Hair types and how to care for them. Everything you need to know about hair types and care! Why hair changes its type

The key to proper hair care is knowing your hair type. Based on this information, you can correctly select various means that will have a beneficial effect on the strands. Modern trichologists distinguish dry, combined and oily types of curls. Each of which has distinctive features and needs specialized care. Consider hair types in more detail.

The type of hair directly depends on the condition and performance of the sebaceous glands. If, for example, the epidermis of the head is oily, then the curls will be oily. The same rule applies to dry skin. It will not be possible to determine what type of hair in one day, since observation over several weeks is necessary to obtain reliable information.

One way to determine the type of strands is a napkin. The test is performed as follows: You take 3 napkins (white) and alternately press them against the strands. The first must be pressed to the roots. The second must be wrapped around a strand of curls and held along the entire length. The third is to grab the tips. Results:

In order for the test to provide the most accurate information, it must be carried out 2 days after. In this case, it is recommended to repeat the procedure and record the results.

The most reliable method for determining the type of strands is to consult a trichologist, who, based on clinical tests and laboratory studies, will accurately determine the personal look.

Photo: How to determine the type of hair?

Understanding the characteristics of different types of hair

normal type

By conducting defining tests, you can find out your type, its features and the rules for proper care. Normal strands:

  1. begin to become covered with sebaceous secretion a couple of days after washing;
  2. no feeling of itching or dandruff;
  3. density and brilliance;
  4. easy to comb and style;
  5. healthy appearance, soft to the touch;
  6. are not subject to section and brittleness.

Dry hair type

Dry strands have the following characteristics:

  1. rapid pollution due to increased secretion of sebaceous secretion;
  2. lack of split ends and brittle strands;
  3. the presence of dandruff, which does not “pour” from the head, but is retained by sebaceous secretions.


  1. hair is often electrified and fluffy;
  2. the presence of split ends;
  3. roots are prone to rapid contamination;
  4. dandruff looks like fatty flakes.

Subtleties of care

Knowing the type of hair is necessary to choose the right care and cosmetics that can improve the condition of the strands. normal view does not require specialized care. To maintain good hair condition, it is sometimes necessary to use masks and not forget about. It is recommended to wash your hair no more than 2-3 times a week. A reasonable frequency of styling and visits to beauty salons (perm, lamination, coloring) are not contraindicated.

Dry strands the most susceptible to damage, therefore, require careful and regular care. It is necessary to wash your hair with a deep cleaning cream-based shampoo with herbal extracts. When choosing cosmetics for curls, avoid products that contain silicone. Before you should apply moisturizing masks. It is necessary to cut the tips exclusively with a hot method. An important aspect of proper care is the diet - replenish the menu with vegetables and fruits, monitor the body's water balance. Staining and styling procedures should be treated with caution.

Fat strands need daily washing, which should be done gently with an oil-based shampoo. Once a week, the hair needs to be washed with specialized cosmetics with deep cleansing properties. Strands do not need means to restore the ends. To create a beautiful hairstyle, it is recommended to revise the usual list of dishes, excluding fatty and salty ones from them. Care cosmetics should contain extracts of nettle, coltsfoot, seaweed. Other essential ingredients are protein and vitamin C.

Combined strands need to be washed 2-3 times a week. A suitable shampoo is specialized, cosmetics for normal strands are also suitable. Regular use of masks and balms is encouraged. Care products containing silicone can only be used after coloring. To prevent split ends, trim them regularly and use leave-in products.

Other characteristics and types

Hair length types

  • short - up to 20 cm;
  • medium - up to 50 cm;
  • long - more than 50 cm.

Photo: Types of hair colors

Hair Color Types

Also strands are divided by nationality:


Strand classification can be based on texture. Allocate thin, medium, thick, hard and glassy curls. The first type is problematic, which is characterized by the following features:

  • easily damaged and tangled;
  • hairstyles keep their shape extremely poorly;
  • naughty, poorly combed and often torn;
  • fine hair diameter.

Photo: Types of women's hair. Color types

Geometric haircuts, the rejection of curling irons in favor of curlers, the use of nourishing masks and restorative cosmetics will help solve the problem.

The basis of competent home care for curls is knowing your hair type. Only relying on it, you can choose the right various means so as not to harm the strands.

The main types of hair are normal, dry, oily, mixed. Each of them has its own characteristics and requires specific care. To comprehend these nuances, it is necessary to be able to correctly determine the types of hair.

There are different methods for determining hair types: choose any that will be convenient for you.

Method number 1: napkin

To determine what type of hair you have, take three thin paper napkins (preferably white). Press the first with your fingers to the roots and hold it for a while (about a minute).

With a second napkin, pinch a small strand of hair, and run it along its entire length, without touching the roots and ends. With a third napkin, pinch the tips for a while, then release.

After that, you can evaluate the results:

  • oily hair type will leave greasy marks on all three napkins;
  • dry type of hair will not leave greasy marks on napkins, but at the same time on the second and third you will find small particles of broken and split strands, on the first white flakes of dandruff will settle;
  • normal hair type will leave all wipes absolutely clean;
  • a mixed hair type will soil the first test pad and leave the second and third clean, although in some cases the second may become greasy and the third will show broken hair pieces.

To make the results as reliable as possible, it is recommended to carry out the procedure on hair that has not been washed for 2-3 days. You can confirm this home study using the table.

Method number 2: test

If there are doubts even after napkins and tables, you can find various tests on the net or in magazines, after passing which you will automatically find out your hair type.

As a rule, such test programs offer to answer 20-30 questions, and then immediately give the result.

Method number 3: trichologist

The surest way to determine the type of your hair is to contact a special laboratory, where, based on various studies of the scalp, professionals (trichologists) will tell you with maximum accuracy what type you are.

Over time, depending on age and various other circumstances, hair type can change, so it is recommended to recheck it regularly.

Features of each hair type

Having determined your hair type, you can now find out what features they have and what care they will require from you.


  • become oily two to three days after washing;
  • itching and dandruff are absent;
  • scalp is moderately oily;
  • curls shiny, thick:
  • easy to style and comb;
  • lush, soft and pleasant to the touch, look quite healthy;
  • there is no fragility and section.
  • fat accumulates slowly: the roots become greasy only a week after washing;
  • the scalp is constantly tight;
  • itching and irritation often occur;
  • reduced sebum secretion;
  • hair is thin, dull, weak, breaks quickly, exfoliates, lacks shine;
  • a lot of dry dandruff, which constantly pours from the head.
  • get dirty very quickly - on the same day you washed your hair;
  • do not break, do not split;
  • a lot of dandruff, but it keeps on the scalp with greasy spots and does not fly off it;
  • lifeless, sticky, greasy strands hang down;
  • require almost daily washing.


  • the tips are dry, often split, fluffy and highly electrified;
  • the roots get fat very quickly;
  • dandruff takes the form of greasy flakes sticking to the scalp.

Knowing these features of your hair type is necessary in order to choose the right shampooing regimen and monitor the level of contamination in time. Choosing the right tools for them is also very important.

Rules for the care of different types of hair

Each type of hair needs to be able to take care of at home in order to improve their condition.

With the right attitude, dry strands will split less, greasy ones will be less likely to become dirty, normal ones will shine brighter, mixed ones will even out:

  1. For normal.
    Shampoo is used 2 times a week; balms and masks - as needed, leave-in conditioners, varnishes, mousses - as desired. Hairdressing procedures (curling, coloring, lamination, etc.) are not contraindicated at a reasonable frequency.
  2. For fatty.
    With a mild shampoo, this type of strand should be washed daily, and if the fat content is not too pathological, then every other day. Once a week, a deep cleansing shampoo is required. Oily hair care products should not contain silicone. Once a week you can make a mask, but do not get carried away. Tools for restoring the tips are not needed. Along the way, it is recommended to review your diet, limit the content of carbohydrates, fatty, fried, sweet, spicy, smoked foods in it. It is recommended to drink more pure water.
  3. For dry.
    Careful home care will be required here, since it is dry strands that are most susceptible to damage. Once a week you need to wash your hair with a special moisturizing shampoo without silicone. Chemical perm and coloring is strictly prohibited. You need to drink ordinary water as often as possible, increase fruits, berries, and vegetables in your diet. Once a month, it is recommended to cut split ends with a hot method.
  4. For mixed.
    It is recommended to wash your hair with this type of strands 2-3 times a week. Choose a special shampoo for mixed (possible for normal) curls, freely use masks, balms, conditioners. Silicone-containing agents are used in this case only after dyeing, bleaching or curling. To prevent split ends, it is advisable to use moisturizing leave-in products and cut them regularly.

Try to regularly follow these recommendations, and then the shortcomings of your hair type will be smoothed out with decent care and will no longer cause such problems as before.

I sat, thought and decided to return to the questions of the universe, and remember what hair is and how it is tripled. It would seem that it is not necessary for everyone to know this, but I believe that for those who are interested in the topic of hair, all types, shapes, structures and types of hair should be interesting. For clarity, I picked up a lot of pictures. So let's go.

The constituent particles of hair

For starters, hair is a derivative of the epidermis of the skin. Our hair is composed mostly of protein, it is about 78%, 15% is moisture, 6% is lipids, and the remaining 1% is pigments. If you expose your hair to thermal attacks and overdry it, then the percentage of water in the hair, of course, will decrease. And since the main part of the hair is keratins, protein substances, and therefore, for the growth and health of the hair, it is necessary to eat protein foods. The largest amount of protein in meat, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, peas, dried mushrooms, fish and other seafood.

Foods with more than 15 grams of protein per 100 grams of weight (very protein foods =)):

Hair structure

The hair can be divided into two parts, which we will consider separately, this is the outer visible (trunk) and the inner invisible (root) part of the hair.

The outer part of the hair

The hair shaft consists of three layers: brain (medula), cortical (cortex) and cuticle (cuticula).

Medulla- this is the core of the hair, it consists of not completely keratinized epithelial cells. This layer disappears closer to the ends of the hair, and in the spaces between the cells themselves there is air, which acts as a thermostat.

Cortical layer- the largest part of the hair (90%), consists of spindle-shaped keratinized cells. It is this layer that is responsible for the mechanical properties of hair: elasticity, flexibility, rigidity. The cortical layer also contains pigments that give the hair its natural color.

The coloring matter is melanin, which is of two types eumelanin and pheomelanin. Both types are present in all hair, and the color of the hair itself depends on the ratio of these two forms of pigment. Hair color is also affected by air bubbles in the cortical layer of the hair and in the core. The more bubbles, the lighter the hair color.

As the body grows or ages, the activity of the pigment decreases, and the color may change: darken or lighten (lightening depends on an increase in air bubbles and a decrease in the amount of melanin). Without melanin, hair looks gray. Regardless of age, the number of gray hairs can grow due to improper functioning of the nervous system.

And it is the cortical layer that reacts to chemical influences (perm, straightening, coloring or lightening).

Cuticle- consists of keratinized scales that overlap each other (like tiles on houses), thereby creating protection for the hair from the outside. The tighter the scales fit, the hair looks smoother and shiny.

The inner part of the hair

hair follicle- this is the hair root together with the root sheath surrounding it.

The hair follicle has:

hair papilla located in the lower part of the follicle, formed from connective tissue and blood vessels. The papilla controls the growth and condition of the hair - if the papilla dies, the hair dies too, but if the papilla is intact, a new one grows in place of the dead hair.

hair funnel it is a funnel-shaped depression in the skin where the hair root meets the hair shaft. The ducts of the sebaceous glands exit into the hair funnel.

hair muscle is located slightly below the sebaceous gland and is attached to the follicle, it is she who raises the hair on end in moments of fear or cold.

Other components of the follicle: sweat and sebaceous glands which form a protective film on the surface of the skin.

Above the papilla are stem (immature) cells of the hair follicle, they mature and divide inside the follicle. As these cells move upward towards the lumen connecting the follicle to the surface, they undergo a process of hardening (keratinization) and become hairs.

Hair is divided into three types: vellus, bristly, long

Cannon- this is hair that covers the surface of the torso, arms, legs and does not have pigment.

bristly Eyelashes, eyebrows, nose and ear hair.

Long- hair covering the head and some other intimate areas.

Stages of hair development

All hairs live on average for about 3-5 years, and this time is divided into 3 stages of development:

Anagen is the time when the hair follicle produces hair. The anagen stage lasts several years (sometimes more).

Catagen- the time of degradation of the follicle. Follicles are disconnected from blood vessels and nerves, hair growth stops. This stage lasts for several weeks.

Telogen- the hair is separated from the root and slowly moves to the surface of the skin. It is these hairs that fall out when combing and washing your hair. The norm for hair loss is 100 pieces per day.

hair shapes

Depending on the shape and location of the follicle, we have different forms of hair: straight, wavy, curly.

hair types

Depending on the type of skin, there can be different types of hair: dry, normal, oily or combination.

Dry the hair is dull, brittle, split at the ends, it is difficult to comb and tear easily, dandruff may appear. They are formed due to inadequate functioning of the sebaceous glands, lack of moisture in the body, but most often due to improper care and nutrition.

Normal- it's just healthy and beautiful hair, does not split, does not get dirty quickly, elastic and shiny, easy to keep in styling. It is very easy to identify this type by looking in the mirror, if you blur in a satisfied smile from your appearance, then you are a happy owner of normal hair.

fatty hair becomes so due to the very active work of the sebaceous glands. They quickly become dirty, stick together into icicles, and can shine excessively.

Combined (mixed) hair is dry at the ends and oily at the roots. Most often, this type of owners of long hair, sebum extends only to the root zone, and does not fall on the ends. Thus, without nourishment, the hair at the ends becomes brittle and split.

Zaitseva Natalia

The appearance of each person is unique. However, all fall under certain standards and are included in the designated scope of any type. Human hair is also subject to classification. It is divided according to numerous characteristics, including race, color type, and even how quickly the head becomes dirty.

In this article, we will talk about what types of hair are, how exactly they differ, and also learn how to determine your type.

Types and types of hair

Each person has different hair - someone has curly hair, another has wavy hair, and the third one has straight hair, as if it was laid with an iron. There are a lot of varieties, as well as signs by which each type is assigned to one or another classification. How is the hair separated?

  1. By race.
  2. Color range.
  3. The rate of contamination of the head (sebaceous gland activity).
  4. By structure (strength of the disulfide bond).

Let's move on to the description of each type and consider them separately.

By race

We all noticed that people of different races have different hair colors and textures. The world's population is divided into four main groups:

  • Caucasians;
  • australoids;
  • Mongoloids;
  • negroids.

The characteristic functions for each racial hair type are as follows.

  1. Caucasoids and Australoids are of the Slavic type. This is thin, medium density hair, the color palette of which ranges from blond to dark brown.
  2. Mongoloids have an Asian type. This is thick thick hair, mostly dark shades. These are curly, but mostly they are smooth.
  3. Negroids have African hair type. These are small elastic curls of black color. They are hard and rough to the touch.

Since the Australoid race was obtained by mixing the other three, their hair is also combined.

By color scheme

The natural palette is divided into two main types of hair by color - warm and cold.

warm color type

  1. The warm color type includes blondes and brown-haired women, in which a golden hue predominates, as well as redheads and brunettes with a dominant red pigment.
  2. Blondes and brown-haired women with an ashy tint, and brunettes with a predominant green pigment, have a cold color type.

cold color type

It is not recommended to change your color type, that is, go from cold to warm and vice versa. This is due to the fact that as a result, visually, a person adds several years of age, and sometimes even looks comical when, for example, natural bright red roots grow with the rest of the length painted in ash-blond color.

According to the activity of the sebaceous glands

The intensity of scalp pollution also determines the main types of hair, which are:

  • dry;
  • fatty;
  • normal;
  • combined.

How do they differ from each other?

  1. The dry type is thin, prone to brittleness and section. This type is rarely found on undyed, natural and healthy hair, since dryness is a clear sign of a number of trichological diseases, such as seborrhea, trichoptilosis, and the initial stage of lichen.
  2. The oily type is more common in natural hair. They get dirty too quickly due to the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp.
  3. Normal is healthy hair of uniform density.
  4. Combined (mixed) hair type is the most common type. It combines two or even all three types at the same time. For example, there are oily roots with normal or dry ends.

If normal hair has quickly changed its type, then you need to start treatment immediately, since early therapy is more effective and cheaper.

The strength of the disulfide bond

By what principle are hair types classified, given the strength of their sulfur bridges? - they are as follows:

  • straight;
  • wavy;
  • curly;
  • very curly.

All these species differ from each other in shape.

  1. If we examine the cross section of a straight hair under a microscope, we will see that it is round. The absence of a disulfide bond makes them the strongest among all other types.
  2. Wavy hair is considered to be hair with an incomplete curl. They are slightly oval in cross section.
  3. Curly - these are curls with a diameter of 2 to 5 centimeters. In cross section, they look like a strongly flattened ellipse.
  4. Very curly - these are small curls less than 2 centimeters in diameter. The cross section of such curls looks like a peanut in a shell. This type of hair is the most brittle. Most often it occurs in representatives of the Negroid race.

For proper care, you need to consider all these signs. For example, a drying shampoo should only be used on oily hair, as otherwise it may aggravate trichoptilosis or nodular disease.

Other types

In addition to the four main types of hair, there are two more, one of which is vitreous. This is a type of gray hair that is difficult to dye and perm. Visually, they look translucent, have a yellowish color, and are hard to the touch. This type gives a weak reaction with drugs, since the upper scaly layer has a keratinized structure and does not let chemicals into the medulla.

The second type, not related to the main ones, is the cannon. It occurs in children under two years of age and in the elderly. It feels like cotton wool to the touch, it does not fit well and is devoid of density. Vellus hair in children over time is replaced by full-fledged hair, and in the elderly they fall out.

How to determine your hair type

In order to independently determine your hair type, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • dandruff;
  • split ends (trichoptilosis);
  • nodular disease (the presence of seals along the length of the hair in the form of a small ball);
  • frequency of head contamination;
  • entanglement intensity (wet and dry).

Let us consider in more detail these characteristics of determining the type of hair.


The presence of dandruff indicates that the scalp is affected by a fungus that affects the condition of the follicles and in some cases leads to hair loss. Active peeling is a sign of dryness. Dandruff needs to be treated because the fungal infection is contagious. If peeling is accompanied by itching and redness of the skin, then you need to check with a trichologist for the presence of dry seborrhea.

Split ends and nodular disease also indicate that the hair is of the dry type. And also such a sign is if they are thin, very confused and do not get dirty for a long time.


The main problem of this type of hair is rapid pollution and loss of styling. Strong activity of the sebaceous glands indicates the presence of such a disease as oily seborrhea. Sometimes a malfunction of the fatty glands is accompanied by itching, dandruff and prolapse.

Such hair looks dirty within a few hours after washing.


This type includes healthy hair not affected by trichoptylosis and nodular seals. They do not get confused, without dandruff, and they require washing no more than twice a week.


This is the most common type, since the combination of oily roots with normal or dry ends is more common than any other. Such hair gets dirty quickly, but gets tangled and breaks.

Why hair changes its type

The main sign of determining the type of hair is the work of the adipose gland. It directly depends on what type they will belong to. The sebaceous gland affects not only the appearance of the hair, but also the scalp. This is due to the fact that the secreted fat protects the scaly layer and the epithelium from drying out, irritation and itching. Violation of the functions of the gland of the hair follicle is manifested by excessive scarcity or increased activity of the excreted secret. In both cases, you need to eliminate the causes of the failure.

What specifically leads to a disorder in the work of the sebaceous glands?

  1. Hormonal imbalance - pregnancy, lactation, failure of the endocrine system, menopause.
  2. Stress.
  3. Multiple staining.
  4. Inconsistency of cosmetic procedures with the type of hair or scalp.
  5. Washing too often.

And also the sebaceous glands can activate their work due to strong physical exertion and the use of anabolic drugs.

How to change your type

Is it possible to change the type of hair and how to do it? There are several ways to change it, including:

  • proper care;
  • perm;
  • keratin or permanent straightening;
  • staining.

But there are also such parameters that cannot be changed - these are genetically embedded features. For example, the type of hair that is given by nature due to race does not change. If you were born with Asian hair, then they will never become Slavic. This refers to the natural color and the strength of the disulfide bond. No matter how much you dye, curl or straighten your hair, it will grow back in the shape or color that is laid down by genetics. And also it is impossible to change the vitreous gray hair.

But you can change:

  • activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • a disulfide bond;
  • Colour.

Let's find out how to do it.

Change in the activity of the sebaceous glands

The normal hair type is the standard to which other species must be brought. To change the activity of the sebaceous glands, you must do the following.

  1. A moisturizing complex and sulfate-free cleansers will help eliminate dryness.
  2. Hair nutrition also plays an important role in the treatment of dryness. You need to start with masks on an oil and keratin basis. These care products are better to buy ready-made than to make them yourself from what is lying around in the refrigerator.
  3. Deep cleaning shampoo will help get rid of oiliness, which you need to use for a month and avoid getting balms or conditioners on the root zone of the head. If you need to eliminate the fat content of the roots and trichoptilosis on the tips, then after washing your hair with a deep cleansing shampoo, apply a balm and a sealing serum to the ends.
  4. Chemical perms also help.

If the use of cosmetics does not give visible improvements within a month, then there is a possibility that hair problems are signs of scalp disease. In this case, you need to seek medical treatment from a trichologist.

How to change the disulfide bond

Creating or destroying sulfur bridges is a temporary measure. It is impossible to straighten or curl curls forever, since the genetically incorporated form of the hair will grow back in its original form.

  1. There are many ways to turn straight strands into curly curls, the most long-term of which is permanent perm.
  2. You can change the wavy structure of the hair by straightening it to a smooth state, or, conversely, by winding it with various stylers.
  3. Curly curls can be changed by completely or partially (to the state of the wave) straightening them. The longest-lasting method is the Japanese permanent straightening procedure. And you can also turn intense curls into light waves with the help of Brazilian kerating.
  4. Very curly African hair does not lend itself to full straightening, because, due to the nature of its structure, it breaks. But you can bring to the state of large curls.

Before applying permanent methods, conduct a hair endurance test. To do this, cut off a thin strand and place it in the chemical composition, and after half an hour, remove it and pull the ends. If it does not stretch or tear, then proceed with the procedure.

Ways to change color

Coloring can be done in light or dark shades, but only without going beyond your color type. For example, if your natural color is ash blonde, then darkening should be done without going into warm tones.

It must be remembered that you can only change the natural color for a while, because the growing roots will have a natural shade.

What types of hair cannot be changed

The racial affiliation of the hair is their genetically incorporated type, which does not change in structure, since it is an innate feature. For example, no matter how much you wind straight strands, they will not grow curly. Or thin Slavic hair will not be able to turn into a thick Asian.

The keratinization of the cuticle with vitreous gray hair is a phenomenon not fully understood, and why the hair takes on such a structure is not known for certain. Loss of pigment, accompanied by coarsening of the scaly layer, leads to low susceptibility to chemicals. This type of hair is already impossible to change.


This section contains the most frequently asked questions to hairdressers, to which we will try to give detailed answers.

  1. How to find out your hair type at home? Watch for the interval after which the first signs of head contamination appear. If the styling looks stale after 12-16 hours, you have an oily type. If after 2-4 days, then normal. Well, when it does not lose shape for more than five days, then this is a clear sign of dryness.
  2. How is women's hair different from men's? The chemical composition and structure of the human hair does not depend on the gender of the owner. The parameters by which the types of hair in men are determined are identical to the signs of their separation in women. However, it should be noted that guys are less likely to have dry or combination type hair. This is due to the fact that men are less likely to expose them to chemical treatments such as coloring or permanent waving.
  3. What type of hair turns into glassy gray? Most often, dry ones are prone to this, since the keratinization of the cuticular layer leads to a malfunction in the sebaceous gland, which produces an insufficient amount of secretion to protect the scalp.
  4. What home remedies to use to get dry hair back to normal? You can get rid of the signs of dryness with regular nourishing masks. An effective care product is obtained by mixing fresh aloe juice with argan oil in equal proportions. It should be applied after each shampooing and left for 30-40 minutes. For masks, only hydrolyzed oils should be used, since the water-soluble texture is well washed off, does not leave a greasy film on the scaly layer. Often the cause of dryness is a violation of the water-alkaline balance in the medulla, and intensive moisturizing in the form of aloe juice helps to restore it.
  5. How to eliminate oiliness at the roots so that dry tips are not damaged? Chemical perm will help to cope with this problem. However, in order not to aggravate the dryness and brittleness of the ends, just do a basal volume - Fleecing, Bouffant or Boost Up. Unlike conventional "chemistry", these procedures do not affect the ends of the strands, this allows you to eliminate excessive fat content of the roots without damaging the entire length.

Concluding the article, we recall that the main types of hair are divided by race, color, activity of the sebaceous glands and the strength of the disulfide bond. You can determine for yourself what kind of hair you have - dry, normal or oily, you can watch how quickly your hair gets dirty. And you also need to remember that some signs indicate their illness or scalp. If cosmetics do not relieve peeling and itching for a month, then you need to consult a trichologist.

hair types

The topic of hair and care for them has been described more than once. Yet many of us make hair care mistakes, most often because we don't know or misidentify our hair type. How to determine your hair type and properly organize their care in order to make them beautiful and attractive?

To make their image unique, people regularly do something with their hair: they cut, style, dye, build, curl, straighten, varnish and use many cosmetics, sometimes without even knowing their purpose.

To organize targeted work to improve the appearance of your hair, it is important to correctly determine their type, otherwise you can significantly worsen the condition of your hair. In general, the type of hair almost always coincides with the type of skin. If you have oily facial skin, then you obviously will not have dry hair. Only after a series of salon procedures, the hair can become dry and brittle, but the skin will still remain oily.

So, hair is divided into several types: normal, thin, oily, dry, brittle and split ends, combined type.

Normal hair type:
This type of hair is characterized by the absence of any problems. They have a healthy, lively appearance, shimmer in the sun, are elastic, almost do not split, comb well and fit for several days after shampooing. All these signs speak of proper and competent care with the help of the necessary hair products. Normal hair does not require any special care. For this type of hair, it is best to use good shampoos suitable for daily use and rinses. It is best to buy shampoos in salons or in special stores for stylists, as well as in pharmacies, since what is sold in regular stores, at best, will not help you and certainly will not cure you. Shampoo should be changed periodically, because the hair gets used anyway, and their effect is weakened. In addition, the hair must be massaged daily with a soft brush, and it is recommended to trim the ends of the hair once a month. In the care of normal hair, you need to do 1-2 times (not more often) a hair mask. After shampooing, normal hair can be rinsed with a decoction of celandine, chamomile, sage or yarrow, as well as a decoction of a mixture of these herbs in equal amounts.

Thin hair type:
Fine hair is characterized by a smaller diameter than normal hair and therefore contains less keratin. Such hair tangles easily, does not hold its shape well, and lacks extra volume and nutrition. In addition, thin hair reacts very painfully to any external influences and requires, especially after perm and coloring, delicate care. It is impossible to increase the thickness of thin hair, but you can learn how to properly care for them. Women with a thin hair type need to make a clear geometric haircut of medium length and constantly update it. To facilitate hair combing, it is best to use conditioner balms based on almond milk, containing fruit juice, containing provitamin B5, ceramides, or based on herbal extracts. Intensive care for this type of hair should include special fast-acting restorative complexes. To increase volume, it is best to use shampoos with keratin and oligoelements.

You need to know that the products used to add volume should not weigh down the hair, so it is better not to use gels and wax. When styling fine hair, one important rule must be observed: always style your hair with a hair dryer, lifting the strands at the roots.

Oily hair type:
Oily hair is characterized by a dull sheen that appears after a while (usually before the end of the day) after washing, the hair sticks together and seems dirty and untidy. Oily hair is directly related to the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, namely, with disruption of the endocrine and nervous systems, metabolism, resulting in the production of excess sebum. The amount of sebum produced to some extent depends on nutrition, on how much carbohydrates and fats are consumed with food. It is believed that the activity of the sebaceous glands is too active in people who produce a large amount of the male hormone testosterone. In addition, oily hair is not thin, so if your hair sometimes becomes fluffy or light, then you clearly do not have oily hair.

It is very important not to make a mistake when determining the type of hair, since shampoos for oily hair type completely wash off the natural lubrication, which can cause dry hair, especially at the ends, where there is a significant lack of nutrition. All shampoos for oily hair are aimed at reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands and improving the scalp. Owners of oily long hair when using the balm should be applied only to the ends of the hair. Various gels and other hair styling products should not contain alcohol, dry the skin, or clog the sebaceous glands. It is recommended to use a hair dryer as little as possible when drying your hair. You can use it no more than 2 times a week, and with minimal heat.

In order to improve the appearance of your hair, you need to start with a healthy and balanced diet. It is necessary to limit the intake of food containing a large amount of salt and carbohydrates, to completely exclude flour, sweet and fatty foods from the diet, to abandon spices. Eat more plant foods rich in vitamins and fiber.

It is imperative to follow this rule when washing your hair: first, rinse your hair with plain water for 2-3 minutes, and then apply shampoo to your hair. Before washing, you can rub a very useful mixture into the scalp, consisting of 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp aloe juice, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 egg yolk and 1 minced garlic clove. You can rinse your hair with infusions of herbs: coltsfoot, plantain, St. John's wort, nettle or a decoction of a mixture of these herbs (4 tablespoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes).

In case you have very oily hair, it makes sense to consult a dermatologist and solve the problem with the help of specialists.

Dry hair type:
Dry hair is characterized by a lack of shine and elasticity. Dull, lifeless, they are easily torn, tangled, combed with difficulty and split at the ends. Dry hair may not be due to disruption of the sebaceous glands, that is, insufficient production of fatty lubrication, often dry hair is the result of improper care, chemical exposure, coloring, too frequent use of a hair dryer and other styling devices.

However, dry hair ends do not mean dry hair type. Various shampoos designed specifically for this type of hair only make them heavier. Therefore, if the hair is dry only at the ends, then it is best to use moisturizers only on them. Usually, moisturizing gels, sprays for dry and split ends of hair are used for these purposes.

Just because dry hair lacks nourishment, it doesn't mean that you need to use all the products you have, as this can also harm already fragile hair. To wash dry hair, you must use mild shampoos designed specifically for dry hair, always containing herbal extracts, oils, collagen, ginkgo biloba extract. The use of conditioners for dry hair is also a mandatory procedure that will add shine and elasticity to the hair.

For dry hair, it is recommended to use a special wax “for dry and damaged hair”, which helps to preserve the natural moisture of the hair and protect it from the adverse effects of the environment. In addition, the wax helps to smooth out the unevenness of each hair, making the hair lush and shiny. Gels and hairsprays for styling dry hair must be selected without alcohol, as it dries the hair. In addition, it is necessary to exclude all types of chemical exposure: drying, dyeing, curling, etc. Dry hair is strictly forbidden to wash with hot water.

In the presence of dry hair, you must also take care of your diet, which must be balanced. It is necessary to consume more foods rich in vitamins A and F, vegetable oil and sunflower seeds, and from fruits and vegetables, give preference to persimmons and oranges, carrots, pumpkins and cabbage.

In addition, twice a month it is recommended to rub castor oil heated to body temperature into the scalp and hair. After that, you need to do a head massage for ten minutes. Then you need to wrap your head with a hot wet towel and leave for 10 minutes. Then wash your hair. It is very useful to rinse dry hair with a decoction of nettle herbs and birch leaves.

Brittle, split ends:
The downside of all long hair is split ends. The longer the hair, the more damage. The reason for this may be a not quite healthy general condition of the body, when the nutrition of the follicle is disturbed. There may even be problems with the vascular system. In this case, you need to pay attention to the state of your health, consult a doctor if necessary. Damaged hair usually becomes after dyeing and perming. The main problem of brittle hair is the lack of moisture. Therefore, such hair cannot be dried with a hair dryer, and if the use of a hair dryer is simply necessary, then it is necessary to use hair styling products. Trimming the ends of your hair once a month is still the best method of dealing with split ends. For such hair, a haircut with “hot” scissors is very suitable, which “solder” the ends of the hair, which prevents further delamination. In addition, the consumer market is represented by a wide range of products for split ends, which create the effect of "gluing" the hair. Such products do not require rinsing, applied to wet and dry hair.

Combined hair type:
Combination hair tends to be long, oily at the roots and dry at the ends. Due to the lack of skin lubrication, the ends of the hair of the combined type often split. To care for this type of hair, there are also lines of cosmetics. Owners of a mixed type of hair are recommended to rub products for oily hair into the scalp, and occasionally lubricate the ends of the hair with burdock oil.

In general, hair should not be washed with very hot or too cold water: the optimum water temperature is around 35-45°C. The fatter the hair, the cooler the water should be. In addition, the shampoo must first be applied to the palm of your hand, then, after rubbing it, gently rub it into the scalp, and rinse your hair with the resulting foam. In this case, you must try not to rub the hair against each other, as this can damage the shaft and cuticle of the hair. You need to lather your hair with shampoo twice, since during the first soaping only part of the dirt and dust is removed, while the therapeutic effect of the product comes only with repeated washing.

It must be remembered that hair care, like face and body care, is a permanent and lifelong procedure. Take care of your appearance and do not forget about hair care.