Gift ideas for a woman on her anniversary. A gift for life. We give cozy gifts

Choosing a gift for a woman is always interesting! After all, ladies amaze with their unpredictability, but at the same time they are easy to surprise. They really love gifts, which is why they receive them much more often than men. Before purchasing any item for the fair sex, you need assess the lady’s character, take into account her age and think about her preferences. It’s also a good idea to think about what feelings your gift should evoke. This is a very important factor. For example, the boss will not understand you if you present her with a plush heart the size of herself. The only exception in this case can be that your boss is your life partner. So, it's time to start choosing a gift, and the recommendations below will help you with this!

Successful gifts for a business woman

The kitchen has long been no longer the career highlight of the fair sex. Today the concept of “business woman” is quite natural, and often ladies achieve much greater success in leadership positions than men.

If you are thinking about what to give a business woman, then first of all take into account the fact that she is limited in time, so she buys herself mainly things related to work issues.

But a woman leader still remains a woman and somewhere in the depths of her soul she dreams that the people around her will not forget about this. You have a difficult task ahead of you. When choosing a gift for such a lady, you should take into account the situation in general terms in order to please her as a colleague, and as a woman, and as a businesswoman, and as, possibly, a boss. A lady whose career comes first will definitely like a gift like an organizer. When you're overwhelmed at work, it's difficult to keep an endless number of tasks in your head. And in this case, a good organizer is simply irreplaceable. A particularly good choice would be organizer designed in an individual style. If the birthday girl is your boss, then you can present her with a certificate for perfumes, exquisite pieces of art, a wall or wrist clock, a good book or an expensive engraved pen. A colleague will be delighted with the quality case for laptop and documents, and the business partner is from the bank elite coffee. A gift for a business woman should be official! Remember, a cool T-shirt with the inscription “I am the most beautiful!” your colleague may not appreciate it.

Nice gifts for young and successful girls

Young ladies in most cases are not picky. They are ambitious, active and modern. Sometimes young women do not yet know exactly what they want from life, and are constantly in search of their purpose.

Even if it seems to you that your friend, sister or colleague is quite serious, then know that deep down she is still a little girl who believes in magic! So what can you do to please a young woman on her birthday? You can build on the girl’s hobbies. For example, a real party girl who spends all her free time at discos will be pleased with stylish jewelry from famous brands, fashionable sunglasses, a party membership at her favorite nightclub, or a model of a disco ball. If the hero of the occasion loves her car more than her own wardrobe, then give her fashionable gadgets for the car. These could be interactive signs designed to communicate with other road users, massagers for car seats, travel pillows, a set of cleaning products for car care, or a stylish car robe with pockets for tools. A creative person will be grateful to you for thing related to her way of expressing herself. For example, a female photographer will like a set for creating 3D photographs or a camera tripod; an aspiring writer will enjoy a quality journal or a meeting with a famous contemporary author. A fan of an active lifestyle can be gifted with a gym membership, stylish sportswear, good sneakers or headphones from a trusted manufacturer. It is better for a young woman to give gifts that are directly related to her hobby. Will also always be relevant jewelry made of precious metals, cosmetic sets. If we talk about jewelry, then silver ones will best complement the image of a young lady. But kitchen utensils are not the best option. A young girl may not appreciate such a frivolous approach to choosing a gift for her person.

Middle-aged ladies deserve better!

Ladies of Balzac's age are women who already know exactly what they want. The choice of a present for them most often depends on the lifestyle of the hero of the occasion.. For example, a woman who is trying with all her might to create coziness in her home can be presented with an unusual floor lamp for the bedroom, a robot vacuum cleaner as a faithful cleaning assistant, an exquisite set of porcelain dishes, a luxurious tablecloth, or an original floor vase. If we talk about technology, then by choosing a double boiler or a multicooker, you definitely can’t go wrong. Another good option is a cordless iron. This is one of the latest innovations in the world of household appliances, which has already managed to win the hearts of many housewives.
Of course, we should not forget that a woman at any age is first and foremost a woman, and she will definitely be delighted with things that are directly related to her flighty feminine nature. If the birthday girl is your close relative or friend, then you can spend money on an expensive brooch or a subscription to an elite spa salon. Speaking of cheaper gifts, it is worth noting a subscription to an individual massage course, tickets to the theater or ballet, a subscription to your favorite magazine. Beautiful underwear made from quality materials, perfumes, cosmetic sets and, of course, gold jewelry are also considered successful gifts for a middle-aged woman!

Budget limited? No problem!

Jewelry, high-quality household appliances, electronics... These are, of course, excellent gift categories, but their cost is often steep, to put it mildly.

And if you are short on cash, then pay attention to inexpensive, but at the same time cute and truly memorable gifts.

An inexpensive gift can be even more valuable than an expensive one if it is given in the right place and on time.. For example, at the height of summer, a stylish beach bag will come in handy. It is inexpensive, but is often used by beautiful ladies. Also, jewelry would be a very successful gift, because it is difficult to find a woman who would be indifferent to unusual bracelets, earrings, rings and pendants! Even if a lady prefers jewelry made of precious metals, she will still be delighted with an unusual hair clip or an intricate brooch. Stockings are another good gift for a woman. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the size, so this gift is ideal for a close friend. Any time of the year is not complete without precipitation, so every woman must have an elegant umbrella in her arsenal. And if the hero of the occasion does not have such an accessory, then you can present it to her for her birthday. Although even if you have an umbrella, a second one definitely won’t be superfluous. A book is the best gift, of course! The birthday girl doesn't like to read? But everyone strives to develop! It is not at all necessary to buy fiction; you can focus on a cookbook or a good business publication. The category of inexpensive gifts for women also includes slippers, exclusive boxes, key holders, T-shirts with a cool inscription, tickets to the premiere of a long-awaited film, certificates for cosmetic services, and so on. The main thing is to remember: the price of the gift is not important - it is important that it is given with all your heart!

What to give to a woman you don't know for her birthday?

If fate has turned out that you have been invited to a birthday party, but you do not know the hero of the occasion well, then the issue of choosing a gift becomes especially acute. It will be difficult to guess the gift, it’s too late to ask mutual friends about the birthday girl’s preferences... What to do? Calm down and give preference to universal things for all occasions! A bouquet of flowers can rightfully be considered such a gift for a woman.! Perhaps the birthday girl won’t squeal with delight when she receives it, but she certainly won’t be upset.
If you prefer to give more rational things, then give a flower in a pot. Pay attention to unpretentious plants, because it is not a fact that the hero of the occasion knows how to care for flowers. A tea set is also a win-win option. Don't worry if the birthday girl prefers coffee. She will gladly treat her family and friends to tea. As a gift, you can give an office employee a good diary, organizer, desk set or electronic photo frame; for the keeper of the hearth, and specifically for the housewife - an unusual handmade vase, a set of high-quality bed linen, a soft blanket made of natural material or an original table lamp.

It’s not easy to choose a gift for a woman’s birthday. And here the point is not even that the choice is small, but on the contrary, that there are too many options! The gift can be supplemented with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. This will be appreciated by a woman of any age and with any preferences. Also don't forget about packaging, fortunately, the choice of gift boxes and packages is now incredibly extensive! Give gifts with all your heart, please the birthday girl not only with gifts, but also with warm words and attention! Only in this case will her birthday really become her favorite holiday of the year! Well, for your beloved woman you can order a joint portrait in the “Love is” style:

Twenty years is considered the first and serious anniversary in the life of any girl. At the same time, no less important is the gifted souvenir that the girl dreams of receiving on this day.

If she has a hobby, take this fact into account, so you can give her incredibly pleasant emotions. Lovers of needlework will find kits for cross stitch, satin stitch or bead embroidery. If the birthday girl’s hobby is based on collecting figurines or toys, please her with your similar acquisition.

A girl who likes to go to discos can be given a paid subscription to learn club dancing, so that later she can move more professionally and even more beautifully.

A good gift for this age would be stylish clothes and fashionable accessories. Decorations of various types and talisman stones will become an indispensable attribute of the twenty-year anniversary.

If a girl devotes all her time to studying, give her an electronic notepad, an original flash drive, an interesting book or an annual subscription to her favorite magazine.

30th anniversary - what to give a woman

For a woman on her 30th birthday, elegant jewelry, useful cosmetics, books by her favorite writer, beautiful and stylish clothes or perfume are perfect. However, you may not guess with the latter, so it would be better if you give her a certificate for the purchase of your favorite perfume.

A good option is a subscription to a SPA salon or fitness club. Thus, the birthday girl will be able to enjoy all the pleasant procedures and at the same time become even more beautiful.

Give her an artistic creative photo portrait, made in the form of a cartoon or drawn in oil and a drawing pencil. She will appreciate your gift and will admire her captured youth every day.

If you don’t have time to order a portrait, find a professional photographer who can arrange an exquisite photo shoot for your friend on the holiday.

What to give a woman 40 years old for her anniversary

Gift ideas for a woman for this anniversary:

  • Delicate warm blanket.

A soft, insulated and fluffy blanket can warm you up on cold winter evenings. Every time, wrapping herself in it, the birthday girl will remember with warmth in her soul how you congratulated her on her anniversary, and what pleasant words you said at the same time. Such a thing is considered very practical, as it lasts for quite a long time, and sometimes even decades.

  • Professional hair dryer.

For a woman, an electric hair dryer is the most necessary accessory. Since every morning she certainly styles her hair using this attribute. And it’s what hair dryer you give a woman for her anniversary that directly determines her hairstyle.

  • Complete manicure set.

Often busy women do not have enough time to visit nail salons. If you wish, you can learn how to do a manicure yourself, but without a good and correct tool it is quite difficult. Manicure kits contain everything you need to easily and effortlessly get your nails in order.

  • Subscriptions to a SPA or massage salon.

At this age, women have a pronounced depressive state and frequent mood swings, the cause of which is deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes. Many women try to combat this situation and hastily use a variety of cosmetic products. Give the birthday girl a subscription to a special SPA salon, where she will undergo rejuvenating and restorative procedures. The hero of the day will spend the whole day on herself, feel all the versatility of SPA procedures and take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle. Believe me, she will be happy, because you can give her a feeling of youth!

What to give a woman for her 50th or 55th birthday

Fifty years is a fairly significant date for a person, especially for every woman. During this period, ladies get their “second” wind, and they become more active, energetic, beautiful, and also ready for any changes in their lives. Basically, by this age, women already have almost everything they wanted. Therefore, choosing what to give a woman for her anniversary will not be easy.

The best and most appropriate gifts for a woman of 50 years old are considered to be a set of expensive cosmetics, jewelry, costume jewelry, banal lush bouquets of flowers, designer clothes, useful household appliances, as well as tea and coffee sets. At the age of 50, these are the things that are especially valuable; they seem to prolong youth.

Anniversary 60, 70, 80, 90 years - what to give an elderly woman or grandmother?

On such anniversaries, only the closest people gather at the festive table, namely friends, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, as well as former colleagues. This circle knows very well about the favorite activities and preferences of the hero of the day. Therefore, in general, gifts given for 60-70 year anniversaries hit the mark.

As a present for birthday girls of this age, such gifts as jewelry made of expensive stones, bed linen, indoor plants, Feng Shui souvenirs, exclusive dishes and silverware are perfect. You can also give a practical gift, such as a vacuum cleaner or a modern oven.

For grandmothers aged 80-90 years or more, it is very difficult to prepare food and take care of themselves; you can make this work easier by giving them a multifunctional food processor, microwave oven, washing machine or dishwasher.

For grandmothers, a pleasant gift will be your joint photo-picture, which depicts all her relatives and close people. Drawings by great-grandchildren, mutual understanding in the family and a warm attitude towards the birthday girl are the most pleasant things that can be given to our dear and irreplaceable grandmothers.

For modern women, turning 50 is an important milestone in life, after which new opportunities open up. Vanity and carelessness are left behind and now, without a twinge of conscience, you can devote all your time to an active lifestyle or travel, sports or your favorite hobby. It’s wrong for some to think that 50 is sad. 50 is freedom, it is a new image, it is the future. Therefore, gifts for a woman aged 50 need to be chosen with a special approach.

There are endless options and ideas for gifts for a woman’s fiftieth birthday. And they can be associated with a woman’s career or love for grandchildren, with increases or leisure. After all, for some people in their fifties, the best way to spend time is “relaxing” in the garden, while for others, life is unthinkable without creating culinary masterpieces. Some ladies are fond of traveling and relaxing, while others enjoy fishing or auto racing. For some birthday girls, esotericism, personal development, and self-knowledge are close, while others like needlework. Therefore, it is practically impossible to offer a universal gift for a woman’s 50th birthday. But the resource Thisholiday has prepared several interesting ideas for different situations.

Practical 50th birthday gifts

Let's start our list with traditional but useful gifts. The birthday girl will definitely be delighted with such a present, and it will not gather dust on the shelves in the closet. They will become indispensable helpers and will “settle” in the house for a long time.

But it’s better to ask in advance what to give a woman for her 50th birthday. Suddenly, she has long been dreaming of a new expensive table set, which guests can only give by chipping in. Let's look at a few good ideas.

Kitchen "helpers"

Someone will say that by the age of 50, a woman’s kitchen is already equipped with the latest technology. And in most cases this is true.

But progress moves forward at breakneck speed, and interesting functional new products are constantly appearing on the market. Keep in mind that many kitchen appliances that have long been installed in a lady’s kitchen are simply outdated or have acquired an unsightly appearance. For your 50th birthday, why not update your set of assistants or add new gadgets to your kitchen. Give your lady a multifunctional multicooker in an unusual color or an ergonomic bread maker in a designer design. Consider the option of a multi-oven, convection oven, ham maker, food processor, mixer with various attachments.

Air conditioning equipment

There is still no escape from age. By the age of 50, ladies are more sensitive to the vagaries of nature. Help the birthday girl create a microclimate in her own home. And it is not necessary to give an expensive inverter air conditioner, although this is also a good gift option. You can buy a modern ionizer that will create the effect of forest freshness or a portable mobile air conditioner that does not require special installation or heat removal. A humidifier or air purifier will also work. Such devices are designed to create comfort in the home; give it to your friend, mother or colleague for 50 years.


Don't shout that this is trivial. With such a gift you will always hit the top ten.

The main thing is to approach the choice creatively, and not settle on banal tea, coffee sets or spice jars. Go not only to china shops, but also look for original offers in online stores. The 50-year-old birthday girl will definitely love the voluminous ceramic-coated casserole dish because the family has grown much larger. Or you can settle on an original sushi set or Czech glass bowls, a cheerful set of cutlery for 12 people, or a set of ceramic baking dishes, for which wicker stands are provided.

Useful gifts for soul and body

It’s difficult to answer what a birthday gift should be for a 50-year-old woman. But at any age, a lady will be glad to receive gifts that will help maintain beauty and health at the highest level. But when choosing cosmetics, jewelry or health gadgets, try not to emphasize the age of the birthday girl.


This is a choice for close relatives: daughter, sister, daughter-in-law or for a good friend. A woman, of course, will be delighted with good, expensive cosmetics, especially if it matches her preferences, but receiving it from the hands of a man or not very close friends will be the height of bad taste with a hint of advanced age. For this category of guests, a basket filled with various fragrant “things” for the bath is more suitable as a gift.


No fakes or samples, no experiments or purchases to suit your taste. Only high-quality and expensive perfumes, and only those that have become “native” to the birthday girl. Therefore, if you decide to give perfume as a gift, throw away conventions and ask the birthday girl directly about her preferences.

Leather accessories

A good original bag can cost a fortune and will definitely please the lover of luxury things.

A bag or business card holder, wallet or case for glasses is a great idea for a fiftieth birthday gift from a friend or relatives.


Not everyone would risk giving the hero of the day a watch, even with a personalized inscription, despite the fact that it is a wonderful memory and a tasteful gift. Everything is connected with signs that say that walkers count down years and shorten life. There is a great way to get around this superstition. It is necessary not to give, but to sell a watch to the woman. Such a purchase for a nominal fee will become an original Happy Birthday greeting.


Don’t forget that a woman’s anniversary is golden. Therefore, jewelry is most often given from gold.

Of course, it is believed that such a gift should be given to a woman on her 50th birthday by her husband. But no one forbids friends and family from giving beautiful earrings, necklaces, bracelets. And if you choose jewelry with the right energy stone, the lady will remember you for a long time with words of gratitude. Just don’t stoop to banal jewelry or artificial stones. 50 is no longer the age when a woman can be allowed to wear cheap trinkets.

Gifts for health

Children, grandchildren or husband can give a woman things that are simply necessary for her health for her 50th birthday. They are close to the problems of mothers, grandmothers, wives and the desire to make the life of their own woman easier. Therefore, she will normally accept such care.


Every person enjoys a massage. But a constant lack of time or money does not allow sessions to be carried out every six months, as doctors recommend. Create a massage parlor at home for your birthday girl. Give her a classic massager for the spine or collar area. You can consider a foot massager or an entire massage chair in which you can relax and improve your health.

Medical devices

A gift in the form of a tanometer or glucometer is a great idea for a 50th birthday, especially when a woman really has certain health problems.

You can also consider the option of medical devices for carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures at home. Such devices are sold in specialized pharmacies or can be selected on the Internet.

We give cozy gifts

Shawl. Let it be an exclusive item, made using an interesting technique. Definitely the best gift will be a stole that you make with your own hands. But if you don't know how to crochet or knit, embroider with ribbons or paint batik, order a handmade shawl.

Plaid. Another interesting gift idea for a woman’s 50th birthday. Today you can choose quite beautiful and high-quality wool or terry blankets of any shape or quality. Plaids with sleeves or hoods, paired or contrasting, look interesting.

Wicker furniture. Keep in mind that such furniture is not suitable for any interior. And the set would be completely out of place for a small apartment. But for a veranda or country house you can choose good original wicker tables, armchairs, rocking chairs, and sofas. And every time a woman sets the table for tea, she will remember you with a kind word.

Interior items. You need to choose any decorations for your home with the firm belief that it will fit into the interior and be desirable. It is better to choose a painting, flowerpot or vase, lamp or candlestick at the request of the birthday girl.

50th birthday gift for the lady who has everything

The problem of what to give to a birthday girl who has everything is more often faced by subordinates and relatives of female managers. It’s hard to surprise her, it’s hard to please her, and not every gift will be appropriate. She immediately recognizes the standard options and puts aside the disgustingly banal presents. We offer cool gifts for a wealthy or spoiled woman for her 50th birthday.


This option is considered a win-win for the fiftieth anniversary. Of course, the artist’s work will immediately be appreciated at the highest level. But modern techniques for making portraits in the form of printing on canvas or appliqués from pieces of photos would also be appropriate. Fortunately, many art workshops and printing forms offer similar services.


Choose not just a useful container for storing trinkets, but an aesthetic item. Try to find an antique or handmade craft. The birthday girl will not be able to refuse such a unique product.

Flowers in a vacuum

Sophistication and beauty. Living buds, securely packed in a glass vessel, look fascinating and are perceived as a miracle. The main thing is that in a vacuum the flowers always remain as if they were alive, that is, such a bouquet will become a wonderful decoration in your office or home.

Choose cool and useful gifts, kind and cute souvenirs, expensive and budget gifts. The main thing is that your congratulations are from the heart and really please the birthday girl.

March 13, 2017.

The approach of a birthday brings a lot of worries and difficult thoughts about what to give, and even more so when the birthday girl is a woman! Here the problem of choice arises such that walking between retail counters is akin to running a marathon. And it is unknown whether you will come out of such a “race” as a winner: what if all your efforts are in vain, the hostess of the celebration will not like the gift at all and will be pushed into the farthest corner of the apartment?

In a word, in this difficult matter you will certainly need our special guide to choosing a gift according to each female type - then you will easily cope with this problem!

So let's get started!

Part 1. Main criteria for choosing a gift


One of the most important characteristics that is valued by any person, regardless of his gender and age, is the ability to save information. When a woman, for example, approaches a frame with a photo, she definitely remembers the situation with which she is connected, and the person who gave her the photo.
Therefore, it is very important that the gift is not only remembered, but also reminds of the one who chose it and gave it..


This criterion is highly valued, especially by creative people. An object that is unusual and memorable is always met with delight and genuine emotions, so you should not neglect original ideas.
There is an opinion that financial indicator is one of the main criteria by which a gift is evaluated. Of course, it is taken into account by women, but it does not always come to the fore. It is also worth understanding that not all people strive for luxury and wealth. A person’s attention, his spiritual qualities and closeness between you are much more important than his financial situation.

What do women usually expect as a gift?

Historically, there are five main types of gifts for the fair sex, which will always be appreciated and greeted with a joyful smile.

Expensive jewelry and jewelry

From time immemorial, luxurious and sparkling stones shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow have been desired by women of all social classes. Traditionally attractive materials are gold and silver. Diamonds, moonstone, amethyst and other precious stones and metals are no less popular.
You need to remember some factors: rings are given only to future brides and wives.
A special universal gift is a wristwatch.

Electrical appliances and computer equipment

There may be a variety of options here. They differ in purpose; you can also make a choice in favor of one or another item, guided by the woman’s personal preferences. If a girl, for example, is passionate about reading, then an e-book can be a good surprise.
Universal gifts include a laptop or netbook, external drives and phones.

Household appliances

It is worth listening to the requests of women - and they themselves will hint at what exactly they want. If the birthday girl likes to drink coffee in the morning, then you should think about purchasing a coffee maker. If she gets tired after washing dishes, a dishwasher can be an excellent gift.

Cosmetics and perfumery products

One of the most unmistakable options: it is enthusiastically perceived by almost any representative of the fair sex.


Every second girl dreams of a beautiful box hiding luxurious lingerie. It belongs to the category of risky gifts - you should give this only to someone you know closely enough and have been in a trusting relationship for a long time.

Attention! You should not choose gifts with a hint - these include scales, an epilator, an electric toothbrush and other similar items.

Part 2. List of possible gifts for each female type

We suggest you think and determine the type of woman for whom you are looking for a gift and look at the proposed list of gifts that are ideal for this type.

Very young girl

  1. Soft toy. These funny teddy bears, bunnies, dogs, etc. - a good universal gift. Let this become a kind of talisman and a sweet memory of you. Price of toys: from 500 rubles and above.
  2. Cake – exclusive. There are two options for this gift. First: you bake the cake yourself and give it as a gift. Second: you order from a chef with your own invented plot. The first one will cost 500 rubles. The second one is more expensive. Everything will depend on the price per kg. product.
  3. Cinema ticket, theater, Christmas tree, circus, etc., but don’t forget to present it beautifully!
  4. Order animators at the address where your girlfriend lives. And they give her a bouquet of sweets and flowers, congratulations from you, etc. The most important thing is that the girl does not even know about your intention. She'll love the surprise, that's for sure! The order will cost approximately 3,000 rubles.
  5. An original surprise of chocolate figures and exotic fruits. If the birthday girl has a sweet tooth, this surprise is for her. It is better to organize a fruit basket (it will be good if you find pineapple, mango, lychee, etc.), pack everything beautifully, and arrange chocolate figures. Place a postcard with your beautiful wishes at the edge of the composition. When giving a gift, say that you are giving the “sweet life”, let her be happy! Such a gift will cost you around 5,000 rubles.

Travel lover

  1. globe. It's best to be backlit and not small. Countries and major cities should be clearly visible on it. Useful thing. The cost of the gift ranges from 1,500 rubles and above. It’s better to hide the gift, and at the right time send the birthday girl to search with the words “I give you the whole world!” With this gift you can “tell fortunes” at the time of the feast on the theme “Where will you travel this year.” Spin the globe, blindfold it and ask the woman to stop the spinning ball with her finger. Where to choose – go there! Accordingly, you will have to attach a travel certificate to the globe.
  2. Travel suitcase or bag. A practical gift, very useful when traveling. Choose a practical model. Decide on a color. Look at the handle. It should be comfortable. The suitcase should not be too heavy. The price of a good suitcase is from 5,000 rubles. A travel bag is a little cheaper: from 3 thousand rubles. A gift should not be empty. Put something inside. If you can’t decide what to fill the gift with, put chocolates in a beautiful package that will look cute and delight the birthday girl.
  3. Tourist package. Every female traveler will definitely be happy with this gift. The main thing is that it is appropriate. To do this, you need to know about the intentions, the date of the vacation, about those places where the birthday girl has not yet been (although why not go again?). Again, we look at the budget: what tour can you handle? For how many days? Some directions: the price of a trip for two to Dombay (ski resort in Russia) for 3 days is approximately 30 thousand for two. Thailand for 7 days for two with flights of about 70 thousand rubles and more. St. Petersburg for 3 days: 25 thousand rubles for two.


  1. Appliances. It is clear that such gifts are needed to make housekeeping easier, so any will do - the choice is huge: from an egg boiler to a mini bakery - a real housewife will be happy with any such gift.
    • Dishwasher. Taking care of the owner! Let him save his fingers, hands and time! When presenting a gift, you can emphasize this in the words: “I wish you to spend the time you save on yourself!” The price of a dishwasher is from 25 thousand rubles.
    • Washing machine. Perhaps you need some kind of special (vertical/horizontal loading), large/small drum for things. Cost from 20,000 rubles.
    • TV for the kitchen also a great gift for the home. Well, if you’re a woman and a fan of TV series, it’s a 100% hit! The price depends on the company and the size of the diagonal.

    Small gifts for everyday life:

    • iron (from 2500 rubles),
    • electric kettle (from 1500 rubles),
    • coffee maker (from 1500 rubles),
    • coffee grinder (manual - from 500 rubles, electric - from 3000 rubles),
    • multicooker pan (from 2000 rubles).
  2. Furniture and household items.
    • Sleeping bed. With such a gift, you need to take care of the delivery and installation of the gift. The price of a bed is from 20 thousand rubles and above. Choose the appropriate words - let him spend unforgettable nights (maybe with you), see wonderful dreams, and always feel cheerful in the morning!
    • Rocking chair. This gift is the dream of any person, not just women. The chairs, of course, are different - the cheapest ones cost from 6,000 rubles and more.
    • Mirror (on the wall, floor, etc.). This piece of furniture has always been the personification of beauty. Although, over the years, women stop enjoying their reflection... Here you need to look at designer things. After all, if you give an ordinary rectangular mirror as a gift, it will be very banal and unlikely to please anyone. Say words about beauty, youth. Perhaps it is in your mirror that the birthday girl will see herself as exceptionally beautiful. The price of the gift is from 5000 rubles and above.
    • Porcelain tea set. Place a note of congratulations in the box.
    • Set of dishes. Such gifts should be given with caution. If it is a surprise, then it is better to find out the preferences of the future owner of the gift. The cost of a tableware set for 6 people starts from 4,000 thousand rubles.
    • Chandelier, sconce, lamp. You need to know the birthday girl well when choosing such a gift. Consider a chandelier with multiple lighting modes and LEDs. It is important that a place for a future surprise is defined and found. The gift is not cheap, but worth it. Price from 20,000 rubles.
    • Floor vase. Don't forget that it shouldn't be empty inside. Flowers, sweets and toys will create a great mood! Price from 2000 rubles and above.
    • Paintings. There is a huge field for creativity here. Single paintings, diptychs, triptychs, paintings of five components. The cheapest are reproductions of paintings. Price from 500 rubles and above. Oils, watercolors, etc. cost at least 3,000 rubles and increase in price depending on the size.

Creative woman

  1. Photoshoot. Agree, experiencing the flight of sensations of a fashion model is great! Staged photos will do the trick! The main thing is to find a professional and trust him. If you give a woman an invitation to a photo shoot, she will never forget it!
    Price from 10,000 rubles.
  2. Certificate for Nail Design Course. Or a master class. The main thing is to know exactly what she needs. If a woman does not practice and does not plan to take up nail art in the near future, then this is not a gift for her! Price from 15,000 rubles per month. Master class - from 5000 rubles.
  3. Latin American (or other) dance lessons. With this gift you will help make your dream come true. But be prepared to keep company if, suddenly, you don’t want her to move in a fiery dance with another man! Lesson price starts from 1000 rubles.
  4. Visit to the spa. Let the woman feel the touch of the wonderful, relaxing effects of specialists. Any woman dreams of such care. The certificate will cost you from 5,000 rubles.
  5. Camera. Nowadays all pictures are taken with a phone. But a real camera with mirrors will appeal only to real creative women. Expect to spend at least 15,000 rubles!

Business lady

  1. Gadget. For example, phone, iPhone, laptop, netbook, etc. Decide for yourself. Any woman or girl will not refuse him under any circumstances. Such gifts should be packaged very beautifully. You can write signs throughout the apartment like “This will make us closer!”, “For quick communication only with me!” etc.
  2. Frame. It has become very popular to display photos on the table. What if there are a lot of them? A photo frame is the best gift for this. Price from 3000 rubles.
  3. EBook. This is a great gift for containing various documents, books, etc. in electronic version. Price from 5000 rubles.
  4. Flash drive. Show your imagination and choose a flash drive in the shape of lipstick, zodiac signs or something else. Decide why you are giving this particular gift. If you are storing videos, photos, then the amount of memory should be maximum. The cost of the gift is from 1000 rubles.
  5. Wallet or handbag. Of course, leather, and of course, stylish, comfortable and beautiful! Wallet price: from 3000 rubles. Bag: from 7000 rubles.

Beautiful woman

  1. Underwear). They say that you should not skimp on underwear; there is a well-known expression: “It is better to buy an inexpensive blouse than cheap underwear.” If you clearly know the size of the birthday girl, and you have a close relationship, then hit the boutiques (definitely not the markets!). Advice: take a closer look at natural silk - 100% hit! Be prepared to pay from 5,000 rubles for a modest but decent set.
  2. Decorations. This is a popular, sure-fire gift option with so many options to choose from. There may be silver jewelry, gold jewelry, platinum jewelry, jewelry with precious and semi-precious stones. I would like to note that costume jewelry is also jewelry. Sometimes it costs more than expensive alloys and looks very stylish. It is important to know whether a woman likes this type of jewelry. The main thing is to give the gift with love. Any amount can be spent. Gifts from the “expensive” category.
  3. Cloth. Here the choice is simple: what clothes do you like on a woman: dress, skirt, trousers, outerwear - give it to her!
  4. If a woman is dear to you, you can present an invitation to a very expensive restaurant. A beautiful box, beautiful words, which necessarily contain the phrase that this is a gift for both of you. The birthday girl will not only be delighted with the gift, but will also be intrigued: it is obvious that there should be a continuation! Good luck with the right choice!

Birthdays are also considered a sweet holiday, so surprises in the form of flowers and boxes of chocolates have not been canceled. The main thing is a creative, thoughtful approach to choosing and presenting a gift!

1. Classic gift
If you decide not to bother too much when choosing, then you can get by with a standard set - a luxurious bouquet of flowers, a box of good chocolate, a bottle of sweet liqueur or champagne. Of course, with such a gift you will not show originality, but the birthday girl will definitely be satisfied - not a single woman has ever refused such a gift.

2. Perfumes and cosmetics
Another classic gift can be considered perfumes and cosmetics. It is worth giving the hero of the day a bottle of expensive French perfume, day deodorant and others. You can also present a set of high-quality cosmetics, various therapeutic muds and bath salts. Women love to take care of themselves, so such a gift will be very useful.

3. Gifts for soul and body
It's no secret that women love to go to beauty salons. Therefore, a paid subscription to a SPA salon, several visits to a beauty salon, a massage, or even an appointment with a renowned hairdresser would be an excellent gift. Women at any age are accustomed to taking care of their own appearance, and therefore the birthday girl will definitely be delighted with such a gift.

4. Portrait of the birthday girl
An excellent gift would be a large portrait of a woman, which can be made from her photograph. Such a gift will definitely take pride of place in the apartment of the hero of the day. There is another option - invite her to the studio of a professional photographer, let him make a high-quality portfolio of your friend!

5. Picnic trip
You can gather a good company and go out of town. Gather her best friends and girlfriends, find a guitarist, gather food and good alcohol, pack your backpacks and go on a picnic outside the city to enjoy the hero of the day’s birthday. Such a gift will bring positive emotions not only to the birthday girl herself, but to all her friends.