. Fly smoke into the distance, bring my sorrows to my beloved. Hug me and bring me home! Amen!". When finished, throw the leaf into the pan. Take the next one and repeat again. Make sure the laurel burns completely. Just during the ritual, do not think about any troubles and misfortunes that could happen to a loved one. This is a powerful gypsy ritual; it literally projects the will of the magician onto the victim. You will invite grief yourself.

Conspiracy to meet a person

We are all talking about love. But with the help of magic, you can even bring a simple acquaintance into contact. Moreover, he initiates it himself. The ritual should only be carried out in advance, in the evening. And the meeting itself will then take place the next day. For the ritual, prepare a candle (where would you go without it), a photo of the person, if available, and holy water. Choose a time so that no one distracts you. Place a photo in front of you. If there is none, then a sheet of paper on which the name of the object of influence is written. Light a candle and keep water handy. So say: “Lord Almighty! I trust in you! Show me the way. It is strictly for His (the person’s name) not to run away from me, but to ride to the meeting on horseback. Walk with a bow and gifts, make speeches, and not beat with batogs. God bless you for a successful meeting! So be it! Amen!". Name the photo water. Sorry plot again. Repeat three times. And be sure to take this portrait with you the next morning. It will lure the right person or circumstance. Please note, this is a very strong conspiracy for a meeting. If you don't get what you want, you know you don't need it. There will be something different, much better.

Ritual for a meeting after a quarrel

When a storm passes through the house, taking your loved one with it, then such a ritual should be performed. It will help calm down and return the “fugitive” to Take a piece of rye bread. Sprinkle generously with salt. Place it on a napkin in the middle of the table. So say to him: “Everyone is glad to have bread and salt as soon as they enter the capital city. This is for peace and quiet. You (name) come back, we were destined to be with you. They don't refuse bread and salt. They are always happy. So you (name) look at me tenderly. We will accept everything for two that will lie ahead! Amen!". Don't put the bread away until the morning. And there everything will change. The sun will shine in the relationship again. When your beloved returns, crumble this piece for the birds. And so say: “Carry grief and misfortune beyond the oceans, beyond the mountains and fogs. Don't go back! Amen!". This conspiracy for a meeting is read before going to bed.

How to use magic to attract love into your life

Buy a thick candle in the temple. Just go there on a big holiday. Take it home. On the way, stop by the store and pick up a “new thing” for your future chosen one. For example, slippers or other useful items. In the evening, light a candle, after turning off the lights and other electrical appliances. Place a new thing and a piece of white woolen thread in front of you. Say this: “The fire of the candle will melt the wax. He likes his share. I call you, my dear, with the warmth of my heart. Enter my destiny as a swan. I'll tie you to seven knots. I won’t give it to anyone, I won’t let you go! Amen!". These words should be said seven times while wrapping the thread around the new item and tying the knots. For a conspiracy to meet love to definitely help, keep it secret. And hide the new thing.

Ritual with a mirror

There are situations when it is urgently necessary to meet and talk with a certain person. Take a small mirror. Catch a ray of sunshine in it. Point it at the wall. And so you say: “A ray gallops across fields, forests and cities. He gathers people and invites them to have fun. Fly, little ray, to the side where crows do not fly and wolves do not roam. Catch the Lord's servant (name) and bring him here. Look into his eyes and turn to me. Don't jump, don't have fun, but turn into an arrow! Amen!". With the last word, the “bunny” should be released, that is, the mirror should be removed.

Why don't the rituals work?

The main mistake of a novice wizard is an unpleasant feeling of self-doubt. It has already been mentioned that a plot to meet a loved one should be filled emotionally, focusing on a specific egregor. Those who do not wish happiness to people “feed” on uncertainty and doubts. If you bring such feelings into the ritual, then do not expect success. A magician is a person who has perfect control over emotions. If you want to live with magic, learn this tricky science.

What to do if your loved one leaves and does not return, and your phone is out of reach? He could turn off the phone or change the SIM card. But you urgently need to see him and say important words! In this case, a plot to meet your loved one will help.

This challenge is to meet a guy from gypsy magic. You need to take 15 laurel leaves and a red wool thread. With these things go to the river. On the shore, tie three bay leaves with a thread and throw them into the river. For each bunch of leaves you need to say a spell:

“A leaf floats down the river,
(name) will call my beloved to me.”

Despite the simplicity of the ritual, this is effective magic. Soon your loved one will remember you and will meet you halfway in everything.

Ritual with a photo

  • two wax candles;
  • photograph of a loved one.

This call for a quick meeting takes place at sunrise and sunset for two days in a row. Place a photograph on the table and light a candle in front of it.

Look through the flame into the person’s eyes and read the plot from memory:

“The day has passed and the night has passed.
I waited for the day and waited for the night.
Now I’m waiting for you, (name of the person being called).”

Read as many times as you like. All conspiracies for a meeting are pronounced in an authoritative voice. If your loved one has disappeared for some unknown reason, you can call him with affection in your voice and ask.

If you have recently met and want to meet, then you need to show the will to force him to show up. As you read, you may feel resistance to your words. He needs to be overpowered, broken. You will feel inside yourself whether you succeeded or not. The result of your actions will depend on this.

After reading the plot the required number of times, extinguish the fire with your fingers (do not blow it out). In the evening, repeat the ritual and leave the candle to burn out until the end. The next morning, take the second candle. In the morning the spell is pronounced facing east, and in the evening - facing west.

When we read conspiracies for a meeting, the phase of the moon does not matter.

Calling a loved one through a dream

There are various conspiracies to meet your loved one, one of them is a call through a dream. To perform this ritual you will need the following things:

  • two candles;
  • mirror;
  • photograph of a loved one.

Take two candles and place them on the sides of the mirror, but so that they are reflected in the mirror surface.

You should put a photo of your loved one in front of the mirror. Look in the mirror and read the call to the meeting:

“I’ll come to you in a dream.
Don't send me away
And come to me yourself.”

After reading the plot, leave the candles to burn out. Place the photo under your pillow. The next day the person will make himself known.

Bring your loved one back with candles

If you have quarreled with someone and want to get him back, then you need to read this very powerful plot to meet a person who will definitely bring him to you!

Buy 3 small candles in the church and place them on the table in a triangle, in the center of which place a photo of the person being called or a piece of paper with his initials.

When we install the first candle, we say:


When installing the second candle, we say:


On the third we say:

“I’m blocking your path, (name)!
I am sending alarms after you, (name)!
Stop! Come back to me!”

The plot should be read at least nine times, but more is possible. Like all calls to a meeting, this ritual requires your volitional effort. It is necessary to force the person to return, to break his will. After all, his plans may not include meeting you.

After reading the words, turn the photo over and drop a drop of wax from each candle onto it, saying:


We leave the candles to burn out and put the photograph under our pillow for three days.

Ritual of attracting a loved one

This ritual requires a photograph and a pendulum. A pendulum can be made by hanging a ring on a chain. Place the photo on the table, hold the hand with the pendulum over the photo, and rotate the pendulum clockwise. At this time, imagine how the right person is walking towards you.

You can perform the ritual silently, or you can repeat the words:

"Come to me!".

Everything will depend on your emotional state.

When you feel within yourself that the person is submitting to your will, complete your actions and stop the pendulum.

Calling a loved one through an object

If you have a personal item of your loved one, then do so. Tie a longer thread to it and slowly pull this thing towards you, imagining how he calls you on the phone or at the door. Don't rush, pull the item gradually.

You must have time to feel that your desire to meet is quite real and feasible. When the item is in your hands, the right person will start thinking about calling you.

It happens that the right person goes a different way, that is, you can’t meet him. Here, as they say, luck is not on your side. This matter is fixable.

A meeting conspiracy will help you slightly adjust your paths and cross them at some point.

It is read the moment you leave the room. That is, for example, when you go or for a walk.

Walk out the door hoping for a meeting and immediately perform the ritual. And then, leave your thoughts about the desired event.

Try to distract yourself. Excessive worries and worries in this case will only delay the desired event.

General plot to meet the right person

This version of the ritual is universal. It is carried out to meet a specific person.

  1. You need to take a handful of grains (rice or any large cereal) at home.
  2. Think about the event you want to attract. Thoughts should be emotionally charged, that is, visualize the desired meeting.
  3. When you go outside, throw the grain on the ground and say these words:

"God! Get me ready for the road! Reveal to me your paths and plans! Let their hidden meaning be clear to me! May I meet (name) on my way today! May she be successful and comfortable! May the Angel guide me with his wings and protect me along the way! Amen!"

See you soon

You will need a tiny piece of soap. You need to put the name of the person you want to see on it. Pour water into the bathroom, throw soap in there and say:

“Just as a stone at the bottom of the ocean is calm and serene, so my path is smooth and sinless! Just as we can’t lift a stone from the depths of the sea, we can’t pass by the meeting with (name)! No one will stop or prohibit! Amen!"

Leave the piece in the water to dissolve and go outside.

You will definitely meet the one you were wondering about.

Please note that a conspiracy is not a conspiracy. It happens that you don’t need exactly that person. For example, it can push you to sin or trouble.

If he doesn’t meet you after the ritual, then think about your plans. A fatal mistake has crept into them, which takes you away from the right path. Try to become aware of it.

Usually in this way the Angel protects a person, leading him along a completely different path in order to deprive him of the opportunity to make a mistaken step.

Another conspiracy to meet a person

You need to be specific about who and how you want to see. Look in the mirror, then look away and say (can be read):

“The Lord guides our paths, no matter how you walk, but you measure his path with steps. An angel is guiding us. Wherever you go, you carry out his orders! It is difficult for us on earth to determine our paths; not everything is visible. The angels in heaven see everything and laugh! Please, my Angel, turn my path so that it intersects with the one along which the Angel leads (person’s name). May my wish come true, may our meeting take place! My angel, you are always with me! Fly to meet my command, so that luck illuminates, so that the meeting surprises! Amen!"

After this, look in the mirror again and tell yourself that everything will come true as desired. Don't forget to thank your Angel when he arranges the meeting you need. And don't rush things.

Sometimes it can be difficult to change the plans of many people in order to fulfill your dream (or just desire).

To meet your loved one

These words must be spoken to the clouds floating in the blue sky. Look at them and say:

"Jesus Christ! I pray to the clouds that fly over the ocean, over the golden island of Buyan, over huge waves, over calm forests, over quicksand, over springs gushing, over volcanoes spitting fire! Let the clouds in the distance spill into the sands with pure streams and radiant hopes! Let them see the darling, let them lead him to the path that goes to my road, let his feet carry him there! Not in the far side, but here and to me! Not in the seas and forests, but in these places! Let the paths converge, so as not to diverge! Amen!"

This ritual is performed ahead of time.

In the evening you need to take a photo of the person you want to see. If there is none, then write the name on a piece of paper.

Wind a thread around the image (paper) and read the following words:

“Dear spirit, come to the meeting. I come to you with a prayer, you bow to me. Gather the paths and paths into a knot, and order (person’s name) to walk everyone at once, only in my direction, so that he cannot challenge your command! That he himself didn’t know, but he saw me, was happy, smiled and turned over in his heart! The spirit is dear, but give me a term of not a year, not two, but just half a day! Amen!"

Another ritual

There is another option that will push someone you rarely see towards you.

  1. You need to buy a tasty treat (cake or candy).
  2. Go with him to the thick tree.
  3. Place a “bait” under it, imagine the desired event.
  4. Say these words:

“To all the dear spirits, pie from me! So that the sweetness of his taste, he wrapped it around his mustache. May he grow up and listen to my orders! I want (person’s name) to stand in my way, so I can’t go around it, I can’t get around it! Let the spirit of roads tie him to a post and not let him go anywhere until he meets me, and let my wishes come true! Amen!"

Conspiracy for a successful meeting

If you are not sure in which direction communication with a certain person will go, and whether it will take place, then perform such a ritual.

After midnight (that is, in the first minutes of the day when the meeting is planned), take a small mirror and lipstick.

Its color is selected depending on the importance of the contact for you. The more necessary it is, the darker the color.

Write the full name of the person you want to talk to on the mirror. Then the following plot is read eight times:

“In the country on the other side, our paths converged and became intertwined. In the country on the other side, you (name) answered my requests with consent, caught my desires, and fulfilled them! In the camp on the other side everything was as I wished, but on this side I don’t know! Let the events of that side spill over onto this side, and let reality turn into reality. I open the passage so that the opposite does not happen! The word was said, don’t cut it, no one could contradict it, I’ll draw a bush of roads!”

How to do

Let's use the power of magic to meet

Love is one of the most contradictory feelings. It can bring a flurry of pleasure and all-encompassing happiness. And at the same time, love often turns into an exhausting wait for the cherished meeting. How you want to make the clock hands spin faster at such moments! And it’s quite possible to do this. Indeed, in the world of esotericists, such a ritual as a conspiracy to meet has long been practiced.

It is relevant for many. After all, with the help of simple manipulations you can not only bring your date closer. The conspiracy is effective even in cases where meeting a person is practically impossible. If everything is done correctly, fate will definitely show favor. And a combination of random circumstances will force the object of dreams to come at the appointed hour and day to a strictly defined place.

A conspiracy to make a date happen

Plot for a date

This ritual will become a real lifesaver if there is practically no chance of meeting your loved one. If you are not sure that a person will come on a date, you should definitely play it safe and carry out the ceremony. It is best to cast a spell to meet your loved one with the curtains tightly closed. Let the room be illuminated by a dim candle flame.

Text of an effective conspiracy:

“Lord, get me ready for the journey. And give me the green light for a relationship. Reveal for me the secret of my acquaintance. Give me everything I need. Give me the opportunity to be confident in (name of my loved one) or give me the opportunity to be disappointed in him. Save me from wasting my time in vain. Organize the meeting I need so that I understand my prospects. My heart skips a beat and worries. Sympathy has arisen and is growing. Don't let me perish in torment. Bring (name of your loved one) on a date. I will pray to You for this. My God, my Vizardas. I will praise You and greet You. Don't let me miss my chances. Khantaa upar.”

A conspiracy to bring the meeting closer

Reducing the time for a meeting

For those situations when you can’t wait to see a person, a conspiracy to meet quickly is perfect. He is able to “bring” his loved one, make him change his plans. The action is aimed at creating a situation where a person, by the will of fate, ends up near the one who performs the ritual.

All extraneous thoughts should be removed from the mind. Concentrate and say slowly:

“Wherever you go, wherever you wander, you will come to me (the name of your loved one). Wherever you hide, wherever you hide, whatever you do, you are drawn to me. No matter what you do, no matter what you create, no matter what you think, you will come to me (the name of your loved one). No matter who you are with, no matter how busy you are, no matter where you go, you will come to me. Fate is pulling you towards me along all roads. Your heart beckons you in every way. If you bypass me, you will not bypass me. If you go around me, you won’t go around me. Our roads converge and intersect. I need you to solve my problem. When I decide, then you will be free. In the meantime, you walk around me. And stick to me like a chip on the shore. Khantaa upar.”

Conspiracy on a bar of soap

This plot is ideal for those who urgently need to “bring” a person. To implement it you will need a needle, a small piece of any soap. It is best to carry out the ceremony in the bathroom. Using a needle, write the name of the person you are interested in on a piece of soap. Place on the bottom of the bathtub (without water).

“You lie in emptiness, without wind and without rain. There is no thunder here, there is no storm here, only calm around. And everything will go calmly for me, it will go smoothly and without trouble.”

After this, remove the soap. Put it in your wallet and carry it with you everywhere until the long-awaited date takes place.

Every conspiracy to meet a person will lose its power if it is treated with some irony. The key to effectiveness is firm confidence in the effectiveness of the chosen ritual. Otherwise, you should not count on a successful solution to the current problem.

Conspiracy to meet a person

Very often in life there are situations when you really want to meet a person, but life itself seems to prevent this. In this case, of course, you can use magical means. But at the same time, you need to understand exactly why you need this meeting. After all, forcing another person to certain actions, influencing his energy field, is not always favorable.

First you need to try to find mutual friends who could help organize a meeting. At the very least, this is important to make sure that you are truly interested in this person. If a man dreams of meeting the woman he likes, who doesn’t even know he exists, then all that is needed is to be decisive. You need to buy a bouquet of flowers, approach your chosen one, for example, by waiting for her at the exit from work or home, and offer to meet her, inviting her to a restaurant or to the theater.

Options for strong rituals

If, despite all the actions taken, you cannot meet the person you like, then in this case you can use conspiracies, of which there are a huge number. The main condition for the success of the ritual is sincerity and a strong desire to see a specific person.

When reading any conspiracy for a meeting, it is very important to concentrate and clearly imagine the person you need to meet. During the ceremony, you should visualize the future meeting. Most conspiracies for a meeting can be pronounced at any time; the strength of their impact is not related to the position of the Moon or the time of day. As a rule, they are simple and do not require any additional attributes. It is also very important that all conspiracies for a meeting belong to the means of white magic, so they do not pose any danger to any of the parties to the ritual.

Popular method

There is a universal spell that can be used when you are simply hoping to meet a stranger.

It goes something like this:

Reveal the secret of your acquaintance to me and provide me with everything I need.

Give me confidence in my chosen one (name) or disappointment.

Protect me from unnecessary waste of time. Help me understand the perspective.

My heart is worried. Sympathy is born and intensifies.

Stop the torment of my soul, Lord. Help me meet (name of chosen one).

Let me take this chance and calm down.”

Plot to meet your loved one

The words of the conspiracy are:

Ritual with photography

If you really like a person, but life circumstances develop in such a way that you cannot meet, you can use a ritual in which you will need to use a photo of your chosen one.

This ritual in its action is a call for a quick meeting. It must be carried out two days in a row at dawn and sunset. In a secluded place, you need to place a photograph on the table and light a candle next to it.

Through the flame of a candle, you should look at the image of your loved one and read the following magical spell from memory:

You need to pronounce this conspiracy many times until you feel that your call has been heard. To do this, magic words must be pronounced in an authoritative voice. After reading the plot, you should extinguish the candle with your fingers. In the evening of the same day, the ritual should be repeated again, but only the candle should burn out naturally; it cannot be forcibly extinguished.

The next day, the ritual is carried out in the same order, but only with a new candle. A special feature of the ritual is that on the first day the plot is read facing the east, and on the second day – facing the west.

To get a person back after a quarrel

There are often situations in life where people just can’t meet after a trivial quarrel. Inner pride does not allow either partner to take the first step. Therefore, you can use magic to organize a random meeting.

For the ceremony you will need to use three church candles. They need to be installed in a secluded place on the table in the form of a triangle, and a photo of your loved one should be placed between them.

It is very important to follow the entire installation procedure for such an installation:

  • When lighting the first candle, you should say: “Stop.”
  • When installing another candle, you need to say: “Hang on.”
  • The third candle is placed with the words: “Come back to me.”

After this, you need to put the photo and, looking at the image of your loved one, say the following magic words:

This plot must be repeated at least nine times, but more is possible. Since this ritual is a challenge in its action, its success depends entirely on your volitional efforts.

Having spoken the magic words a sufficient number of times, you need to say:

The candles should be left to burn out, and at this time sit in silence and try to imagine your future meeting with your loved one. You should put the photograph under your pillow and keep it there for three days.

To have a date

When you have met someone in your life that you like, you can use magic to get them to ask you out.

This is a very strong ritual that needs to be performed in the bathhouse. It is very easy to implement this in the modern world, because today there are a large number of various baths and saunas, the services of which can be used.

For the ceremony, you will need to make a broom from birch or spruce branches with your own hands. In addition, you need to purchase 9 red candles.

You need to go to the bathhouse at midnight, there, on the floor in a circle, you need to put candles and light them from right to left. In such an improvised circle you need to place a basin of water and stand with your feet in it.

With a well-soaked broom, you need to take a good steam with the words:

You need to repeat this spell nine times. After this, you should pour the remaining water over yourself. Then you need to extinguish the candles and collect the cinders from right to left. Only after this can you leave the circle.

The next day, you need to take a few twigs from the bath broom and quietly sweep the threshold of the house where your loved one lives.

During this process, you need to say the following words:

Upon returning home, the branches need to be put away in a secret place along with the broom that was used in the bathhouse.

Complete cleansing will help enhance the effectiveness of conspiracies for a meeting. To do this, you need to fast for several days, not smoke or drink alcohol. You should also visit the temple if possible.

Conspiracies to meet are absolutely safe, since they do not awaken love, but only push a person to a chance meeting with the performer of the ritual. The further fate of relationships between people depends entirely on the decisions of the partners.

Conspiracy to meet a person

The “meeting” conspiracy is considered relatively safe. However, this is still a conspiracy, and like any magical ritual, it is aimed at getting what you want by any means. Therefore, resorting to witchcraft, in order to avoid an unforeseen life situation, should only be used as a last resort. Sometimes a banal verbal agreement about a meeting is enough, you just need to show more determination and courage. After all, you find them in yourself while trying to implement a magical ritual.

Learn for free effective conspiracies that don't require a video to speak for your court date. Magic is offered and who the option helped, reviews, buttons. Please advise your approaches in the comments.

A quick plot to meet a person

The fastest plot to meet the right person is to imagine your meeting as realistically as possible, imagine it in detail, in the smallest detail. Once you feel that you have succeeded, say the name of the person you want and say:

Don't look at the obstacles!

will bring you to me!

Let it be true!”

A conspiracy to meet a man without a name, in the photo

Place in front of you a photo of the person you need to see and say the spell:

“Now I look into your eyes,

and soon you will look into my eyes!

Now I'm telling you a speech

and soon you will say a word to me!

Now I turned to you,

and soon you yourself will be looking for the way to me!

Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!"

When pronouncing the last line of the spell, try to visually imagine your meeting as clearly as possible - how soon the meeting will take place depends on this.

Plot to meet a person using a phone number, bread, water, salt

One of the most effective spells “for a meeting” is a spell for a phone number. It works even when people are at a considerable distance from each other.

Before going to bed, place salt, bread and water at your head, dial the phone number of the person you are interested in, except for the last digit, and say:

“Here’s bread, salt and water for you.

Come eat and drink.

Your guardian angel will take you by the hand,

He will show you the way and lead you to me.

If you don't call, you'll come!

If you don't come, you'll call!

A strong conspiracy to meet a person on a bar of soap

For the conspiracy you will need a small piece of soap or soap. On it, with a needle or fingernail, you should scratch the first letter of the name of the person you would like to meet, and on the reverse side, the capital letter of your name.

Looking at the soap, and then at least once a day, you should repeat the following spell:

“Don’t lie idle,

Served well more than once

so help me this time too!

Let it be true!”

Then they put the soap in their bag or in the pocket of their outerwear and carry it with them until the desired meeting occurs.

Spell to meet a person with buttons, 12 buttons, on the full moon

This conspiracy has particular power if the ritual is performed on a full moon, but some claim that they did not adhere to the lunar calendar.

Knife for cutting thread;

Candle and matches (if the ceremony is performed at night).

Sit comfortably so that your eyes are directed to the east. The task is to sew all 12 buttons to the fabric.

Important! Each time you start sewing on a new button, pull a new thread into the needle by cutting it from the spool using a knife. Do not cut off or throw away the rest of the thread, but wrap it around the “leg” of the button. It is advisable to choose the same buttons.

After you have tightened the thread into the needle, you should pronounce the name of one of the 12 disciples of Christ and say: “Simon (John, Andrew, Matthew...) I ask for help!” - and only then begin to sew, saying:

“As the disciples followed Christ,

so (the name of the person you need) will search and find me,

leaving all your affairs behind!

Let it be true!”

Conspiracy and spell to meet your loved one

There are many options for conspiracies and spells aimed at meeting a loved one. However, simply performing a ritual, if you do not put emotional strength into it, will not give the desired result. As they say, these will be “empty” words thrown into the wind.

If you have not practiced magic before and doubt your abilities, entrust your destiny into the hands of God. Ask Saint Matrona for patronage in matters of the heart - this option is better for you than reading spells and conspiracies.

If the previous arguments seemed unconvincing, then try the next method. Take as many matches as there are letters in your loved one's full name. Lighting one by one until all the selected matches burn out, cast the spell:

“Like a match ignites,

so your soul (name) will turn to me.

You won't find peace until you come to me!

A conspiracy to meet the right, unfamiliar, specific person

In principle, to meet the right person, regardless of whether you know him or not, you can perform the following ritual. Take a piece of paper and write on it why you need to meet with this person. Describe how your meeting should happen. Try to keep the description as realistic as possible. Then fold the sheet in four and put it in a clean notebook, saying the following words:

“As planned - so be it!

Nothing to change, nothing to change.

Let it be so. Amen."

A powerful spell to meet a person Natalya Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova, if it is necessary to meet with the right person who, for some reason, is avoiding this meeting, recommends turning to Theophan the recluse and the 12 disciples of Christ with a prayer for help.

Every person wants to find their other half and start a family. But it happens that there are no worthy candidates. It may seem that the other half does not exist. From ancient times, rituals that our ancestors performed to attract love into their lives have come down to us. Many conspiracies are easy to perform even now.

Features of the conspiracy

If a person is not committed to starting a family, then even the most powerful conspiracy will not help. First, you need to really really want to meet your soul mate and arrange your personal life. If the desire is fleeting or appeared under the influence of external factors and surrounding people, then the result will be difficult to obtain.

A determined person who longs for love will always have a visible effect from the conspiracy. But for this you need to strictly follow the rules of the chosen ritual. You need to choose the method for which all the conditions are met.

How does a conspiracy differ from a love spell?

Many people confuse these two concepts. A conspiracy to meet, just like a love spell, is a magical ritual, but it operates on a different principle. It does not distort a person’s destiny and is not able to suppress his will and energy field. A love spell refers to black magic, and a meeting spell is white and helps two people with similar energy and character meet.

It seems to many that quickly meeting a loved one was truly accidental and that the ceremony had nothing to do with it. In this case, you should no longer resort to magical help, but trust your feelings, since the magic has already worked. It remains for the lovers themselves to act.

Conspiracy on a photograph

It is considered quite effective. Such a meeting plot is suitable for lovers who are in a quarrel. It helps the couple meet and make peace faster.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • Water in a glass.
  • Photo of your loved one.
  • Church candle.

The conspiracy is best carried out in the evening. You need to sit down at a table on which there should be a glass of water and a photo of your loved one.

Then the following words are spoken into the water:

“Heavenly Powers! Give this water magical powers. Help me melt the heart of God’s servant (say the name of my dear one) so that he can be happy with me. I conjure, Heavenly Powers, that love controls me, not selfish interest. I beg you to help me, so that when the water touches his body, a fire will be kindled in his soul. Then we will find happiness and bright love. My word is strong. Amen".

After the meeting takes place, it is necessary for your loved one to drink this water.

Conspiracy on the icon of the Virgin Mary

This method helps speed up the meeting with your loved one. The date plot is carried out after it gets dark outside. To perform it, only the room where the icon of the Mother of God is located is suitable.

To perform the ritual you need:

  • Salt.
  • Water.
  • Cup.
  • Medium size church candle.

You need to go into the room without turning on the light, stand in front of the icon and put a glass of salted water. Then light a candle and read the plot.

“Holy Mother of God! I come running to you, I trust in you. Tell my betrothed how much I miss him, show him where my home is. The water is magical, good, show your loved one the way, spread across the earth and unite with your loved one. Amen. Amen. Amen".

At the end of the plot to meet your loved one, you need to pour water into the corner. Before leaving the room, you need to say the Lord's Prayer.

Conspiracy to meet your betrothed

This method helps speed up the acquaintance with your soulmate. To perform the ritual, you need to put on a white shirt and unbraid your hair, remove all elastic bands and hairpins. The plot is read over three days at dusk.

It is important to concentrate and say the following words:

“My bright scarlet dawn, my prayer to you is considerable - bring me a young man for the crown. You guide his soul and eyes. Put us under the image."

Rose plot

This method is aimed at meeting the other half. It is advisable to take a freshly cut flower of red or scarlet color. If a flower is bought, then you cannot bargain. It is important to choose a rose carefully, to purchase only the one that appeals to you more than others.

Before the ceremony, you need to remove things from the room that prevent you from concentrating as much as possible. First you need to take the rose in your hands and sit comfortably in front of the mirror, tune in to carry out the spell. The gaze should be directed at the flower, imagining the future loved one.

The following words are pronounced:

“I feel love, I see love, I breathe love.”

The rose should be near the face. When pronouncing a spell to meet a man on time, you need to admire your reflection and inhale the aroma of the flower while touching it. During the ritual, you need to visualize a powerful love wave that penetrates the body.

At the end, look at your reflection and say these words:

“Love is around me, inside me, coming from me. She's coming towards me. I am loved".

The words are repeated three times; at the end of the ritual, the rose is carried with them as an amulet for three days.

Conspiracy to meet on soap

The ritual is considered very effective for making your loved one rush to a date. It is carried out in the bathroom. The name of your loved one is scratched into the soap, after which it is placed on the bottom of the bathtub. The water should not be turned on during the procedure.

The following words are read on the soap:

“Lie in emptiness, don’t wait for wind or rain. You won't hear thunder here, you won't see trees. Everything will go smoothly and calmly, I will be satisfied. Amen".

After the ritual, soap is carried everywhere with you. After the meeting, the amulet will stop working. They throw it away at a crossroads, after scraping off the name of their loved one.

Ritual to meet a person who is lost

There are times when a loved one has disappeared. In this case, you can resort to this conspiracy for a meeting.

For the ritual you need:

  • Bay leaf.
  • A church candle must be bought by the person who will read the plot.
  • The pan being used.

Take a whole bay leaf, place a church candle on the table, and light it. Next, they place a frying pan on the table, place a piece of paper with the name of the person who is lost there, and set it on fire. Next they say the following text:

“I blow fragrant smoke, attract (they say the person’s name), and block roads. Let the smoke fly into distant distances, it will tell him about sadness. Amen".

During the execution of the conspiracy, you should not be sad or sad. It is best to abstract yourself from negative thoughts and think about the lost person, imagining his smile and voice. This ritual is used by the gypsies; it is considered a very powerful conspiracy. Therefore, thinking about grief can bring disaster into your own and others’ lives.

Pear plot

This ritual will help speed up the meeting with your soulmate. To complete it you need to take three matches and a large pear. They read the plot for the growing moon before sunset.

The pear is divided into two parts and the following words are said:

“Just as the whole was divided, so the whole was separated, so I alone am sad.”

Then the halves are connected with matches in a certain sequence. The first is stuck at the top, the second at the bottom, and the third in the middle.

When the halves of the pear are connected, you need to say the following words out loud:

“Just as two parts of a pear connected and merged into a single whole, so I will find my soul mate, drive away sadness and melancholy. So be it".

Finally, the pear is wrapped in a clean linen scarf and left under the fruit tree.

Water spell

For the best effect, take clean water from a spring or stream. Don't get water from the tap. The water should not be cloudy. The plot is read after sunset. Light a scarlet candle and place it near a glass of clean water.

The following words are pronounced:

“I’m reading this frankly, I’m calling my future betrothed. Let him know about me quickly. He hurries to me, doesn’t waste time. I wait for him with all my heart, I protect my love.”

At the end of the conspiracy, the candle is blown out. The glass of water is not touched until the next morning. They pour it into a lake or river after the Sun rises.

You need to say:

“You will swim to my future betrothed, pour out my sadness and melancholy.”

Candle spell

To complete it you need to go to church early in the morning. Buy 12 candles there. But only take two of them home. Leave 10 candles near different faces of saints. Three candles are placed near the Mother of God and the Crucifixion of the Savior. Four candles are placed near the icons of Hope, Love, Faith and their mother Sophia.

Upon returning home, you need to wait until the Sun sets and light two candles brought from the church.

Think about your desire - to find a soul mate and say the following words 12 times:

“Lord have mercy. Have mercy, Mother of God. Just as candles burn, so let the heart of my dear one burn with love for me.”

You need to buy a candle in the church on a big holiday, after that you need to buy any clothes for your future lover. In the evening, they light a candle, place the purchased item next to it, and a white thread on it.

They say the following words:

“As candle wax melts, so he will like my soul. Only I call you, I’ll tie you seven knots to me, my love. Amen".

What needs to be done for the plot to work

Before performing the ritual, you need to properly tune in and prepare. You need to decide that a conspiracy is really needed. During execution, you should be sure that it will bring results.

Three days before the ceremony you need to follow these recommendations:

  • Don't swear or fight.
  • Do not consume alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.
  • Avoid meat and eat only plant-based foods.
  • Do not rush to perform the ritual; you must first tune in to it.
  • Use conspiracies from trusted sources, and you also need to sincerely believe in success. Otherwise, your time will be wasted.

Meeting conspiracies will help many people find their soulmate, as well as speed up a date with an existing loved one. There are a huge number of rituals that are time-tested. But before you resort to magical power, you need to undergo preparation and be sure to believe in future success.