How to make a squirrel from sculpture plasticine. Master class "squirrel with plasticine nut"

It is very important from early childhood to teach a child to think in images and reason logically. It is impossible to do without creative activities in such an important matter as education. Stores offer many suitable children's products: educational toys, construction sets and puzzles. But plasticine remains the cheapest and most popular. Just one set of multi-colored blocks can replace a dozen toys, because you can create them with your own hands.

Parents can show their children a master class on creating any animal, bird, or cartoon character. Kids will be happy to play with the new craft, and then take it apart or fix it at their own discretion. From the same material you can create a new masterpiece.

The animated cartoon "Ice Age" becomes brighter thanks to a comical character - a unique squirrel who is always trying to hide a nut. This hero doesn’t say a word, but his actions are clear. The nimble loser can be molded in several stages. Our plasticine modeling site will help you with this.

1. The squirrel should be made in gray-beige tones, so you can select brown, orange, yellow and white colors from a set of plasticine, and mix them in different proportions during the work. You will also need a sharp spatula and a napkin.

2. One of the beige shades suitable for creating a squirrel will be obtained by completely mixing three colors.

3. First, roll a ball from the resulting plasticine.

4. The squirrel should have a very long nose; to create it, take the same plasticine and roll it into a sausage. Attach a black piece to the tip of the nose.

5. Also attach large round eyes, eyelids and pupils to the face. Attach the teeth to the bottom of the nose.

6. Place two pointed ears on the top of the head. Create the illusion of fluffy cheeks by attaching brown scones with a spatula pattern. The head of the mischievous squirrel is ready.

7. To create the body, form an oblong piece.

8. Two brown sausages will serve as hands, just cut the palms with a spatula to make thin fingers.

9. Assemble the legs from brown plasticine of different shades. Make two cakes and attach paws to each of them. Place the resulting elements against the body and apply light pressure.

10. To securely fasten the head, pierce it with a match, then insert it into the upper body and press down.

11. Rinse the squirrel's fluffy tail with a spatula. When mixing orange and brown plasticine, you may not achieve uniformity. Attach the tail into place.

12. The resilient squirrel must be treated to a nut. It can be made from yellow plasticine, and place an acorn cap on top.

The final look of the craft.

A funny handmade toy is ready!

If you liked this work, then also see how to make a dragon from plasticine.

Making a squirrel from plasticine is quite a painstaking task, so if children make this craft, they will definitely need the help of adults. From the master class you will learn how to correctly bend the body, what shape to make a muzzle and what size a squirrel’s tail should be. To create a homemade product with your own hands, we will need four colors: brown, black, white and orange. Mostly orange color will predominate; from the rest we will create important small details.

Additional tools and parts are not required, as in the lesson about. Let's prepare the material and start creating the squirrel.

Let's start with the torso. Roll out a small orange oval, evenly rounded on both sides.

The legs will consist of two parts. For the first one, make two balls.

They need to be flattened.

For the second part, the paws themselves. Small size.

This is how we connect both parts of the legs.

Connect the paws to the body.

Roll the head into a ball. We will give the necessary shape at the end.

Attach the head to the body in the same way, but on top.

Roll the two front legs to the same size.

We glue it to the body.

For the ears you need two small balls.

We sharpen the ears on one side.

Let's stick the ears on top of the head.

Now the tail. It is almost the same size as a torso. On one side it is narrowed.

Let's stick the tail on the back and give it the correct shape.

Now let's roll up the necessary parts for the muzzle. Four white balls, two black and one brown.

Create the lower part of the muzzle.

Let's attach the eyes, first the white balls.

Then black balls. And now an important point, we lengthen the squirrel’s muzzle, and also make it slightly humpbacked.

That's all, the plasticine squirrel is ready, we made it with our own hands without any problems, I follow the step-by-step photos and instructions.

The full-length animated film “Ice Age,” released in 2002, immediately won the hearts of television viewers around the world, and its main characters are today known not only to children, but also to adults. Fridge magnets in the shape of the mammoth Meni, squirrel figurines, as well as other souvenirs and even stickers on various interior items depicting the main characters of the cartoon can be seen in the homes of many people.

If you or your child likes the cartoon “Ice Age”. Then today’s lesson on modeling from plasticine is just for you, because within its framework we will learn how to sculpt one of the funniest cartoon characters - a squirrel, which is also widely known as “rat squirrel”.

So, how to make a squirrel from plasticine.

PHOTO step by step - How to make a squirrel from plasticine

To make plasticine squirrels we need:

  • modeling mass in orange, white, black and brown shades;
  • plastic stack for forming small craft elements;
  • a sheet of paper or a wooden board;
  • a little time and a good mood.

Before moving directly to sculpting a cartoon animal, it is worth noting that such a figurine will contain a fairly large number of small elements, which will be very difficult for kids to form on their own. Therefore, it is better to sculpt a squirrel together with your child, entrusting him with making the main parts of the craft, and making small elements independently.

Let's start sculpting a cartoon squirrel by making a blank for its head. To do this, take orange plasticine and form it into the head of an animal with a rounded main part and an elongated nose, which should have a cut between the upper and lower parts.

Then we attach two small white balls to the top of the head on both sides and make a edging for them from a very thinly rolled orange sausage. Using the stack we remove all the flaws.

On the left side of the balls we insert small round inclusions of yellow color, and black dots into their centers. The eyes of the cartoon animal are ready.

Next, we sharpen the upper part of the squirrel’s nose and attach a small black plasticine ball to the tip. We also attach two white fangs sticking down to it, and triangular orange ears to the top of the head.

Let's start making the remaining parts of the squirrel's body. To do this, we first make blanks, as shown in the figure below.

Then we will connect the body of the animal with the legs and arms, giving them the appropriate shape, and after that we will attach the head. To achieve a reliable connection to attach the head to the body, use half a toothpick or a regular match.

All that remains is to make the squirrel’s essential accessory from “Ice Age” – the acorn she adores. We will make it from brown plasticine, using a mixture of a darker shade for the hat. We insert the acorn into the animal’s paws.

We finish by making the craft by attaching a tail curled upward to the back of the figurine’s body. It will also make the craft more stable.

That's all. Now we know how to mold a squirrel from plasticine, and we can do it in just a few minutes to please ourselves and our baby with a bright and beautiful craft.

VIDEO lesson - How to make a squirrel

How to make a squirrel updated: April 30, 2019 by: Vitaliy R

This article will tell you how to make a cute red squirrel from plasticine. Perhaps you and your children would like to create some kind of forest dweller or simply practice sculpting. In any case, working with plasticine is always interesting and useful for the mental development of a child. It is imperative to practice such creative lessons once a week so that children’s fingers gain dexterity and the baby learns to think creatively and anticipate the result.

To make a squirrel from plasticine, you will need all the blocks of plasticine in yellow, orange and brown shades that are included in the kit. In the process of work, they can be mixed with each other and get new colors that differ in intensity from each other. A plastic stack will also make the work easier, but if you don’t have one in the kit, you can use a spatula from children’s dishes.

How to make a squirrel from plasticine

It is logical to assume that the orange block will become the main one in the planned work. If you feel like a single piece is not enough, mix the existing material with yellow or brown.

Roll a small ball that will set the parameters of the animal's head.

Place a lighter bump on the ball. To turn this tubercle into a squirrel's nose, make it furry using a stack.

Attach two pointed ears, preferably they should also be lighter.

Attach the eyes and a round brown bead to the tip of the nose.

Roll up an orange voluminous droplet to create the body of a forest dweller. Additionally, form another drop, but flat and lighter.

Place the cake on a round piece and draw a fur trim in a stack.

Insert a match into the top of the resulting part, and then attach the head.

Next, proceed to creating four legs, not forgetting that you should leave the plasticine for sculpting the squirrel's fluffy tail. Roll two round voluminous tablets, attach brown tips to them, you should get hind legs. Roll the upper legs into tubes.

Attach the front and hind legs to the body, not forgetting to draw the fingers with the tip of the stack.

Attach a fluffy curved ponytail at the back to make it shaggy, also use a plastic tool.

The forest brisk beauty squirrel made of plasticine is ready. If you use thick wax plasticine during the work, the craft will hold its shape for a long time.

The squirrel is a participant in many fairy tales and epics. This is a small rodent that lives in trees and feeds mainly on various nuts. In this article we will talk about how to make a squirrel from plasticine with your own hands using a minimal set of tools.

What materials need to be prepared

To sculpt a squirrel, you need to prepare brown and black plasticine. You may also need a mass of white, sand or gray color. In addition to plasticine, you can use modeling stacks, textures and other available items. The surface for sculpting must be flat.

The simplest plasticine squirrel

To make a simple squirrel with a nut, prepare modeling mixture in brown, dark brown and black. From a brown piece, form a body, four small legs, a head in the form of an elongated drop and a long tail.

First connect the head and torso. Then attach the front and back legs to it. Then - the tail. The seams between the parts should be carefully smoothed with your finger. Make sure the figure doesn't fall. Then form three small balls from black plasticine. Fix two balls in place of the eyes, and the third in place of the nose. Make a small ball from dark brown plasticine and place it in the rodent's paws. The plasticine squirrel is ready.

More complex figures

Let's try a more complex option. To make a squirrel from plasticine, form a body and legs from one piece of plasticine. Then stick on the tail and head. Make the ears in the form of small petals and stick them to the head. Smooth the seams with your finger and erase any prints. Then take paints (for example, gouache, acrylic) and paint the squirrel: make the belly white, then tint the paws, muzzle and tail with dark brown paint, and draw the eyes and nose with black and white.

To make a squirrel with a backpack, take green, brown, dark brown, white and black plasticine. First, mold a squirrel from a dark brown mass as we indicated in the first option. Finish the seams. Attach a tuft to the top of the head. Then take brown or beige plasticine and mold it into a thin cake. Tear off two small pieces from it and carefully stick them onto the belly and face of the squirrel from plasticine. Finish the seams carefully.

Then take plasticine of a different color, such as green, and form it into two small sausages and a backpack. Stick the backpack to your back and make straps from sausages.

For the eyes, take two black balls and two smaller white balls. They need to be flattened a little. Stick the black cakes first and the white ones on top. The eyes are ready. Make a nose out of another ball. Eyes can be painted with gouache or acrylic paint. Well, the plasticine squirrel is ready.

What other material can you sculpt from?

Plasticine is not the only material from which you can create. For modeling, you can use salt dough, various types of clay, papier-mâché and cold porcelain. Plasticine and salt dough are best suited for children's activities. For people who already have some modeling skills, polymer clay or self-hardening mass is suitable.