How to successfully dye your hair from black to blonde (or light brown). Instructions tested on yourself. How to change your hair color from brunette to blonde

Blonde is beautiful and impressive, so almost every woman has bleached her hair at least once in her life. However, even those to whom blonde suits cannot maintain the brightness of the color and the health of bleached hair, so over time they become disappointed in the idea itself. Others stubbornly make common mistakes that make blonde hair look much less impressive than it could.
You will learn how to choose the right color, how to care for bleached hair and restore it, from this article.

Is it possible to become blonde without harming your hair?

Theoretically, any woman can become blonde, but the degree of damage to the hair depends on the color that is currently available before going to the salon. The least traumatic option for hair is an initially light color that is passed on to the genes. Another option is dark natural healthy hair color. The aggressive effect here is to remove the natural pigment, which will change the structure of the hair, but proper care will help to avoid too negative consequences. And the most traumatic option is previously dyed hair. This means that when dyeing blonde, the color will have to be “brought out”, achieving the desired and uniform color tone. Here, a lot depends on the condition of the hair, the quality of the preparations, and the correctness of the procedure.

Being blonde is a lot of work, and you have to accept it. It’s not enough to dye your hair blonde once and leave the salon looking beautiful. Constant care is needed - both regular visits to the salon and special procedures at home.

Being a blonde: rules to follow

Rule 1. Hair that is dyed blond is more porous compared to other dyed, and even more so undyed, hair, so the pigment is washed out of it faster. Lightening dyes, and even more so powders, even the most gentle ones, make hair dry and brittle as the pigment and care substances contained in the tinting dye are washed out. In order for the hair cuticle, which has opened after bleaching, to close again, you simply need to regularly apply products that create a protective film on the hair.

For blondes, only professional products that are used in beauty salons are recommended for independent use - shampoo and conditioner for every day, as well as a deep moisturizing mask once a week. It is very important to also have a caring product with dye at home, which would allow you to enhance and refresh the color yourself between visits to the salon. The next stage is leave-in sprays and conditioners that remain on the hair until the next wash and protect the color from external influences. Blonde hair, especially long hair, is also susceptible to splitting, so it is very important to use oil-based treatments, for example, serums and elixirs with argan oil in the composition for ends and lengths of hair.

Rule 2. It is very important that the blonde color matches your skin. Often, when clients come to the salon for coloring, they insist on a certain shade of blonde because their favorite actress or some other celebrity wears it, but in the end this color doesn’t suit them at all. Remember: what suits another woman may not suit you at all, and vice versa.

For example, if the skin clearly has a pink tint, if it is prone to redness, you should refrain from warm golden shades of blonde - this will unsuccessfully emphasize the complexion, visually enhancing the redness. If the skin is pale, porcelain, then you should not use ashy shades of color - otherwise the skin will merge with the hair. But there are also mixed types. This is when you can use a complex dyeing technique and combine two different shades.

Rule 3. If the haircut has clear lines and is made using the so-called precise English straight cut technique, then it is more appropriate to make a uniform, laconic color to emphasize the beauty of the shape. And if the hair is long, then it is better to use a complex dyeing technique so that the color, on the contrary, is not visually uniform, but gives volume and a sense of movement of the strands.

Rule 4. Many blondes are negligent about coloring their roots. Out of a desire to “save their hair,” girls delay going to the salon too much. Perhaps there are psychological reasons for this: if the roots of the hair were once burned by an unscrupulous hairdresser, the client begins to fear this procedure, while wanting to remain blonde.

But you need to understand that, firstly, heavily grown roots give the hair an unkempt appearance. And secondly, the problem is that if the roots grow more than 1 cm, then it is almost impossible to achieve a uniform, beautiful color without a clear transition from the roots to the length. This is because lightening dyes are very sensitive to the heat that the scalp emits.

Therefore, if the roots have grown too much, then the roots will get the desired bright beautiful color, and then it will be a little different. That is, the color of the entire hair sheet will not be uniform. In order for your hairstyle to look flawless for as long as possible, by tinting the roots, it is important to tint the hair along the entire length.

If blonde is achieved with the help of highlighting, then it is recommended to do toning between dyeing, which will lighten the roots and give freshness to previously dyed hair.

Rule 5. In summer, blondes need to use products with a UV filter - styling products, sprays, moisturizers. Both in the city and on vacation. After relaxing, it is recommended to immediately visit the salon. Restoring and nourishing treatments in the salon will have a greater effect, not only because the master can professionally select a whole cocktail of products individually for your hair, but also use special equipment, such as climazone, to ensure that all the nutrients penetrate deep into the hair shaft. In addition, the dye will also fill the voids in the hair with pigment, making them healthier and more hydrated. After this, all you have to do at home is maintain the salon effect.

Rule 6. Bleached hair, as a rule, needs active moisturizing. At home, use masks with an amino acid complex, seaweed, and vegetable oils. The emphasis is on the ends of the hair. Therefore, it would be useful to purchase a special product, for example, in the form of a spray. If your hair is severely damaged (and this usually happens after self-bleaching), give preference to more “potent” products: restorative masks and concentrates with keratin, proteins, lipids, and minerals. In this case, salon procedures are especially recommended, for example, keraplasty - rapid restoration of damaged hair structure by saturating it with keratin.

Every representative of the fair sex sooner or later thinks about changing her image. At a minimum, with such motives, hairstyle or hair color is affected. But in some cases it is quite difficult to achieve the desired result. This is especially common when turning blonde.

The natural color of curls is ensured by the production of two enzymes: eumelanin (adds brown-black color) and pheomelanin (adds yellow-red color). It is the mixture of these two components that forms a huge palette of colors. So, if you want to go blonde, you need to get rid of these pigments in your hair. This is usually achieved by lightening or bleaching.

Yellowness is only part of the pigments that were not removed during lightening. And the darker the natural color of your strands, the harder it is to get rid of it.

Painting in light colors without yellowness is a rather problematic procedure. Especially when store-bought paints do not always give the effect that appears in the picture.

There are three main factors that influence the final result:

  • the number of natural enzymes responsible for natural hair color
  • past coloring (if any)
  • compliance with dyeing technologies
  • general hair condition

While attention is still paid to the first two factors, the latter rarely comes up in the thoughts of the fair sex. It is almost impossible to achieve an even shade on overdried, damaged strands even in professional beauty salons.

What tools can be used

The cosmetics market is constantly pleased with the emergence of new products that will help with coloring at home without visiting beauty salons. The most popular means are:

  • permanent paints and cream paints
  • shampoos that, when washed, give the strands the selected shade
  • tinting foams
  • brightening gels

But before choosing one or another remedy, in order not to get an unexpected result, you should carefully study the features of its use.

Permanent dyes and cream dyes can give your hair the desired color for a long time. Thanks to them, you can get a rich color without any signs of yellowness. To give your strands a beautiful light shade, it is recommended to pay attention to the palette of ashy and cool shades. Usually they are marked “without yellowness”. They are the ones who can not only lighten your hair by several tones, but also prevent the appearance of yellowness.

For those who have natural blond hair, tinted shampoos are suitable. They will help lighten it a little and remove signs of “straw” color. It is also recommended to use them for dyed blondes who are faced with the same problem. In addition, tinted shampoos do not contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, so they do not harm the hair. Their effect does not penetrate deep into the hair, but only envelops it. The result is usually completely washed off after 5-7 shampooing procedures.

Foams with a lightening effect occupy a special place among coloring products. Their main function is to give the hair a shade one tone lighter. The advantage of using it is that the foam has absolutely no harmful effect on the hair structure. On the contrary, after using it, the strands become smoother and more manageable.

Coloring gels are slightly more effective than foams: they can lighten up to two tones. They are actively used on individual strands to give the effect of sun-bleached hair. Another difference from foams is the longer lasting effect.

We select the color tone depending on the hair color

Hair color depends on the amount of eumelanin and pheomelanin it contains. Depending on what color the pigment predominates, the level of tone depth is determined:

  • ur. tones 1 – black – black pigment
  • ur. tones 2 – brown – brown pigment
  • ur. tones 3 – dark chestnut – brown-red pigment
  • ur. tones 4 – medium chestnut – red-brown pigment
  • ur. tones 5 – light chestnut – red pigment
  • ur. tone 6 – dark blond – red-orange pigment
  • ur. tone 7 – intense blond – orange pigment
  • ur. tones 8 – light blond – yellow pigment
  • ur. tone 9 – very light blond – light yellow pigment
  • ur. tone 10 – platinum blonde – pale yellow and lemon pigment

Depending on the tone that needs to be painted, the paint number is selected.

10th number Suitable for natural hair, no darker than dark blond.

11th number Suitable for natural hair, no darker than “intense blonde”.

12th number Suitable for natural hair, no darker than “light blond”.

In other cases, it is better to approach lightening comprehensively, starting with warmer shades or using coloring.

Before you start coloring

  1. If you have natural fiery or dyed red hair, before you begin lightening, you must undergo a washing or bleaching procedure. This is also recommended for those who have used henna and basma to change their color. Otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid the appearance of yellowness in your hair.
  2. If you have dark hair color (tone levels 1-6), then you won’t be able to lighten your hair in one procedure without damaging your hair. The best option in this case would be gradual coloring using coloring or highlighting techniques.
  3. Owners of warm light tones are recommended to use paints that have platinum tones.
  4. It is strictly not recommended to start bleaching if your hair is severely damaged. If you have had a perm, straightening, or just returned from vacation, after which your strands are clearly overdried, you first need to start restoring your hair.
  5. If irritation occurs at the edges of the hair growth during dyeing, you can lubricate them with a little nourishing cream.
  6. You cannot use tools with metal inserts, since when paint interacts with metal, compounds are formed that negatively affect the lightening.

If previously bleaching was carried out only in salons and hairdressers, now you can buy kits for bleaching at home in stores. Thanks to them, owners of red or dark hair can first bleach their strands, and after getting a clean result, they can use permanent dye or just a tinted shampoo or gel.

When choosing ash tones, be careful, because in some cases, if the hair is not lightened enough and there is a lot of pheomelanin pigment in it, the combination of ash and yellow pigment can lead to the appearance of a green tint on the hair.

Caring for colored hair is no less important than the correct selection of technology, tone and type of hair dye. Proper care will not only preserve the resulting color for a long period of time, but will also help the hair adapt after coloring.

Rusty tap water, unsuitable cosmetics and daily use of various styling products and devices lead to hair not only losing its beautiful light shade, but also problems appearing in the form of dry ends and brittleness.

The best solution is to use the following care tips:

  • It is better not to use regular tap water to wash your hair. According to experts, boiled water is best for washing, and mineral water for rinsing. However, it’s hard to imagine washing your hair every day with boiled and mineral water prepared in advance. The compromise in this situation is to install a water filter.
  • You should be more vigilant when choosing shampoos, conditioners and other care products. Some products contain herbs (for example, dandelion) that negatively affect white hair.
  • No matter what long-lasting effect the manufacturers of permanent paints promise, they are not enough. It is recommended to use tinted shampoos at least once a week.

Means to eliminate yellowness

If you have dyed your hair and it turns out that ugly yellow color, you can try to correct it without additional dyeing using special masks that can be easily prepared at home. These options are also suitable for natural blondes who want a lighter, cooler tone.

A honey mask has the mildest strand whitening effect. The only ingredient is honey, it should be heated a little so that its consistency becomes more liquid. All strands and roots need to be thoroughly soaked in honey, then insulated with polyethylene and a towel. The negative aspect of this mask is the long procedure - it needs to be applied for 6-8 hours. But there are also enough positive aspects: in addition to gentle bleaching, the hair is nourished with microelements.

The onion mask also does its job well. However, due to the possible unpleasant odor, not many people agree to use it, although judging by numerous reviews, the mask does not have an onion aroma. To prepare, you need to take several onions and chop them. The resulting mass is diluted with water, brought to a boil and cooked for another quarter of an hour. The broth is cooled, filtered and generously applied to the hair. Usage time – 1 hour.

Lemon lightening therapy. In this case, two products are used - a mask and a rinse. To prepare the mask you need to take 50 ml of kefir, 10 ml of vodka, 1 tbsp. spoon of shampoo, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice and one beaten egg. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair. You need to keep the mask on for 1 hour. After which you need to use a rinse aid. To prepare it, you need to take purified water and lemon juice (1:10).

Tea rinse will give your hair a cool shade. To do this, add a cup of pre-prepared green tea to a liter of water. You can rinse after washing your hair.

If you are thinking about turning your hair blonde for the first time, we recommend that you consult with a specialist, since due to inexperience you may not get the result you expected and, more sadly, ruin your hair.

Thanks to hair coloring, any girl begins to feel much sexier and more confident. It is the paint of a new shade that can refresh the appearance, while favorably emphasizing the contours of the face and eye color. But sometimes it happens that the result does not bring positive emotions. So how to turn into a blonde without unwanted yellowness and other unpleasant consequences?

Selection of means

Modern girls, as a rule, manage to cope with hair coloring on their own. This became possible thanks to the various products that appeared on the cosmetic market:

  1. tinted shampoos;
  2. persistent cream paints;
  3. coloring gels;
  4. tinting foams.

Each of these compositions has its own advantages and subtleties of application. They should definitely be taken into account so that the result is the perfect shade of blonde.

  • Dyes with a lasting effect make it possible to obtain more saturated shades that will stay on the hair for a long time. When choosing a paint for lightening without a yellowish effect, you should pay special attention to ashen and cold shades. Only their use will give the desired result.
  • Tinted shampoos are the ideal solution for natural blondes. They can also be used by fair-haired young ladies who have had to deal with the appearance of a “straw” color. After just a few uses, your hair will regain its noble shade.

Most of the women who have already turned blonde prefer to use only professional-grade products. You can usually find them in special stores intended for hairdressers. When used, such compositions will need to be combined with a special activator.

The most popular professional-grade products today are produced by such well-known brands as Londa, Revlon, Estel, Wella, etc.

However, a good blonde dye, which does not give a yellowish effect after use, is a completely affordable product not only for frequent guests of professional salons, but also for ordinary girls.

Many manufacturers have taken into account the needs of all modern blondes, releasing unique formulations. These include brands such as Syoss (a line of various brighteners), Garnier (Color Naturals line paints), L`Oreal (Casting Crème Gloss series products), Schwarzkopf (products from the Brilliance and Natural&Easy series).

When choosing the optimal product for dyeing a blonde shade, you should pay attention to the presence of the “no yellowness” marking on it. As a rule, this applies to ashen and cold tones.

Important! When choosing a paint of a warm sunny, wheat or honey shade, you won’t be able to get a blonde color without yellowness on your own!

Discoloration of strands

  • Even the most expensive paint cannot provide a 100% guarantee of an excellent result. If we are talking about natural brunettes or owners of fiery red hair, then it would be much more correct not to dye their hair, but to bleach it. And such a procedure should be performed in a salon.
  • Today there are special kits on sale that allow you to do the bleaching yourself. The kit includes detailed instructions that describe all the intricacies of mixing, application rules, precautions and the amount of time required to obtain the result.
  • After receiving a “clean” result, you can move on to the next stage - choosing a blond paint that will not give yellowness. This can be either a persistent product or a more gentle tint composition.

How to maintain a clear tone for a long time?

To get a beautiful light shade of hair, you will need to learn not only about all the tricks and features of coloring, but also the proper further care of the new color.

After all, the appearance of an unpleasant shade can very often occur as a result of the following factors:

  1. the presence of rusty particles in the water;
  2. incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  3. constant use of various styling products.

Important! To prevent yellowness in your hair, you should give preference only to those styling products that have a colorless consistency.

That is why, after dyeing your hair blonde, you should adhere to the following care:

  • It is best not to use running water when washing your hair. The most ideal solution would be rinsing using boiled water, and the rinsing procedure using mineral water.
  • It is worth giving up products (conditioners, masks, shampoos) that are based on herbal decoctions and complexes. Dandelion and chamomile pose a particular threat to white flowers.
  • Blonde paint alone without a yellow effect will not be enough. You can get a really beautiful shade thanks to unique professional shampoos.

Attention! You can’t use such expensive shampoos all the time, but only once a week. This type of prevention will preserve both the purity of the color and the budget!

Only by following all the listed rules and recommendations will it be possible to obtain an amazingly beautiful and noble shade of blond that will not have even a hint of yellowness!


Choose the right paint and oxidizer. It is best to buy them in professional hairdressing stores. Most often, everything that may be useful to you is sold there in large volumes, but if you do not use all the lightening powder for the initial coloring, then it will be useful for tinting the growing roots. The concentration required for lightening depends on what color yours are before dyeing. Oxidizing agents range from 1.8 to 12%. Accordingly, the lighter your hair before dyeing, the lower the concentration of oxidizing agent you need. The color of the tinting paint also needs to be selected carefully. Remember that redheads also acquire a yellowish tint when bleached, and do not bleach completely, so it is better to take paint closer to silver or ash.

Take care of your health! If your hair is weakened by a perm or recent dyeing, then you should hold off on recoloring, because this is a very difficult process in which the hair structure is destroyed. The hair becomes empty and very fragile, and if the lightening procedure is carried out on already weakened hair, this can lead to the fact that it begins to break off or even when the composition is washed off.

Also, before using a mixture of paint and oxidizer, you should check whether you are allergic to any components of the composition. To do this, the day before staining, apply a test composition to the inside of the elbow. If after a day redness, peeling or other phenomena that are not normal for your skin do not appear, then you can apply paint without.

3. Apply paint correctly. This will help avoid color unevenness, which means your hair won't have to endure another dye job anytime soon. In addition, careless application of paint can lead to stains remaining on the border, which will spoil your appearance for a long time and damage the skin. Therefore, the composition must be applied with gloves on unwashed, dry hair (unless otherwise indicated in the instructions). In this case, the skin at the border of the hair and ears must be treated with a rich cream so that if paint gets in, it can be easily washed off. Start applying paint from the back of your head. In this area, the temperature of the head is lower than in others, which means that coloring occurs more slowly. Move towards the temples, grabbing a thin strand. First, apply the dye to the entire length of the hair, without grabbing the root, and only then use a special brush to bring it to the root. Once all your hair is dyed, take a fine-tooth comb and comb through it several times. This will help the dye to distribute evenly throughout the hair and remove excess composition. Try not to overexpose the paint, at least not to exceed the limit specified in the instructions. Leave the paint on for 20-30 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Hello, dear girls!

Which of us has not had the thought - “Or maybe I’ll dye my hair blonde?”. Here we start looking for beauty salons, find out the cost of the procedure and go home with a sad face. Sitting at home, the thought comes to us - “Yes, I can paint myself, it’s not difficult at all!”. Then we look on the Internet for information about what is needed and how to do it all.

This is exactly what happened to me in my early years, and even now I’m not old yet. I found all the information, I don’t mind my hair if I have such and such a desire, I only have money for dye. Well? Let's go to the store!!

I bought myself a couple of packs of paint and a couple of packs of blonde. Before this, my hair color was dyed dark blond. The hair is long, beautiful, vibrant, healthy.... But my soul wanted something different...

I just dyed my hair: I diluted the dye according to the instructions, added blue powder and applied it to my hair. I was very afraid that I would overexpose the dye and burn my hair, so I often ran to the mirror to see if my hair was dyed. After 35 minutes, I washed off the dye and applied a very generous amount of a treatment hair mask to keep my hair from becoming dry and giving it shine and smoothness. The instructions for the mask said wash off after 3 minutes but I'm with her sat for 30 minutes, because I was very afraid for my hair!

This is the result after the first coloring, and I was happy with it - the hair is shiny, vital, although a little red. I didn't want to lighten them all at once, as there might be a risk.

After that, I dyed my hair two more times (once a month) and got a light blonde color - the same as originally intended.

Why don't I Do I recommend applying makeup at home? This is risky, especially if you don't know the intricacies of painting. My mother is a stylist (although we live in different countries, we rarely see each other, I couldn’t ask my mother to dye me), so I know the proportions for mixing the dye and the desired time for keeping the dye on my hair so as not to burn it.

If you are confident in your abilities and are not afraid for your hair, then why not experiment?