The shellac cracked the next day. Reasons why gel polish cracks. Reasons why cracks appear in gel polish

The manicurist assures that the gel polish lasts on the nails for more than two weeks. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. This manicure can crack or peel for a variety of reasons. To prevent this, you need to know why cracks may appear on such a coating.

Coating features

Gel polish is a fairly durable type of nail coating. This product cannot be removed from the surface of the nail using regular nail polish remover; in addition, it is very resistant to external factors. This varnish can remain on the nail plate without damage for about two weeks. The main feature of a gel manicure is that after applying it, it is necessary to allow it to completely and completely dry on the nails using a specialized ultraviolet lamp. It is this drying, as well as the persistent and specific structure of the gel polish, that is the reason for the durability of this coating.

You will learn more about the reasons for the appearance of cracks in gel polish in the following video.

Gel manicure is also distinguished by the fact that it is very reliable, and at the same time it is much less harmful compared to the nail extension procedure.

This product can be applied to the nail plates of absolutely all women, since there are no contraindications to its use. A high-quality gel polish, applied using the correct technology, will adhere well to the nails and will not cause cracks. Cosmetologists and manicure specialists attribute all the reasons for the appearance of cracks on such a coating to improper coating of nails with gel polish or to the presence of subsequent mechanical damage to nails with such a manicure.

Application errors

Cracks on such a coating may appear in the first days after a manicure is done if the master violates the basic rules for using this cosmetic product. So, if during this cosmetic procedure the nail cuticle is only partially removed or the nail itself is poorly sanded and polished, this may be the main reason for the appearance of cracks later. Grinding the nail plate is a mandatory procedure that is performed using special tools. Moreover, it is not necessary to carry out deep grinding; you can superficially polish the nail plate, but it is better to pay attention to the lower edge of the nail adjacent to the cuticle. As for the cuticle, it must be removed before manicure with gel polish, and in addition to it, it is also necessary to get rid of the thin layer of skin along the nail called seregium; it can prevent the gel polish from completely adhering to the surface of the nail plate, which can lead to to cracking or delamination of the gel coating.

In addition, cosmetologists do not recommend that women who are going to visit a salon to get a manicure apply cream to their hands, since if this product gets on the nail plate before applying gel polish, it may lie unevenly and then crack. Because of the cream, the gel polish may flake off at the tips and therefore it will not be able to stay on the surface of the nail plate for a long time. In addition, cosmetologists do not recommend applying the coating to wet nails, so they need to be dried and wiped dry before applying gel polish.

Another mistake cosmetologists make, which can lead to cracking of this coating, is insufficient drying time for gel polish, as well as the use of low-quality degreasers or the absence of this procedure at all. A well-degreased nail surface provides the necessary level of adhesion of the nail plate to the gel polish. In the absence of specialized degreasing products, you can use acetone-based nail polish remover, otherwise your manicure will be doomed; the gel polish can subsequently crack very quickly. It is necessary to degrease the nail plate using a cotton pad or a special cosmetic wipe, and you need to thoroughly wipe the nail with it.

Before starting the procedure of covering your nails with gel, you and your master must make sure that various small particles do not fall on the nail plates before the manicure, since this can also cause cracks in the coating.

In addition, you must make sure that the top gel polish and other manicure products that your master uses are high-quality and proven, since it is low-quality gel coatings that flake and crack most quickly.

Another reason why the gel coating can crack is an error in its application, namely covering the nail plate with a very thick layer of gel polish. But a very thin layer can also lead to cracking of the coating. That is why it is necessary to apply the base and gel polish in normal quantities and not allow an excess or deficiency of them on the nail plate.

Some women try to do a manicure using gel polish on their own at home, but sometimes they do not apply the coating evenly enough or in the wrong quantities.

When the nail plate is coated excessively with gel, it accumulates along the edges of the nail and dries poorly, it also shrinks and as it dries, the first cracks already appear. This is due to the fact that when drying, each layer decreases in size and thus tightens the previously applied layers. In this regard, it is necessary to repeat the procedure for applying thin coatings several times, this will lead to a high-quality nail coating in structure and color.

In addition, all layers must be thoroughly dried before applying the next layer. During a manicure, you also need to make sure that the work area is clean and free of unnecessary things, because if the table is not cleaned or dirty, specks may get onto the nail plate or one of the layers, which can cause the adhesion of the nail to the gel will deteriorate and the coating will no longer be so reliable and durable.

External factors

Even if all the above rules and recommendations regarding the correct application of gel polish were followed and the top coating was used, it can quickly crack when exposed to external factors or for other reasons. Gel polish manicures most often crack in women who have very thin and weak nails. That is why, before doing a manicure with gel polish, it is necessary to treat your nails with special restorative and strengthening agents. Brittle nails are not able to withstand such coating for long.

If you do not have the time or opportunity to treat your nails, you can try applying another strengthening layer before applying gel polish.

In addition, cosmetologists point out that if you take antibiotics, this can also affect your manicure, no matter how strange it may be. These products can be excreted through the pores of the skin, which is why taking them can negatively affect your manicure. If your body does not tolerate any element of this cosmetic product, this may also cause cracks in such a coating.

Experts recommend performing all household chores with special gloves if you are doing a manicure with gel polish. All detergents can negatively affect the appearance of your finish, resulting in a cracked manicure. In addition, it is necessary to minimize the amount of physical activity that can have a mechanical effect on the nail plate. You should try to handle your nails as carefully as possible, as well as heavy objects that can break the tip of the nail, since such a fracture can affect the coating and result in painful sensations for you. In this case, the nail may not even break, but only bend, but this will certainly lead to cracking of the gel.

When exposed to all these factors, the gel polish begins to peel off and cracks appear on the coating. That is why, in order to avoid the appearance of such cracks, it is necessary to correctly apply gel polish to the nail plate, using only high-quality cosmetics from trusted brands, and also try, if possible, to avoid mechanical influence on the manicure from the outside.

Many pregnant women face the problem of cracks in the gel coating.

Cosmetologists do not recommend carrying out this procedure in the first and last few months of pregnancy, since dramatic changes in the hormonal levels of a pregnant woman occur and the durability of the coating is jeopardized. Many cosmetologists do not recommend doing a manicure with this varnish for some time after the end of pregnancy, since during this period the hormonal balance has not yet been completely restored. During pregnancy, nails may become weaker and, on the contrary, grow at a tremendous speed. All this can lead to delamination and cracking of the coating.

Some experts also indicate that gel polish may crack due to the fact that the manicure itself, or rather, all the care and preparatory procedures were carried out immediately before applying the coating. They recommend starting to care for your nails and prepare them for applying gel coating the day before the actual procedure.

How to avoid

The first rule that must be followed in order to prevent cracking of the gel polish is that it is strictly forbidden to influence the coating in any way during the first day, since the gel polish dries completely no earlier than twelve hours later. In addition, many experts point out that rapid damage to the coating results from its constant application to the nails over a long period of time. The upper part of natural nails becomes thinner and therefore, after applying such a coating for several months in a row, the gel polish begins to crack instantly without any other apparent reason.

Women who give themselves a manicure using gel polish may notice cracks that appear during use. Of course, this problem is not familiar to everyone, but it occurs quite often. But nevertheless, the question never ceases to torment - why does gel polish on nails crack? As soon as nail detachment or cracks occur, there is nothing left to do but go for an unscheduled correction. It is worth noting that such problems arise both in the case of extended nails and in the case of their own, when women strengthen their nails with gel. The reason may lie not only in the fact that the master did something wrong, but also in other reasons. Therefore, it is extremely important to know in which cases cracks appear and the gel peels off.

Reasons why cracks appear in gel polish

First of all, the woman herself can influence the appearance of cracks. After all, many people think that nails strengthened with gel are very strong, and no external factors will destroy them.

Care should be provided to the full extent as you would for your own nails. The stress placed on nails is increasing, so care should be as good as possible.

What are the main reasons that influence the appearance of cracks:

  1. High temperature and humidity can destroy gel polish. The sauna is the place where these two parameters meet. Therefore, visiting the sauna will have a detrimental effect on your nails. The solarium is also considered a place where the varnish can crack. But unlike a sauna, there is no high humidity here, so the percentage of damage is lower.
  2. Water- can destroy any manicure. Therefore, it is worth considering what field you work in when doing manicure. For example, if the field of activity is related to medical activities, then you can forget about manicure. Where you have to wash your hands frequently during the day, the gel polish coating will not last long.
  3. Mechanical loads- another reason why the gel coating cracks. At the slightest damage, the native nail plate can bend, unlike the gel layer. This layer will simply crack due to the fact that it cannot bend.
  4. Low temperature– another factor that can destroy nails. In winter, it is best to hide your hands in mittens or gloves. Lowering the temperature causes not only the formation of cracks and peeling of the gel, but also fading of the color scheme.
  5. Gloves are a salvation for women when cleaning and washing dishes. After all, even the simplest products, such as dishwashing detergent, can cause destruction of the gel layer.

You can read about reviews of Sally Hansen nail polishes.

The video explains why gel polish on nails cracks:

Another important reason is the state of the body. After all, all the processes occurring inside the body can negatively affect the condition of the nails, as well as the durability of the manicure coating.

In this case, it is important what state the body was in when the nails were extended, and what state it is in in the future. In a woman’s body, processes can begin to operate, under the influence of which the nails begin to accept gel polish as a foreign component. As a result of this, rejection occurs. At the initial stage, you can only see small cracks, barely noticeable. As soon as the minimum pressure is applied, large cracks will appear.

Why can nails burst and crack?

What are the main processes occurring in the body and affecting the condition of the nail plates:

  • diseases of an infectious nature;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • a state of hormonal imbalance or simple hormonal imbalance;
  • use of antibiotics, as well as other medications of certain categories.

Most often, it is the hormonal background that affects the condition of the nails. As the women themselves noted, manicurists say that extending or covering nails with gel during menstruation is undesirable. If the coating has been done, then even on the second day you can expect the varnish to peel off. During the work, bubbles may appear, making it difficult for the master to give a high-quality manicure. At this time you can use.

Video of cracking nail polish:

If we talk about pregnancy, there are also several points to consider here. For example, it is better not to apply extensions and gel polish in the last months and in the first months. Of course, during this period the hormonal background changes greatly, but pregnancy itself has no contraindications for extensions. Experts also say that long-term coverage should not be done in the first months after childbirth. First of all, there will be inconveniences associated with caring for the baby.

During pregnancy, the body generally behaves in a way it never did before. The unpredictability of nails lies in the fact that the nail plate can increase its growth rate several times over.

You can also expect the opposite process: nails will simply stop growing. During this period, the thickness of the nail plate itself may change. Applying gel to thin nails is extremely impractical. The coating will not last long. Nails that have begun to peel heavily create a lot of problems. Some of the gel may peel off along with the nail.

The manicurist has every right to refuse you the procedure if he sees that nail fungus has formed. If you neglect this disease, then the most harmless thing that can happen is the appearance of cracks. In the worst case, the condition of the nail plates will deteriorate. Between the nail itself and the gel layer, conditions are created under which pathogenic bacteria thrive.

Here's a video of what causes gel polish on nails to crack:

The absence of oxygen is the best environment for bacteria to multiply. In this case, treatment is useless. The covering needs to be removed. Don’t be surprised if, in addition to the gel, the nail plate itself cracks. The disease described above can give very different results, so peeling of the gel may not occur.

Hormonal imbalance and taking antibiotics have the same consequences. The difference when taking antibiotics is that some components of the medications can accumulate in the nails. It is this accumulation that leads to the formation of cracks.

A master is a person who must be fully responsible for the work he does. This suggests that the master’s fault in the formation of cracks is sometimes considerable. The process itself and the choice of materials are the main components of a quality gel coating. The durability of the gel coating is greatly reduced if the technician carries out the work carelessly, neglecting all safety rules.

Materials that have not passed certification, as well as cheap, low-quality products, lead to nails peeling and gel polish cracking. It is recommended to have your manicure done about a day before your nail extension procedure. This will allow the nail plates to recover. The plate should be strong after the grinding procedure. The surface should be as smooth as possible. After all, any unevenness leads to the fact that the varnish will lie unevenly. And this leads to cracks and delamination.

If you use a low-quality primer or degreaser, chips may appear much earlier than you expect. If the pre-treatment of nails is done poorly or incorrectly, the nail will not adhere well to the gel due to poor degreasing of the nail. As a result, when a small load is applied, the gel simply breaks off.

You can see a photo of the Vinylux nail polish color palette.

The video explains why gel polish on nails cracks, says a professional:

Sometimes it happens that not even the coating itself cracks, but the entire record. In this case, the architecture of the wafer matters. If the stiffener is not distributed correctly, the edge will break off after a minimum load.

Women master the procedure of applying gel polish on their own and give themselves a manicure at home. Many people are faced with the fact that the varnish begins to shrink during the application process, and subsequently crack during drying. The first reason is a very thick layer of varnish.

As a result, when drying, the topmost layer dries out and begins to decrease in size, while the lower layers begin to tighten. Therefore, experts recommend applying thin layers several times. This way the color will be rich and the varnish will not shrink.

You can find out about reviews about Orly nail polish at.

How to prevent it

It is important to know that within 12 hours after the gel has been applied, you should not expose it to even the slightest external influence. This is due to the fact that the gel polish has not yet completely hardened during this time.

It is important to wear the covering at intervals for rest. After all, if your nails are constantly exposed to manicure materials, then you can forget about the further beauty of the nail plate.

It will be quite difficult to remove the coating in the future. As a result, it will be necessary to use methods that are quite aggressive. The gel will eat into the structure of the nails, which leads to difficulties.

On jars of gel you can read information where manufacturers talk about the harmlessness of the coating. But is this really so? Any coating can block the access of oxygen, which interrupts the supply of nutrients. Nails stop growing normally, and the coating subsequently begins to crack. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to this parameter.

In any case, you need to ask the master to remove the old coating as carefully as possible. After all, in the future this affects the condition of the nails and the new coating too. To ensure the best coverage, wear it for no more than 3 weeks. After this time, it is necessary to make a correction. 5 sessions of applying gel coating are allowed. Then the nails should rest and recover.

But it’s best to stick to the scheme: 2 weeks of gel polish on nails, 1 week of restorative procedures. In this case, the coating will not crack and the nails will be normal.

For a long-lasting manicure, it is important to apply layers of varnish as thinly as possible, with each layer being dried under a lamp. In this case, the polymerization or adhesion of the gel to the plate will be as strong as possible, and bubbles and cracks will not form. The gel itself must be fresh. If the gel is old, then it will be thick, it should not even be very thick. This entails a lot of problems in the future. Choose high-quality materials and a trusted craftsman - this is the success of a durable coating.

Many nail extension lovers have repeatedly noticed that sometimes the gel produces detachments, cracks and other imperfections, forcing them to go to a specialist for correction. Moreover, such difficulties can arise not only among owners of extended nails, but also among those who strengthen their own plates with gel. However, when a manicure is performed by the same master, using the same materials, cracks may appear in one case, but not in another. Therefore, many fashionistas involuntarily wonder why gel polish on nails cracks?


Crack repair

Often, rapid deterioration of the quality of a manicure is the fault of its owner. Do not assume that extended or strengthened nails become indestructible. You need to take care of them no less than natural plates, if not more, since due to their large length they are subject to greater loads. The following operating errors can cause gel nail polish to crack:

  • Exposing the plates to high temperature and high humidity. In this sense, the sauna is completely destructive for extended or strengthened nails. A heated solarium also causes significant harm, but not so much due to the fact that there is no humidity;
  • Water generally has a rather negative effect on the quality of manicure. If you work as a doctor, florist, or in other areas where you have to wash your hands frequently, then you can’t hope that your manicure will last as long as those of those who don’t subject it to such stress;
  • One of the most important reasons why gel polish on natural plates cracks is mechanical stress. Its plate is flexible and quite soft, and therefore it can bend even with minimal load. Sometimes it is difficult for the gel layer to withstand such a load and it chips;
  • Low temperatures also have a negative effect on the gel. Thus, if you have extended your nails in winter, it is recommended to wear gloves or mittens at all times. Sub-zero temperatures can cause not only cracking, but also tarnishing, chipping and detachment of the gel, both from extended and natural nails.
  • Any cleaning products, even not too aggressive ones, destroy the gel on the nails. Cleaning, washing and washing dishes should only be done with gloves.

Following these simple rules can extend the life of your manicure for a long time. If the question of why gel polish peels off nevertheless arises, then you can be sure that the answer to it must be sought in another area.

Internal state of the body

Internal processes occurring in the body can have a significant impact on the longevity of your manicure. At the same time, both the condition of the body on the day of extension or coating and its condition throughout the entire duration of wear are equally important. This is due to the fact that during certain processes occurring in the body, the extension gel begins to be perceived by the nail plates as a foreign component and is intensively rejected. As a result, microscopic detachments appear, which, when minimal pressure is applied to them, turn into cracks.

The main processes that negatively affect the condition of nails are the following:

  1. Infectious diseases;
  2. Inflammatory processes;
  3. Hormonal imbalance or sudden change in hormonal levels;
  4. Taking antibiotics and certain medications from certain groups.

Especially often, the reason why the gel on extended nails cracks and peels off is changes in hormones. Related to this is the opinion, shared not only by many clients, but also by manicurists themselves, that nail extensions should not be done during menstruation. This build-up can begin to peel off literally the next day. In addition, the master’s work itself will be significantly complicated. Even during this process, the gel will not adhere well and will bubble.

Pregnancy, in essence, is an even greater hormonal stress for the body. However, you can often see pregnant women with perfect manicure. It cannot be said that pregnancy is a contraindication to extensions or application of gel, however, you should not extend your nails in the first and last months. For several months after childbirth, extensions are also not carried out. This is to some extent connected with the inconvenience of caring for a small child that mothers with long nails experience.

However, this is not the only reason why nail extensions during pregnancy can become very short-lived. The fact is that during this period nails behave unpredictably. They can either greatly accelerate growth or greatly slow down or stop growing altogether. In addition, they can either significantly thicken and strengthen, or become weak. And if the initial condition of the nails is poor, the extended plates will not hold up normally. There are even some features of your own nails in which artificial nails cause detachments and cracks, in particular, we are talking about such nails, the free edge of which bends up or down as they grow.

Asking the question of why gel polish chips if your own nails are weak, brittle and peeling is pointless, since the answer is obvious. Both applying gel polish and extensions are procedures that are contraindicated for weakened and brittle nails. This is due to the fact that the gel will not only stick poorly, but will also cause additional harm to already sore nails. The most problematic in this case are peeling nails, since nail fragments will peel off from them along with the gel applied to them.

Crack in the coating

For the same reason, the specialist may refuse to perform the procedure on you if he has even the slightest suspicion that you have nail fungus. Extending nails with this disease is fraught not only with the occurrence of chips and cracks, but also with a significant worsening of the condition of the nails. Under the extended plate, in the absence of oxygen, ideal conditions are created for the development of bacteria - the causative agents of this disease. In addition, within a month you will not be able to carry out treatment, but even eliminate some bacteria as a result of washing your hands. Thus, when you remove a cracked extension plate, you risk finding the same cracked and damaged nails underneath.

Taking antibiotics and drugs of certain pharmacological groups cause such rejection of foreign material, as do hormonal disorders. Several of these drugs also accumulate in the nails. As a result, all this causes detachments and then cracks in the nail plate. In addition, rejection occurs in the presence of severe infectious and inflammatory diseases. However, it is not necessary that inflammation will cause detachments in you, since this reason is not absolute.

Wizard errors

In addition to your personal mistakes and characteristics, the durability of the manicure is largely influenced by the quality of the master’s work, as well as the quality of the materials and products used in extensions. The negligence of the master or violation of technology can reduce the durability of the manicure significantly. Uncertified, cheap and low-quality materials also cause gel nails to crack.

Most often, serious mistakes are made by the master at the very initial stages of extension. It is important to remember that it is not recommended to perform trimmed or untrimmed manicure immediately before extensions. It is better to do it at least a day before to give the nail a chance to recover. When grinding a plate, be sure to make it durable. Any unevenness can cause cracks, which can form both when drying and when wearing nails.

Extension procedure

Poor-quality degreasers and primers, as well as poor nail treatment with them, significantly increase the likelihood of chipping. If they are not processed correctly, the nail plate is not completely degreased and the gel cannot reliably adhere to the surface of the plate. At the slightest load it cracks and breaks off.

If the question arises why not only the finish gel on the nails cracks, but also the entire plate, even to the point of breaking the free edge, then the reason is most likely in the architecture of the plate. The location of the stiffener is incorrectly designed by the master, the stress zones are not placed correctly, and the free edge breaks off with minimal load on it.

If you do the extensions and apply the gel yourself and are not a professional, then quite often you may wonder why the gel polish shrinks and cracks when drying. This is due to the fact that you applied too thick a layer of coating. During polymerization under the lamp, only the top layer managed to dry; it decreased slightly in size and “pulled” the soft or even liquid lower layers with it. To prevent this from happening, it is better to apply the gel in several layers rather than trying to achieve the desired color saturation by applying one thick layer.

First, let's immediately figure out what we're going to talk about: gel polish, shellac, both of them, or are they even the same thing?

Shellac and gel polish: are they different?

Shellac: what is it?

So, shellac. Let's call it shellac No. 1. You will be surprised, but this is an organic resin. And it is distinguished by females of rare insects - scale insects; there are such living creatures on our planet.

Now shellac number 2. An artificial polymer for coating and strengthening nails with the brand name Shellac, patented by CND back in the 70s of the last century. Shellac manufacturers themselves insist that their product is completely unique, but they do not indicate anywhere that natural shellac, that is, resin, is used in its production.

Gel polish: what's the difference?

In fact, shellac is the brand name of the first gel polish, which is slightly different in composition from others, just as all gel polishes from different manufacturers may differ from each other in details.

Like Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola, for example: the drinks are similar, but each manufacturing company has its own special secret. And gel polish as such is a polymer varnish used in manicure and pedicure, a liquid film coating that hardens under the influence of UV radiation.

Well, since we have understood the types of gel polishes, it’s time to find out why gel polish on nails cracks.

Causes of cracks in gel polish and shellac

In general, the good thing about gel polishes is that they should stay on your nails for at least two weeks. This is very convenient and allows you to maintain a beautiful manicure much longer than with regular nail polish. However, many girls complain that their gel polish cracks on the second day. Why is this happening?

Violation of application technology

The main reason for the rapid cracking of gel polish lies in the violation of application technology. Most often this happens when girls do a manicure with gel polish or shellac at home and do not go through each stage carefully enough:

  1. Poorly clean the surface of the nail plate before applying shellac. An unremoved speck of dust, hair or eyelash will make the surface uneven, and this can lead to peeling or cracking.
  2. They don't polish their nails well. For better adhesion of the varnish, the surface of the nail plate should be slightly rough.
  3. Poorly degrease the nail surface. To degrease, use alcohol or acetone-free nail polish remover.

  1. Do not use “drying” - a primer that removes moisture from the surface of the nail. This must be done before applying the base coat. Otherwise, the effect of “wet nails” will remain, which will subsequently lead to peeling and cracking of the shellac.
  2. Any of the layers - the base layer, the gel polish itself or the top coat - is applied too thickly, and this interferes with normal polymerization.
  3. Each layer is poorly dried under a lamp: an ultraviolet tanning bed for nails is a necessary element of shellac application technology. If at least one of the layers is not sufficiently dried, the result can lead to cracking of the entire coating.
  4. The layers of gel polish “seal” poorly: each layer should be not only on the very surface of the nail plate, but also on the tips of the nails. Covering them thoroughly means “sealing.”

Careless handling of the coating and characteristics of the body

There are a number of other reasons for cracking of gel polish in addition to violations in technology:

  1. The nails themselves are thin and fragile. This may be congenital, but it can also occur as a result of frequent removal of gel polish by filing it off or excessive use of shellac remover.
  2. Coating using low-quality materials.
  3. Taking antibiotics. Oddly enough, it can also affect your nails. If you apply gel polish during a course of antibiotics, it may not last long.
  4. Immediately after manicure and/or frequent immersion of hands in water. For example, swimming in a pool or washing dishes without gloves often causes shellac or gel polish coating to crack.

How to extend the durability of the coating on your nails?

What to do to prevent cracks from appearing in gel polish? It's simple! It is necessary to exclude the reasons for the insufficient durability of the coating discussed above:

  1. It is necessary to carefully follow the gel manicure technology. Do not allow any violations - the varnish will not crack after 3 days.

  1. It is important to take good care of your gel polish nails. Do not try to pick something out of something with them, protect them from blows and clicks. Avoid excess exposure to detergents - use gloves.
  2. Remove shellac in the correct way: under no circumstances try to tear it off the surface of the nail, do not pick it out with metal tools, or file it with a file. It is enough to lightly file down its surface, then apply a cotton wool moistened with remover liquid and wrap it in foil. After 10-15 minutes, all you have to do is clean off the soaked varnish with a wooden stick.

If you carefully carry out the listed procedures, your nail plate will thank you with a healthy appearance and long lasting gel manicure.

Video: how to properly apply gel polish and shellac to avoid cracks

The procedure for applying gel polish has become very popular recently, because the gel looks very beautiful, and does not spoil your own nail or contribute to its weakening. Every girl has visited a salon at least once to apply gel polish on her nails. But some ladies were unpleasantly surprised because their manicure did not last long, not as long as promised. And all because not everyone knows why this coating cracks.

Having come to the salon to see a professional, the girl relies on his experience and thinks that the specialist cannot make mistakes when applying gel polish on her nails. But there are some rules that both professionals and amateurs must adhere to.

Why gel polish on nails cracks: mistakes made by masters

Before applying gel polish to your nails, do not lubricate your hands and nails with cream. Because the cream creates a protective film, and this interferes with the adhesion of the varnish to the nail plate. And on the second day the girl may see a result that she does not like.

You should never apply gel polish on wet or damp nails. And be sure to degrease the surface of each nail before the procedure. Natural nail oil can cause cracks in the polish, and in the worst case, the gel peels off completely.

There are mistakes that should never be made when degreasing a nail:

  • Do not spray the product onto the surface of the nail. You need to moisten a smooth cloth (not cotton wool or a pad) and rub the product into the nail plate, especially into the cuticle area.
  • degreasing the nail with liquids not intended for this purpose. Stores sell a special liquid for degreasing nails; in extreme cases, you can use nail polish remover or alcohol.

One of the main reasons that can contribute to cracked nails is improper nail treatment. The most correct and healthy nail treatment is carried out using a buff (a special nail brush).

On natural nails, gel polish cracks appear less frequently than on extended nails. The thing is that the structure of a natural nail accepts gel polish better and their adhesion occurs faster. Extended nails can often reject gel polish, because they are already extended, and they are trying to make them stronger. Therefore, many experts do not recommend doing a manicure with gel polish on extended nails.

Cracks in gel polish may also appear if there was dust or small lint on the nails when applying it. If the layer of gel applied to your nails was very thin or thick, cracks can also ruin your recently done manicure.

Why does gel polish on nails crack: external factors

There are some reasons why gel nails crack, but they depend more on external factors. For example, if a natural nail is weak and thin, then gel polish may crack faster because several layers of gel can break the nail.

If for health reasons it is necessary to take antibiotics, then it is better to refrain from manicure with gel polish. There is a list of substances that the body secretes through the nails, they can weaken the nail and the gel polish will crack. Therefore, it is better to sign up for a manicure after a course of antibiotics.

Typically, some illnesses (stomach problems, heart disease) and menstrual periods in girls can also have a bad effect on the condition of the nails, and gel polish can also upset its owner.

When using detergents, the nail can peel off, and this is the main reason why gel polish cracks. If you want to see your manicure in perfect condition, it is better to use a washing machine and dishwasher.

What to do to avoid cracks?

In order to avoid any chance of cracks appearing, you need to use varnishes that contain the same components. If the varnish that is applied before the gel polish differs in its composition, then cracks cannot be avoided.

Also, some girls may simply have an individual intolerance to this product, so if there is any kind of allergy, it is necessary to warn the specialist in advance.

Beauty salons do not advise buying gel polishes of dubious origin. But if you want to learn how to do a manicure using gel polish at home, then you can buy polishes from Bluesky. They are very suitable for beginners in the world of manicure. Before you buy, you can find reviews on the websites of the manufacturer of this varnish.

You can also watch a video where girls show how to use gel polish and how to properly do a manicure using this cosmetic product.

But to apply gel polish you need special equipment and materials. A list of them can be found on any website dedicated to manicure, or you can ask the masters in a beauty salon. They can advise manufacturers of such equipment and provide cost estimates. Therefore, knowing all the tricks of using gel polish, you can start applying it to your nails yourself.

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