Breast development at 1 month Development of the baby from the first days of life. Needed to change a diaper

The first month of a baby's life is one of the most important periods. It was at this time that the tiny “lump” faced a difficult task: “rebuild”, adapt and get used to new living conditions outside the cozy mother’s tummy. A month after the birth, the baby will acquire valuable skills and abilities, and will turn from a “newborn” into a “baby”.

Development of boys and girls in the first month of life

Each person is unique, and even the tiny man is no exception. This should be remembered by young mothers, who often compare their babies with other children and worry if their skills do not match in some way.

The development of a child in the first month of life goes by leaps and bounds, and at this stage of development it does not matter at all whether it is a boy or a girl. Day after day, he labors painstakingly, and by the end of this period, he has formed a significant list of achievements:

  • holding in the field of view of a bright object that is slowly moving (rattle) and fixing the gaze on it;
  • keeping a look at large and motionless objects (adult faces), increasing the coordination and smoothness of eye movements;
  • highlighting the mother among all the adults surrounding the baby, recognizing her voice, smell, hands;
  • manifestation of a reaction in the form of a start or a sharp blink to an invisible loud sound, turning the head in its direction;
  • the emergence of "feedback" with parents in the form of a smile that occurs as a response to affectionate words, the smile of an adult;
  • the appearance of the first attempts to copy the surrounding sounds, “cooing” when referring to it;
  • the appearance of more active than before, movements of the arms and legs;
  • holding the head for some time while lying on the tummy;
  • manifestation through crying or shouting changes in mood.

Height and weight as the main indicators of the physical development of a newborn in the first month

The main data that the pediatrician focuses on when conducting a monthly examination of the baby are indicators of the physical development of the child. It is they that allow you to determine how dynamically the baby is developing, whether he is completely healthy, whether he is hardy enough. An important role in this process is played by measurements of height, weight, circumference of the chest, head, and the development of various organs and systems. All these indicators are taken into account when examining a child in the first month in the clinic by a pediatrician and specialist doctors.

Important! On average, from birth, a newborn grows by 3 cm, its weight increases by 600 grams, the head circumference becomes 2 cm larger, and the chest circumference increases by 2-4 cm.

It is worth noting that each child develops in his own rhythm: there are "chubby" and thin people, tall and miniature. It is impossible to “fit” the baby to any framework, and you don’t need to do this. Any table indicators are only an indicative figure. The general condition of the child, his activity, the presence of reflexes, sleep and wakefulness, appetite are important.

During the first month, eight main reflexes are consolidated:

  1. Sucking, manifested in the occurrence of sucking movements of the lips after passing a pacifier over them;
  2. Grasping, in which the baby grabs and tries to hold everything that touches his palm;
  3. Search, when, when stroking the cheek, the child turns the head in the appropriate direction;
  4. Swimming reflex, when the baby, when laying it on the tummy, makes movements similar to swimming;
  5. Walking reflex, in which the child, supported under the armpits and feeling supported by the legs, seems to be taking steps;
  6. Babinsky's reflex, in which, after running a finger along the outer edge of the foot, the crumbs' fingers diverge to the sides;
  7. Mora's reflex, when, with a sudden loud sound, the baby waves his arms and legs;
  8. Babkin's reflex, which manifests itself in turning the head and opening the mouth when pressing on the child's palm.

Important! During the first medical examination, carried out in one month, the child must be examined by: a therapist, a neurologist, an otolaryngologist, an orthopedist, a surgeon, an ophthalmologist.

In order to determine the presence of reflexes, as well as the general condition of the baby's nervous system, at the age of one month it must be shown to a neurologist.

The vision of a one-month-old baby has already been formed, but sometimes he still cannot fully fix his gaze on an object, he may have a strabismus (which usually disappears with time) and when there are tears in his eyes, even when he does not cry. All these conditions are evaluated by an ophthalmologist, whose consultation is also mandatory.

The hearing of a baby in one month is also formed: they react to sound by turning their heads in its direction. If the child does not do this, his nose is not breathing well, he is reluctant to take the breast and worry about it, it is worth visiting an otolaryngologist.

In order to identify and eliminate pathologies in the development of the musculoskeletal system in time, a baby at the age of one month is shown to an orthopedic doctor. He will check the symmetry of the legs, the correctness of their support on the surface, eliminate the development of torticollis (when the baby's head is tilted to one side).

If the baby has shortness of breath during feeding, lethargy, poor growth and weight gain, a blue nasolabial triangle, the pediatrician can give a referral for an examination to a cardiologist in order to exclude diseases of the heart and vascular system.

The gastrointestinal tract and the digestive system of the baby are still rather poorly developed. Because of this, the crumbs are frequent "companions", bloating,. But if he is active, gaining weight and growing normally, these conditions do not require any special treatment, and, as a rule, pass with time.

Nutrition and sleep of the baby in one month

From the first days of a newborn's life, the best food for him is mother's milk, which has the optimal composition, temperature and is produced in the volumes necessary for the baby. There are two types of feeding:

  • on demand, when the baby is applied to the chest at the slightest sign of anxiety;
  • according to the regimen, when a fixed amount of time passes between feedings (on average, about three hours).

Each woman herself chooses the most convenient way of feeding for herself. As a rule, the child is satiated in the first ten minutes, after which they continue to suckle the breast simply not wanting to interrupt contact with the mother, sometimes falling asleep “on the breast”. It is important to apply the baby correctly so that he does not swallow excess air when sucking, which is fraught with frequent regurgitation and bloating.

You can read about how much a baby should eat in the first month of life of breast milk or formula in

Sleep in the first month of a baby's life takes up most of his time. There are three phases of sleep:

  • deep, when the baby's breathing is even and calm;
  • shallow, when the baby slightly moves the arms and legs;
  • drowsiness, when the baby is as if half asleep, for example, during feeding.

Being in a cheerful state, the baby actively moves his arms and legs, grunts, snuffles. If something does not suit a small person, he “talks” about it with a loud cry. It often seems to young parents that, however, these fears are usually in vain.

Proper care of the baby is the key to harmonious development

Speaking about what a child should be able to do in the first month of life, it is impossible not to mention proper care. The room in which the baby is located should be comfortable, ventilated, but without drafts, with moist cool air. The baby crib should be without sharp corners, made of durable material and with. Baby doesn't need a pillow. Clothing should be chosen from natural fabrics, without coarse seams and fasteners. Do not wrap the child too much - due to thermoregulation disturbed at this age, he can easily overheat, which will lead to the occurrence of diaper dermatitis. The first month of life is the time when it is necessary to carefully monitor the umbilical wound and take timely measures,

A beneficial effect on the child's body in the first month of life has a wellness massage, which should be done daily thirty minutes before feeding. It lasts no more than ten minutes and stops as soon as the baby begins to worry. The main element of the massage is stroking the face, fingers, arms, legs, back in the direction from the bottom up and from the sides to the center.

Charging a baby at one month video

With a baby of one month old, you can start doing gymnastics. The basic exercises are simple:

  • laying the crumbs on the tummy;
  • putting the thumbs of an adult into the fists of the baby lying on the back, after which his arms are slowly parted to the sides and shaken slightly.

Before going to bed, it will be an excellent activity - it will not only strengthen the muscles of the baby, but also calm him down, setting him up for a long night's rest. During sleep, the baby should be turned over alternately from one side to the other so that the muscles on both sides develop equally.


During the waking period, you can show the baby bright toys, slowly moving them in space, training his concentration on the subject. Conversations with a change in the volume and emotional coloring of the voice, listening to beautiful quiet music, gentle touches - all this makes an invaluable contribution to the development of a small personality.

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Almost all young mothers, upon returning home from the hospital, ask themselves the question "what to do with the child." And this question is very relevant, because in the first month of their baby’s life, they will have to go through a difficult “baptism of fire”.

The first days in the native walls should be completely devoted to your child. Household chores can wait, they can be entrusted to other family members. It is better to postpone visiting guests. You need to get to know each other, adapt to a new way of life. A calm and comfortable atmosphere at home is very important, do not allow any quarrels and stress.

In the maternity hospital, the newborn is used to a certain diet and sleep, try to comply with this routine at home, as well as apply at home the knowledge and skills that young mothers receive in this institution. Newborn care includes breastfeeding or formula milk, sleep, wakefulness, water and hygiene procedures and hardening, massage, outdoor walks.

The child also needs time to adapt to this big world after the cozy mother's tummy. His skin may peel off, pimples appear on his face, his complexion changes, his limbs may become bluish, his eyes begin to squint, he may cry for no reason without tears. All this takes place in the first month of life, and all this passes with time. The color of the face is restored in a week, tears appear closer to a month.

During childbirth, when the child passes through the birth canal of the mother, the head may be deformed, but this is also physiological, very soon everything will return to normal.

In the first month, the newborn often cries. He simply does not yet know how to express his needs in a different way. The baby cries when he is hungry, and when he wants to sleep, and when his diaper is wet. And it seems that this crying is monotonous, but over time, the mother will learn to recognize different shades of crying, depending on the desire of her baby.

Also, a common cause of crying in newborns is discomfort in the tummy - intestinal colic or gaziki. You can fight them on your own (clockwise massage, a warm diaper on the tummy, wearing a column) or with the help of medications prescribed by a doctor (Espumizan, Bobotic, Bebinos and others).

Newborn day routine

A newborn child who does not have health problems sets the rhythm of life for himself. The main stages of this rhythm are the period of sleep, the period of feeding and the period of wakefulness. Sleep usually lasts a couple of hours, wakefulness from half an hour or more. Parents should adapt to this lifestyle and support it, satisfying the needs of their child. By the beginning of the third month, the child develops a clearer daily routine.

Bathing and hygiene procedures

You can bathe a newborn baby in water after the umbilical cord falls off and the wound heals. Until this time, it is better to wipe with warm water. Before carrying out water procedures, you need to prepare all the necessary things: a changing table or board, cotton wool, a baby bath product, cream or powder, a towel and diapers. Herbal infusions or decoctions can be added to the water. Soap should not be used more than once a week unnecessarily, so as not to overdry the skin.

You can not bathe a newborn every day, this is not necessary, a couple of times a week is enough, but, of course, everything should happen at the discretion of the parents and the desire of the child. Babies most often enjoy bathing, they quiet down and relax. But some may protest against water procedures, in which case you can get by with rubdowns, but periodically offer to swim.

Hygiene procedures are carried out every day, this is washing the face and rubbing the eye, cleaning the nose and ears, treating the navel and washing, combing the hair and cutting the nails, combing the crusts from the head.

Walking and hardening

Walking outdoors in the fresh air is very important for the harmonious development and health of the child. The duration of the walk depends on the weather and time of year. Newborns do not yet have a perfect thermoregulation system, so in the cold season in bad weather, you may have to greatly limit the time of walking. Many parents practice newborn sleep on a balcony or with an open window. At the same time, the child must be dressed appropriately so that he is not cold, usually this is plus one layer to how the parents themselves are dressed.

When the newborn reaches the age of one week, you can begin to carry out air baths for him, combining them with massage and hardening. It is necessary to remove clothes from the baby, leave him in one vest and make light stroking movements throughout the body. Such activities must be carried out every day. If the child expresses dissatisfaction, the procedure should be postponed. Massage is very useful for strengthening and developing the still imperfect muscular system of the newborn.

Reflexes of the newborn

The fact that the development of the newborn is taking place properly is evidenced by the presence of basic reflexes.

Grasping reflex. If you touch the baby’s palm with any object, he will reflexively wrap his fingers around it and hold it.

Search, sucking reflex. By touching the baby's cheek or mouth, you can see how the baby turns its head and looks for the breast, making sucking movements with the lips.

Plantar and Babinski's reflex. The toes on the child's foot will buckle if you press at their base on the foot. And if you stroke the leg from the heel to the fingers, the fingers should disperse in a “fan”.

Moro reflex. A newborn reacts to a loud sound by bringing the legs and arms together and apart.

Step reflex. If you hold the child vertically so that the feet touch the support, and then tilt him slightly forward, he will make walking movements with his legs.

Reactions and skills

A newborn child develops constantly in the course of his life, which includes alternating periods of feeding, wakefulness, bathing, walking in the fresh air. The baby recognizes his mother, hears and recognizes her voice and intonation, feels and responds to her touch. We can distinguish the following skills that a newborn acquires by the end of the first month of its existence:

For a short time he is able to lie on his stomach, while he raises his head and tries to hold it.

Tries to focus on something.

Follows with eyes the object moving in front of the face and turns the head in the direction of movement.

Begins to make sounds, sniffle, grunt, gurgle.

Reacts to loud sounds, shuddering and freezing at the same time.

Since the life of a large family has been replaced by a separate residence of a newly created family, young mothers have had uncertainty and a feeling of helplessness after childbirth in the correctness and timeliness of the development of the newborn.

Not having a rich experience of "nanny" with young children, a woman is literally thrown into a stupor by everything related to the peculiarities of the physiological and mental development of her baby, especially in the first year of a child's life.

We offer you a brief overview of the development of a child up to a year. The first month of life, the most difficult in terms of adjusting each other for a young mother and baby, we will consider in more detail - by weeks.

Week one, get to know each other

Sense organs of the newborn. Long awaited homecoming. Now the baby can get to know his mother in a calm atmosphere, see, hear, smell and touch the world around him from a new perspective, already familiar to him in absentia from the muffled sounds from the outside during intrauterine life.

The vision of a newly born child is blurry, he can only distinguish large objects located nearby, which is a kind of protection against the suddenly surging variety of colors and shapes. Hearing, smell and touch in a newborn are quite developed, these sense organs were developed during life inside the mother.


In the first week after birth, it is very important to establish breastfeeding. Get used to the fact that the first time after birth, the child, during the moments of wakefulness, will be in your arms almost all the time and constantly demand the breast.

It's not even so much about hunger, but about the need to feel the unity broken with mom. Breastfeeding at one week of age is perhaps the single most effective way to soothe a crying baby.

First bath

The first bath after birth is the most frightening procedure for new moms and dads. Try to spend it correctly and calmly, so as not to spoil everything the first time and not cause the baby's dislike for water.

Physiological features of the newborn, most often causing concern:

  • Regurgitation. Many mothers worry that the baby spit up often and a lot and does not eat up. Spitting up is normal for a baby up to 6 months old.
  • They occur due to the immaturity of the alimentary tract, the immaturity of the nervous system and the incorrect organization of the breastfeeding process, in which air is swallowed.

    For a week-old baby, the norm is regurgitation after each feeding with a volume of no more than 2 tablespoons and once a day with a “fountain”. You can check the amount of milk spitting up by pouring 2 tablespoons of water onto the diaper and comparing the stains formed from water and milk.

  • Weight loss. In the first days after birth, breastfed babies tend to lose weight. This is normal and temporary. They will gain weight when breastfeeding is fully established.
  • Jaundice. You may notice that 2-3 days after birth, the skin tone of the newborn has acquired a yellow color. The phenomenon is also normal, it is an adaptive process, as a result of which an excess of bilirubin is formed in the blood, which stains the skin yellow. If jaundice is not pathological, then it disappears on its own in 7-14 days.
  • Strabismus. Sometimes it may seem that the eyes of a newborn mow. This is due to the weakness of the muscles of the eyeball and the inability to focus the gaze. Help your baby learn to use his eyes - hang a large, bright toy in the center above the crib, and the eyes will move in sync in a few days or weeks. In very rare cases, strabismus can last up to six months, which is not yet a cause for concern.
  • Starting in sleep. Does your baby jerk violently while sleeping? It is not at all necessary that he has problems with the nervous system. Swaddle it tighter while sleeping to create similar living conditions during pregnancy and the baby will become calmer. Such shudders pass on average by 3-4 months after the birth of a child.
  • Peeling of the skin. After giving birth, the baby does not look very attractive due to the special lubricant that covers his body to facilitate the birth process and initially protect the skin from contact with air. It is not necessary to remove it for the first 2-3 days. Then it is absorbed and the child's skin adapts to new conditions, resulting in peeling.

The main principles of smooth weaning of the child from the breast

Do not use detergents, if the skin is dry, lubricate it, preferably with any vegetable oil, previously sterilized in a water bath. When walking, ensure the isolation of the baby from gusts of wind and direct sunlight. If these recommendations are followed, peeling will soon pass.

Week two, getting used to it

Week later. For a newborn, this is a huge period, which includes a lot of new experiences, getting to know your body and the world around it. The umbilical wound heals. The baby is fully adapting to the new way of getting food. The number of intestinal stools is normalized and is 3-4 times a day.

Weight gain begins. The kid is more and more interested in what is happening around and begins to listen to the surrounding sounds and examine objects more carefully. He can see all the details from a distance of 20-25 cm. At this time, facial expressions begin to develop - your pet can even please you with the first smile.

Now your happiness can be overshadowed by the onset of intestinal colic, accompanied by long crying and squeezing, twisting of the legs. You can start fighting them, but there is no consensus among doctors about both the cause of their occurrence and ways to alleviate the condition. Tip one: be patient, sooner or later they will stop.

Week three, small victories

The third week is marked by the first achievements in the life of your baby. Lying on his tummy, he tries to raise his head and examine the surrounding objects. He manages to do it for a while. The movements of the crumbs become more and more ordered, he makes attempts to reach the toys suspended above him.

When you turn to him, the baby calms down, looks into the face of the speaker, reacts to the intonation of the voice and, in response, can walk and smile. During this period, it is more difficult to calm the baby, to relieve tension of the nervous system overflowing with new impressions, he can cry for a long time. For some babies, 20 minutes of crying before falling asleep becomes the norm. The intonation of crying becomes more and more demanding.

Week four, recap

The first month of life is coming to an end. The baby goes from newborn to the stage of infancy. The child's vestibular apparatus is improving - he feels the position of his body in space, which will allow him to soon roll over and grab objects.

The flexor muscles are still stronger than the extensor muscles and the limbs are in a semi-flexed position.

Muscle hypertonicity is a normal physiological condition for children under a month old.

A month after the birth of a child, you need to undergo a medical examination, where doctors will assess the physiological development and compliance with its age norms.

What should a child be able to do by the end of the fourth week of life:

  • focus on the object in question, turn your head in the direction of the outgoing sound;
  • recognize parents and perk up when they appear in sight;
  • try to keep your head in a prone position for a short time.

Height and weight

Here are the average figures developed by the World Health Organization. In parentheses, we will indicate the critical values ​​indicating the need for a medical examination. Anything that falls within this range is a variant of the norm.

Second month

The period is characterized by the establishment of a semblance of sleep and wakefulness. The baby still sleeps a lot, but now mom knows when and how much time he needs to rest. Now he can firmly grasp everything that falls under his hands.

What the baby should be able to do:

  • focus not only on moving, but also on stationary objects;
  • roll over from barrel to back;
  • briefly hold the head from a position lying on the tummy, try to rise on the handles, arching your back, turn your head to the sound;
  • demonstrate the support reflex: feel the support under the legs and push off from it;
  • demonstrate a “complex of revival” when adults appear: smile, move arms and legs, arch, “walk”, making long vowel sounds.

third month

If development proceeds in accordance with the average pace, then a child at the age of three months has learned to roll over from his back to his tummy and rise from his tummy on his arms, holding this position for up to several minutes.

Don't worry if your baby doesn't succeed, he will catch up by 4-5 months.

Due to the increase in subcutaneous fat deposits, the baby acquires rounded shapes, swelling with folds appears on the arms and legs. The child puts everything in his mouth and tastes it. At three months, you need to undergo a second medical examination.

Skills and abilities:

  • the revitalization complex is further developed, the child is trying to talk with the help of “cooking” and is very happy to see mom or dad;
  • rollover from back to stomach
  • emphasis on hands with raising the body while lying on the stomach and holding in this position.

fourth month

Most children by this age end with problems with intestinal colic, and mothers can breathe easy, but not for long - the first teeth may soon come out. Someone is destined not to wait for the long-awaited respite.

Skills and abilities:

  • holding small objects with ease;
  • babbling, cooing, pronouncing the syllables "ba", "ma", "pa" and others;
  • reaction to one's name;
  • confident holding of the head in a vertical position on the hands of an adult;
  • capturing, pulling towards you and tasting the items of interest;
  • first squat attempts.

Fifth month

The motor activity of the baby has increased so much that the best place for him now is the floor, where he can do all sorts of tricks with pleasure. The bed by this time had already bored him. Now the fidget needs vigilant supervision. Most teeth begin to cut, which is accompanied by itching, anxiety and profuse salivation.

What a child should be able to do:

  • roll over from back to stomach and back, pull yourself up on your hands, make the first attempts to crawl and sit down;
  • play with toys on their own for 5-10 minutes;
  • "talk" in syllables that are vaguely reminiscent of human speech.

sixth month

The child is trying to crawl, and many are good at it. Attempts to sit down turn into a triumph, but the spine does not yet have strength, and the little one cannot sit for a long time. He actively explores the world, showing capriciousness because of his disturbing teeth. At six months, you need to undergo another medical examination.


  • short sitting in pillows, high chair, stroller;
  • crawl;
  • laughter, mutterings, and even something like singing;
  • jumping on the hands of an adult with the support of the handles, which become a favorite pastime of the little one.

seventh month

By this time, the child has learned to understand the meaning of many words, points his finger at objects of interest. He understands that the trick with the disappeared things is just a trick, and they can be found.

Many peanuts begin to experience fear when parting with their mother, which is a high indicator of the development of the psyche.


  • the child gets up with the help of a support and moves while standing;
  • he crawls confidently, but it also happens that the baby skips the crawling period, and immediately begins to move, holding on to the support.

How many times a day should a newborn poop

eighth month

Your little one is learning to get things done by being persistent and measuring limits. He already understands well the word cannot, which is very upsetting for the little man. Character traits appear. A child may already have 4-6 teeth, but there are no clear terms for eruption, for all children the process takes place individually. The level of distrust towards strangers increases even more.

What the child can do:

  • sit down independently;
  • throwing toys and shifting them from one hand to another;
  • take the first steps holding the hands of an adult.

ninth month

The child is growing before our eyes. Once helpless, he now tries to do everything on his own, despite the fact that it does not work out well. It is good for the crumbs to sit, get up and walk with the help of a support. Speech skills are developing, some children already pronounce the first words.

The child can communicate using facial expressions, gestures, syllables and words. Copies the intonation of adults well.

At 9 months, a physical examination is necessary to assess the development of the baby.

What the child can do:

  • holds a spoon in his hands and tries to eat on his own, drinks from a mug or drinking bowl;
  • at the request of an adult, he takes objects that are called to him;
  • independently sits, sits, crawls and walks with support;
  • transforms babble into words.

tenth month

Receive further development of the skills and abilities acquired at the 9th month of life.

How much ? The total daily sleep time in an infant in the first week of life is normally 20 hours, and every 2-3 hours of sleep are replaced by small intervals of wakefulness. The baby wakes up only for feeding. The breathing of a newborn during sleep can be even and calm if his sleep is deep, and if the baby breathes irregularly with arms and legs in a dream, then the dream is superficial.

By the end of the first week of life, a child from all the smells surrounding him can already distinguish the aroma of milk and turn his head in the direction from which it comes. It can be either the mother's breast or a bottle of formula.

The baby understands whether the taste of milk or formula is sweet or bitter.

A newborn can hold his gaze on objects surrounding him near, but only for a short time.

During sleep, the child may smile and involuntarily move his legs or arms.

In order not to be frightened, parents should keep in mind that the breath of a newborn is three times more frequent than that of an adult, moreover, it is irregular and superficial.

Child development: the second week of life

When the child goes to the second week, he should fully restore the weight with which he was born. Weekly weight gain should be 150-200 g.

How to develop a child in a month? You can teach your baby to hold his head by laying him on his tummy for this, but this can only be done if the umbilical wound has healed.

For a few seconds, the baby can watch a bright rattle or a moving object.

A sharp sound will make the baby flinch and blink, he will listen and stop crying.

Physiological jaundice may persist until the end of the second week of a child's life.

Child development: the third week of life

What should the child be able to do at this time? In the third week of life, the baby can already take a small object or a parent's finger in his hand. He is also able to view the face of an adult by looking into the eyes.

Lying on his stomach, the child tries to raise his head and tear his chin off the surface.

Now quite consciously, he turns his head in different directions, while he lies on his back and looks at the world around him.

The process of development of the child in the third week is obvious: he revives in response to an affectionate speech addressed to him, moves his legs and arms, and looks for a speaker.

The sleep of a three-week-old baby in total is 15–18 hours; in one feeding, he is able to suck out up to 80–100 ml of mother's milk or formula.

Child development: the fourth week of life

Weight gain in the first month of life should be about 600-800 g, and in height - 3 cm.

What can a child do at this age? He holds his head for a few seconds while lying on his stomach. The baby already clearly knows his mother's voice, recognizes the taste and smell of breast milk or formula.

It is at this time that the child, when affectionately addressed to him, is able to focus his eyes on the face of the person who is talking, and also learns to distinguish the intonations of the speech addressed to him. In response, he makes sounds.

A child can follow an object only if it moves horizontally.

During the first month of a child's life, one should not forget to get his birth certificate, which is issued at the registry office or at the MFC. To do this, you must have the passports of both parents, a certificate of birth of the child, which was issued in the maternity hospital, as well as a marriage certificate.

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So the first cry of a newborn was heard in your apartment. You are at home, the birth is over, the rhythm of life is gradually getting better. Now you should start developing the baby so that he does not lag behind his peers. There are many ways that promote early development child.


The timing of the first reactions to visual images and sounds varies in different people depending on the maturity of their central nervous system, on the conditions of upbringing and the state of health. As soon as you notice that the baby began to react and try to focus his eyes on any subject, help him learn this. Buy a rattle and ring it, only in the distance, so as not to scare the baby.

Talk to your little one constantly. Explain your actions when you do something. Conduct, as it were, a dialogue with each other, answering for the baby. Smile as often as possible, even if you're not in the mood. Children are very sensitive to the attitude towards themselves and the mood of their parents. Babies, who are always addressed with a smile, develop much earlier and become kind, optimistic people.

Choose toys for child. They should be bright and colorful. It will be nice if they make melodic sounds. Hang them over the crib so your baby can watch them. If you notice that the baby reacts negatively to a particular toy, remove it, as it can become a constant source of irritability.

You can start reading books from your baby's first life. It may seem to you that he is not listening to your reading, but in fact, the development of auditory receptors is taking place. Subsequently, the child may even learn some fairy tales, that is, memory development will also occur. Do not think that a baby up to a year old is a creature that does not understand or perceive anything. Treat it like a full-fledged one, love it, and you will see that its development is taking place at a rapid pace.

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So the first six months of the life of a little man flew by unnoticed. It seems that only yesterday they brought a precious package, and today you look at the calendar and notice how quickly the baby has grown up. During this time, you have experienced a lot, because there are constipation in children, and colic, and regurgitation, and just a bad mood.

But despite the problems, you need to deal with the development of the baby, so what your baby should be able to do.

So, at 6 months, the child already knows how to sit with support, plays with rattles, but not for long, and begins to bite (the first milk teeth appeared).

7-8 months pass in "stubborn training" on getting up, holding on to the headboard, and active crawling. Dear parents, do not forget that crawling is an active stage in the psychomotor development of your baby. During this period, the tiny sun learns the world through tactile sensations, which favors the development of the emotional sphere. Children who for some reason were deprived of the opportunity to crawl a lot (unfavorable living conditions, the presence of animals in the house), the first years of life distinguish human emotions worse.

At the 9th month of life, the child stands confidently on his feet, holding on to a support. Some begin to take the first steps, and this is the merit of the parents who paid great attention to the development of the child. But in our regions, early walking is rather an exception to the rule. After 9 months, the baby begins to pronounce the first monosyllabic syllables. Although, some children begin to talk after two years. And this is also a variant of the norm, if there are no psychosomatic diseases.

At 10 months, the baby confidently "runs" in a walker, plays with a toy for a longer time (up to 15 minutes), eats from a spoon and knows how to drink from a children's drinking cup. Pronounces the first one-syllable words.

At 11 months, the child will improve all previous skills, and, by 12 months, his skills are an important indicator.

By the first day of his birth, your sun should be able to:

Know close people

Know your name

Distinguish toys by color

Eat from a spoon

Pronounce, on average, 12 one-syllable words

Play with toys for a short time

When using early development techniques, you will be able to achieve good results, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the further development of your child.

For most mothers, this is a small, but important and serious milestone in life. They recover after childbirth, establish a routine, get used to new responsibilities. What is the difference between a baby at one month old and just born? What are the features of its development, nutrition? What should a mother do so that the baby develops according to accepted standards? Let's figure it out in detail.

Child development indicators at 1 month: height, weight

After the birth, the baby's circulatory system is rebuilt, red blood cells are destroyed, and the immune system begins to work. The kidneys perform their first functions. The digestive system also kicks in. The respiratory system encounters microbes for the first time. It is the complexity of this adaptation that leads to the fact that in the first week of life, the child loses about 10% of body weight. This is completely normal. First-born mothers should not panic about this. By the end of the second week of life, weight will begin to increase.

Usually, by the end of the first month of life, babies gain 300-500 grams of weight, grow by 0.5-1 centimeter.

The increase in body weight and height is due to the fact that the baby sleeps up to 20 hours a day.

An important point in physical development and an indicator of health is the healing of the umbilical wound. At the age of one month, she no longer bleeds, and for this, the mother must constantly treat the navel with brilliant green, add a solution of potassium permanganate to the bathing water.

Nutrition for a 1 month old baby

The best food for a baby of this age is breast milk. Feeding during this period occurs on demand. The child can be attached to the breast for a short time or suck on the breast for an hour. During the night's sleep, the baby needs to suck. For him, this is not only food, but also an opportunity to calm down. Properly organized joint sleep will allow the mother to relax, and the child will create comfortable conditions for sleep.

It is worth considering that by the age of one month, the amount of milk in mothers increases gradually. It may not be enough for many, so the best way to stimulate lactation is to put the baby to the breast. This is the free-feeding regimen, which is called on-demand feeding. Further, this process will improve.

When breastfeeding, the baby may spit up frequently. In order for the mother's milk to be optimally absorbed after feeding, the child must be placed in a “column” - for a minute, give him a vertical position with head support. The baby will burp, then you can put him to bed.

Intestinal spasms and colic are constant companions of the first months of a child's life. A light massage of the tummy, a vertical position in the arms of the mother, laying on the stomach, dill water, special pharmacy products as prescribed by the pediatrician can help them.

Development of a premature baby at 1 month: Komarovsky

Evgeny Olegovich is sure that the main thing in caring for such a baby is the organization of proper nutrition. And it is, without a doubt, breast milk. The peculiarity of feeding such a baby is that he may not give signals of hunger, because he is still quite weak. Therefore, the maximum interval between feedings should be three hours. But if the baby does not signal that he is hungry, then he should be applied to the chest after 2-2.5 hours. As for weight gain as a criterion for assessing the development of a premature baby, Komarovsky says that this is individual for each child.

Evgeny Olegovich always emphasizes the importance of hardening premature babies. And you need to start with the fact that in the children's room to maintain a temperature of no more than 20 degrees. Although many experts recommend an indicator of 25 degrees. As for the first bathing of a premature baby, the pediatrician recommends doing this after 10 days.

He emphasizes that careful care, attention, care and warmth of parents will help to catch up with prematurity.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko