Furazolidone instructions for use in pregnant women. What helps furazolidone, instructions for pregnancy, children. How to take Furazolidone during pregnancy: dosage and dietary features

A pregnant woman should not take any medication without a doctor's prescription, even the most seemingly safe ones. But if the obstetrician-gynecologist or the therapist of the antenatal clinic nevertheless prescribed some kind of drug, then there really is a need for it.

Can a pregnant woman take furazolidone

Furazolidone belongs to the drugs of the nitrofuran series. It is effective mainly against Gram-negative bacteria (including Shigella and Salmonella, which cause intestinal infections), and also against some Gram-positive bacteria. In addition, it has antitrichomonas activity and is effective in giardiasis.

Of all the drugs of the nitrofuran series (for example, furagin, furadonin), furazolidone is the least toxic, so it is not contraindicated in pregnancy. Unlike other nitrofurans, which act mainly on pathogens that cause kidney and urinary tract infections, furazolidone is more effective in intestinal and genital infections.

An intestinal infection is of particular danger to a pregnant woman, since diseases of the intestines, located in close proximity to the uterus, cannot but affect the course of pregnancy. Furazolidone in this case can be an excellent way out.

No less dangerous is such a sexual infection as trichomoniasis, because Trichomonas can enter the ascending route into the uterus. Furazolidone can also be prescribed in this case.

As for giardiasis, in adults it rarely manifests itself and gives complications, however, if such signs do appear, furazolidone is also prescribed.

Indications and contraindications for taking furazolidone during pregnancy

Indications for prescribing furazolidone by a doctor to pregnant women are:

Any agents that alkalize urine (for example, alkaline mineral water) reduce the effect of furazolidone, and acidifying agents (for example, ascorbic acid) increase it.

The antibacterial properties of furazolidone are enhanced when it is taken together with antibiotics of the aminoglycoside and tetracycline groups.

Contraindications for taking furazolidone are individual intolerance to the drug. But precautions must be taken in case of severe kidney disease with impaired function, metabolic disorders against the background of congenital deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

Side effects that may occur when taking furazolidone

Furazolidone is an inhibitor of MAO - the enzyme monoamine oxidase, which oxidizes and decomposes neurotransmitters (norepinephrine, serotonin) that transmit nervous excitation to the central nervous system. MAO inhibitors inhibit the decomposition of neurotransmitters, which has an antidepressant effect.

This effect should be taken into account when prescribing furazolidone to pregnant women and taking appropriate precautions. So, while taking MAO inhibitors, a pregnant woman may experience (this happens rarely, however, it happens) a severe headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, especially when getting up from a lying or sitting position (you should get up slowly), drowsiness, decreased appetite, small spasmodic muscle contractions, dark urine, diarrhea, skin rash, swelling in the legs, unusual nervousness, yellowness of the eyes or skin, heart pain , increased sensitivity of the eyes to light, tension or soreness in the neck, unusually fast or slow heartbeat, excessive sweating. If such signs appear, you need to inform the doctor about it, furazolidone in such cases is usually canceled.

The drug "Furazolidone" refers to the derivatives of nitrofuran - a rather toxic substance, so its use negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys and liver. But compared to other similar drugs, the drug "Furazolidone" is safer, as it acts not only on gram-positive, but also on gram-negative bacteria.

Means "Furazolidone": from what it is prescribed

The action of the drug is to neutralize toxic infections. The drug is used in the treatment of giardiasis, amoebiasis, trichomoniasis, bacterial colitis.

Often, tablets are prescribed if necessary to eliminate diarrhea in adults and children. Available about the drug prove that for 5-6 days all symptoms of irritable bowel are removed. But high efficiency is possible only when the cause of the disease is a pathogenic microflora.

The drug "Furazolidone" for children

Consider the cases in which children are prescribed Furazolidone tablets. What do they help with and in what cases is it better to do without them? So, pediatricians are advised not to prescribe treatment on their own, since the causes of fever and pain in the abdomen can be:

  • poisoning;
  • violation of the diet;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • food poisoning;
  • viral infection.

Thus, the drug "Furazolidone" for children can be recommended for admission only after a doctor's examination and, if necessary, tests.

The dosage for children is significantly different from the adult. So, for babies, the calculation is carried out in this way: for 1 kg of weight we take 0.01 g of the drug and divide the resulting mass into 4 parts. We give this medicine at regular intervals throughout the day.

If we talk about children from 3 to 7 years old, then for them the drug is prescribed in a dosage of 0.1 g three times a day. Children under 14 years of age are given 0.1 g 4 times a day. Adults can take the medicine 0.2 g 4 times a day.

Tablets "Furazolidone" for pregnant women

We examined the drug "Furazolidone": what it is taken from and in what cases it is better to do without it. Now we will find out if this remedy can be used by pregnant women. Based on the instructions, it is possible to use the drug "Furazolidone" in extreme cases, since the harm from it can be more than good. If symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting do not go away within a day, then immediately consult a doctor.


Based on what is indicated in the instructions, you can make a list of contraindications.

So, the remedy is not prescribed for people with end-stage renal disease, with a deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and lactase deficiency. For children younger than 1 month, the drug is completely contraindicated.

It is prescribed with caution to pregnant and lactating women. Since the drug has a negative effect on the liver and kidneys, it is not prescribed to patients who have diseases of these organs.

So, the article briefly described the drug "Furazolidone". What is it assigned from? What are the contraindications? We have tried to give an exhaustive answer to these questions. In conclusion, we can only remind you that this medicine is not recommended to be taken on its own, since with prolonged use there is a possibility of causing harm.

Hello. It does not cause hereditary diseases of the fetus. The question is decided by the obstetrician
gynecologist and therapist. If the barrier function of the placenta is impaired, the virus can penetrate the tissues of the fetus.
Principles for assessing the condition of the fetus during screening.
Screening of pregnant women is carried out using two methods:
1) study of the concentration of serum markers
2) ultrasound examination of the fetus.
Based on the data obtained, the probability of having a child with a chromosomal pathology (Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome) and malformations of the central nervous system is calculated. Change in the concentration of biochemical markers
characteristic of chromosomal pathology and allows you to identify from 2 to 5% of such cases.
The assessment of biochemical markers is carried out by the laboratory, which should have options for the normal values ​​of these indicators for each gestational age. This takes into account the weight and age of the woman, race, the presence of diseases, obstetric complications, etc.
When evaluating the results of screening, fetal ultrasound is important, which should be performed at a high technological level and by a qualified specialist and at the same gestational age at which the screening was performed. The reliability of ultrasound results depends on the qualifications of the doctor and the quality of the equipment.
When calculating the risk only using biochemical markers, the difference between PAPP-A and hCG in the first trimester (optimally at 11-12 weeks), as well as AFP and hCG in the second trimester (optimally at 16-20 weeks), but without taking into account the above factors is not very informative.
An increase and decrease in the level of these indicators can occur in many conditions that are not associated with chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus (obstetric complications, maternal diseases, intrauterine infections, etc.).
Therefore, remote counseling on this issue is not sufficiently objective and cannot solve all the issues that arise in a woman during screening.
Congenital malformations of the eyes as a result of screening are not detected. Ultrasound is rarely diagnosed.
The development of the fetus is more affected by the state of health of the mother (3%) and to a lesser extent by the impact of external factors: taking medications - 1%, X-ray examinations - 1%, etc. These percentages are added to the average population risk of -5%. Please note that these are average figures.
The average risk of complications during amniocentesis is 0.5%, with chorionic villus biopsy and cordocentesis - 1%
The risk of pathology in the fetus should be determined only at a face-to-face consultation. In remote consultations, the risk of erroneous conclusions increases significantly.


Can a pregnant woman take furazolidone

No less dangerous is such a sexual infection as trichomoniasis, because Trichomonas Trichomonas - leads to infertility can enter the ascending route into the uterus. Furazolidone can also be prescribed in this case.

Indications and contraindications for taking furazolidone during pregnancy

Contraindications for taking furazolidone are individual intolerance to the drug. But precautions must be taken in case of severe kidney disease with impaired function, metabolic disorders Metabolism: the basis of the life of all living things against the background of congenital deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

Side effects that may occur when taking furazolidone

This effect should be taken into account when prescribing furazolidone to pregnant women and taking appropriate precautions. So, while taking MAO inhibitors, a pregnant woman may experience (this happens rarely, however, it happens) a severe headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, especially when getting up from a lying or sitting position (you should get up slowly), drowsiness, decreased appetite, slight muscle spasms, dark urine, diarrhea, skin rash, swelling in the legs, unusual nervousness, yellowness of the eyes or skin, pain in the heart , increased sensitivity of the eyes to light, tension or soreness in the neck, unusually fast or slow heartbeat, excessive sweating. If such signs appear, you need to inform the doctor about it, furazolidone in such cases is usually canceled.

Foods, drinks and medicines to avoid while taking furazolidone

  • beef or chicken liver
  • smoked sausages
  • dates
  • bananas
  • avocados (especially overripe ones)
  • kefir
  • sour cream
  • soy sauce
  • Brewer's yeast
  • Lots of chocolate and coffee.

Galina Romanenko


Is it possible to take furazolidone during pregnancy

Drug activity

Side effects

a source


The period of pregnancy, a very important stage in life

Every pregnant woman worries about the impact of her medications on the health of her baby. It is no wonder that quite often there are doubts about the need for drug therapy. Self-administration of various medications is definitely strictly contraindicated in an “interesting position”, but what if the doctor prescribes the medicine? That is why it is necessary for every doctor to report his condition and repeat this at every appointment: let them consider you a “fool”, but the specialist will definitely not prescribe a medicine that can harm an unborn baby. In this article, we will discuss whether Furazolidone can be taken during pregnancy.

Drug activity

Drug for the fight against giardiasis

The action of the drug is provided by its component (furazolidone), belonging to the group of nitrofurans. Effectively fights infections with gram-negative aerobes (susceptible to the preparation of Shigella and Salmonella), and, to a lesser extent, gram-positive aerobes and fungi (of the Candida genus, in particular). Sensitive to the drug are also the simplest organisms - Giardia and Trichomonas. In small doses, it prevents the reproduction of microorganisms, higher doses destroy them.

You need to know that trials on pregnant women are rare, and this can be understood: who would agree to test the effectiveness of the drug and the consequences of its use on their own child? Most testing is done on animals. Such studies have shown that in some cases there was some undesirable effect on the fetus of the animal, but it is not at all necessary that this effect can manifest itself in a human child.

Doctors recommend using furazolidone in pregnant women only in case of urgent need (when the expected benefit to the woman's health significantly outweighs the possible risk of negative consequences for the fetus). Therefore, it is necessary to consult a specialist before prescribing a drug.

Indications, contraindications and features of the drug

Furazolidone can be used in pregnant women under the following conditions:

  1. The presence of intestinal infection (salmonella, dysentery), paratyphoid and food poisoning.
  2. Giardiasis in the intestines with obvious symptoms.
  3. Diseases of trichomonas nature (colpitis, urethritis).

You need to know that any means that have an effect on the acidity of urine can affect the effect of taking Furazolidone: an alkaline environment weakens the effectiveness, an acid one increases it. Antibiotics from the groups of tetracyclines and aminoglycosides can enhance the effect of the drug. The combination with ristomycin and chloramphenacol leads to impaired hematopoietic function, and the simultaneous use of alcohol can lead to a disulfiram-like reaction. There is a high risk of high blood pressure when used with antidepressants, eferdine, tyramine, amphetamine, phenylephrine and monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

Important! Individual intolerance to the drug is a contraindication to taking it. It is necessary to refrain from treatment with Furazolidone in case of violations in the functioning of the kidneys and metabolic processes in the body.

Side effects

It is possible to develop various kinds of undesirable reactions:

  • Gastrointestinal: loss of appetite, abdominal pain, vomiting, anorexia.
  • Allergy: skin rash, urticaria, itching, Quincke's edema.

To avoid such actions of the drug, it is recommended to drink it with plenty of liquid and take anti-allergy drugs in combination with B vitamins. Prolonged use can lead to hemolytic anemia, hyperthermia, shortness of breath and cough.

Taking the drug must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable, especially while carrying a child under the heart.

Medications during pregnancy. is it possible or not???

Good evening to all pregnant women! Today I intensively searched for information on the World Wide Web about drugs and pills during pregnancy, and that's what I found ... I think it will be interesting to read!

Caution Ketorol - To begin with, a few relatively available statistics. According to them, today eighty percent of pregnant women at least once, but took one or another pharmaceutical drug during pregnancy. Moreover, the drugs taken by women belonged to the category of those that a woman used before pregnancy. This is absolutely impossible to do. If you decide to resort to the help of any drug, the first thing to do is call your doctor and ask if you can take it during pregnancy or not. Only in this way you can protect your baby from exposure to harmful substances.

Wobenzym - regarding the use of Wobenzym during pregnancy. We will immediately please all future mothers and inform them that Wobenzym during pregnancy is not something that can be taken, it must be taken. In all instructions for the use of this drug, you can read that Wobenzym should be used with extreme caution during pregnancy. In principle, these words are true. Remember once and for all, as Wobenzym, and any other drug, during pregnancy can only be used as prescribed by a specialist doctor. This is the caution of its use in this period. Clinical studies have proven that Wobenzym is not capable of harming a child who is in the womb. It is also worth paying your attention to the fact that this drug does not have a negative impact on the growth and development of the child, but, on the contrary, contributes to these processes.

Furazolidone - let's try to answer the most important question - is it possible or not to use furazolidone during pregnancy? In fact, there is no exact answer to this question. Specialist doctors say that this drug is undesirable to use during pregnancy. Despite this, in case of emergency, this pharmaceutical agent can still be prescribed to a pregnant woman. Extreme necessity is considered to be cases where the allowable benefit to the mother significantly outweighs the possible risk to the child.

Erythromycin during pregnancy - To begin with, a few words about the drug itself. The fact is that erythromycin is an antibiotic agent that can be used in the fight against various infectious and inflammatory diseases. That is why sometimes you simply cannot do without it, including pregnant women. After all, pregnancy is one of the few moments in the life of any woman when her body undergoes a series of changes, as a result of which it is quite weakened. At such moments, it is quite easy to pick up various kinds of infections and viruses. Most often this is what happens. According to statistics, about seventy percent of pregnant women suffer from viral and infectious diseases of various origins.

Essentiale - How safe is Essentiale during pregnancy? As we have already said, this drug contains only natural ingredients, which makes it possible to use it quite calmly during pregnancy. Moreover, quite often, experts not only do not recommend, they strongly advise you to seek help from Essential. They explain this by the fact that essentiale contains phospholipids. These substances are especially necessary for the female body during pregnancy, since they are involved in a number of biochemical reactions. With their help, the metabolism is normalized, and, consequently, the general well-being of a pregnant woman improves. When exactly does a pregnant woman need Essentiale's help?

Cyston during pregnancy - What to do if the disease has already come? And to combat pyelonephritis there is cystone. What is the secret of its effectiveness? Of course, in the composition. Cystone is 100% herbal. There are such unique components here as rough strawflower seed extract, mummy, vernia ash extract, horse bean seeds, teak tree seeds, and this is not even half of the list of those plants that are part of cystone. However, the main acting "person" here is the extract of the flowers of didymocarpus stalk. Of course, you can grow one stalk didymocarpus in your backyard and take only its infusion.

Toxoplasmosis - Toxoplasmosis is considered to be one of the safest diseases, but not for pregnant women. If you are expecting a baby for the first time and at the same time become a “hostage” of a disease called toxoplasmosis, this can lead to very disastrous results for you. We will immediately reassure you and inform you that infection with Toxoplasma during pregnancy occurs only in one percent of cases out of a hundred. By the way, even if you become infected with this disease, it is not a fact that it will be transmitted to the fetus. Despite such comforting forecasts, every woman should remember that infection with this disease is still possible. That is why try to take care of yourself and your unborn baby as carefully as possible.

Chamomile during pregnancy - If you decide to apply it topically, then do it with complete peace of mind. Local use of chamomile cannot cause any harm. From the infusion of this medicinal plant during pregnancy, you can make both compresses and baths, as well as douching and inhalation. It is also worth noting such an important thing - you can use chamomile for all nine months. Moreover, if you have become a “hostage” of any inflammatory disease of the external genital organs in the first trimester of pregnancy, then only chamomile can help get rid of it. All other medicinal plants during this period of pregnancy are categorically contraindicated.

Ketanov - Better not to take risks! - The use of this drug may cause miscarriage. Especially often miscarriages are noted in women who resort to the help of ketanov during the first three months of pregnancy. Do not forget that during all this time the baby’s body is being formed and ketans can greatly harm this process. If you are being treated with ketane and suddenly suspect that you are pregnant, stop taking this drug immediately and discuss everything with your doctor. Surely this drug in case of confirmation of pregnancy will be replaced by some other. Before you drink a ketanov pill, also remember about its side effects. Just imagine how much harm you can do to your baby.

Furazolidone during pregnancy

How safe is this drug for the fetus? How can the use of this drug affect the development and growth of the baby?

These and many other questions about drugs are asked by millions of pregnant women. And they do it right. If you are pregnant, you should first of all think about the health of your child and only after that about your own well-being. It's no secret that pregnancy is one of those periods in the life of every woman when she should be especially careful with all pharmaceuticals. Some drugs can be completely harmless, while others, on the contrary, can cause a miscarriage. That is why it is very important that a woman knows that she can deprive herself of the joyful feeling of motherhood with her own hands. Can or not take furazolidone during pregnancy?

First, a few words about the drug itself. Furazolidone is a pharmaceutical agent with a fairly powerful antimicrobial and antiprotozoal effect. Influencing the human body, this drug perfectly copes with all gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, as well as with some bacteria, which even antibiotics cannot overcome. Furazolidone is used to combat such diseases as: giardiasis, dysentery, trichomonas urethritis, paratyphoid and some others. Almost always it is used for the treatment of food poisoning.

And now let's try to answer the most important question - is it possible or not to use furazolidone during pregnancy?

In fact, there is no exact answer to this question. Specialist doctors say that this drug is undesirable to use during pregnancy. Despite this, in case of emergency, this pharmaceutical agent can still be prescribed to a pregnant woman. Extreme necessity is considered to be cases where the allowable benefit to the mother significantly outweighs the possible risk to the child.

I would like to draw the attention of all future mothers to the fact that today there is not a single evidence of the negative effect of furazolidone on the fetus. This evidence is not available only because this drug has been tested not so much on humans as on animals. According to the available experimental data, furazolidone has some negative effect on the fetus, however, this negative effect has been noted in animals. As for people, in this case, the harmfulness of furazolidone has not been proven. So, draw your own conclusions.

Despite the fact that practically nothing is known about the harmful effects of furazolidone on the fetus, each of you must understand that "God saves the safe." Also, do not forget that during pregnancy, in no case should you self-medicate. If furazolidone is assigned to you by a specialist, then you can use his help. If you yourself decide to heal yourself with this drug, then it is best to refuse this idea, writes Tiensmed.ru.

During pregnancy, it is especially important to know about the existing contraindications to the use of this drug. If you have been hypersensitive to any of the components of furazolidone, or if you have any kidney disease, be sure to tell your doctor about it. Do not forget that the use of furazolidone can also cause you some side effects that can significantly worsen your general well-being. These effects include: vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, as well as some allergic reactions.

Take care of yourself as carefully as possible - lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, adhere to a proper diet, take special dietary supplements (dietary supplements) and God willing, you will not need the help of furazolidone.

Furazolidone Pregnancy - Medical Portal

Furazolidone during pregnancy should be taken strictly as prescribed by the attending physician, who must carefully weigh the expected benefits to the mother and the potential risks to the fetus. If necessary, the use of the drug during lactation should decide on the possible interruption of breastfeeding, since furazolidone penetrates into breast milk and can cause the development of hemolytic anemia and methemoglobinemia in infants.

Furazolidone reviews

I tried to take it from cystitis, it doesn’t help, apparently, the bacteria became completely insensitive to it, as a result I had to drink more monural, fortunately, it is only taken once. And furazolidone now, probably, only intestinal disorders make sense to treat. Nonsense. Furazolidone was prescribed to me by a urologist, it helps, but, of course, not with one dose, like monural - not everyone acts like that. But this does not mean that he is worse, just the treatment regimen is different, that's all.

This is a great drug! Saved me from cystitis more than once. And a little daughter from diarrhea. True, I always take a dose 2 times less than the doctor prescribes. In general, I try to take medicines as little as possible and in case of emergency. I took the drug for cystitis for a very long time and I remember that it helped me a lot then. Very good and effective product.

Everything is very individual, after furazolidone they barely saved me, Quincke's edema. It’s scary to remember ... I won’t advise anyone ... There may have been an overdose, although, judging by the instructions for using the drug, it’s not significant. Please tell me, did you take (eat) the drug * Furazolidone * on your own, or as prescribed by a doctor?

Furazolidone helped me with cystitis. But I didn’t drink 2 tablets, as it was said, but 1 each (I’m still afraid of antibiotics). Helped right away in the third pill. And at the expense of diarrhea, then for me there is a cheaper remedy - Levomycetin.

We were prescribed Furazolidone in the hospital when we got sick with poisoning. The child was put under a drip, and I believe that it was Furazolidone who helped us, since after the start of its use, the child began to recover. We took it for a week and after a week of treatment we were discharged from the hospital. In addition, the drug did not have any side effects. I think it's all individual. We were lucky.

I don’t know, but Furazolidone helped me. More precisely, he helped the child to cure diarrhea. A couple of months ago, I don’t understand where, we picked up some kind of infection, my daughter was vilifying for a week. Tried sparing preparations, such as enterofuril, enterosgel, smecta. Nothing really helped. The pediatrician, after listening to me, said to drink Furazolidone with Linex. The diarrhea stopped after two days. Like this. Maybe Furazolidone is an old way to treat infections, but it is effective. I do not see anything wrong with being treated with Furazolidone. Moreover, it was prescribed to us by a doctor and a very sensible doctor with many years of experience.

I don’t know, as for me, Furazolidone is already an old way to treat stomach infections. Yes, I understand that it is not expensive, but now there are many other safe drugs for the treatment of infection. Though, depending on what infection. My mother often suffers from diarrhea. Then she ate something wrong, then she drank. And then he suffers. So she will buy herself this Furazolidone and let's drink. I say that this is an antibiotic, why plant your liver. In general, I scolded her and bought her Atoxil and Enterosgel. for the removal of toxins - the most it. I myself, personally, would not recommend Furazolidone to anyone. To advise something, one must have at least honey. or pharmaceutical education. Always read the instructions for medicines and then you will not have to write such stupid reviews. you can’t remove the infection with atoxin, you need an antibacterial drug such as furadozolin error-furazolidone

Furazolidone was taken for food poisoning. Maybe, of course, food poisoning, it is said loudly, it was just diarrhea. And suspicion fell on ice cream. There was nothing but diarrhea, but other remedies did not help. For 3 days I drank all sorts of drugs, but there was no sense. I went to the doctor, explained the whole situation, he prescribed Furazolidone to me. It is antibacterial and bacteriostatic. I drank the first day 2 times 4 tablets, it became better and the next day somewhere 2 times 2 tablets. It immediately became easier. The drug is generally universal. I know that it also helps very well with inflammation of the urinary organs, for example, with cystitis.


Furazolidone during pregnancy: dangerous or acceptable?

A pregnant woman should not take any medication without a doctor's prescription, even the most seemingly safe ones. But if the obstetrician-gynecologist or the therapist of the antenatal clinic nevertheless prescribed some kind of drug, then there really is a need for it.

Can a pregnant woman take furazolidone

Furazolidone belongs to the drugs of the nitrofuran series. It is effective mainly against Gram-negative bacteria (including Shigella and Salmonella, which cause intestinal infections), and also against some Gram-positive bacteria. In addition, it has antitrichomonas activity and is effective in giardiasis.

Of all the drugs of the nitrofuran series (for example, furagin, furadonin), furazolidone is the least toxic, so it is not contraindicated in pregnancy. Unlike other nitrofurans, which act mainly on pathogens that cause kidney and urinary tract infections, furazolidone is more effective in intestinal and genital infections.

An intestinal infection is of particular danger to a pregnant woman, since diseases of the intestines, located in close proximity to the uterus, cannot but affect the course of pregnancy. Furazolidone in this case can be an excellent way out.

No less dangerous is such a sexual infection as trichomoniasis, because Trichomonas can enter the uterus ascending. Furazolidone can also be prescribed in this case.

As for giardiasis, in adults it rarely manifests itself and gives complications, however, if such signs do appear, furazolidone is also prescribed.

Indications and contraindications for taking furazolidone during pregnancy

Indications for prescribing furazolidone by a doctor to pregnant women are:

  • intestinal infections (bacterial dysentery, salmonellosis), paratyphoid, food poisoning;
  • intestinal giardiasis with severe clinical manifestations;
  • trichomoniasis, including trichomonas colpitis (inflammation of the walls of the vagina) and urethritis (inflammation of the urethra.

Any agents that alkalize urine (for example, alkaline mineral water) reduce the effect of furazolidone, and acidifying agents (for example, ascorbic acid) increase it.

The antibacterial properties of furazolidone are enhanced when it is taken together with antibiotics of the aminoglycoside and tetracycline groups.

Contraindications for taking furazolidone are individual intolerance to the drug. But precautions should be taken in case of severe kidney disease with impaired function, metabolic disorders against the background of congenital deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

Side effects that may occur when taking furazolidone

Furazolidone is an inhibitor of MAO, the enzyme monoamine oxidase, which oxidizes and decomposes neurotransmitters (noradrenaline, serotonin) that transmit nervous excitation to the central nervous system. MAO inhibitors inhibit the decomposition of neurotransmitters, which has an antidepressant effect.

This effect should be taken into account when prescribing furazolidone to pregnant women and taking appropriate precautions. So, while taking MAO inhibitors, a pregnant woman may experience (this happens rarely, however, it happens) a severe headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, especially when getting up from a lying or sitting position (you should get up slowly), drowsiness, decreased appetite, slight muscle spasms, dark urine, diarrhea, skin rash, swelling in the legs, unusual nervousness, jaundice of the eyes or skin, heart pain, increased sensitivity of the eyes to light, tightness or tenderness in the neck, unusually fast or slow heartbeat, sharply increased sweating. If such signs appear, you need to inform the doctor about it, furazolidone in such cases is usually canceled.

Foods, drinks and medicines to avoid while taking furazolidone

  • strong meat and fish broths
  • canned and smoked meat and fish
  • beef or chicken liver
  • smoked sausages
  • dates
  • bananas
  • avocados (especially overripe ones)
  • kefir
  • sour cream
  • soy sauce
  • Brewer's yeast
  • Lots of chocolate and coffee.

Of medicines with MAO inhibitors, drops and aerosols for the common cold, tablets and medicines for colds, inhaled drugs for bronchial asthma are incompatible.

Of the side effects, allergic reactions are also possible - the appearance of an itchy rash, as well as oppression of hematopoiesis (a decrease in the number of leukocytes, platelets and erythrocytes) while taking furazolidone and drugs such as chloramphenicol and ristomycin.

Furazolidone during pregnancy can only be used as directed by a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

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Furazolidone instructions for use

The era of antibiotics is coming to an end, because in the arsenal of doctors there are fewer and fewer truly effective drugs. New antibiotics are being synthesized for a very long time, and most of them are in the preclinical phase. In turn, preparations from the group of carbapenems, which have excellent activity against most microorganisms, are of particular value.

In private, funds with an antimicrobial and antiprotozoal effect are taken. Despite many years of use, these funds have a high activity according to the INN. Furazolidone, which belongs to nitrofurans, has proven itself well - a pharmacological group.

What helps, indications for use

Furazolidone is a highly effective drug from the nitrofuran group, which exhibits excellent antibacterial and antiprotozoal activity. The drug disrupts the course of metabolic processes inside microorganisms and reduces their synthetic activity, as a result of which the pathogen dies (says Wikipedia).


Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; with giardiasis; dysentery; paratyphoid; with prostatitis; with Helicobacter pylori; with vomiting; with rotavirus infection; with typhoid fever.

The tool affects streptococci, staphylococci, proteus, E. coli, Shigella spp, Giardia and other pathogens.

Composition, cost

More often, the drug is used as part of monotherapy at home, so the most popular form of release is tablets. In a hospital setting, it may be present as part of infusion solutions.

So, one tablet contains a dosage of 50 mg of furazolidone - the active ingredient, as well as additional components: magnesium stearate, cellulose, and so on.


Furazolidone is one of the cheapest drugs, but you can find other analogues in Russian pharmacies. So, the most popular representatives of nitrofurans are furagin, ersefuril, furasol, furadonin, loperamide. In addition, levofloxacin, macmiror suspension, phthalozol are used. Nitrofurans are very commonly used in veterinary medicine. So, furozolidone is indicated for animals, chickens, chickens and other birds, dogs, cats or cats, for rabbits. The veterinarian suggests breeding furazolidone in an aquarium for the treatment of aquarium fish.

Furazolidone is an antibiotic or not?

Very often, patients mistakenly call furazolidone an antibiotic. In fact, it is a drug with antibacterial activity, therefore resistance is not formed to it.

Furazolidone or enterofuril which is better?

And, nevertheless, this is one of the oldest drugs, so he loses to his closest relative from the 5-nitrofuran group - enterofuril. It exhibits higher activity against intestinal infections and also has excellent bioavailability.

Furazolidone instructions for use

We categorically do not recommend making independent appointments. The most popular treatment regimen: the patient takes 2 tablets of furozolidone after meals (about 100 mg), during the day they use 3-4 times a day. The package with the drug contains instructions for use (abstract) - read the contraindications and dosage regimen.

Tablets dosage for adults, children

Another important question is how to take medicines from the nitrofuran group.

  • First, you need to get a prescription in Latin, which the doctor writes out - if the treatment is indicated. The most popular forms: tablets and suppositories - the difference in the action of drugs is due to the rate of absorption.
  • Secondly, you should choose its cost cheaper in the pharmacy. Carefully study the description, as well as how the pills are taken and what diseases this remedy treats. If the cost does not suit, then you can choose similar means.

Furazolidone for cystitis

Nitrofuran is also considered an excellent uroantiseptic. So, with cystitis, the course of treatment is 10 days. The daily dosage is 600-800 mg of the drug. Furazolidone, excreted through the kidneys, acts on pathogens in the bladder.

With diarrhea

Diarrhea is considered one of the important clinical manifestations of most intestinal infectious processes. In this case, furazolidone is recommended in medium dosages: 300-400 mg per day. On the first day, we will take it 1-2 times a day (by mouth), the subsequent use of the drug involves an increase in dosage. So, often this scheme allows you to eliminate such a disease as colpitis (causes a gram-negative pathogen).

Furazolidone during pregnancy

According to clinical studies, it has been proven that the drug can have a pathological effect on the development of the fetus, so it is categorically not recommended during pregnancy.

Modern pharmacology allows you to choose effective antibiotics even for pregnant women. But does Furazolidone apply to them? Is it permissible to take the drug while in position?

Furazolidone: briefly about the drug

Furazolidone is an antibiotic belonging to the group of nitrofurans. In terms of effectiveness, they are somewhat inferior to other types of antibacterial agents. Nevertheless, nitrofurans are prescribed for the treatment of acute uncomplicated infections. The advantage of drugs is that microorganisms rarely become resistant to them.

Among the indications for taking Furazolidone:

  • bacillary dysentery;
  • diarrhea and enteritis provoked by infection;
  • typhus and paratyphoid;
  • giardiasis;
  • trichomonas colpitis;
  • inflammatory diseases (vaginitis, urethritis, cystitis, pyelitis);
  • skin injury, accompanied by infection in the wound.

Furazolidone prevents the development of streptococci, Escherichia coli, staphylococci and some other microbes. An antibiotic is also effective against fungi, Giardia and Trichomonas.

The drug also has a number of contraindications, including:

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Severe renal failure.
  3. Children's age less than one month.
  4. Deficiency of glucose-6-phosphotdehydrogenase.
  5. lactase deficiency.

Do not take medicine in cases where driving is expected in the near future. Pregnancy as such is not on the list of contraindications, however, in the instructions for Furazolidone it is separately indicated: women in the position of antibiotic should be prescribed with extreme caution. What does this mean?

Can pregnant women furazolidone

The experience of women who have already given birth shows that doctors periodically prescribe Furazolidone during pregnancy. For example, a doctor, being reinsured, can prescribe an antibiotic to a patient with an increased content of leukocytes in a smear (although this phenomenon does not require such aggressive treatment). On the other hand, sometimes a pregnant woman “catches” a staphylococcal infection and you need to get rid of it quickly - then the use of Furazolidone can be considered justified.

There is only one rule: if the benefit to the mother outweighs the potential harm to the child, then the appointment of an antibiotic is acceptable.

Although many doctors do not advise the use of the drug during pregnancy, there is no confirmed evidence of its danger to the fetus. But in the same way, there is no evidence to the contrary. Furazolidone was mainly tested on animals, therefore, almost nothing is known about its effect on the body of a pregnant woman.

Based on the foregoing, a woman in position should remember:

  1. You can use Furazolidone during pregnancy only on the advice of a doctor. Many say that nothing terrible happened to them or to the baby: the medicine just worked as expected from it. Although there are reviews of dysbacteriosis and skin problems that have developed in a child, which theoretically could be caused by taking the drug.
  2. Never take an antibiotic without consulting a specialist. Only the attending physician can decide on the reasonableness of using Furazolidone. He takes into account the patient's condition, studies information about the diseases she has suffered, and evaluates the course of pregnancy. A woman will not be able to carry out such work on her own, which will increase the potential risks when taking Furazolidone.

Like any medicine, antibiotics are safest to take during the second trimester of pregnancy. But again - you should be guided by the instructions of a specialist.

How to take Furazolidone during pregnancy: dosage and dietary features

The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician in each case individually. As a rule, tablets should be taken four times a day after meals. Moreover, a single dose is 2-4 tablets, which must be swallowed whole and washed down with plenty of clean water. The course is usually designed for 5-14 days.

When treating with Furazolidone, it is important to adhere to a certain diet. To be excluded from the menu:

  • chicken and beef liver;
  • cream, sour cream, kefir, cheese;
  • coffee;
  • canned food and smoked meats;
  • rich fish and meat soups;
  • bananas, dates, overripe avocados;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • soy sauce;
  • chocolate.

Diet is necessary so that the antibiotic can work fully. It is also recommended to avoid drops from the common cold and anti-cold drugs for the duration of treatment.

Pregnancy is a special time filled with both positive and negative moments. The latter include diseases that overcome a weakened body. You should not refuse therapy: a healthy mother is more useful for a child, even if you have to take a potent drug for this. Furazolidone is allowed during pregnancy, but with all possible precautions and only as prescribed by the doctor.