Congratulations on March 8 women. Congratulations on International Women's Day in prose

Women's Day March 8
Congratulations brought:
You deserve diamonds
A million scarlet roses!

Let the soul sing with happiness
And there is light in the eyes.
May good luck and hope
Will be with you for many years!

There are many wonderful holidays
But Women's Day is unique.
And kind, gentle and beautiful
We adore all women.

After all, life without you loses color,
And despite the years
Be loved and beautiful
Native women, always!

March 8 - flower day,
Postcards, cakes and perfumes,
Smile day and day of fun,
Upbeat mood.
Let them give you carnations, roses,
Tulips, crocuses, mimosa,
Let the birds sing merrily
Men give a hand
And the stores will be happy
Present perfume, lipstick,
May the sun shine on you from heaven
And gives the world a bouquet of miracles!

On a magical and spring day
Can women dream
And fly on the wings of happiness
Beauty to inspire!

Let the fairy tale mood
Never passes
Congratulations on the eighth of March!
You wonder always, always.

Let the weather in your house
Will be sunny and clear
Let it shine over the roof
Beautiful rainbow image!

Let thoughts breathe in the spring
And there will be no sadness in them,
Only lightness and happiness
Achievements only big!

The sea of ​​tenderness will give
May March shine with light
All cherished desires
And dreams will come true!

Let there be time for love
For worries and for victories.
Let the sun shine from the sky
To keep the house warm.

Joy let the veil throw
And, opening a step to the dream,
Only let happiness bring
This holiday, Women's Day!

Holiday of spring, beauty and confessions.
Festival of tulips, carnations and mimosas.
You can’t even count wishes on this day,
They keep warm despite the cold.

Grandmothers, mothers, sisters and aunts,
Vamp women, urban, from the village!
You are for us, gentle, in eternal honor,
If you are not, then life is not nice.

We congratulate you, wish you happiness,
Good spirits, pleasant spirits!
Let all bad weather pass by,
Life is like a dream, but in it - sweet dreams.

Let everything be easy for you, without a fight.
So that success promises you victory.
So that in amorous affairs only two,
Bright colors for the world to give you.

Rainbows in the sky, beautiful sunrises,
Starry nights and endless fields.
To be admired, appreciated, loved.
And exceptionally good news!

Nature wakes up in March
From sleep and gives life around.
And a wonderful occasion appeared
Congratulate moms, grandmothers, friends.

Feast of the triumph of all living things
Above the cold sleep of gray winter.
Let's wish for the simplest:
For the sun to shine on the earth.

So that spring breathes life into everything,
Green leaves and grass.
And love opened its arms
Hear only kind words.

Let compliments sound everywhere
Handfuls of flowers are given.
Visit different continents
So that cherished dreams come true.

Near the heart of the native.
To always be a good friend.
Happiness dimensionless, great,
So that it is enough for everyone around.

A beautiful day has come in the year,
He brought us warmth, spring,
Smiles, joy, mood,
And congratulations to our ladies!

We want you to smile
Enjoyed the spring that came
Bathed in a sea of ​​tender words
And the most fabulous flowers!

On International Women's Day
Forget all your sorrows!
Spring flowers and warmth
Today he meets lovely ladies.

Let the ice melt in your life
Streams of love and happiness run,
May you be desperately lucky
Let the whole world be in your power!

On International Women's Day
Sings to us joyfully drops
That spring has come to us,
That life is full of happiness!

Let the heart believe in miracles
Eyes shining like the sun
So that with every passing moment
It just lifted my spirits!

We have prepared a mega-collection especially for you with beautiful congratulations on March 8 to women (mother, grandmother, sister, teacher, colleagues).

And here are the congratulations themselves 🙂 Did you like the congratulations?.

Live richly, as in fairy tales of a princess,
May you be protected from stress and stress,
Always adored and loved by men!
More excitement, less routine!

Smiles to you, happiness, kindness, positive,
Blossom and smell, be beautiful!
Let everything and always succeed from the start,
Warmth and harmony to you!
Since March 8!

Men at the behest of the heart
Congratulating you on the holiday of spring,
Wish your mood
Not spoiled by inflation and dreams.

So that you always remain beautiful,
They would not frown at the sight of us, -
We promise to make you happy
And let's drink together, women, for you;

For the day of the Eighth of March is a festive day,
In which we honor you with reverence.
And knowing how important you are to us,
Thank you, thank you for everything.

May you smile on March 8 Day.
I wish my muse to be happy!
You know that I am as if bewitched by you,
I am forever enchanted by your heavenly beauty.

I wish to be carefree, beautiful and in love,
Sung by poets, inspired by luck!
I wish that in life there was an easy road,
And if I suddenly offend, forgive me, for God's sake!

On March 8th, I want to wish
So that all problems are on the shoulder.
To succeed all by itself - by itself,
So that everyone who is against the forest walked in a crowd,

So that the one who is dear - carried in his arms,
And he didn't even ask for anything.
Let the wallet be stuffed to the brim
Let the soul soar with happiness every day!

Congratulations on March 8 short beautiful

Thank you for your beauty
For devotion, care and patience,
For radiant holy kindness,
For giving us inspiration!
For life, a gift that is undivided
You own and will own!
We wish you endless joy,
The fire of love that will always warm!

March 8th I wish
Good, spring warmth,
May there be no end to joy
Let all things work out!
Good health, fun,
I want to wish happiness
And only pleasant moments
Live this spring!

Spring has come, the birds are singing
And Women's Day is right there.
And then he knocks on the window.
All women are looking forward to it!
I want to bloom in spring
Always be happy yourself.
Swim with your head in love
And many new things to discover.

Let spring bring flowers,
Radiant sun outside the window
Love, tenderness, warmth
And fulfillment of desires!

Congratulations on March 8 to mom

March and the sun is shining bright!
From the bottom of my heart I wish:
Be the happiest in the world
My dear mother!

On the eighth of March
I'll draw for mom
Blue sea,
Sky with clouds.
Next to this sea
Dressed in foam
I will draw mom
With a festive bouquet.

Mom, my dear
I congratulate you
On this day March 8
For you, only all the gifts
These flowers are for you
The most important thing in life is you!
You fed, you raised
You made a nest in the house,
I thank you!
I love you the most!

My dear mother!
Happy Women's Day to you
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
You are the best in the world.

Let everything be with you -
And health, and friends.
Let dreams come true
We know about them with you.

I love you hard
I can't live without you
Thank you, my darling,
For the fact that I have you.

Congratulations on March 8 to female colleagues

Allow me to congratulate you on the holiday! We want to wish you always a peaceful sky above your head, joy in your soul and patience. Let the morning start with a smile and the evening end the same way! We wish that every day turns from a routine into a festive one!

On this wonderful day, I want to congratulate you on the most beloved holiday of all, all the beautiful ladies! I wish that birds always sang in my soul, it was warm and joyful. Let men carry you in their arms every day and do not offend, and those around you always remember what hard work you are doing. I believe that you will cope with all the tasks set and achieve your goals in life!

With all my heart and soul I congratulate you on the warmest and spring day! This holiday always reminds you of how much you do for us - for this we bow our heads low before you. We want to wish you good luck in all your endeavors, well-being in family life, sincere laughter, and female happiness. Love and be loved always!

A woman is always next to us, men, in sorrow and in joy. Without you, our life would be uninteresting. Congratulations and we wish you to always remain wise, kind, beautiful! Know that you can always lean on our strong male shoulder.

Pictures of March 8 beautiful with wishes

Congratulations on March 8 are cool

You are the decoration of the team
And beautiful and smart
With such a smile and figure
Should be in Hollywood.

Let unexpectedly-unexpectedly
You will be lucky today
And on the salary card
Falls unnoticed,

And on the street a passerby
Smile casually,
And immediately give a rose
Or invite you for tea.

Cashier at the supermarket
Will find your change immediately
And in the minibus an evil driver
Without "Chanson" will take.

Women's life is replete with responsibilities: to cook, wash, wash, caress ... Our dear women, we wish that in your female destiny there are more rights than duties: the right to love, romance, pleasant surprises, affectionate words ... And let your husbands follow impeccably, to exercise these rights.

Congratulations on March 8 in verse

On this day, March 8
I wish you a card!
Only the map is not simple,
And a gold credit card!

Attached to her - a man
In a beautiful car.
If this idiot calls you to marry,
Don't waste women's years
Answer "yes" soon!
Here is a wish.

And thanks for your attention...

Hello! And congratulations right now!
I wish you on Women's Day
Good luck, happiness and kindness,
So that you are healthy

More often smiled and bloomed
You are long and long years.
And may all dreams come true
After all, you deserve it!

To make a woman shine
Never be discouraged
And lived so that without annoyance,
Need sex and chocolate.

And, thirdly, like dope,
She needs shopping for her soul.
Congratulations on March 8!
I wish you all this!

Congratulations on March 8
And I wish raspberry life:
Fur coats, dresses, diamonds
And a tolerant man.

To be calm
He wanders around the shops
To feed only in restaurants
And drove only in limousines.

Beloved, beautiful, goddesses!
We will only call you that from now on!
Seeing beauties in such a cluster,
We fall on our knees before you.

Download free congratulations on March 8

Congratulations to girls on March 8 from boys

In the classroom in honor of March 8, We will paint the desks for you. And you will have to read lines in the lesson, girls. Compliments, wishes Will force out the craving for knowledge in you, And for a while let those who are stronger than you become smarter

Our dear girls! We have passed Crimea and Rome with you! We don't know how to sing, we don't dance, And now we can hardly speak; Only, sitting at your desk with you, we can’t take our eyes off you ... In general, happy holiday to you! Happy International Women's Day! Keep blooming for us!

The girls have a holiday today, We must somehow congratulate. Again a classmate boy Will break his head. There are no doubts about how many excellent girls there are in our class: Kind, smart, energetic… Like a festive bouquet. We thought for a long time, wondered How to surprise the girls. Here, they wrote couplets, And don't forget to buy gifts? Guess! There is also cake for tea. Well, girls, choose, There is a cool verse for everyone!

Every day with a new hairstyle You go to the gymnasium: Either with a two-meter pigtail, Then you suddenly curl your curls. That with straight hair, Repaint them again ... You are ready to stand in front of the mirror for hours.

Despite all the ups and downs , taking place in modern society, every year women accept the most sincere congratulations on March 8 from men. No one worries about ladies like their friends who send wishes and congratulations to colleagues and girlfriends written in their own words. Short beautiful poems to ladies on International Women's Day are addressed not only by their fans, but also by mothers, colleagues, just workmates.

Original congratulations to women in verse on March 8

On International Women's Day, millions of women receive the most sincere congratulations on March 8 from men . None of them is waiting for their girlfriends, friends, friends to send them the brightest, cordial, heartfelt wishes from the bottom of their hearts. They themselves gladly share simple-hearted confessions of good feelings towards each other. Girls and women always take this day seriously. They treat even the most cheerful and extraordinary congratulations on International Women's Day responsibly, wishing the ladies they know well, health and well-being. The most common wishes for ladies on March 8 are declarations of love and fidelity in verse.

How to congratulate women in verse on March 8

About women, the most beautiful creatures in the world, they compose poems, compose beautiful lines of prose. Pictures, feature films and documentaries are dedicated to them; their patience is legendary. Today, many are arguing about the legitimacy of the celebration of March 8 by the Orthodox, arguing that the days of the celebration are directly related to the Jewish Purim - the holiday of the salvation of the Jews. Whether this is so, or March 8 has nothing to do with Jewish celebrations, it remains for historians to decide. We know one thing for sure - it is unacceptable not to congratulate beautiful women on their legal holiday! That is why poets compose poems in honor of the sweetest, kindest, caring and beautiful women; well-known writers dedicate their works to them; captivating women are depicted in the paintings by artists. You can congratulate your loved ones and relatives with poems of your own composition or lines from works, excerpts of which you will find on this page.

Let the drops wake you up
And, at the feet, streams will ring,
The earth will revive and thaw,
Warmed by your steps.
And let someone's enthusiastic look
Takes you everywhere
Let there be no barriers
And there will be no troubles, no insults.

You enter magical dreams,
With you dear, every hour is great.
Happy New Spring Day
Our lovely women you!
You give life, teach again
You are what only mothers give,
You give birth to love in the heart
And create comfort in your soul.
We wish in the midst of furious days
One endless spring to you,
Everything is more beloved, more desirable, more dear to be!
And see happy dreams!

Lovely women, kind, faithful!
Happy new spring to you, with the first drops!
Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun,
Happiness treasured, the purest!
There is a lot of affection, warmth, kindness in you, -
May your dreams come true!

Short beautiful congratulations on March 8

The fact that March 8 is celebrated as International Women's Day, even a schoolboy will tell everyone without hesitation. However, not everyone today is familiar with the unusual history of this real women's holiday. What exactly was the reason for the emergence of International Women's Day? How can you congratulate your beloved women on March 8 briefly and beautifully? You will learn about this by reading these lines to the end.

How to congratulate women on March 8 briefly and beautifully?

The history of this holiday filled with flowers and fun has the deepest roots. The day of March 8 in Russia appears in the events of 1901, and the holiday came to Europe and America even earlier. It was then, even before coming to Russia, that women demanded equal rights with men, recognition of their equality with the stronger sex, and the establishment of restrictions on the length of the working day. It was the United States of America that became the first country to proclaim International Women's Day. The progenitor of the day of all women is considered to be the German communist, woman reformer Clara Zetkin. It was she, the leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, who proposed to start celebrating the day of solidarity of women around the world back in 1910. She believed that a single holiday would help them unite and continue their successful struggle for equal rights with men. Today you can congratulate women on this holiday both in verse and prose, in your own words, postcards - the main thing is that your wishes are sincere, coming from the bottom of your heart.

I want to congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!
Wish spring, bloom,
To a full bowl of the house.
For the heart to sing songs
And the family were together!

Work, life, problems, nerves ..
Leave it all for later!
On March 8, women are all queens,
Let the heart be filled only with light and warmth!

Congratulations on March 8,
Health, love, long life,
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart
May your beauty be eternal.

On this beautiful holiday, I want to wish spring mood, female happiness, kindness and joy! Let men give gifts, surround with care and love! Flowers, smiles and warmth on the day of March 8!

Kind congratulations to colleagues on March 8 - Postcards for ladies

Despite the fact that the history of the March 8 holiday has political roots, today not a single man congratulating beautiful ladies on their holiday connects this date with events that took place more than a century ago. March 8 has long been an official holiday in Russia, so men begin to congratulate work colleagues even before the celebration. As a rule, buffets, corporate parties and parties in honor of beautiful ladies are arranged at enterprises, offices and collectives. Poems, songs and performances are dedicated to them; they sign postcards with poems and congratulations.

How to congratulate colleagues on March 8

Congratulating colleagues on Women's Day, men can say all the good things that they have long wanted to say to them in their own words on other days, but did not dare to do it. It is the woman who gives life to each of us, raises him, feeding him with her milk. When we get older, only women - our mothers - take care of us, protecting us from ridicule, without adversity. When preparing words of gratitude for female colleagues, men can unite and present them with a general congratulation from the whole team. Probably, one of the representatives of the stronger sex will offer to sign an individual postcard for each of the ladies of the team. In this case, the texts of congratulations to women should be different. Of course, every beautiful lady in honor of March 8 will need flowers and sweet gifts - chocolate, boxes of chocolates, pastries, cakes.

March 8 - a special day:
Reason for gentle compliments
For new dresses, jewelry,
With hairstyles experiments.

Reason for fabulous tulips,
Snowdrops under the late snow
A reason to get closer to family
And wish good to colleagues.

Happy holidays and bonuses,
More initiatives.
Let it always bloom and smell
Our friendly women's team!

We are watching today
The ubiquitous positivity.
Congratulations on the eighth of March
Nice female team.

May your faces always shine
Let the problems go away -
We must strive for the best
Difficulties to overcome.

The female part of the team
As a gift - beautiful flowers.
Let the holiday be beautiful
Let dreams come true.

March 8 - not in vain
We celebrate it in the spring.
After all, women are always beautiful,
Like the sun and the flower of the forest.

Let roses give their fragrance
Let there be a lot of warmth
And there will be only tears of happiness
And all dreams will come true!

Sincere congratulations on March 8 to mom

The main person in the life of each of us is our mother. Only a man can confess his shortcomings to his mother; only she can ask for support in difficult times, knowing that his request will not be denied. Mothers are always with us - even before birth, during our birth, during all subsequent years of our life. They say that children feel an invisible connection with their mother even after her death. Mom is the only woman who forgives all the insults that have ever been inflicted on her. The mother senses when her child is in danger; She is always the first to help her children. Congratulating mothers on March 8, daughters and sons try to express in words all that they feel in relation to their closest person.

Examples of mom's congratulations on March 8

Congratulating your mother on March 8, you can dedicate poetry or prose to her. The form of congratulations is chosen depending on your and your mother's mood. Perhaps your mother really likes Omar Khayyam's rubies? In this case, sign her postcard with pictures with these immortal lines. Perhaps she is a person with a wonderful sense of humor? In this case, she will like cool quatrains on March 8th.

Dear Mom, Happy Holidays to you!
I can't live a day without you in the world.
Be always happy, forever young,
May misfortune bypass you!

On the day of the eighth of March, flowers are a gift to you,
And let all your dreams come true!
And I also wish you health and wellness,
So that you can please with your smile!

On Women's Day, I will begin congratulations with the main one:
What in the world is more important than communication with your mother?
Dear, I wish you all the best
May immeasurable joy reign in fate!

Be happy even stronger than possible!
Forever for children, let it not be alarming,
You live in joy for many years,
My eternal source of warmth and love!

There is no flower in the world
What would I compare you to?
You are so airy and light
You are a woman's weakness and strength!

On a wonderful holiday of beauty
And the awakening of nature
You have become even cuter
And the years have no power over you!

Mommy, the ice will melt again
And the snow will disappear from the face of the earth,
The soul will feel the flight
And reborn with a ringing song!

Cool congratulations and wishes to a girlfriend on the occasion of March 8

Someone who, but women know for sure - it is almost impossible to live without friendship. Well, to whom can they complain about a bad husband, if not to their best friend? Where are they in a hurry, having quarreled with their spouse once again? Is it not their girlfriends who tell them the next recipes for delicious cookies for the holiday? Of course, on March 8, a friend should prepare the coolest and funniest congratulations.

Examples of congratulations from a friend on March 8

If you still doubt what congratulations to your friend on March 8 she will like more than others, pay attention to the niche selection of poems and prose for the women's holiday. Choose lines and stanzas depending on your girlfriend's personality, preferences, and even hobbies! If you are sincere and friendly, your congratulations will please her!

On the eighth of March, I tell you, my girlfriend
I want to wish big and pure love!
To live happily, without tears in the pillow!
And don't you dare forget me!
We have gone through many trials with you.
You have always been faithful and devoted.
I wish you a lot of good wishes
Sweets, cake, well, she brought a martini.

March has arrived. The blizzards subsided.
The sky sprinkles with the sun.
Happy holiday, friend!
May today and all year
There will be happiness and luck
There will be strength and success
And health to them in addition -
You are dearer to me than anyone!

My beloved and dear friend,
Today is the day of spring for us!
We congratulate each other with you
I want to tell you now
May this gentle day of spring
Gives many flowers
Congratulate the people of the whole country,
After all, you deserve the best words!

Girlfriends don't get better
I love you like my shadow.
The boys sigh for you
Flowers don't stop giving.
You are a queen, you are beautiful
I want to congratulate you
Wish in vain on women's day
Don't waste your youth.
And keep a little more pride
Nice frame, great look.
So that the boys, forgetting shyness,
Falling head over heels in love.

Wonderful congratulations on March 8 in prose

Not everyone and not always succeeds in congratulating relatives and friends on March 8 beautifully, with poems and quotes from great people. You may find it difficult to say wonderful lines of poetry for various reasons. Many women and even men are simply embarrassed to speak in beautiful rhymes, considering it a weakness. This does not mean in any way that you should not stay away from congratulating women on March 8th. Just wish your friends, acquaintances, colleagues and loved ones good, health and happiness in prose.

Examples of congratulations on March 8 in prose

March 8 is an amazing day. At this time, the streets resemble a flower show; the air smells of vanilla chocolate, and the ladies look simply charming! However, not every man is able to congratulate women with lines of poetry - some simply do not have the courage to pronounce beautiful stanzas. Nevertheless, each of the men always has the opportunity to wish their friends and colleagues happiness and well-being in prose. How to do it? Our examples will help you decide on congratulations on International Women's Day.

Let me congratulate you on the holiday of spring, beauty and love - March 8! Let today your soul be filled to the brim with light, warmth and joy from sincere wishes, delicate flowers, pleasant gifts! Let the swallows make their nests above your windows and bring prosperity and mutual understanding to the house, and the first rays of the spring sun will point to a happy path to your destiny!

Lovely, gentle, beautiful women! May this day, March 8, give you a wonderful mood, the fulfillment of all your innermost desires! Let it be the start for new beginnings that will bring only joy! Sincere compliments and kind words to you always! Happy spring holiday!

I wish you a fabulous mood, gentle male hugs, a dizzying career, favorite hobbies, family stability, vivid impressions, financial independence, happy smiles and many, many such magical days as today's magnificent women's holiday - March 8 !!!

Wonderful congratulations on March 8 in your own words

As you know, the most wonderful congratulations always come from the heart. If you want to congratulate a woman on March 8, it is not necessary to prepare a long speech. Wishes from the heart, uttered in your own words, are sometimes more expensive than the most exquisite gifts and written lines of poetry.

Examples of congratulations on March 8 in your own words

There are days that color the lives of men like a rainbow in the sky after rain. The most important of these days is March 8th. Today it is just a holiday for all women. No matter how old a girl, lady or woman is, she is congratulated on this holiday from the bottom of her heart, in her own words. On this page you will find examples of the most sincere wishes for women on their day.

I hasten to congratulate on March 8 a charming, charming and truly beautiful woman! Let the spring holiday come with its best gift in the form of a great mood, happiness and elation. On this day, it remains to wish only pure, true love, fidelity and, of course, excellent health.

Dear, my dear! I hasten to congratulate you on Women's Day and thank you from the bottom of my heart for being in my life, because without you it would be boring and insipid. I wish you only a good mood, as well as fulfillment of desires and exceptional success in achieving your goals! You're the best!

The arrival of March 8 means that the flowers are already starting a beauty parade. I want your sunny smile to bloom with them. Let your heart smile - filled with light and warming with gentle warmth. The judges of beauty contests are blind, because on March 8 you should be crowned for your charm.

Best congratulations on March 8 to women , published on this page, you can always use to please colleagues, girlfriends and mothers on International Women's Day. It does not matter whether you wish them well and happiness in verse or prose in your own words. Sincerity remains the main criterion for each congratulation.

We present you our beautiful congratulations on March 8 in verse. Make International Women's Day, the first holiday of spring, more pleasant and brighter by congratulating dear girls, women and girls.

1. Lovely women, kind, faithful!

Lovely women, kind, faithful!
Happy new spring to you, with the first drops!
Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun,
Happiness treasured, the purest!
There is a lot of affection, warmth, kindness in you, -
May your dreams come true!

2. Spring shines outside the windows, look!

Spring is shining outside the windows, look!
Beautiful world, embraced by flowering ...
Take the clarity of the dawn
Let the garden give freshness of breath,
And let the eyes shine with joy
And let the soul sing with happiness
Let the storm blow past
Let only joy give every year!

3. We congratulate you today

We congratulate you today
Happy International Women's Day,
We dedicate our poems to you,
We place articles in newspapers
And we sing love songs.
With all my heart we wish you
May your life be bright
Let it be strewn with roses
Your life path to the end.
We wish you truth, happiness, kindness
Extraordinary and come true dreams
We wish light, we wish stars
We wish you laughter and happy tears.

4. You enter magical dreams

You enter magical dreams,
With you dear, every hour is great.
Happy New Spring Day
Our lovely women you!
You give life, teach again
You are what only mothers give,
You give birth to love in the heart
And create comfort in your soul.
We wish in the midst of furious days
One endless spring to you,
Everything is more beloved, more desirable, more dear to be!
And have happy dreams!

5. Let everything be fine in life

Let everything be fine in life
And there will never be tears
Let everything be light and clear
Even though life is sometimes complicated.
And on this day, so beautiful,
I want to drown in happiness
I want to forget all the bad weather
And sigh with tender joy!
I wish you great health,
Live as long as you can
So that the husband warms with his love
And he carried you in his arms!

6. I congratulate you on the holiday of spring

I congratulate you on the holiday of spring,
I gently embrace your fragile shoulders.
It all depends on you - children, home, warmth.
I am very lucky with you, dear friend.
And how many difficulties with you
We never met in life -
In our house never
Sorrows will not be registered!

7. The blizzard has long since died down

For a long time the blizzard has died down,
Spring is knocking on every home.
I congratulate you, friend,
I wish you happiness and warmth
Love, health and kindness,
Great hopes, drunken feasts,
Have a nice meeting and kind words!

8. My mother is all in care

My mother is all in care
And all the time at work.
I miss her all day
I only meet in the evening.
Only the doorbell will ring,
And the son will open the door.
Gently snuggle up to mom
Mom smiles at her son.
And gifts, let's face it,
They will not replace the son's mother.
Mom, always be with me
I will be happy then!

9. With the first drop

With the first drop
With the last blizzard
Happy Young Spring!
We sincerely wish:
Happiness, health,
Good luck beauty!

10. Let spring days be late

Let spring days be late
But in longing for these days
We were inspired -
Thanks, of course, to you.
It came like a revelation
And the souls burst into flames:
Congratulations -
As a sign of love and respect -
Happy International Women's Day!

11. What to say on March 8:

What to say on March 8:
Be healthy and rich
And beautiful and slim
Both diligent and smart.
What would the boss appreciate you,
What would my husband love at home.
What would old age party
Bypassed your image!
What would tomorrow and in the morning
Didn't have a headache!

12. I give you a mimosa

I give you a mimosa
You look like her.
Though you are as beautiful as a rose,
But the rose has thorns.
And you have no shortage.
You are gentle, light and smooth.
On Women's Day I give flowers,
As a man should.
But for the same reason
Will you kiss me?

13. Girlfriend, happy spring

Girlfriend, happy spring
I congratulate you!
I want a deep sky.
Happy to be endless.
I wish tenderness in love
In spring, flowers bloom.
May all days be clear
To live without regret!

14. March 8 - a special day

March 8 is a special day,
And now you're irresistible.
May you be lucky to be in this world
Wanted, needed and loved!
Let everything you want come true
The flowers of success will bloom!
Let happiness scatter beads
Charming laughter!

15. Today is a special day! Is it true?

Today is a special day! Is it true?
A wonderful spring holiday!
Today Day 8 March -
So let you be happy!
Spring! How much of this word:
Kindness, love and warmth.
Let in the waiting nature
Her flowers bloom for you!
May this day March 8 -
Anxiety will go away and dreams will come!

16. Beautiful day on the eighth of March

Beautiful day on the eighth of March,
When everything sparkles around
And let me congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!
I wish you health, happiness,
To never grow old
May you always flourish
In the name of happiness and kindness.

17. Thank you for your kindness!

Thank you for your kindness!
For your Russian great patience,
For an extra non-working day in the year,
For a normal day that has become Sunday!

18. Friendship tested over the years

Friendship tested over the years
And you don't need to explain
My dear friend,
How precious you are to me.
May your life be full
All that spring gives us:
With a modest and simple smile,
Health, happiness, beauty!

19. With warmth! With hope! With mimosas!

With warmth! With hope! With mimosas!
Happy spring holiday!
Let your eyes shine with stars
And forever be in love!

20. Your favorite flowers

your favorite flowers
I warm with my breath
On the day of Women's Charm.
They are beautiful, just like you!
And let the dreams come true
And the Springs of Desire will come true,
And sweet features to the heart
They also captivate with charm!
Happy holiday!

21. Let this holiday be decorated

Let this holiday be decorated
Bouquets of bright flowers,
Let them always surround
Your care and love
Compliments and gifts
Let dreams come true
As on this day - March 8,
Spring holiday of beauty!

22. Happy March 8!

Happy March 8!
Happy spring holiday!
Let it pour everywhere
Sound fun!
Let the sun shine!
Let the frost go!
Let the winter drive away
Mimosa branch!

23. A world full of fabulous flowers

A world full of fabulous flowers
The world with the wondrous rustle of the winds
The world with the wonderful song of the nightingale.
With the sonorous voice of a stream.
Peace with the song of the March drop
Accept, friend, on a spring day!

24. There are many poems about this holiday

There are many poems about this holiday,
But to congratulate him, right, we will not get tired.
Let the voices of children, merging into a choir,
Congratulations, our mothers!
Health, happiness and great love
We wish all women today.
Ah, if the nightingales sang in March
Or lilac blossomed, as in warm May.

There are many holidays in the country,
But Women's Day is given to Spring,
After all, only women are subject to
Create a spring holiday - caress.
So be kind, simple,
Always with a smile on your face!
Well, in a word, be you
How spring should be!

On this day March 8
We wish you well
And a bunch of flowers
And spring warmth.
A lot of joy, health,
Always be beautiful
So that a happy smile
Didn't leave my face!

Happy holiday -
women's day,
And we wish you joy
And good luck with everything.
Let the men loud
Beat in a continuous alarm:
reigned in the world
Again matriarchy.
Is it bad?
Everyone needs to know:
The human race forever
The mother continues.

Spring to you is blue and gentle,
Happy days and joyful dreams!
Let March give, though snowy,
Your smiles and flowers!
The song of the stream is not yet heard,
The lark trill does not pour,
But the sun is brighter and drops
Tells us: "Spring is coming!"
Spring is coming.
And let it not be hot
But with her, like a summer shadow, -
International Women's Day,
Comes to us on March 8!
He is a holiday of affection, beauty,
Love, hope and dreams.
I congratulate my friend
And be more beautiful than spring
With all my heart I wish!

I congratulate you on the holiday of spring,
With the breath of the river and the brilliance of the sun,
May the days be blessed and clear.
And let the sun shine through your window.
Let it be the awakening of the soul
The intoxicating resurrection of nature,
So that you are always so good
Like the gentle glow of the sky.

March eighth, spring day,
The snow began to melt under the sun
Today toast and fun
We would like to congratulate our colleagues.
Not only on this day, colleagues,
And we love you all year long.
You are like the wheels of a cart
Give the work a go.
You are amazingly beautiful
Where are you - it's clean and comfortable,
You are the foundation of the team
And men are always waiting for you.
I drink for you, for our women,
So that spring always blooms
So that you live together in the future -
For this we will drink everything to the bottom!

From year to year you are congratulated,
Wish you happiness and warmth
And this year I wish
Tell you kind words.
May the spring holiday bring
Only joy, happiness, warmth.
Let all sorrows disappear
There will be no unnecessary quarrels in the house.
You smile and worries will go away
Like spring water.
Let only joy be near
Always, always, always, ALWAYS!

May this day spring rays
People and flowers will smile at you,
And let them always go through life with you
Love, health, happiness and dreams!

We are ready to thank you all our lives
For every meal prepared
For a kind word spoken
For that earthly miracle of miracles -
Tanyush, Katyusha, Andryushek, Larok, Sevok,
For all the crown princes and princesses,
Bow to you low, our queens!

Happy March 8th,
Happy spring holiday
With the first flowers in this bright hour,
With a festive drop
With a good mood
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you today!

Congratulations on March 8,
I'm sorry I don't give flowers
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart
And send a simple postcard.
Everything is simple and very beautiful in it,
The warmth of my thoughts and words,
I want you to live happily
Protect your honor and love ...

I give you a mimosa
You look like her.
Though you are as beautiful as a rose,
But the rose has thorns.
And you have no shortage.
You are gentle, light and smooth.
On Women's Day I give flowers,
As a man should.
But for the same reason
Will you kiss me?

Let me wish you with a smile and a joke:
Always remain attentive, sensitive.
Let work be a pleasant burden for you,
We wish you health and a good life!

With the first drop
With the last blizzard
Happy Young Spring!
We sincerely wish:
Happiness, health,
Good luck beauty!

I congratulate you with all my heart
With this warm holiday of spring!
I wish you health, happiness,
Beauty that pleases the heart!
May this day, March 8,
The lark will sing a song to you,
A gentle ray warms hot
And your flower of love will bloom.
Do not be sad and break the glass
For your happiness, not for your misfortune:
Have fun, do not regret laughter
This day is the only one of the year!

On this March day
We wish you well that at the beginning of Spring
On the day when the forces of nature awaken
We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Wishing you health and happiness for many years to come!
Let women's day not end all year,
Let streams murmur in honor of you,
May the sun smile at you all your life
And let the men give flowers!

Women are said to be the weaker sex,
But how many strong ones he captured and overcame!
There is an unknown strength in female weakness,
And the eagle needs the caress of the dove!
Although there is a lot around the insignificant fuss,
But be a woman always and everywhere you are.
Care and Love, Kindness and Compassion -
Here are the eternal features of gentle femininity!

Let the heart beat drops to the beat,
Let the blizzards sink into the past
And let in spring round dances
Forget the heart of adversity.

So many songs and poems
Dedicated to moms!
I don't need other people's words
For the one you love.
I'm for my mom
I won't look for them.
All of them are in my soul
I love my mother so much.
She not only on Women's Day
Dear attention -
But every single day
Need understanding
Light sickness and anxiety,
Passion for serials.
I'm ready to listen to her
No matter what you say!
There is no holy woman
Than a mother.
To brighten up her old age,
And I'll get the moon.

Let the hardships of life fly by
Like a stream in the spring, let the blood play!
I wish you always be loved
And in any years to feel love.

Spring works wonders in nature -
She lit the love in your eyes.
Spring wind peeped into the heart
And open to kindness!
You are like spring, bright and good.
All perfection - body and soul!
You gave me the radiance of the day and light in the night.
Let me give you my love!

Our beloved and glorious
Mistresses of houses and hearts,
Beautiful, kind, main,
Nature and peace crown!
May your holiday be beautiful
And life is more fun and generous,
Blossom to everyone close to wonder
From the gentle care of husbands!

I wish you lots and lots of happiness.
I want to be young in life
The road you have taken
Did not become a narrow path.
I wish you more love
Huge clean as a tear
And to smile in life
Your happy eyes

Happy March 8!
Happy spring holiday!
Let it pour everywhere
Sound fun!
Let the sun shine!
Let the frost go!
Let the winter drive away
Mimosa branch!

Let the storms and bad weather perish,
Let them go forever into the shadows.
We wish you only happiness
On your most kind, bright day!

Happy Spring Festival
I congratulate you!
I want a deep sky.
And happiness without end.
I wish tenderness in love
In spring, flowers bloom.
May all days be clear
A life without regret.

The smile of a woman, what could be cleaner?
Who can't love a woman's smile?
The smile of a woman will warm you with warmth,
The smile of a woman will light up everything around.
The smile of a woman, what could be more tender?
The beauty of the seas and the impregnability of the rocks,
Can I compare the radiance of the stars with her?
And the one who was looking for unity.
Found in it a world of mystery and love.
The smile of a woman, the world is blue, live!

Still sometimes winter comes to visit,
So unstable gentle, timid March.
Only 8 days, and it's already great,
When the eyes are so cheerful.
When you light up your heart with a smile,
And on your holiday you speak so purely,
And how a girl laughs merrily,
And you look at me so fervently.
I want you to laugh like this forever
I did not know tears, but only good laughter,
And never got upset at all
And you made everyone smile.

Our lovely creatures!
Which syllable is better to choose,
So that your feelings and desires
Bring down the whole stream on you!
There is no more beautiful in the world
Those feminine beautiful features
What lies in the endless
Depths of your hearts!
Love, tenderness and affection,
grace of beauty -
Here are the symbols of female power,
Where we are all slaves before you!
So let it be for many years
This power will be fixed!
Believe me, we are here
We won't take it from you!

Thank you for your kindness!
For your Russian great patience,
For an extra non-working day in the year,
For a normal day that has become Sunday!

Let everything be fine in life
And there will never be tears
Let everything be light and clear
Even though life is sometimes complicated.
And on this day, so beautiful,
I want to drown in happiness
I want to forget all the bad weather
And sigh with tender joy!
I wish you great health,
Live as long as you can
So that the husband warms with his love
And he carried you in his arms!

We wish you a lot of happiness
A piece of blue sky
And in it - the desired star:
Your love, your dream!

Be happy - in winter, and summer, and spring,
Be happy - mute admiring the whiteness ...
Swinging on a wave over the boundless expanse,
Be happy - in a dream and in reality, of course ...
At the desk and under the steppe blue,
Be happy - then no less than now.

You are with us at work,
Although household chores
Sometimes they still lie on you
We are all male
Forgive us today
Because often we, men,
We make noise and argue for no reason,
Really annoying you.
Let's decide forever
Today, tomorrow and beyond,
Men take care of women
To save the men.

Let the drops wake you up
And, at the feet of jingling streams,
The earth will revive and thaw,
Warmed by your steps.
And let someone's enthusiastic look
Takes you everywhere
Let there be no barriers
And there will be no troubles, no insults

Today, on the day of the eighth of March,
Let the sun shine bright
May joy, happiness bring
And let success not bypass.
I wish you good health
Congratulations on the coming spring!

Lovely women, kind, faithful!
Happy new spring to you, with the first drops!
Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun,
Happiness treasured, the purest!
A lot of affection, warmth, kindness to you, -
May your dreams come true!

My clear light!
You are sweet to me - no doubt;
Cheerful and talkative
And you are amazingly smart!
accepting congratulations,
Be in a great mood.
Stay young, energetic, fighting,
Be healthy for hundreds of years
And live without knowing the troubles!!!

Allow me to wish you
Happiness, peace and warmth!
May good luck accompany
Sense of humor always!
And no matter what happens in life -
You will save the wise words:
While the woman is laughing
So the woman is alive!

Among the first days of spring, March 8 is the most expensive of all.
All over the earth, for all people, spring and women are alike.
We wish you success, health and happiness
And congratulations on the first holiday of spring.

We wish the women of the planet
More sunshine
Though a stream of kindness
Though the river of sweet greetings
And the sea, the sea of ​​warmth!

My little sister
You are still a girl.
But someday you'll be a mother
Everyone will congratulate you.
And I'm the younger sister
I want to congratulate now.
Be smart, be beautiful.
Don't rush to be an adult, mom.

Let it be with you
The land that you believe sacredly
Spring birds flight winged,
Warmed by maternal caress
The house where they are waiting for you.
Let it be with you
Dawn of the morning song
Flowers and stars everywhere together
May your friends be with you

Our dear mother!
Happy Women's Day!
For you, for your dearest,
Let's make this toast.
For you, we are always children,
How we live - you know better
What do we eat and what do we wear?
The most important thing for you.
Mom, you are a saint for us,
You are the best in the world
Live up to a hundred years, dear,
We are your success in life.
Good health to you
You are our feminine ideal
With admiration and love
We raise a glass!

Know no worries, live happily
So that everyone always says:
"How beautiful this woman is,
how infinitely young!"

We sincerely wish you
For the sun to play
For the birds to sing to you
Serenade about love
And what was little praised,
No need to be offended.
We wish you success
Both in love and in service,
So that you keep in families
Respect and friendship.
Beauty and health
you for many years.
May joy come to you
And adversity passes.

My wife is adorable! Lord, thank you for your wife.
She is a heavenly creature, as they used to say in the old days.
She is kind, gentle, beautiful, everything definitely suits her!
If I try to say otherwise - she ... will turn my head!

On this day - the eighth of March -
We wish you well
Huge bunch of flowers
And spring warmth.
Lots of happiness and health
Be cheerful, young
To make your eyes glow with warmth
And they beamed with kindness!

Happy spring holiday
I heartily congratulate!
Long life, love, fun
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!
Let all misfortunes melt away
And adversity will be dispelled.
I wish only happiness -
Don't let the years age you.
So that strength does not leave,
For business to be successful
Be always so beautiful
Smiling, tender!

Is it easy for men to talk about women?
Neither brother, nor father, nor husband can reveal
All the power of beauty that lurks in a woman,
Able to inspire, slay and conquer,
You, a woman - a flower, a source and a star,
Mysterious, tender, beautiful and proud;
You are the flame of the hearth, the warmth of the family and home;
You are the light that never goes out on Earth!

A beautiful spring day has come
The day when it gets warmer
When all women are beautiful
And, of course, everything is prettier.
And let desires by all means
Everything will be fulfilled to the end
After all, sweet holidays like this one,
They don't always happen in life.
May the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy and happiness
You will not leave for a moment
And there will be less rainy days,
And more joyful love.

Like this! What you don't do once a year

Please accept our congratulations
And from the bottom of our hearts today we want to say:
To be always healthy, not to know sorrows,
Be cheerful and happy, and do not lose heart.
So that in business in all luck, peace to be in the family.
Only in this way, and not otherwise, we wish you.

I congratulate you on the March holiday!
I sincerely wish the spring sun
May the spring be generous, rich,
She will give you a hundred smiles,
May the day turn into joy for you,
Which today is called female!

I congratulate you today
Happy International Women's Day,
I propose my toast to you
To be happy in everything
Let life be everything you need
What is good about life:
Love, health, money, friendship
And always a good soul!

Oh women! Drunk with delight
We hasten to congratulate you on the holiday of spring!
We give hearts without a fight and bargain,
Floating on the glitter of a captivating baubles.
Feeling no legs, we fly towards you,
To protect from everyday worries
And we take the burden of your affairs on our shoulders ...
Like this! Why don't you do it once a year?

With all my heart we wish you
May your life be bright
Let it be strewn with roses
Your life path to the end.
We wish you truth, happiness, kindness
Extraordinary and come true dreams
We wish light, we wish stars.

How to express the treasured words
Beloved, the best - to my mother
I will snuggle up to her and hug her tightly -
She will understand how much I love her ...

There is no more pleasant and easier
Than with the holiday of spring
Congratulate your mother-in-law -
Mother of a loving wife.
With the surging spring
And I sincerely wish
To be forever young
Caring, cordial
And loving, of course!
Away, gloomy bad weather!
What are your years?!
I wish you only happiness
Sunny weather.

We praise you, beautiful soul,
Kind-hearted, unhurried,
Not angry and not proud
Shebutny and rebellious,
Gentle, devoted, tired,
Concerned, happy,
More often cute, less absurd,
Our miraculous women!

In a land of raging chaos,
Corruption and crime, -
The center of order is the ladies of our department, -
The thinnest layer of legality and law
On your shoulders, fragile crystal,
It was by no means a woman's concern that lay down,
So that everything is observed perfectly,
And the payment did the work.
Your weapon is not a man's power,
Not a gun, not a bomb, not brass knuckles -
You are simply stunningly beautiful
To which no one will answer you "No!"

May this day be happy
And all dreams come true.
May the sun shine on you everywhere
And the flowers are smiling.

Maybe it's cheeky
I'm a little in love with you
You are not the boss today
Well, I'm not a subordinate.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy first spring holiday
And of course. I wish you
unearthly mood,
Happiness, good health,
In all good luck
Days filled with love.
Only this way and not otherwise!

Wifey! My little wife!
I congratulate you on the holiday!
Darling! With all my heart I wish:
See, hear, feel you
Every day and every moment.
Maybe it's all frank
But without it - I just can't,
Because I love you!

In the shower and outside the window
Spring blooms!
You, like her
Full of charm.
Laughter sparkles,
Eyes shine mischievously
And life is intoxicating
What a strong wine!
Spilled with happiness
Star showers -
You just hope
Believe, love and wait!

My tender, beloved and waiting,
Whose warmth I am always surrounded by,
And her hands do not get tired
Congratulations and low bow!

Oh Women!
I love you without memory
And I can't, I confess, resist
When you knock me down with a smile,
And I am ready to love you and suffer.

The month of March and the eighth day.
The smell of spring in the air.
We will celebrate spring
And let me congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!

I wish you happiness and love.
They are more precious than all gifts.
And may all dreams come true
On a beautiful day - March 8!

A world full of fabulous flowers
Accept this spring day!
The world with the wondrous rustle of the winds
Accept this spring day!
The world with the wonderful song of the nightingale.
The world with the sonorous voice of the stream.
Peace with the song of the March drop
Accept this spring day!

Lovely women are ubiquitous
And always, somewhere and something carrying,
May your native land give you strength,
And men will give love.

Brides, sisters, beloved mothers
And our grandmothers, and daughters and wives!
Today we are all of you, the most beautiful,
Congratulations on the young spring in love.
Today we present you with bouquets
And our hearts, and our confessions, -
That every smile of yours is warmed,
That you are not dearer, more expensive and more beautiful.

We would like to congratulate you
Happy spring holiday.
And the sun is light, and your eyes are clear
We need the same.
May good luck accompany you
In work, in life and in love.
Live, dear, do not hide
Proud smiles!

Life is like a dream come true
Everything is in you - both mind and beauty!
And I wish you calm and bright
The road has led you to happiness
For fate to give good luck
So that eternal spring reigns in the soul.

Spring is shining outside!
Beautiful world, embraced by flowering ...
Take the clarity of the dawn
Breath freshness let the garden give.
And let the eyes shine with joy
And let the soul sing with happiness
Let the storm blow past
Let only joy give every year!

In the shower and outside the window
Spring blooms!
You, like her
Full of charm.
Laughter sparkles,
Eyes shine mischievously
And life is intoxicating
What a strong wine!
Spilled with happiness
Star showers -
You just hope
Believe, love and wait!

I'll take a piece of the sun in a glass,
Heaven of spring purity,
I will add the tenderness of the hands of my beloved
And crazy warmth lips.
Add jealousy and sadness
And I'll sip this potion
For these strange women
Which I still love!