Romantic poems for a beloved woman. Beautiful love SMS to your beloved girl, woman Romantic SMS poems to a girl

Firstly, I hug you, secondly, I kiss you, and thirdly, I love you!
I want to be always with you, to share my love with you, and every day only love more strongly! 7

You are a magical garden for me, an open door to love! You are my joy, my clear star in the dark sky, my diamond! I am the happiest in this world, from the fact that you are with me! 10

Yes I love! I won't hide
Why hide love.
I want to say that you are beautiful
Worthy of the best words! 9

I love you, you hear baby!
I love you even in my dreams
In the car, at the movies and with friends
I always dream about you! 9

You are perfect in everything and always for me! I'm about the one you've been dreaming of all your life! I look forward to our next meeting to tell you how much I love you! 9

I wish you tenderness
I hasten to give it
After all, this is happiness on Earth -
Like you, love! 9

As soon as I met you
My life has changed a lot!
Now I only think about you
And for this I am grateful to fate! 11

There are many beautiful people around, but I feel good only with you. You must have been sent by God to become my whole destiny! 7

I love you - and this is not a secret, I will tell the whole world this.
My feeling for you is not accidental, I cherish you madly! 10

May you have the sweetest dream today! And when you wake up - let, as if in a fairy tale, it actually comes true! 10

You are the best, beautiful, smart and wonderful, and I love you very, very much! 11

The meaning of life is love! My point is you! I love you my star! 9

I gave you my heart
In you, I recognized the fate immediately.
And I realized: in my life I did not love
I have never before you! 9

I want to offer you a trip:
Direction - stars,
Driver is love
Transport is the heart
Passengers - you and me
Tickets are non-refundable. Well, how? 9

Beloved and dear!
You have become very dear to me,
Life turned into a fairy tale
Love gave and affection! 9

Sometimes I think where are all the angels, in heaven, in the air, or on earth? But I know for sure that the most beautiful angel is now reading this message and smiling sweetly! 9

You are not more beautiful in the world! Beckons me, enchants, your gentle look! There is nothing more beautiful in the world than your smile and the sparkle of your eyes! I want to be with you right now! 8

You lit a fire in my heart, and I don’t know what happened to me ... I fell in love with you like a boy, I want to always be with you! 10

A lot of feelings I can not appease
So I want to hug you
But even if I hug
Still, I won't quit! 10

You turn my life into a fabulous garden,
You are a beautiful cute fairy.
I am sincerely glad to see your smile,
The world is getting kinder! 9

We've known each other not so long, but I managed to get to know you. I can't trade your lips, eyes and smile for anything! 9

I will give you the dawn, the moon and the stars, the moonlight and the breath of the breeze, as gentle as a touch of lips. I will give you everything - both life and myself, because I love you very much! 9

I love you madly, I can't live without you. I always want to be with you, I can never stop loving! 9

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"I forget about everything next to you"

I forget about everything next to you
And if we don't see each other, I miss you very much!
Every meeting becomes priceless,
After all, you are the most beautiful in the universe!

"For your sweet smile"
For your sweet smile
For your beautiful eyes
Angels are fighting in heaven
And on earth I suffer!

"You are my rose of a delicate color"
You are my delicate rose
My long-awaited fragile bud.
Smell the magical smell of summer.
I barely suppress a gentle moan.

Smooth skin - like petals,
In the heart - thorns to stay alive.
I kiss your rosy cheeks
Like a healing, soft fire.

"Let's run away from the dullness of everyday life"
Let's run away from the dullness of everyday life
Where dreams and dreams come true.
Let's forget about boring reality
Forget about the world of mute emptiness.

Let's turn our backs on evil and deceit.
I know a shelter where there is no fuss.
Let's fly away from the dirt and trash
To my world, where flowers are always full of flowers.

"I love you like the first time"

You woke me alive.
I think about you every hour
And I can't want another.

Somewhere in the darkest depth

"I love you more than myself"
I love you more than myself.
That happened to me the first time.
Like a schoolboy, I twitch the clock a little,
You are ready to wait for any century.

I'll give everything I have, even my life
For always being happy.
With you I lift my soul up
Though I used to burn it with others.

"Close your eyes, imagine a star"
Close your eyes, imagine a star
The one I'm sitting on.
I see you, I'll come
And gently, gently hug.
Whisper softly in my ear:
"Baby, I love you!"

"You are my favorite"
You are my most beloved, sweetest, kindest, gentle and affectionate kitten in the world! I love you madly!

"You sing - and the stars melt..."
You sing - and the stars melt,
Like kisses on the lips.
Look - heaven is playing
In your divine eyes
You go - and all your movements,
Smiles, eyes and features

So full of wondrous simplicity!

And I don't know a better gift!

"I live with only one purpose"
I live with only one purpose -
Curious what will happen at the end.
I don't trust anyone anymore.
They betray, they change everything.

Only with you I turn into another.
You are my new found meaning.
One of your words
Enough to change my life.

"Remember sometimes..."
Remember sometimes
If you want - always.
But I know it's always impossible.
Leave a corner in your heart for me
If it's easy...

"There are many beautiful women"
There are many beautiful women
But I'm only good with you.
You must have been sent by God
To become my destiny.

"It's snowing and it hurts the soul"
Snow falls and hurts the soul
Whispers me snippets of phrases.
The heart stops beating
Without your beautiful eyes

"We are not children for a long time"
We are not children for a long time,
But naive as they are.
And on the soulless internet
Dreams come true.

I'm waiting for you on the web at night,
Like a goldfish.
virtual lips
I will kiss all of you.

"I need you, my joy"
I need you, my joy
As the ships of the sea need.
Like a homeless person needs shelter
I need you my love.

"My love is still a child..."
My love is still a child
But this also makes sense.
I hasten to tell you, kitten,
That I've been in love with you for a long time.

"I remember every look you have"
I remember your every look
Embrace, skin touch,
Your every gesture, outfit
And kisses too.

I won't be able to forget you.
Yes, I don't need it.
What a joy to love!
He deservedly received it.

"Receive my SMS hello"
Receive my SMS hello
Warmth, warmth and light,
Good luck to all your affairs -
I will throw everything at your feet!

"When I'm Sad"
When I'm sad at heart
When sorrow overcomes
I remember you!
I miss you very much!

"I like it when you wrinkle your forehead"
I like it when you wrinkle your forehead
And think about something intensely.
Your childish forever, cozy look
So it seems a little annoyed.

I want to hug you tightly
And smile at incomprehensible thoughts.
I will protect you from everyone in the world,
Leaving the soul all the same pure.

"Love you!"
Love you!
I won't hide
Why hide love?
I want to say
What are you rightfully
Worthy of the best words.

“Take it all, my love!”
Take it all, my love!
What will you get with her?
I was yours, I will be yours again
And there is no love, my love is more true!

"You are my light in the dark"
You are my light in the dark
A spark in the snow
Faithful friend in the void
In the midst of fatigue, bliss.

I treasure you
Like a heavenly treasure
And love I guard
From all sorts of misfortunes.

"Beautiful eyes and sensual lips"
Beautiful eyes and sensual lips. Laconic, charming, modest.

And I'm just so crazy!

"Men do not cry"
Men don't cry, but tears shine
In my eyes with tenderness.
You are the best of all kittens.
You are a part of me. You are my link.

From tenderness, the heart beats louder and louder.
Your nose, eyes and lips....
A tender feeling burns in me.
And eternity will burn.

"I'll take you in my arms"
I'll take you in my arms
Like a kitten
And I will rock
Kindly, for a long time.

I will protect you
From any failure.
Sleep my sweet
Just do not cry.

"In the wilderness and darkness of the night"
In the wilderness and darkness of the night
I want to hear your voice
I want to touch your tender lips!
To you, my love, my verse.

"For your sweet smile"
For your sweet smile
For your blue eyes
Angels are fighting in heaven
And on earth I suffer!

"Between us is cooler than in the movies"
Between us is cooler than in the movies:
Feelings, passion, intensity and unusualness.
When you're around, it's dark around
I forget about decency.

What are love films?
What are book novels?
They are so insignificant and boring
Compared to sincere us.

"The sky is on fire"
The sky is on fire
Millions of lights.
Let me hug you.
Only silently. No words needed.

I've been looking for you for so many years.
Waiting for you, studying faces.
With the fact that there is no love nearby
I didn't want to and couldn't accept it.

"I will be there..."
I'll be where the birds spread their wings
Where the sun just starts the day...
I'll be where all dreams come true...
I will be where you are...

"Your lips are a whisper of gentle waves"
Your lips are a whisper of gentle waves,
I really want to dive into them.
My feelings for you are an unexpected curtain
And I can't go back to the shore...

"Dots of Confetti"
dots confetti
In your gloomy text messages.
I beg you, don't be sad.
Have some tea, do something.

And don't think bad.
Don't think of problems.
I'm with you always in everything
Without doubt and betrayal.

"Stronger than your beauty, my love is one"
Stronger than your beauty, my love is one.
She's with you until the seas run dry
Until all the granite collapses,
The sand will not stop, but he, like life, runs.

"I can never forget..."
I will never forget, never
Those eyes and lips.
God, why on Earth sometimes
Do people love that much?

"Let the sun shine brighter in the sky"
Let the sun shine brighter in the sky
Let the birds of paradise sing
May we be with you forever
To prove your love!

"I don't know what happened to me"
I don't know what happened to me
I dreamed of being unhappy all my life,
And you took and taught
Easy and joyful to love!

"I love your letters"
I love your letters
And punctuation marks.
Like buttons on a dress
Unbuttoning them is a task.

Seep through the words
To the spaces of the soul.
Just turn into reality
I beg you hurry.

"You're stuck in the window frame"
You're stuck in the window frame
Away from plastic windows.
Like a bad butterfly
You are slippery beating between the glasses.

One glass - he is precious.
Another - I'm in love with you.
In the end, I know, hypocritically
You will break us, you will become free.

May you dream of summer!

I want to appeal to all representatives of the strong half of humanity - do not forget to say nice words to the girls.

Due to the severity of your nature, you do not understand how important it is for us to hear declarations of love. There cannot be too many of them.

You are mistaken, believing that if in the recent past you have already spoken words of love, then one more mention of how grateful you are to fate for giving you such a treasure as your soul mate will be redundant.

A woman loves with her ears, and nothing can be done about it.

If you want to win favor and want to achieve harmony in relationships, you will have to cater to small female weaknesses.

In the end, compliments, this is the most inexpensive way to achieve the location of a beautiful nymph.

Inexpensive, but no less effective than a bottle of perfume, or a bouquet of roses.

This article will help our cute machos stay brutal by expressing their tender feelings through poetic text messages.

Moreover, a good night wish is a very convenient occasion in order to express your feelings and at the same time not incur suspicions of a tendency to excessive sentimentality.

The best love poems SMS for the night to your girlfriend with the most romantic wishes

Thanks for a magical evening
What gave me today.
I look forward to a new meeting,
You captivated me with beauty.

Let the stars shine
Your sleeping face, your bed.
Your smile is blinding
And blows his head off the hinges.

I want to be your blanket
I envy the pillow too.
I want to be covered by me
And I would cover the bed.

You've been sleeping for a long time
You see summer and flowers.
I love you beyond measure
You are my beauty genius.

I hope mom didn't scold you
Wash your hands - and under the covers!

My dear kitten
Close your eyes.
You are still a child
Sleep soundly.

I let you go to the realm of Morpheus.
When you come back - call me, I miss you!

In dreams we fall asleep together
I hold you in my arms.
Takes happiness to the skies
And we sleep embracing in the clouds.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face,
Now I'm going to bed.
Heart filled with heavy lead -
How can I fall asleep without you?

I would like to watch you fall asleep.
As breathing becomes even.
I hope you dream of the same
And your dreams are very immodest.

Your kiss that gave me goodbye
Still burning, burning on the lips.
Embrace fresh in memories
And your image does not leave in dreams.

Sleep sweet sleep my soul
I will protect your peace.
You are like an angel
And without you I can't.

How beautiful you are, just amazing!
When you sniff your teeth against the wall.
You are beautiful from every angle
Ready to kiss your knees!

I was tormented by insomnia
I can't close my tired eyes.
You are sleeping sweetly, my lover,
My light of the eyes, the diamond of the soul.

Don't be afraid of nightmares
I will protect your sleep.
Cover yourself with a light sheet,
I will drive away evil spirits.

Stop browsing the internet
Do not hang out in social networks.
It's bad to go to bed at dawn
Go to bed and fall asleep.

If you read my revelation,
So you can't sleep, just like me.
The night will pass faster than a moment
Tomorrow we will burn in the fire of love.

The moon's dim glow
Your sweet dream will not disturb.
Parting bitter distance
Love will help overcome.

Every night without you is like torture
How did I anger the gods?!
Please give love pleasure
Rather throw off your clothes!

In our cynical age, you really want something tender and romantic... For your beloved girls, there is nothing more pleasant than receiving SMS with romantic poems for her, beloved! After all, it has long been known that girls love with their ears.
This section contains targeted romantic SMS for your beloved girls, written in poetry and prose. If you want to not only get acquainted with romantic messages, but also send SMS to your beloved directly to your mobile phone, you can easily do this using our service for sending romantic SMS to mobile. And in order to be sure that your SMS has reached the addressee, on a special page you can check the status of SMS delivery.

"I will not give it to anyone"
I won't give anything to anyone.
I will tear anyone apart for you.
I can wake up like a wild animal.
Just your word is enough.

Be with me in my strange forest.
He is completely under your control.
I will take you back, I will save you
And, hugging, I fall to my knees.

"It's snowing and it hurts the soul"
Snow falls and hurts the soul
Whispers me snippets of phrases.
The heart stops beating
Without your beautiful eyes

"I need you"
I need you, my joy
As the ships of the sea need.
Like a homeless person needs shelter
I need you my love.

"Let's not talk about it on the phone"
Let's not talk about it on the phone!
Not with a voice, not with a sweet message,
Like a numb pattern.
Let the revelation be real.

Your eyes will tell me more sounds
And I will believe their living groan.
With love, I will take your hands.
Let's not talk about it on the phone!

Beloved, you light up the whole world with beauty,
In the smallest glare - your reflection,
Whirling and shining light!
You are not more beautiful in the world!

"There are many beautiful women"
There are many beautiful women
But I'm only good with you.
You must have been sent by God
To become my destiny.

"We are not children for a long time"
We are not children for a long time,
But naive as they are.
And on the soulless internet
Dreams come true.

I'm waiting for you on the web at night,
Like a goldfish.
virtual lips
I will kiss all of you.

"My love"
My love is still a child
But this also makes sense.
I hasten to tell you, kitten,
That I've been in love with you for a long time.

"No one can match you"
Nobody can compare to you.
Who else has such an unprecedented look?
Who else plays like this with someone else's kids?
And he thinks that life is not enough for us?

Who knows how to laugh, forgetting everything?
Who cries over films, curled up into a ball?
And when you and I are together,
Who knows how to make sleepless nights?

"It's not just words"
These are not just words.
I'm sure I know for sure
We will always be by your side
Until the end of days, I promise.

Drop your evil irony.
From her only pain and resentment.
For you I live in the world

Romantic SMS poems for your girlfriend

YU New girls, young women, and not young women are also real fans of romance. Flowers, tender words, gifts, various signs of attention, constant reminders of feelings - this is what a man can always please them and attract women's sympathy. You can find wonderful romantic SMS messages for your beloved in this section of our website. They will help you strengthen your relationship with your beloved and give her real joy and tenderness, which, of course, will only benefit your wonderful union.

You are so insanely good
And so tender, and so innocent.
And my soul is waiting for a meeting
With you alone, my goddess!

I'm sad and sad without you
I miss ... and the white light is not nice to me!
Understand that my life cannot be happy,
When you are not by my side!

Dear angel told me
That you are my ideal
I thank heaven
Because I love you!

My love cannot be described in words
How many beautifully tender phrases do not write.
I'll tell you about love with my eyes
And every ray of a radiant soul.

You, like spring, are bright and good.
All perfection is body and soul.
You gave me the radiance of the day and light in the night.
Instead, take the keys to the heart.

Only with you I'm happy
No one can replace you for me.
You alone appreciate and love me,
And one understands why.

I love you my sunshine.
I love you, my scarlet petal.
I love you from dusk to dawn.
I love you from dawn to dusk!

These are not just words.
I'm sure I know for sure
We will always be by your side
Until the end of days, I promise.
Drop your evil irony.
From her only pain and resentment.
For you I live in the world
Though our love is an evil bullfight.

You and I are halves, parts.
We are the details. We are puzzles of love.
Not second brittle matches,
And the blue lights of the sky.
It's just fate. Just our rock.
We'll be together forever and ever.
From divine, fiery bowls
We drink love liquor.

Beautiful eyes and sensual lips.
Laconic, charming, modest.
You are idolized by monogamous men,
And I'm just so crazy!

I open my eyes, all I see is you
I close my eyes, all I see is you.
I want to see others, I only see you
It's like the whole world has turned into you!

You sing - and the stars melt,
Like kisses on the lips.
Look - heaven is playing
In your divine eyes
You go - and all your movements,
Smiles, eyes and features
So full of feelings and deceitfulness,
So full of wondrous simplicity!
Fate handed you to me, dear,
And I don't know a better gift!

I love you like the first time.
You woke me alive.
I think about you every hour
And I can't want another.
Teenage affection in me
Together with an adult understanding of life.
Somewhere in the darkest depth
You suddenly made sense to me.

someone loves you
Loves very, very much
someone about you
Dreaming day and night
Someone without you
Something sad.
Try and guess
Who is this "someone"?


So, you want to do something special for your significant other, but you don't have a single idea in your head? Whether you want your courtesy to be creative, budget-friendly, fast-paced or classic, we've got the answer.

creative romantic ideas

Are you looking for some fun new ways to bring romance to your relationship? Check out these creative romantic tips:

1. Give your sweetheart a dozen roses, but with an unusual twist. Let it be a bouquet of red roses, and among them - one white. And put a note in it with the following text: "There is a special flower in every bouquet, and you are one of them."

2. Give your soulmate a wrist watch with the engraving "You are more valuable to me than time."

3. Identify the very key case that connected you. Celebrate this event every year.

4. Practice odd and even days of romance: on even days it's you, on odd days it's your lover's turn.

5. After the bubble bath you have prepared for your sweetheart, gently wrap her in a towel after preheating it in the dryer.

6. Write a love letter or poem to your significant other on a piece of paper. Stick it on thin cardboard and cut it into pieces in the form of puzzles, and then mail them all to her / him. Or send a puzzle a day.

7. Does your girlfriend/wife deserve the "Best Lover in the World" award? The souvenir shops are just a treasure trove of ideas for this occasion. Just imagine how many romantic possibilities lie in diplomas and badges, medals and ribbons, nameplates, certificates and posters. All of them can be inscribed with a name, engraved, inscribed or monogrammed.

Unusual Romantic Ideas

To make a big impression, consider these unusual romantic clues:

1. Go to a karaoke bar together and surprise her/him by singing "your" song.

2. Steal her! Blindfold her, drive around the city until she completely loses her bearings. And then, finally, reveal to her the final destination: her favorite cafe or, alternatively, a romantic hotel.

3. Model an unusual large-format postcard from a huge cardboard box (for example, the one that refrigerators are packed in).

4. Does your lover love M&M's? Fill a large glass jar or vase with it to the top and give it to her as a gift.

5. Do you dream of adding a little piquancy to the serving of a dish that you have prepared especially for your soulmate? Buy a small piece of dry ice. Put it in a bottle of water and place it on a tray. In this way, you will reproduce marvelous, billowing white clouds!

6. Dinner by candlelight - romantic, but ordinary. Therefore, there is another idea: arrange breakfast by candlelight.

7. Surprise your significant other with a two-week trip to Paris.

8. Every couple has "His" and "Her" paired towels, but there are other ideas as well: "His" and "Her" paired silk pajamas, motorbikes, t-shirts, small suitcases (keep them packed at the ready), chairs- rocking chairs, Porsches (millionaires need love too), heart-shaped tattoos, Christmas decorations, tennis rackets, beach towels.

Budget Romance Ideas

Love overflows, but the wallet is almost empty? Try these budget friendly romantic tips:

1. Watching movies about love together is a pleasant pastime.

2. Spend a summer night together making wishes under shooting stars. Don't forget to mark the second week of August on your calendar. Every year, around August 12, the Earth passes through a meteor shower from the direction of the constellation Perseus, as a result of which, for two or three nights, one can observe an amazing spectacle of “star showers”.

3. Give your significant other a lottery ticket with a small note: "I hit the jackpot by marrying you (by marrying you)!"

4. Collect a bouquet of flowers for your sweetheart on the side of the road.

5. Write a note to your significant other, putting it on several postcards, then send her/him one at a time. This will create an anticipation of a romantic conclusion in the final card. You can hand over this last one yourself.

6. Don't go to the cinema as usual on Sunday. Call your sweetheart from work on Wednesday and formally invite her on a date.

7. Call your local radio station and order a love song dedicated to her/him for your significant other. Make sure he/she is listening to the radio at this time.

8. Make a personal letter for your beloved. You can purchase these forms at any office supply store. For example, a letter: "For the patience shown over the years of our life together" - the award "The Best Wife in the World" or the ribbon "For hugs and kisses beyond the dictates of duty."

Fast acting romantic ideas

If you don't have as much time for love as you would like, try these short but sweet romantic ideas:

1. Write "I love you" on the bathroom mirror with a bar of soap.

2. Put a small love note under the windshield wiper of his/her car.

3. From time to time solemnly kiss her hand. It is correct to do this by lowering your lips to her hand, and not raising her hand to your lips.

4. Let "your song" be played on the tape recorder when your significant other returns from work.

5. When you go out together, occasionally wink at your significant other from the other side of the room.

6. On your sweetheart's birthday, send a thank you card to her/his mom.

7. Unplug the TV from the socket. And on his screen, attach a note with the words: "Turn it on better than me."

8. Toast each other every time you have a glass of wine. Make eye contact. Take turns toasting. Speak them in whispers.

9. Purchase for her the whole "family of products" with the scent of her favorite perfumes (body talcs, soaps, creams, scented candles, etc.).

10. While at work, take a moment and call your significant other for no reason other than to say, "I love you."

classic romantic ideas

Looking for a tried and true way to express your love? Take note of these classic romantic tips:

1. Scatter rose petals throughout the bedroom.

2. What could be more classic than a beautiful gold pendant with your photo inside? Or maybe your joint photo.

3. Come home every week with a little surprise gift.

4. Handwrite a classic, romantic, passionate, heartfelt letter. Most adults haven't written love letters since high school. But in vain! Have we lost our youthful idealism or just become lazy?

5. Leaving, for example, on a business trip, give your beloved a bouquet of roses; one rose for each day of your absence. Attach a note that says something like this: “These three magnificent flowers symbolize the three days that I will be away from you. They also symbolize the love, joy and laughter that we share with you.”

6. Say "I love you" at least three times a day.

7. Guys, surprise her by doing some of the household chores for her. And not something easy, like bringing groceries into the house from the car, but something that takes time and effort. For example, cook meals for the whole weekend or clean the whole house.

8. Ladies, send him a letter sealed with a kiss. Use your reddest lipstick.

9. Hold hands.

10. Put Valentine's Day plans on your annual romantic list in advance.

Do not be afraid to show your feelings, appreciate every moment spent next to your loved ones, give them unforgettable emotions that will definitely remain in your heart forever.

Loving you is such an unexpected joy
After all - you are perfection, you are made for love,
A little sloppy, there's a special sweetness to it
You are a little funny, you are a little touchy.

You are my beloved woman, you are my fire, my truth,
My eternity, joy, my chosen life path,
For me, there is no better than to plan "tomorrow" with you,
For two of us, there is only one road - and we can’t turn off it.

I love you tenderly, you fill me with love,
You are my soul mate, can I forgive you everything
I dissolve in you, with you I am indifferent to slander,
There is no other person that I want to be with.

I've been wanting "Thank you" for so long
Because you are near! - say.
I will call you my love
But this word doesn't fit
Your nature, I will become, face,
Huge, quivering soul!
Dear, dear, forever
You will be the only one for me!

To the most beautiful woman
I am writing these lines.
My love for you will be eternal!
I'm in a hurry to meet you.

Loving you is my reward!
All my life I dreamed about you.
I don't need more happiness.
Thank fate for meeting you!

Fate promised me, and it was given to her,
Such a beautiful, smart woman
I won't stop admiring you
My precious, sweet, tender.

You are a ray of sunshine that shines brightly
You are splendor, joy, you are happiness,
I love you with all my heart
With you, I am not afraid of any bad weather!

Lots of different women
Lives on the planet
From simple to fashion models,
But I noticed you!

And fell in love, like not an adult,
As green as a boy
So your face has been sent down to me,
So happy, even too!

Trying to say about love
I don't look solid
I stutter and hesitate
But I'm being honest - it shows!

I met the one I dreamed of
And I don't need anything else in the world.
Only with her I met heaven on earth,
A love that I didn't know before
Now forever captivated my heart,
Just stay with me
Beloved, tender, sweetest.
'Cause I can't be without you now
You took my heart and stole it.

You always charm me
And you get drunk, you don't get jealous.
With you I forgot everything in the world,
You are my beloved lady.

I'm always ready for love
For deeds and deeds.
I will give everything for you
I'll bring the whole world on a saucer.

Thank you, my darling
For changing me so much.
And love makes me dizzy
I love you so much!

I was captivated by your wondrous beauty:
The cutest dimples on the cheeks,
I love your wonderful eyes so much
That shine with such a bright light!

I love for every gesture and every look,
Because your speech sounds so gentle!
No other awards needed
You just be with me forever!

I'm not a poet, but you became my muse,
Throwing away all the old things,
Without you, I'm burning in flames, I'm drowning in sadness
And a glass of wine will not save the soul.

Let me admire you forever
Open a shelter in the heart of a wanderer,
I won't let us part now
Hear the angels in heaven sing to us.

I love you my gentle angel
I dream of living with you...
At your feet is your rebellious servant,
So don't play with fate.

I am bravely ready for you
Fight a thousand obstacles.
And only one thing in my life is scary:
Your indifferent, boring look.

Let's go through life together
Love and affection are not melting.
I'll be honest dear
I am yours, but you are also mine.

Women love romance. Every lady dreams of a pleasant evening by candlelight, by the sea or in a beautiful restaurant. The more unusual the evening will be, the more it will be remembered, and positive impressions can win over. The question of how to arrange a romantic evening for a girl is quite common among men. And this is good, it means that there are still worthy gentlemen who are ready to do anything for the sake of their lady.

Hosting an evening at home

Contrary to the opinion that at home is trite, you can make a wonderful evening that your girlfriend or wife will definitely like. To begin with, you should send your soulmate to another place for a while, for example, to a store or to your mother. No need to make a mysterious face, otherwise a woman can guess everything, but this should be a surprise.

Now we are thinking over the concept: what kind of evening it will be, what will be taken as its basis and what the man will treat the lady to. You can arrange a surprise in oriental style, traditional or come up with something completely exotic. Just setting the table is a bit trite, although it is acceptable if there is very little time. You can spend a good evening in any conditions, the main desire and a little imagination. Everyone’s financial capabilities are different, but you shouldn’t save too much, although you can come up with something interesting as a budget option.

We decide what we will use as drinks and snacks. Food can be ordered in a restaurant, but if a man knows how to cook on his own, the girl will definitely appreciate it. If you chose an oriental dinner, then ordering sushi is a good option. A girl without unnecessary claims can get by with pizza, it will even be somewhat unexpected. At home, it is easy to cook meat in the oven, most men can handle it with ease. The restaurant serves light salads. The girl will definitely like fruit with yogurt.

As a dessert, you can order several types of ice cream, supplementing it with fruits and nuts. Treats such as strawberries with cream are also suitable. If strawberries seem like a commonplace solution, you can replace them with other fruits, such as banana slices. Remember, the food must be light, even if you organize an evening at home, so that you have the energy to dance when you want it.

We're setting the table. If you want to make the evening a little unusual, you can use low tables or even lay out a tablecloth on the floor. The result is a relaxed atmosphere in which it is fun to watch a movie and have conversations. Just make sure that it is comfortable and warm to sit. You can put soft pillows or a fur blanket on the floor.

How to decorate an apartment for the evening

Candles are a traditional attribute of a romantic dinner, but there are other accessories. Now you can order balloons of various shapes, colors and with inscriptions. Traditionally, a romantic date should have flowers. It is not necessary to choose large bouquets. On the table you can put small bouquets of roses or violets. At the height of summer, a bouquet of wild flowers, collected with your own hands, will add romance.

If using scented candles, then choose a neutral smell so that it does not interfere with the overall perception and does not irritate. Important: everyone perceives aromas differently, and some people may have an allergy, this should be taken into account. You can also aromatize the room with the help of an aroma lamp and essential oils. For romantic purposes, the aroma of lemon, sage, lavender is suitable, a few drops are enough. It is better not to light the sticks - they give too strong a smell and can be distracting.

Arrange an evening in nature

Do you want to celebrate an anniversary or the date of the first meeting? Staying at home is not necessary for this. Organize a picnic in nature. This is easy to do in the summer. We collect a basket with snacks and drinks in advance, be sure to take a blanket and go out of town. For romance, we choose the time of the trip in the late afternoon. It's great if there is a clear sky, and the couple can admire the stars.

A trip out of town can be combined with horseback riding. Now this is a popular entertainment, my wife will surely like such a walk. If you don’t feel like riding or the girl is afraid, rent a carriage with a couple of horses. Drive through the countryside or city streets if allowed in your area.

In winter, despite the cold, you can also arrange an evening in nature. Rent a house at a tourist base, just make sure that there is heating and entertainment there. A night spent in a house among snows and nature will definitely remain in your memory. Take care of warm clothes and refreshments. It is better to choose a recreation center with a restaurant on the territory or a small cafe where you can taste delicious barbecue.

If you have a cottage, then you can spend the evening on it. The house should first be prepared: decorate the veranda with balls, flowers, candles, hang bells on nearby trees. Champagne or good wine is suitable as a drink. You can bring food with you, but it is much more interesting if a man cooks it himself. Even the wife will like such a surprise, she will definitely appreciate the attention and originality.

Unusual solutions for a romantic evening

Want to come up with something original? Then turn on the fantasy. Organize a dinner on the roof of the house. Invite the girl to look at the stars or tell her that you want to surprise her. Set up a table on the roof. There is absolutely no need to put a lot of dishes, good wine and light snacks are enough. Candles and quiet music will decorate the evening. A man who knows how to play the guitar can sing a song with a declaration of love. A verse of his own composition will also surprise the lady and will definitely be remembered by her.

The most unusual walk will be an evening in a cave. Find out where caves are allowed in your area and go there with a friend. Be sure to bring flashlights and don't go too far.

For lovers of travel, you can arrange an evening on water transport, and for lovers of extreme sports - on a raft. If the budget allows, then go on a hot air balloon flight. You can take good champagne and chocolate with you.

Do nice little things

A romantic evening does not only consist of dinner or outdoor activities, there should be surprises on it. It can be cookies with wishes, balloons with the inscriptions "I love", "marry me" or "thank you for my son" if the evening is for the wife. For an invitation, you can use love notes, telegrams, a messenger with a bouquet of flowers and a postcard. As a gift, small souvenirs, jewelry, original bouquets or fruit baskets, soft toys are suitable.

A joint dinner should be accompanied by pleasant words, the girl should not be bored. It is necessary not only to spend the evening together, but to make it memorable and want to repeat it. If you organize it at home, make sure that no one interferes, turn off the phone and do not be distracted by extraneous trifles like the Internet. Remember: you must be completely passionate about the girl and pay attention only to her.

The evening should come from the heart, that is, a man should put into it a desire to make a woman pleasant, surprise, touch. If you do it without enthusiasm, then it is unlikely to be successful. Tune in to romance and positive, and then everything will go as pleasantly as possible, and the memory will remain for a long time.