Heartburn during pregnancy in the third what to do. How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy (in the third trimester)? Heartburn accompanied by nausea

Heartburn during pregnancy is a very common phenomenon: more than half of pregnant women experience it more or less regularly, and some suffer from heartburn for almost all 9 months. Usually heartburn during pregnancy begins to annoy after the 20th week.

Heartburn (scientifically - dyspepsia) - unpleasant feeling of bitterness and burning in the chest and throat caused by an increase in the amount of gastric juice and irritation of the walls of the esophagus by this juice. Many people face it, for various reasons, but it is pregnant women who suffer from heartburn the most. Why is this happening?

The causes of dyspepsia at different stages of pregnancy are different. Let's see how it occurs. Between the stomach and esophagus is a special muscular ring - the sphincter, which acts as a valve that prevents stomach acid from rising up the esophagus. Normally, if we suffer from heartburn, then only occasionally. However, when pregnancy occurs in the female body, the level of progesterone increases (the placenta begins to produce it).

The function of the hormone is to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus in order to avoid spasms and hypertonicity. But because of the same hormone, the valve between the esophagus and stomach also relaxes, as a result of which gastric juice enters the esophagus, causing discomfort. Also, progesterone slows down digestion, reducing the contractions of the intestines and esophagus, which is an additional unfavorable factor.

Heartburn in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

In the 1st trimester, dyspepsia occurs most often due to malnutrition: if a woman eats fried, spicy and fatty foods or eats in a hurry. This heartburn usually lasts only a few minutes and goes away quickly. However, if you are concerned about prolonged heartburn and belching during pregnancy, and even more so if they are accompanied by nausea, you may need to see a doctor.

To make heartburn in early pregnancy less annoying, follow some simple rules. First of all, adjust your diet.

Don't Overeat- due to the slowdown in digestion, it becomes more difficult for the stomach to cope with a large amount of food. Eat more often, in small portions, and chew your food thoroughly.

Don't eat at night- Between dinner and sleep should be at least 2-3 hours. It is better to steam food than to fry it.

Include lean meats, pureed or stewed vegetables, milk and dairy products in your diet. Avoid carbonated drinks and coffee.

Heartburn in the 2nd trimester

80% of cases of heartburn occur at this time due to overeating. The uterus at this time increases in size, intra-abdominal pressure rises and begins to press down on the stomach, which complicates the digestive process. At this time, you need to reduce the amount of food, and women, as a rule, continue to eat as before, or even more, overloading the stomach.

So, heartburn during pregnancy what to do? If you haven't switched to fractional nutrition, the time to do it is now. Reduce the amount of food taken at a time if you are not full - it is better to increase the number of meals to 5-6. You may need medication for heartburn during pregnancy, but a doctor's consultation is required.

Heartburn in pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

The most common cause of heartburn during late pregnancy is breech presentation of the child: when he is located with his buttocks down, his head constantly presses on the diaphragm, which provokes heartburn. That is why it is believed that severe heartburn can be a harbinger of what is expected of a large fetus, twins or triplets.

Here, the diet is unlikely to help - most likely, medical assistance will be needed. Usually, doctors prescribe drugs that have an enveloping effect, but are not absorbed through the mucous membrane into the blood and do not change the acid-base balance of the stomach.

Medicines for heartburn during pregnancy

Not all heartburn medications during pregnancy are safe. Even if they advise you as absolutely harmless. Even if they perfectly helped you before pregnancy. Now you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the health of your future baby, so do not self-medicate. If you go to the doctor, he will most likely prescribe something for you. antacids.

These are the most common over-the-counter drugs used for heartburn because they neutralize stomach acid without being absorbed into the blood and harming neither the expectant mother nor the fetus.

Please note that during pregnancy you should not take those that contain sodium bicarbonate - it can cause metabolic alkalosis, cause excessive swelling. But antacids, which contain aluminum, calcium, magnesium, are considered quite safe and effective helpers in the fight against heartburn.

With one caveat: preparations with magnesium better do not use in the 3rd trimester as they can cause premature birth.

And in general, if you feel not very pleasant sensations, think about whether it is worth taking a pill or you could be patient, because it’s better not to abuse any “chemistry” after all.

Heartburn during pregnancy: folk remedies

In the piggy bank of folk wisdom there are many recipes for getting rid of dyspepsia. Immediately make a reservation: the most popular of them - soda- helps only for a short time, besides, it disrupts the acid-base balance. Try drinking herbal chamomile tea or lemon balm. The systematic use of alkaline mineral water also helps.

Nuts, especially almonds, are more effective in preventing heartburn than in treating it. Heartburn seeds do not help everyone, so if you don’t see a positive effect after a few grains, put them aside: they are high in calories.

Crushed eggshells also help - literally at the tip of a knife, 3 times a day. This remedy is especially effective in late pregnancy. Unfortunately, you will have to be patient, because it is unlikely that you will be able to completely get rid of heartburn. But with the birth of a baby, all these problems will disappear by themselves!

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It seems difficult to confuse heartburn with a disease. She is not dangerous. Not everyone understands how to recognize an unpleasant phenomenon. Heartburn is manifested by characteristic symptoms even at 38 and 39 weeks:

  • pain, burning sensation in the chest;
  • the stomach sank from heaviness, it bursts;
  • belching with a lot of acid, but without symptoms of vomiting;
  • lump in the throat;
  • the taste of sour in the mouth torments the woman;
  • flatulence, intestinal discomfort.

Symptoms of heartburn are considered one of the convincing signs of pregnancy when hormonal failure occurs. A rare woman in anticipation of a baby does not meet with a violation. Initially, the phenomenon progresses due to a hormonal surge, then intensifies due to the pressure exerted by the fetus on the mother's diaphragm. Medical care is required, special attention is required in the last months.

Understanding the special situation, the expectant mother must fight with the means of treatment that do not pose a danger to the health of the baby. Every woman chooses exclusively safe products: tablets, gels, herbal infusions. The importance of proper nutrition should not be overlooked.


There is no universal way to fight. No two organisms are exactly alike. A person chooses a method of treatment “for himself”. Find out the cause of heartburn. By eradicating it, it will be possible to remove the symptom.

The feeling of unbearable burning sensation is facilitated by the characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman:

  • There is a process of redistribution of hormones. The progesterone content increases, so muscles with a smooth surface work differently. The change has a positive effect on the body, but there are inconveniences. Acid does not feel obstructed due to the small tone of the sphincter and penetrates into the esophagus.
  • Hormones affect the work of the muscles that move food from the stomach to the intestines. The duration of the digestion process increases. This causes an attack of heartburn.
  • The free space in the abdominal cavity decreases with increasing gestational age, the volume of the uterus becomes larger, the stomach sends acid directly into the esophagus. The amount of gastric juice increases, the result is severe heartburn.
  • Heartburn is explained by the position of the fetus in the mother's body. Active kids stimulate the onset of an attack with jerks. The situation is aggravated by nausea and vomiting.

Help with heartburn in pregnant women

No need to quickly escape with medications in case of occurrence. First, try adjusting your diet:

  • watch the amount of food eaten: small portions in the main meals should alternate with snacks;
  • do not eat fried, smoked, fatty foods, remove everything spicy from the menu;
  • Avoid foods with a sour taste
  • beware of fiber-rich vegetables;
  • say no to coffee and strong tea, confectionery, nuts, black bread.

A future mother, like any person, can use diet food as a preventive measure. This does not mean that you need to reduce the amount or completely abandon your favorite treats.

Vegetables, parsley, cilantro, dill do not allow acid to form. Dried fruits, prunes, dried apricots have similar properties. Give the green light to cereals. Don't forget to drink plain water.

List of foods that cause heartburn: tomatoes, oranges, grapefruit, onions and garlic, radishes and radishes, lamb, vinegar.

Adjusted diet and daily routine are the right, safe and reliable methods to stop heartburn.

The most suitable food for pregnant women will be oatmeal, milk and products made from it that do not cause a threat. Barley, millet and corn porridge are undesirable.

Menu for the expectant mother from heartburn

Breakfast: milk oatmeal with apple, green tea.

In the second breakfast there will be a sandwich with cheese, almonds and prunes.

Lunch: vegetable soup, steamed fish with coleslaw.

Afternoon snack: baked apples, cheesecake.

Dinner: scrambled eggs, steam meatballs, yesterday's bread.

In the evening - kefir. You are allowed to drink at night.

If heartburn attacks are frequent, you need to eat a maximum of 3 hours before bedtime.


Seizures are sometimes associated with the wrong way of life of the expectant mother. You must follow the rules:

  • It is required to avoid passive rest after eating. Food overloads the stomach, a lot of juice will stand out, heartburn will appear. Walk or stand still for twenty minutes.
  • Do not make sharp slopes, especially in the later stages. They cause tension in the abdominal muscles, which contributes to the penetration of juice into the esophagus. The back should be straight, and you will free the stomach from unnecessary burden.
  • Loose-fitting clothes that do not tighten the stomach.
  • Heartburn can be relieved by drinking water or eating a biscuit.

How to help pregnant women:

  • Alginate preparations. The raw materials are brown algae, pepsin, hydrochloric acid. Gaviscon, Laminal, Calcium Alginate helps to alleviate the condition. After taking them, the mucous membrane tightens the esophagus and the surface of the stomach. The action lasts up to four hours. Means are safe, have no contraindications and side effects. They are accepted at 9 months. The only drawback is the high cost and shortage in pharmacy stores. Individual intolerance is allowed.
  • Antacids. These drugs are absorbable and vice versa. The former are not recommended for expectant mothers, as sodium contributes to the accumulation of water in the body. The likelihood of swelling increases dramatically. During pregnancy, it is difficult to get rid of excess fluid. An example is the use of soda as a therapeutic agent.

Preparations that are not absorbed contain aluminum and magnesium. Such a mixture contributes to undesirable consequences: constipation appears, a lack of phosphorus develops, and this has an extremely negative effect on the mental development of the fetus. Magnesium acts in the intestines and causes diarrhea. Examples of funds are Phosphalugel, Gasteron.

Effective combination drug. They are balanced and devoid of side effects, strengthen bone tissue, treat mucous membranes, and can eliminate constipation. Combined drugs include Rennie, Gastal, Almagel Neo, which allow you to extinguish heartburn and cope with its symptoms. The maximum daily dose of Rennie is 11 tablets. They are chewed when an attack occurs. The course of treatment with Gastal does not exceed five days. It is dissolved on a tablet during an attack and after it. Almagel is used before meals, 1-2 tablespoons. Inexpensive analogues are also used.

In addition to medicines, folk recipes prepared at home are also used to get rid of inconvenience. They are no less effective, but much safer. Here are selected recipes.

The medicine is prepared from the following components: heather - 1 tbsp. spoon, water - 500 ml of boiling water. Boil for 2 minutes, then cool, filter. Take a tablespoon before meals. It is permissible to drink in the third trimester.

Pour half a teaspoon of centaury with a glass of boiling water. Insist two hours. Strain the resulting broth and refrigerate and take a tablespoon before meals.

Take 1/3 teaspoon of calamus root powder 15 minutes before meals.

Fennel tea is an effective remedy. You can buy it at a pharmacy or add seeds to regular tea leaves.

Ginger neutralizes heartburn. It will greatly help the body.


  1. Avoid frequent use of antispasmodics. In addition to relieving pain attacks, they reduce the tone of the septum, which prevents acid from entering the esophagus; bouts of burning occur.
  2. Do not use baking soda to stop an attack. Heartburn during pregnancy will disappear. The therapeutic effect will end the action. Later, drinking a soda solution, a person will begin to provoke seizures. Swelling of the legs may develop.
  3. Do not take medication without consulting your doctor. The composition of most drugs includes magnesium, aluminum and calcium. It is easy to overdose when a multivitamin complex is drunk in parallel. The doctor will take into account the spectrum of symptoms and select the required dosage.

The fight against heartburn during pregnancy begins with dietary changes. Take advantage of traditional medicine. If the symptom persists, apply medication as directed by your doctor. Don't worry about the baby. These signs of harm to his health do not represent. Nausea in the mother does not affect the child.

Often the heartburn caused by the expectation of a child disappears after birth. If the attacks progress, sign up for a consultation with a gastroenterologist. The cause is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But serious diseases, such as ulcers, colitis, can be treated with a diet that the patient is forced to follow all his life.

The best prevention of the disease is a cheerful mood, smile, joy, comfortable home conditions. Be healthy future mothers!

Heartburn during pregnancy in the second trimester worries many women. What is the cause of such an unpleasant phenomenon and how to get rid of it? We will talk about this in the presented article.

general information

What is a condition such as heartburn during pregnancy? The second trimester - it is during this period that the mentioned phenomenon worries expectant mothers the most.

Heartburn is a feeling of discomfort and burning in the sternum. As a rule, it extends from the epigastric region (that is, epigastric) to the very top. In rare cases, this condition is accompanied by pain in the neck.

It is generally accepted that heartburn during pregnancy in the second trimester, as well as in other periods, occurs as a result of the action of stomach acid on the mucous membrane. It enters the main digestive organ during gastroesophageal reflux (i.e. passive fluid leakage) or regurgitation (i.e. active fluid leakage). Thus, there is a strong irritation of the mucous membrane, which, in fact, is accompanied by an unpleasant burning sensation in the chest.


Why does heartburn occur during pregnancy in the second trimester? The causes of this phenomenon should be identified only by an experienced doctor. Factors in the development of this condition can be a variety of deviations in the body.

As you know, the human esophagus is protected from the effects of gastric acid through a special valve - the sphincter. It is thanks to him that people with a healthy stomach and digestive system as a whole very rarely suffer from heartburn. However, with the onset of pregnancy, the female body undergoes numerous changes every day. For example, during this period, the tone of human muscle tissues, including the esophagus, changes quite a lot. Under the influence of a hormone such as progesterone, the muscles of the expectant mother are significantly weakened. As a result, the valve, which is a clamp in its normal state, begins to stretch, which entails the passage of stomach acid into the esophagus. This is the main reason why heartburn during pregnancy in the second trimester so often worries future women in labor.

Other factors

It should also be noted that the increase in the uterus and strong intra-abdominal pressure prevent the sphincter of the esophagus from fulfilling its full function. Therefore, heartburn during pregnancy in the second trimester should not worry expectant mothers. Doctors say that because of this you should not panic, since such a phenomenon is a variant of the norm.

It should also be noted that heartburn in women often occurs due to the lack of the necessary amount of time in the esophagus, which is required for the full digestion of food. This is usually due to the fact that due to the increased level of hormones in the body of a pregnant woman, the muscle contractions that are responsible for the promotion of food slow down greatly. Thus, the process of digestion, as well as the breakdown of food, can take much more time than before the conception of the baby. This leads to the fact that women constantly experience heartburn during pregnancy in the second trimester. In addition, this state of affairs often provokes the development of indigestion.

Summing up all of the above, it can be noted that the cause of heartburn in future women in labor is:

  • relaxation of the esophageal sphincter;
  • reducing the amount of time for the process of digestion of food;
  • significant enlargement of the uterus.

Features of heartburn

What can be taken for heartburn during pregnancy in the first, second or third trimester? We will talk about this a little lower.

As you know, this condition in future women in labor most often occurs due to overeating (in 80% of cases). Starting from the 12th week, the fetus is actively growing, which contributes to an increase in the uterus. It is she who gradually presses the stomach to the machines of the abdominal cavity, which immediately affects the rate of splitting and digestion of food.

Many women have no idea about how to eat right during the period of gestation. Most of them continue to eat in the same quantities as before conception, and sometimes much more. Thus, their stomach is overloaded, as a result of which it does not have time to digest food in a timely manner, which leads to heartburn and indigestion.

How to get rid?

What can be taken for heartburn during pregnancy in the second trimester? In some cases, the use of any drugs is inappropriate (for example, when overeating). So that this condition does not bother expectant mothers, you should reduce the amount of food consumed at one time.

It should also be noted that from 5-6 weeks a woman is obliged to change her diet. The volume of breakfasts, lunches and dinners should be reduced, and the frequency of meals should be increased. So a day should sit at the table about 5-6 times.

Heartburn during pregnancy in the second trimester: how to treat?

Few women know how to get rid of such an unpleasant sensation. Although almost every one of them knows that taking a weak solution of table soda allows you to put out the "fire" in the esophagus. However, according to most experts, the use of such a remedy can adversely affect the health of the expectant mother. This is due to the fact that during the combination of soda with gastric contents, the so-called carbon dioxide is formed, which only increases the secretion of juice. As a result, heartburn returns. In addition, the absorption of carbon dioxide into the systemic circulation can easily contribute to the disturbance of the acid-base balance.

So what measures should be taken if the patient is very worried about heartburn during pregnancy in the second trimester? What to drink in this case? With a constant burning sensation in the stomach, doctors recommend using special medications that are not absorbed into the systemic circulation, do not change the acid-base balance, and at the same time act envelopingly.

Most often, in this condition, experts prescribe antacids to women. These are drugs that neutralize the acid of the stomach juice. They are not absorbed into the blood and therefore cannot adversely affect the developing fetus.

Sometimes doctors prescribe to future women in labor the means of another pharmacological group. However, they should be used with extreme caution and strictly according to the instructions.

Permitted drugs for burning sensation in the esophagus

From heartburn during pregnancy at home, you can take the following medications:

It is extremely important to remember that for heartburn during pregnancy at home, only approved drugs should be taken. In this case, you need to consult with your doctor.

Heartburn during pregnancy: folk remedies

With a constant burning sensation in the sternum, many women use folk remedies. This is due to the fact that most of them do not trust traditional medicines.

So, to get rid of heartburn during the period of gestation, we recommend using one of the following tips:

In the event that none of the above methods helped you, then you can improve your condition with germinated green buckwheat (a few small spoons a day).

Does hydrochloric acid affect the fetus?

Now you know what heartburn during pregnancy in the second trimester is. This condition does not affect the child. This is the opinion of most doctors. They argue that the burning sensation during gestation is quite normal. About 89% of all future women in labor suffer from it. Therefore, you should not worry about the negative impact on the baby. Heartburn causes discomfort only to the woman herself. Therefore, to eliminate it, you should definitely consult your doctor.

If folk remedies do not help, then resort to the use of traditional drugs. Although they should not be abused either. As you know, all medicines contain chemical compounds that can adversely affect not only the health of the expectant mother, but also the development of her baby.

The term "heartburn" usually refers to a burning sensation in the chest or throat, usually accompanied by a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. Usually such an unpleasant condition occurs shortly after eating.

At the same time, the duration of an attack of heartburn can vary significantly: the malaise can last from a couple of minutes to several hours. In the latter case, pain sensations come in “wavelike” manner, either subsiding or resuming with renewed vigor.

When carrying a child, heartburn is a fairly common phenomenon, provoked, among other things, by physiological changes in the body and the release of new hormones that are still unusual for the body into the blood. According to statistics, about 80% of expectant mothers experience the described ailments. Most often, women who are in the second trimester of pregnancy suffer from heartburn.

What causes heartburn during pregnancy?

Heartburn during pregnancy occurs due to hormonal changes.

In general, many different factors can provoke heartburn. If we are talking about a patient who is "in position", the root cause of this disease is most likely to be due to the current gestational age.

However, there are several common points that adversely affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract of the expectant mother, regardless of the actual trimester:

  • Change in hormonal background. Actively produced by the body of any pregnant woman, progesterone, designed to relax the muscles of the uterus and prevent its hypertonicity, similarly affects the sphincter, which prevents the contents of the stomach from entering the esophagus. The mentioned body ceases to perform its functions properly, which leads to quite predictable consequences. The sensation of heartburn in this case is a completely natural reaction of nerve endings to the ingestion of "inappropriate" gastric juice into the esophagus.
  • Increased intra-abdominal pressure. In this case, heartburn is also the result of gastric juices entering the esophagus. However, this time the reason for the violation of the efficiency of the sphincters between the organs is their compression. A similar effect occurs in the last trimester of pregnancy as a result of a significant increase in the uterus.
  • Digestive disorders. A change in the level of hormones in the body inevitably affects the work of all organs of the digestive tract. In particular, under the influence of progesterone, the acidity of gastric juices may increase, which in itself can cause discomfort in the sternum. In addition, the process of digestion of food in the body of a pregnant woman requires much more time than it would take if we were talking about a patient who is not “in position”. Thus, eating her usual dishes, the expectant mother almost always dooms herself to indigestion, often accompanied by heartburn.

Under the influence of one or more of the factors described above, a woman bearing a fetus may feel a burning sensation and pain behind the sternum or in the esophagus, as well as find other characteristic signs of the described disease.

In particular, these include sour or bitter belching, profuse salivation, accompanied by a desire to cough, nausea and, finally, bloating. As mentioned above, the manifestation of such symptoms during pregnancy is an absolutely normal phenomenon, although it causes some discomfort.

There will be no particular harm from heartburn either for the expectant mother or for the fetus she is carrying. Therefore, if the signs of this disease appeared in a woman only during pregnancy, she does not have to visit a doctor about this. She can get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of heartburn on her own.

How to treat heartburn in pregnant women?

Heartburn during pregnancy can be caused by malnutrition.

Since heartburn at each individual stage of pregnancy occurs under the influence of a unique set of factors, the choice of appropriate treatment should be guided, first of all, by information about the current trimester of gestation.

So, for example, at an early stage, expectant mothers usually suffer from the described disease due to non-compliance with the elementary nutrition culture.

At the same time, in the third trimester, heartburn occurs solely due to the “unfortunate” location of the fetus in the uterus.

It is clear that to fight the manifestations of these two fundamentally different types of disease with the same methods would be, at least, not effective. How exactly it is worth treating heartburn at one stage or another of gestation is described in detail below.

Treatment of heartburn in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy

With heartburn in pregnant women, you need to consume more dairy products.

The main cause of indigestion and, as a result, heartburn in early pregnancy, is an improperly selected diet.

Excessively spicy and fatty foods, an excess of fried foods, and the lack of an elementary eating schedule will almost certainly lead to a burning sensation in the esophagus, gradually turning into a nausea-vomiting syndrome. How to deal with it?

Practice shows that in order to get rid of heartburn that occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is usually enough for a future mother to start adhering to some simple rules governing food intake. So, for a woman bearing a fetus, it will be useful:

  • switch to fractional nutrition;
  • review your diet, opting for lean meats, dairy products and fresh vegetables;
  • learn new methods of cooking your favorite, but not very healthy dishes using a double boiler;
  • completely abandon the "harmful" like carbonated drinks, sweet mineral water or coffee;
  • get rid of the habit of drinking food that is dangerous for the stomach, replacing it with thorough chewing of food.

With the onset of the second trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother should continue to adhere to these simple rules. Among other things, she will have to forget about overeating. The fact is that, as the child grows in her womb, a woman may feel the desire to gradually increase the amount of food she eats.

However, this feeling is deceptive and even dangerous. After all, the larger the fetus becomes, the more intrauterine pressure “jumps” and, accordingly, digestion slows down. Of course, all of the above does not mean that a pregnant woman should go on a strict diet and generally restrict herself in every possible way in food. An acceptable way out of the situation would be to switch to more frequent, but with reduced portions of food, meals.

Treatment of heartburn in the third trimester of pregnancy

In the third trimester of pregnancy, you need to follow a special diet.

In the later stages of pregnancy, heartburn is usually the result of an improper breech presentation (buttocks down) of the fetus.

This happens if a woman is expecting several children at once, or when the only child is too large.

In both cases described, the fully formed baby's head presses on the mother's diaphragm, causing the latter discomfort in the sternum or even pain.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of this kind of heartburn until the child is born. But it is quite possible to significantly alleviate the attacks of the disease by observing the diet already discussed earlier and the elementary regimen of the day.

In addition, there are several additional "secrets", the knowledge of which will help to reduce the frequency of exacerbations of heartburn to a minimum. The essence of all the methods described below is to, if possible, reduce pressure on the internal organs of a pregnant woman:

  1. Shortly before giving birth, a woman should completely update her wardrobe. So, the clothes of the expectant mother should be free, not restricting movement and not tightening. Correct posture and well-chosen body position during rest and sleep will help reduce the outflow of gastric juice into the esophagus. For example, before lying down in bed, a pregnant woman should place several pillows under her head and shoulders so that her upper body remains elevated.
  2. Dieting is the best prevention of heartburn. Fractional nutrition in small portions throughout pregnancy with a high degree of probability will help to completely avoid this disease. If it is difficult for the expectant mother to follow a strict diet, at least one rule she should still remember - any food less than three hours before going to bed is taboo! The digestive process in pregnant women generally proceeds with some complications, therefore it is strictly forbidden to complicate it even more with an afternoon rest!

If the expectant mother feels an urgent need to lie down soon after eating, this must be done in a strictly defined way. So, it is believed that sleeping on the left side with bent knees and a pillow inserted between them does not have such a negative effect on the digestion process as “lying” rest in any other poses.

Some foods, such as papaya, have a calming effect on the stomach and, therefore, can be excellent tools to combat heartburn.

At the same time, other foods, such as muffins, animal fats, as well as sour fruits and berries, only cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the said organ, by stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid, so it is better to completely refuse to use it.

About Medication for Heartburn During Pregnancy

Maalox is a heartburn remedy for pregnant women.

Manifestations of heartburn in late pregnancy can be weakened with the help of special medications. The following is a sample list of medications that may be used in these situations.

However, it should be understood that, despite the proven safety of these drugs for pregnant women, the expectant mother should consult with her doctor before taking them.

Usually, doctors try to prescribe homeopathic remedies to their patients. In cases where such treatment of heartburn is ineffective, pregnant women are prescribed antacid group drugs:

  • Almagel - a means to reduce acidity in the stomach (long-acting);
  • Maalox is a fast-acting drug with an adsorbing and enveloping effect that lasts for several hours;
  • Rennie is a gastroprotective drug that effectively neutralizes hydrochloric acid due to its unique composition;
  • Gaviscon - tablets that, when interacting with gastric juice, form a special gel that has analgesic and gastroprotective effects.

Can pregnant women use folk remedies for the treatment of heartburn?

Potato juice is a useful folk remedy for heartburn.

It is believed that folk remedies for any disease (including heartburn) are safer for expectant mothers than any kind of medicine.

Nevertheless, they should be used with caution, focusing on the reactions of your own body, because in each case the effect will be absolutely individual!

So, what proven remedies did our grandmothers use to relieve heartburn during pregnancy? The most popular folk methods of dealing with pain and burning in the esophagus are:

  1. baking soda dissolved in water;
  2. fresh potato juice;
  3. kissels from non-acidic berries;
  4. fresh milk (ideally with a few drops of fennel oil);
  5. crushed eggshell (only from boiled eggs!);
  6. seeds (regular sunflower or pumpkin);
  7. ginger or chamomile tea;
  8. coal powder dissolved in water;
  9. infusions of heather and centaury;
  10. alkaline mineral waters.

How to get rid of heartburn, tell the thematic video:

A touching period of 9 months is filled with the most magical moments of waiting. And the closer the term of childbirth, the more long-awaited the moment of the birth of a little man. However, this time is one of the most difficult for a woman, because many have a feeling of heartburn during pregnancy in the third trimester. Questions about how to get rid of malaise excite every expectant mother.

Expecting a baby is not a disease, but a special condition of the female body, which requires attention and a separate approach in case of health problems. That is why a pregnant woman should be especially sensitive to her body and in no case self-medicate without first consulting a doctor.

Especially when it comes to such an ailment as heartburn, characterized by unpleasant sensations of heat and burning in the chest area, as well as in the larynx. Before looking for a cure, the expectant mother should know about the causes of the disease.

Where does the burning come from

First of all, heartburn appears due to the ingestion of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus, as a result of which sensitive walls are irritated, and a feeling of heat and burning occurs. Unpleasant symptoms can cause significant discomfort, as well as be accompanied by belching and a feeling of nausea.

There can be several causes of discomfort, including:

  1. diseases of the digestive system;
  2. unhealthy diet and lifestyle;
  3. taking medications;
  4. being overweight.

Methods of struggle depending on the reasons

Health status

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract disrupt the natural functioning of an important organ system - the digestive tract.

Among the diseases that cause a feeling of heartburn, the following can be noted:

  • gastritis in a chronic form;
  • diseases of the duodenum and gallbladder, which are inflammatory in nature, and the consequences of surgical operations on these organs;
  • hernia in the abdominal cavity;
  • disorders in the work of the lower esophageal sphincter.

To cope with heartburn in this case is possible only by treating the listed ailments.


The most common cause is eating the wrong foods that irritate the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially true for pregnant women, a significant proportion of whom note changes in their taste preferences. Some are drawn to sweets, others to salty or spicy foods, and others go crazy from the smell of fresh bread.

As a result, erratic eating leads to the fact that heartburn during pregnancy in the third trimester manifests itself with enviable constancy.

In order to overcome discomfort, it is necessary to draw up the right menu that will provide the mother and the future baby with everything necessary. You should completely eliminate or at least minimize the use of the following products:

  • fatty and hard to digest food;
  • spicy food, pickles and marinades;
  • plenty of coffee and tea;
  • sweets with fat cream, pastries and chocolate;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • citruses.

Expectant mothers should leave the habit of eating on the go, they need to monitor portion sizes.

Important! The states of anxiety and anxiety that often accompany women in position can also cause heartburn. Positive emotions are useful not only for the baby, but also for the mother's digestive tract.

Medical preparations

The use of drugs by pregnant women is usually minimized, but the female body during this period is so individual and unpredictable that even popular vitamins for girls in position can cause a reaction in the form of excruciating heartburn.

The issue is easily resolved by monitoring your well-being and selecting suitable pills that do not provoke a feeling of heat in the chest area and discomfort in the esophagus.

Excess weight

The presence of extra pounds is inevitable for almost any pregnant woman. This is due not only to the growth of the fetus itself, but also to a more measured rhythm of life, the appearance of edema. If the previously considered reasons depended on the woman, and the fight against heartburn was only in her hands, then in the last version she could not overcome the disease in any way.

After all, heartburn in the third trimester of pregnancy in women is caused precisely by their “interesting position”. The enlarged uterus creates additional intra-abdominal pressure, resulting in more frequent reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. This phenomenon is enhanced by the presence of extra pounds and toxicosis.

In this case, the following means will help to slightly alleviate the condition of the expectant mother:

  • a glass of warm milk;
  • fresh apple;
  • a teaspoon of vegetable oil;
  • decoctions of yarrow, fennel, chamomile and mint.

If folk remedies did not help in the fight against discomfort, drugs will come to the rescue, the use of which is allowed in the prenatal period, for example, "Gestid", produced in the form of chewable tablets.

Important! Any drug, even if the instructions allow its use during pregnancy, is prohibited to use without prior consultation with a specialist.

The information discussed above will help expectant mothers avoid heartburn in early pregnancy and minimize discomfort in the last trimester before childbirth. Recommendations on nutrition and the need to control your well-being will help a woman in position to enjoy the magical time of waiting for a baby.

Almost every girl with the onset of pregnancy has to deal with such a common phenomenon as heartburn. Moreover, if in the early stages it does not always make itself felt, then in the later stages it manifests itself in full force. Such a condition, in principle, does not harm the fetus or the expectant mother, however, is associated with tangible discomfort. Therefore, it is worth understanding the causes of heartburn and, most importantly, ways to get rid of it.

The main causes of heartburn in pregnant women

Symptoms of heartburn can be encountered at various times.. In the first weeks of pregnancy, it occurs as a result of an unstable hormonal background, and in the future it mainly becomes the result of various addictions and habits of a woman.

Heartburn during pregnancy in the second trimester is usually still mild, but with the onset of the third, its symptoms make themselves felt very often and intensely. This is due to an increase in the size of the baby, which puts pressure on the stomach, as well as on other internal organs. The greatest intensity of burning is observed if the girl bears several babies at once or the fetus is very large.

In addition to the influence of the child, the following factors can provoke discomfort in the epigastric region:

An increase in the hormone progesterone also has an effect on the formation of heartburn, due to which muscle tone decreases. As a result, there is a reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus, the passage of food through the digestive tract slows down, and the process of its splitting takes more time.

How does heartburn manifest during pregnancy in the third trimester?

In the last stages, the symptoms of acid dyspepsia are more pronounced than in the first and second trimesters. The most common of them can be called:

These signs appear in every pregnant woman with varying degrees of severity, and a feeling of discomfort in the epigastric region can last from five minutes to several hours.

Recommendations for getting rid of acid dyspepsia during pregnancy

In order to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman during heartburn attacks, it is necessary to understand the nature of her diet. In the daily diet of the expectant mother there should be no products that can provoke a burning sensation in the esophagus. These include fried, salty, smoked and fatty foods.

You should not consume a large amount of food at a time. You should eat slowly and in small portions with a frequency of up to seven times a day. Taking a glass of plain water before a meal will ensure that the body is quickly satiated, which will last for a long period. Do not drink liquid immediately after a meal. This should take at least an hour.

A cup of chamomile tea will help relieve an attack of dyspepsia. The use of milk, fiber-rich plant foods, cereal cereals, boiled or baked poultry and fish can have a positive effect. Red meat in the diet is better to limit as much as possible or completely eliminate. Dinner should be no later than three hours before bedtime. With a strong feeling of hunger, you can eat an apple or drink a mug of kefir.

A rather important aspect in eliminating the described problem is maintaining correct posture, which is often especially difficult in the last trimester of pregnancy. When the body position is violated, the fetus presses harder on the stomach, causing acid to be released into the esophagus. And keep your back straight. not only during the daytime, but also at night, keeping the head up.

Methods of treatment

Medicines for heartburn during pregnancy

In the last stages of pregnancy, relieve an attack acid dyspepsia will help the following drugs:

The best effect from the use of these drugs occurs when several of them are combined. They are intended mainly to reduce the acidity of gastric juice without changing the acid-base balance. In addition, a positive aspect their application is the enveloping of the gastric mucosa, which protects its walls from the formation of erosion.

But it is always worth remembering that the intake of any medications, especially pregnant women, should be monitored by a competent doctor. Self-medication in this case is strictly contraindicated and can harm not only the woman, but also her baby.

Traditional medicine for acid dyspepsia

If there is no desire to use medications to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of heartburn, you can use the following effective methods offered by traditional healers:

From the first day, as a pregnant woman finds out about her situation, she must carry out prophylaxis without fail to help prevent the formation of heartburn in the future.

Compliance with just a few preventive measures will significantly improve the well-being of a pregnant woman, reducing the likelihood of attacks of acid dyspepsia. Worth remembering that in itself the described condition does not pose a danger to the life and health of the fetus, but is only an unpleasant companion for many expectant mothers. And right after birth there will be no trace of his annoying symptoms.

Alternative methods of treatment in pregnant women help to improve the well-being of the expectant mother without harm to her baby. According to statistics, about 80% of pregnant women suffer from heartburn. How to choose the most effective and at the same time gentle means to combat this disease?

Table of contents:

Causes of heartburn in pregnant women

It is an inflammatory process of the mucous membranes in the lower esophageal region.

Doctors identify the following reasons that can provoke the development of this disease in expectant mothers:

  1. An increase in the size of the uterus, it leads to increased pressure on nearby organs.
  2. An increase in the acidity of the gastric secretion.
  3. Intensive production, leading to a weakening of the muscles of the internal organs, including the sphincter, localized between the esophagus and stomach.

note: In most cases, problems with heartburn go away by themselves in the third trimester, due to the prolapse of the abdomen and a decrease in the production of the hormone progesterone!

Despite the fact that, according to most doctors, heartburn when carrying a baby does not require any special treatment, this ailment can cause a lot of discomfort and discomfort to the expectant mother! In order to alleviate her condition without resorting to medical assistance, the patient can use extremely safe and time-tested folk remedies!

Folk remedies for heartburn during pregnancy

Unconventional methods of treating heartburn in pregnant women should be used when the following unpleasant clinical symptoms appear in the expectant mother:

Important! The symptoms listed above can also occur in other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if any alarming symptoms occur, the expectant mother should seek professional advice from a qualified specialist!

Popular traditional medicine recipes

The use of any medications for a woman awaiting the birth of a baby is highly discouraged. To alleviate the general condition and eliminate the painful symptoms characteristic of heartburn, a pregnant woman can use safe folk remedies.

We present to your attention some of the most effective and popular recipes from the traditional medicine box:

Emergency remedies of traditional medicine

In the event that the most gentle methods of dealing with heartburn at home did not have the desired effect, you can try more effective methods. You should not use them systematically during pregnancy, but in case of an acute attack, they will come in handy for the expectant mother.

In acute manifestations, it is necessary to put a pinch of salt under the tongue. In the process of swallowing salted saliva, special enzyme substances are released that can neutralize hydrochloric acid, which eliminates heartburn.

note: it is contraindicated for pregnant women to consume salt in large quantities, so this method can be used only in exceptional cases!

soda solution- an effective and strong remedy for heartburn, it helps to stop an attack in the shortest possible time. For such purposes, it is necessary to dilute 1 tsp. soda in warm water and drink the resulting solution. Use this remedy with extreme caution, since soda can provoke puffiness, as well as an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! Before using any, even the most harmless at first glance, folk recipes, the expectant mother is strongly recommended to consult with her doctor!

Potato therapy for heartburn

Potato starch is characterized by the presence of pronounced enveloping properties, and therefore potatoes have long been used as a means to combat heartburn. Preparing potato medicine is extremely simple. You need to peel a large potato, chop it on a coarse grater, and then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Take the drug should be 2 tablespoons, about half an hour before meals.

note: Only freshly squeezed potato juice has healing properties!

To achieve extremely favorable, stable results, traditional medicine recommends future mothers to take the following course of potato therapy:

  • For 10 days, every morning start with a glass of freshly squeezed potato juice, which is taken half an hour before breakfast.
  • Take a break of 10 days, then repeat the treatment course.

The optimal duration of therapy against heartburn with potato juice while waiting for a baby is about 2 months!

Juniper for heartburn

Juniper traditional medicine is considered an effective and popular remedy for dealing with heartburn. Inhalation of juniper essential oil added to an aromatic lamp will help stop the attack.

In the chronic form of the disease, purchase juniper seeds. Start the therapeutic course by chewing three seeds throughout the day. Every day increase the dosage by one seed. After a week, begin to reduce the number of juniper seeds, also by one seed per day. If necessary, the therapeutic course can be repeated.

Diet against heartburn for expectant mothers

In order for the fight against the manifestations of heartburn to be successful, pregnant women need to combine folk methods with the following dietary principles:

  1. Limit fatty, spicy, acidic and fried foods in your daily diet as much as possible.
  2. Refrain from eating sweets, confectionery and bakery products.
  3. Drink two glasses of freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice daily.
  4. Stick to a fractional diet: eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions.
  5. Skip the late dinner. The last meal should be no later than 2-3 hours before going to bed.
  6. Refrain from drinking carbonated, tea, coffee drinks.

Products for heartburn

Nutritionists identify a number of foods that prevent the formation of acids.

Expectant mothers suffering from heartburn should definitely include the following foods in their daily diet:

But from the use of lamb, tomatoes, chocolate, hard cheeses, onions, garlic, mustard, smoked meats and citrus fruits, you will have to temporarily refrain, as they can provoke heartburn!

note: by adjusting your diet and adhering to the principles of dietary nutrition, you will not only get rid of heartburn, but also improve your overall health, which is extremely beneficial for the unborn baby!


With manifestations of heartburn, the expectant mother may well use the following recipes, which are based on medicinal herbs:

note: a good therapeutic effect in the fight against heartburn is given by such medicinal herbs as dill, St. John's wort, buckwheat and plantain. Decoctions of these plants can be drunk daily, instead of the usual tea!

In order for folk remedies to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy to be as effective and effective as possible, expectant mothers need to follow the following simple recommendations:

  1. Wear loose clothing so as not to pinch your abdomen.
  2. on a raised pillow.
  3. Do not bend over or lie down immediately after eating, in order to avoid possible food entering the esophagus.
  4. Avoid stressful situations and psycho-emotional upheavals, as nervous disorders can cause an attack of heartburn.
  5. Avoid overeating and gaining excess weight.
  6. Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly.
  7. Lead an active lifestyle with daily physical activity.

Alternative methods of treating heartburn in pregnant women are based on the use of infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, as well as adherence to the principles of a healthy diet. Maintaining an active lifestyle, normal sleep, giving up bad habits and plentiful food will help get rid of the manifestations characteristic of heartburn, improve the general well-being of the expectant mother, and also benefit her baby!