What status can be put in classmates. New statuses for classmates. The best statuses for Odnoklassniki about vacation

Light sympathy, an eagerly awaited date, a hint of something more, nostalgia for the past - all display specially created cool statuses for classmates, and phrases to them only complement the ease of communication. After all, this is an age group of people of the same period in which youth flowed or is flowing at this moment, feelings are born, and not necessarily mutual. Together you can laugh at past pranks, recall past experiences over trifles, and outline your current credo. And it’s not a dispute and a round table meeting that will help to accomplish this act, but the heading “cool statuses for classmates”.

It is unlikely that you will want to solve international problems and quote the classics when communicating with classmates, although this is not forbidden. To do this, there are official events in office centers or specially organized debates of political scientists. The best period of life - school youth - is distinguished by ease of communication, when almost every interlocutor becomes your friend in a minute, because it unites a common interest and the same status in society. And the social network is no exception.

Properly using cool statuses for classmates, you can tell a lot in an ironic tone about yourself, your hobbies, and friends. Why ironic? Yes, because there is enough seriousness in life, and humor is always in demand, especially in youth society. Jokes, anecdotes, cartoons - everything is accepted with a bang, and the mood from this only rises. I want to be original and hooligan, setting myself in this communication group cool statuses for classmates, funny, perky, but, most importantly, new every day. And the site helps a lot in this site, where you can dig out an icon-reflection of your current state, one hundred percent hitting the top ten.

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do not give your soul like a book, otherwise they will tear it

I see no reason to regret the past. It didn't take pity on me...

Life chooses the best friends.

Love is worthy of the one who does not give up, who is always ready to fight for it !!!

Life brings surprises, happy is the one who endures them!

People who love each other will be together not because they forgot all the mistakes, but because they were able to forgive them.

In our age, having sex is a trifle that does not oblige you to anything, and giving flowers is a serious act, which not everyone can decide on.

Love is when they throw dirty boots and cacti at you and pour ice water from the balconies on you, the cat whispered sadly.

Most often it happens that after giving the key to her heart to her lover, a woman changes the lock every day.

Man, isn't your Jaguar standing in front of the entrance to the club? - My. - Am I drunk?)

New love has nothing to do with old love, love is always new.

A person will be able to understand what he really is only when they begin to accept him, the way he is.

May your eyes always shine from love and affection!

To offend a woman is so simple and easy. Just a word or a careless gesture. But better let her reach the clouds. And it can also be done in one word ...

Love and gentleness are the main weapons of the gentle sex. It is known that in the Universe there is no power greater than the power of Love. This energy can change anything. Therefore, the most loving can be called the strongest.

And my man will definitely be with me. They all come back - sooner or later.

His thoughts smelled of vanilla and orange peel, and his world was filled with beautiful rhyming words. And he knew for sure that love was about to touch his heart.

Happiness is where love is, and the fewer words, the stronger the feelings will be.

The past is not clothes, it cannot be bought, and it is difficult to throw it away.


Everything has changed: the look and the looks. And, may we be in a thousand networks, God grant us that we are glad. Always love your children. I know true happiness. I know what matters most. Oh my God! From all misfortunes, keep my child!

When the heart of a man and a woman is overflowing with love, one more heart-heart of a child is needed ...

Law of Nature: Everything beautiful is very dangerous! Oh, I wonder why they're afraid of me!)))

You say I'm your dream, but that doesn't mean I'm going to come true.

Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to go to the edge of the abyss and pluck it.

Under the same sky... in the same city... we break each other's hearts with a smile...

You can call me your girlfriend. I will call you My little world.

Don't hug anyone. Not everything is good that comes easily.

Now I'm with you forever... Kiss you hard, YOUR PAIN!!!

If your mind and your heart are in constant motion, then why are you worried about it? After all, only those who have stopped making mistakes and stopped loving can bury themselves alive.

First you took the whole world away from me and replaced it with yourself, and then you took yourself away...

For the sake of some people, sometimes ready to go for broke ...

Often when we fall in love, we forget about our friends. It doesn't need to be done. True friends help us to understand who we really are, and we especially need them in moments of joy and sorrow.

Men walk not because they are males and bastards, but because ALL WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL

The sky drops your name with drops, your name whispers the music of rain... Only the sky, only the rain understands how my heart misses you...

If you want someone to stay in your life - never be indifferent to him ...

Try to become the most important reason to live in someone's spring!!!

The World Health Organization recognized love as a mental disorder and assigned it the international code F63.9. But, perhaps, this is the only disease that everyone needs to get sick :)

It is better to work with love than to make love with difficulty.

Men who appreciate their woman, but do not notice everyone else, do not exist.

As long as a butterfly can fly, it doesn't matter how worn out its wings are...

In search of the best, you can skip the present, which is probably the best (((

New statuses for classmates
I came home today, I’m crying just inconsolably ... they left me ..., poured a glass of wine, sat down in front of the mirror, looked at my reflection - NO, I DID NOT LEFT ME, I LOST ...)))

They say the power is on the side of the one who doesn’t give a damn… How I wish that this power was on my side…

And I am happy. But, I'm only happy when I have some hope. Hope for love, for the fulfillment of my desires. For reciprocity. Then all the signs of falling in love are on the face: the eyes shine, the heart beats faster ...


The child is the truth of love.

She was beautiful… The trail of her perfume made me follow her! He fell in love... BUT then she opened her mouth!

Life is a flower ... And love is nectar ... All on courses to the bees)))

A bachelor is a person who has a table and a sofa, and the history of the sofa is much richer))))

I don't know myself without you. Without you it's all the same without myself. I can't imagine myself without you. So save yourself for me!!!

We cannot do great things - but only small things with great love.

How did it all start? ... How was it? ... Everything is simple - plus to minus and sparkling ...

Do not stir up the ashes of the past... otherwise it will circle in the light air, getting into my eyes... calling for my tears...

I am like the ocean - she loves to swim in it, but she is afraid to swim far ...

Locking up feelings means dooming yourself to misfortune!

Do not chase happiness: it is always in yourself. A man is happy when his soul becomes good. It is impossible to be happy alone: ​​happiness is a matter of two.

What a woman says to a loving man is written in the wind and fast flowing water.

I don't need words to tell you that you are all I want...

Friendship between a man and a woman does not honor a man and deprives a woman of honor.

Fate once told us: I found you, I tied you up! Do not expect my other gifts! What is holy save yourself !!!

I miss you, I miss you, I miss you... But I won't call you. The logic is missing, but so true.

While hearts are beating - fight for your life to the end !!!

If you have good intentions, you get just wonderful things.

The most interesting thing about him was my sympathy. Now so, nothing special, the same as everyone else ...

Eyes saw boobs of the fifth size, my head was spinning, my heart was pounding, it became cramped in my trousers ... And only the wallet trembled with fear and hid ...

Only for you my love, only about you I see dreams! And every time, again and again, I say: - I need you!

Invite me to a Japanese restaurant and I'll be your geisha for a while...

Don't give up. Happiness is in the hands, krivorukov.

A bird may love a fish, but where can they live?

Who needs teary eyes now? A crumpled soul? A fake smile? Broken heart? No one is going to fix this...

There is no better monument to a father on earth than his son.

The most unbearable torments inflict the prolongation of the most intense pleasures.

New statuses for classmates
I love expensive cars, nice shoes, silk underwear, headbands, cute dogs and kittens... Come on, I love everything. Just not to love you...

I can’t understand with whom it’s better - who do you love with your soul or who do you love with your body?

People are like windows. Some are closed, others are open. Some have transparent glass, others are curtained. Some are forever broken, others reflect bright lights

Previously, for me, YOU and I were the meaning of life, but now it's just a combination of letters !!!

A man in love seeks peace, not war. Nothing irritates a man like an aggressive woman.

Treat yourself ... And the rest will definitely treat you ...)))

Delete me everywhere - I'll still dream ...

To condemn people is not for sincere feelings, but for insincerity towards relatives and friends ...

Do not shout at the one you love, you will not win with a cry of love, you will only receive hatred.

You know, my love for you is the size of a sparrow's tear... It may not seem enough to you, but don't forget that sparrows die when they cry...

To see the truth is possible only with the heart; essence is that which is invisible to the eye.

We all live in deep hiding of our true desires. And only cats have the courage to live for their own pleasure.

You can't please everyone and not be a hypocrite.

When you can’t influence something, influence what you can influence.

I'm fine. I have nothing to please you.

Don't spoil what you have by wanting what you don't have!!!

The world is certainly small, but this does not mean that you need to crush each other.

He who feeds the hungry feeds his own soul.

In our turbulent age, the ability to enjoy every moment of life for many, alas, has become an unaffordable luxury.

Sometimes, it is better to leave those habits that you are already used to than to change to worse ones.

New statuses for classmates

People! Do not betray those who are drowning in your eyes and ready to give their lives for them.

How tired of this Internet and contact! If they were suddenly gone, life would become much simpler and more varied. Even if this post gets 10500 likes, no one will try to change their fate.

Life is tricky! As soon as you collect all the trump cards from the deck, she will decide to play chess with you.

Life is one continuous paradox. Before 30, you strive to show that you are already an adult, and after 30, you are young.

Best Status:
All life is a theater, and we are the actors in it, only spectators in heaven.

Those who say that I am wasting my life for nothing are infuriating. But I live, and you lead an existence.

It's terrible when you go to bed, you need to come up with a reason to wake up.

As soon as I want to move mountains, someone immediately wants to break my neck.

In order not to fall into the mud, try not to play with time, which is sand, with life, which is water, and with words, which are wind.

You can't turn back time to change your start, but it's not too late to try to change your finish.

It's never too late to learn something.

It is foolish to complain about life, it might not exist.

Indifference makes a woman nervous, and care makes her affectionate. Every man has what he deserves.

Men who do not forgive women for their little flaws will never enjoy their great virtues.

Truly great is the man who has mastered his time!

If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first!

In autumn, more than ever, we need a person who would warm us with his presence. Inside and outside…

You can’t - first kill, then whisper: I didn’t do it on purpose. You can’t betray all the time, then pray: I’ll fix it - for sure. You can not come back to pretend that everything remains as before. After all, life does not stand still. You always have to pay for everything...

I love dark chocolate, white snow and red roses - these three colors have so much taste, happiness and aroma!

Looking for a prince! You can not on a white horse ... You can on a gray donkey ... The main thing is to believe in a fairy tale, like me!

The one who illuminates the lives of others will never be left without light himself.

Because of you, my reality is better than my dreams.

But ... there are kilometers between us. There is something between us, and that's good.

Only the one who gave him the most happiness can cause the most terrible pain to a person.

They don’t remember their beloved girl - they think about her all the time!

You are not mine, not with me ... I would give everything to hear your voice again, my angel ...

If we broke up, this does not mean that we will not get married!

Happiness and Life have no price. For everything else, there are Visa cards.

A woman rarely forgives a man jealousy, and never forgives the absence of jealousy.

Life is a game. Everyone plays it, but not everyone wins, because the prize is death ...

It is better to be someone in this life than not to have you in this life.

She lived in other laws from distant worlds... She wrote her own life, but took other people's sheets...

Fate is fate, but the choice is yours!

She dreams of disappearing into the starry sky, She dreams of becoming free, like a summer evening...

And a man should also leave beautifully, as well as come ... That is, forever ...

A woman's heart is like a deep ocean full of secrets...

Kiss me! .. kiss me with warm lips and a cold cheek when it snows, snow on my hair, on your eyelashes ... And then kiss me ...

People come into my life ... People leave it ... And I just turn up the music in my headphones ...

I believe that a girl has the right to do whatever she wants. As long as it tastes good.

The smell of coffee and the cafe at night... it's lonely in my soul. I’ll put out my cigarette, for the hundredth time ... it’s like I swore to quit myself ...

Star I... Queen I... Angel I... But YOU are nobody for me!!!

There is not a single man in the world who is able to be satisfied for a long time only with the soul of a woman.

Don't judge us guys. We were kind once ... You remember what you did with the first one. Which became a bitch ...

She is snowy - not sweet, not tender. She breathes frivolously, and not believing. Bitter poison she keeps in sweetness. Him - "hello" in pride. Never sleeps at night. Strange ... Strict, probably beautiful. Eternal. Not enough breaths. Suffocating. She writes that she is happy

Somewhere deep inside me lives a tall and slender, athletic girl. But I always cover her mouth with chocolate cake so that she doesn’t get smart.

According to statistics, the doors of all the respondents are tightly closed in their hearts. There is such a habit among the abandoned: not to trust any of the people.

With brown eyes, a kind heart, a complex character and childish whims, she loves only those who are worthy ...

All great stories have great female roles.

A woman should look so smart that her stupidity will be a pleasant surprise.

Happiness is not a life without worries and sorrows, happiness is a state of mind.

Of all the paths leading to a woman's heart, pity is the shortest.

And only after losing me, you realized that you only need me! And why is that?! Why can't you just love? But it's too late to change...

It's good when it's beautiful. Well, when the words are not empty. When the dreams are colorful, the jokes are funny, the wind is soft, the memories are pleasant. It's good when there is a secret that excites interest. When the lips are soft, and the touch is gentle, when it's nice. When there is a future and it smells of vanilla and caramel.

And I probably will never grow up ... And no matter how much they deceive me, and offend me, I will still believe people ... I will still dream, and look at the world with naive eyes ...

A woman is a mystery, a woman is a fairy tale… A small world created in spring. New life and magic paint in the spectrum of fate composed by you.

In life, with age, you begin to understand the power of a person who constantly thinks. This is a huge force, conquering. Everything perishes: youth, charm, passions - everything ages and collapses. The thought does not perish and the person who carries it through life is beautiful ...

Any girl becomes chic when she has a man with her who knows how to light her eyes and brighten her life.

Elusive. Barely touching with fingers. Unbutton your shirt. Here it is, the heart. It's mine now. Do you hear? My…

Perhaps you will say: a simple accident, but even the smallest accident is carefully thought out by someone there, in heaven.

I am a girl of the generation of black and white photographs, glossy magazines and delicious smells ... A girl of the generation of smart books, well-groomed hands and beautiful phrases ... A girl of the “NO! or yes ... ”I listen to what I love, I act as I want ...

I love caring, loving, responsible and reliable men!!! I love fantasy in general!

There is a beautiful thing about music - when it hits you, you don't feel pain.

I want to understand who I am. Who am I without all these masks and simulated feelings, without all the forced smiles and sweet chatter at the moment when you really want to fall into the abyss. I just want to understand who I really am. Who am I without all this falseness.

The hardest thing in life is to figure out which bridge to cross and which one to burn.

Freedom is when you can leave, but stay.

Why do we leave, leave men? We don't just leave for no reason! We do not abandon the caring, strong and gentle. We do not abandon the cheerful, rebellious, faithful and loving us ... The figure and color of your eyes are not important to us! We are moving away from those who are tyrants and weaklings, infantile, boring, stupid, foolish. We leave when we have fallen out of love and bored when you cheat on us indifferently! We don't just leave for no reason. We never abandon worthy men!

All life is a game, play it with dignity. And if you lose, don't cry and don't run! After all, it’s useless everything in the wild: fear and sadness and everything that will be ahead ...

Alas, happiness is given to us for a short time.

Don't go back to the past, it will never be the way you remember it anyway

Love is like cigarettes... To light a cigarette, you need to light it... When you smoke, you get pleasure... And when it ends, you will trample on it and forget... Only ashes remain: both on the floor and in the soul...

During life, people lose a lot: love, virginity, teeth, favorite toys and all this hurts, but the most painful thing is to lose people who loved you and have been with you since childhood. This pain will never go away in your heart.

What am I dreaming about? Yes, just live ... Breathe, love and know that I am loved! And appreciate every moment ... Because our life is unique!

If they want to throw you off the pedestal, then you have already achieved something!

I so want to go where the sea and heat ... And no worries !!! Sit in the summer by the sea, watch the sunset and think about good things ...

Let's cross out the past. Ahead is an awesome beautiful future.

Happiness is like health: when you do not notice it, it means that it is there.

My conscience is clear because I never use it...

Statuses are beautiful phrases - Well, here I am - and I fell in love again! And again, it seems, in itself ...

It is magnificent when a cold mind is combined with a warm heart in a person.

Sometimes it is better to leave, defiantly slamming the door, than to play the role of a doorman who does not dare to enter or exit ...

Love without respect does not go far and does not rise high: it is an angel with one wing.

You don't have to be important, it's important to be needed...

She wants to become kinder, but she stings as she breathes ... she wants freedom, but she has no idea what to do with this freedom ... she wants to forget the past, but she flips through the pages of old diaries with bated breath ...

Beautiful new statuses - For those who love, like for birds, not only a nest is necessary, but also the sky.

I just want to be happy… Rarely encounter trouble! I just want to be loved... Not to be alone... I just want not to shed tears... from the sorrow of heavy losses... I just want to hold roses... And feel their fragrance!

You say: "Time is running out." Madmen. This is what you are going through.

Every night, thoughts of you, like a starfall, fall in clusters and burn in the darkness, leaving only a burning trace of sadness.

You can doubt everything, but the conditions of life will not change because of this.

I don’t know what I like about you, I don’t know what I love about you, but the wind of your lips touches ... and I envy him ...

You know, I want to open my eyes one day and understand that you don’t just mean something to me, but you mean everything to me ...

A real victory is when at your feet is a man who recently swore allegiance to another woman.

I don't need someone who will serenades and confess his love all day long. I need only one who will accept me for who I am ...

Too often this happens: a declaration of love breaks out of the tongue, but all that remains is to say: “You are a great couple” ...

Best Status:
I never experienced enthusiasm for this life - I just took from it what I needed.

Eyes - like two flickering fires, and lips - ice and fire ... Will he ever love me?

A man puts an end to any dispute, and his last words: “That's right, ma'am!”

I love people who are crazy about me - their tastes can be trusted ...

If they ask me: “Where are our knights?”, I give an honest answer: “They perform feats for true princesses.”

This is not so important at all - my harmfulness, recklessness ... Gaiety, bordering on inadequacy. The character is difficult, but real. And I love with all my heart.

Let him suffer: I just broke up with a cheating lover, and he forever lost the woman who truly loved him.

I always worry very much when a friend does not pick up the phone, suddenly she was kidnapped and raped. I am not here, I am out.

I want a guy! With a car! Maybe without a boyfriend!

I am a girl of mystery. I can spoil your whole life.

If a guy wants to text you, he'll text you. If you want to call, call. He does not do this not because he is busy, but simply because he does not need you. If a guy wants to be with a girl, he will be with her. And if not, then forget it and move on...

Every man is next to the woman he deserves... so if you were traded for a fool, don't be upset...

Serious girls are like serious sites. Registration required for more features

He has a mind and a cool personality! I have stockings, a lace bra! He is ready to take a risk and there is strength in his eyes! I have breasts... That's it, I won!!!

He says we are friends. I'm talking about this too. But, the 6th attempt to get me into bed is clearly not friendship.

“- You are very beautiful, gentle, kind ... And your eyes! What eyes! Who will you get this? I want to be with you all my life!

“Women are undeniably smarter than men. There is hardly a woman who would be crazy about a man just because of his beautiful legs”

It's always like this with girls: you pester - impudent, you don't pester - you moron!

Only a girl can put her mobile phone on silent mode so as not to be distracting, and then check every 15 minutes if an SMS has arrived ...

A Real Woman has three ages: Youth, Second Youth and Eternal Youth!!!

I never know what I want...but I won't rest until I get it...:-)

I love people with good taste. For example, those who like me!

a unique feeling - to be someone's happiness ...

A man should say only 3 words to a woman: love, buy, let's go!

I'm not a bitch, but just a person with a complex character. I'm not a rude woman, but I can say too much ... I don't believe in miracles, but I'm waiting for them .. every day and every minute ...

Today I am in a very useful mood - you can send me alone to the war ... I will smash everyone!

Today was just a wonderful morning. Extremely magical, bright and inspiring. And then I woke up.

A woman needs only one thing to be happy, but every day a new one!

You're a guy, you get to act. I'm a girl, I have to fuck

A woman should belong to the man who will solve all the problems, and not create new ones.

I'm a girl and that means I'm beautiful!

The blonde thought... her hair was turning black...

A woman is pleased when she is compared to a cat. Tell a woman this and she will immediately present herself as an independent, graceful and free predator. And not at all a primitive, hairy, hysterical pissing in the corners.

Who is the head of the family, each woman decides in her own way.

I'm not a princess - but for some it's just a gift.

Sometimes I'm charming... I'm disgusting... I'm bitter... I'm sweet... I can be hysterical... I can be calm... After all, I'm a woman, this is typical of me...!

I am difficult to dress, easy to excite and impossible to drive away..

There is a riddle in my eyes, You see yourself like a mirror in them, Although sometimes life is not at all sweet, But I only become stronger in it ...

You can fall in love with a girl, you can love a girl, but for a girl to love, you need to earn it ...

I went to the store for a bag, but I liked the boots, and I bought a blouse ...

Take your time until you realize that I am alone, and there is no more dear to me ... When you go through a hundred roads of fate, but you cannot go to the one hundred and first without me ...

I am a girl with whom it is difficult, but without which it is a hundred times more difficult. Containing good and evil. In the family of which Cats, Lions and Snakes. I am a girl who knows how to wait and hates waiting. Giving you a man's become. Reward-I and I-punishment!!!

I'm not harmful... I'm useful. It all depends on the dosage...

This time I’ll ask the Snow Maiden for a gift ... she’s me, as a woman should understand a woman!

I'm not a bitch, but just a person with a complex character. I'm not a rude woman, but I can say too much ... I don't believe in miracles, but I'm waiting for them. Every day and every minute...

“Daughter, move away from the mirror.”

Guys even say about ex-girlfriends: “Mine!!!”. And girls about ex-boyfriends: “Former!”

I bought us two chocolate bars - myself and me

While doing makeup in front of the mirror this morning, she fainted five times from her beauty.

I don't give a fuck what you think of me, but my grandma says I'm the sunshine.

To be born a woman is not a great merit ... it is much more important to be a woman ... not one that is for easy leisure ... but one that cannot be forgotten!

Why are accountants mostly women? - Because there is nothing to hang them for..

Women are divided into 2 types: “good” and “ideal”. The good ones have a big F, a small P, and they hold X well in their hands ... where Zh is a living space, P is a need, X is a household. And here's what you thought - it's "perfect"!

While some are waiting for fate to put a prince in their bed, I have been sleeping with the king for a long time.

It is difficult to achieve balance with a woman, a woman is made up of all the nuances...

Stats about myself - I don't know my worth - I never mentioned it!

10 kg of chocolate is a lethal dose for humans. If I decide to kill myself, that's how I'll die

So beautiful. Inaccessible. Smiling, but sad at heart. Happy and in love. Lonely in life. No, not abandoned. Just undefined. There is always someone on the phone with whom it seems possible, but not hunting ...

Every woman should: destroy a house, cut down a tree and raise a daughter!

No persistence. Or I'm hysterical. Or in the clouds. Airborne!!!)

Women are good to disgrace! And also during the ugliness and after the ugliness!

Bitchiness is not a gift, but the immunity of a beautiful woman!!!

I'm not a coward - I just know that it will end in an ass

A woman, perhaps, has not yet created a single great invention, but she has created all the great inventors.

I love not blindly, but squinting with happiness ...

Girls don't think at first, and then they think, why didn't they think when they should have thought?

Tell me I can't and I will.

I decided not to eat after six ... I'll go and drink borscht !!!

Looking at your boyfriend's ex-girlfriends, you understand that he has a good sense of humor))

Men are surprisingly illogical: they repeat that all women are the same, and constantly change one for another.

No matter how many good things are said about me, I always have something to add.

I love good words when they are all about me!

The fate of women is not easy, there is no answer to two paradoxes: there is no man in life, that is, there is no man, but there is no life

My character is not the best, but my butt is cool.

Girls for the sake of love are even ready to make love, and guys in order to make love are even ready to love ...

It is very easy to drive a girl crazy: let her smell the cologne of a young man who is not indifferent to her

I'm not smarter than you - you're just dumber

Who is proud??? Am I proud??? No ... we, queens, are simple women!

The man said, the man did. The woman said, the man did. The woman did - well, what can I say

it's you, weak nerves

Just think, she sobbed for a long time, sitting on the tiled floor with a glass of cognac and a crystal ashtray in front of her ... After all, she left beautifully, with her head held high.

One day your friend, seeing me, will say: - Wait, that girl over there, your ex?? - Yes. - Well, you're an asshole!

He just kisses so much that you want to lie down and go crazy

All women are like women, and I am the Queen! And even though I'm not at all a model height, My character is sometimes not for the faint of heart, But still I have so much chic and gloss! All women are like women, and I am Super Bitch!

Never ask me why I love you, because if you think about it, then there is nothing to love you for!

A good man and a good woman will never be together, because a good man does not offer twice, and a good woman does not agree the first time.

The only man I will run after is the one who will shout to me “Maa-aam, catch up with me!”

God created a woman ... looked and said ... "Yes, crap ... put on makeup."

How a woman wants love! At first she tells herself that she loves; then she convinces herself that she is loved; and then inspires all this to his beloved.

Reminder for women: "Never argue with a man - immediately cry." Reminder for men: "Never argue with a woman - kiss right away"

You came up and asked me for my phone number? - I gave it. You wanted me to be your girlfriend? - I became her! Wanted to leave? - We broke up ... Do you want to make peace ?! - That's it, dear, your three wishes come true, free!

Girls are always late - the guy has already fallen in love, the girl does not notice yet - the guy already loves, the girl has just started to fall in love - the guy has already stopped loving, and the girl has just realized that she loves!

I will call you Boeing. Because you are my 747.

I don't have a bad temper

I want a boyfriend, love, romance… But my husband won't let me?

Blondes are not stupid, but cute; brunettes are not bitches, but strong; brown-haired women are not strange, but unusual!

If a guy treats a girl like a princess, then he was raised by a queen...

DEDICATED TO SELF-CONFIDENT MARES who write that, if necessary, they will take my boyfriend away without make-up and in a tracksuit.

sometimes I pretend to be normal, but it gets boring and I become myself again.

The most beautiful makeup of a woman is her passion.

No matter how happy a woman is married, she always notices with pleasure that there are men in the world who would like to see her unmarried.

A girl is like a child in a kindergarten, you won’t pick it up in time, she will run away to play in another sandbox ...

Women who catch the eye never throw themselves on the neck ...

I have me. We'll manage.

A well-bred and decent girl will never call first! ... but SMS-kami and the dead will get it!

I'm nice, I don't have a boyfriend, and I also like you, and I like to hint!

Good, sometimes harmful, selfish, capricious, sweet, maybe a bitch at times, I change over the years, cheerful, friends with those who are friends, I hate lies and lies, I always achieve my goal ... I don’t touch anyone, but if you touch me I’m not responsible for myself.

All women are the same - each is unique.

What I want to write about! I'm not asking for bad advice! I'm not an angel and I'm not a cheat, I'm just a Harmful Devil! Don't like it - move on! No offer of intimacy!

A woman who everyone considers cold has simply not yet met a man who would awaken love in her.

Women have amazing intuition. They notice everything but the obvious.

No matter how happy a woman is married, she always notices with pleasure that there are men in the world who would like to see her unmarried.

You did not notice that when a guy and a girl quarrel, then in contact they begin to correspond with the help of statuses ...

It is very important for a woman how a man treats her. A woman first falls in love with herself, and only then with a man.

A woman wants to first go to restaurants in order to understand whether it is worth having a relationship with a man. And the man wants to have a relationship rather, in order to understand whether it is worth taking her to restaurants ...

Give a woman unlimited freedom and she will immediately limit yours.

Delete file “love it”? – Yes – are you sure? – Yes – The file is in use. Please, first stop loving, then delete ...

Here is life! Before 30 you prove that you are already an adult, after 30 - that you are still young ...

A nightmare sometimes appears in a dream, cleaner than the appearance of a mother-in-law; suddenly the prince rides on a horse, and my eyebrows are not plucked

Women, remember, we are responsible for those who were once tamed, dragged, drunk, accused, betrothed and now we are suffering

I am your bad mood.

I'm good, I don't have a boyfriend, and I also like you and I like to hint!

It is impossible to give a woman too many flowers, as a child - too many toys.

Nothing adorns a woman like a well-chosen man.

Don't push the girl into a corner. She will cry at night, think during the day, and YOU will look for the corner...

I'm not jealous. I guard my happiness...

I love you every second, minute, hour, day and night, week, month, year and century. We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart.

Do not lose the worthy, for the sake of the available!

Turn on the computer and that's it... the end of all my grandiose plans for the day!

Life is short, and you need to spend it only on one, real relationship, with the person you love and who loves you, because if there is love, then it cannot just pass away, which means that if there is love, then with always be that person, no matter what happens.

Beautiful statuses for classmates - I want to be with you until the last breath ... both in joy and when you feel bad.

To hell with pink glasses - they don't suit me, to hell with the past - it prevents me from being in the present ... To hell with everything that was - I'm happy! ..

I want to go where there are stars, where there is a sea of ​​jubilant joy and aching delight...

Give each other warmth and smiles. Forgive insults, other people's mistakes. A smile is powerful and worth the reward. Just a smile and you will be happy.

She forgets the keys in the morning and, returning for them, she always looks at herself in the mirror, because she believes in omens. She eats a lot of apples but is in love with oranges. She always smiles, but sometimes she hates everyone. She believes in the future but lives in the past

There are things more important than bars and clubs. There are feelings. smiles. And loving lips.

Happiness is the moment when a wave of love, inspiration and goosebumps rises in you. This is it... real...

Lifestyle... If music, then an alternative... If you love, then... with all your heart... If you dissolve, then... without a trace... If you leave, then... beautifully in English... If it's morning, then... in tender embraces... If crying, then... from happiness... If it's day time, then... night... If you live, then... brightly... If you feel , then ... sincerity ... If a look, then ... beloved eyes ... If you walk, then ... by the hand ... If you hope, then ONLY FOR YOURSELF ...

The photos on the hard drive constantly remind me of a past life where everything was different...

And then I found out that clouds are not soft, you can’t touch the sky with your hand, toys don’t come to life at night, sand cakes are not edible, and there are only 2 princes left on earth. And my life collapsed...

It's strange... I don't think about you anymore, but my dreams still want us to be together!

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it can be so annoying to others that it's worth a try.

We love to dress beautifully, they love to undress beautifully, we love strength and firmness in them, they love fragility and tenderness in us, we know how to kill with a look, they - with a word ...

Sometimes it hurts so much that it is impossible to breathe, then the pain dulls and it becomes easier, but then you forget everything, but pain still remains in the heart ...

Love also has an autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of a loved one will know it.

Finding wealth, we lose conscience. Finding a woman, we lose our minds. When we find truth, we lose faith. Finding power, we lose honor. And only having lost everything - we find freedom!

The first snow is amazing! First, you wait for it for a long, long time, and then you watch with delight how snowflakes wrap the world in a white veil

The modern world is so arranged that we get up with the Internet and fall asleep with it. Millions of users surf the Internet around the clock every day. Communication flows like a river, people get to know each other, and then, perhaps, they meet. And how to convey your mood or understand what it is like now with friends? We are here to help in this best statuses for classmates. Which only they do not exist, for any mood, any state of mind. They are suitable for pranksters and philosophers, playboys and couch potatoes.

If the seeds are sent - by Russian mail -, then you can get a bush.

Leave - Stay alone. You will howl quietly into the cold. This is apparently the price of love for someone else's husband.

The main rule of the first step: -DO NOT RIDE!-

I will give 20 kg of excess weight in good hands - Well, be people! Take at least for a while!

Men, don't leave your kids. The highest stupidity is to create a masterpiece, and then refuse authorship.

It's good where there is no me- But it's okay, I'll get there too!

The bee, having stuck its sting, does not understand that it has disappeared - that's how fools, letting poison, do not know what they are doing.

I tell myself that I'm calm. I'm so calm already that I'm starting to get nervous because I'm calm.

Do I run in the morning??? CERTAINLY! In addition, with cries of bl * d, I overslept !!!

If you have no problems, then you are dead.

I'll probably never get married, because sleeping diagonally, alone is fucking awesome.

Not only did the neighbor celebrate his birthday until four in the morning - today at seven in the morning it turned out that some pid @ race gave him a drill!

No foreign language could master me!

What do you like more - women or wine? - It all depends on the year of manufacture -

Men be careful: scratches from one woman on the back can easily turn into scratches on the face from another.

Fuck smart stuff. I'm supposed to do stupid things because of my age.

Someday I will write in the status of “happy”, I will drop a few photos of my son and will never come here again.

Remember, all people come into your life for a reason - Some bring us happiness, while others bring experience and a tempered character -

I really care what you live and how you breathe. You take care of yourself there. Take care, do you hear?

Monday. 09.00. 67 friends on the site. So everyone is at work. Well done!

Are you saying I'm stupid, little girl? Of course!!! A wise, adult woman would not look at you.

Self-esteem is everything! How will you be, who will you be and with whom. Even for how long.

A man takes care of a woman for about a year, and a woman takes care of a man for the rest of his life -

Sometimes you really want to express everything that has accumulated in your soul - And then you look at a person and think: “Okay, live.”

When you cry, having heard the last call, you understand - CHILDHOOD IS GONE!!! And in your heart you still feel like a girl

There are no impregnable women - there are indecisive attacks)))

The unwillingness to understand that a person can look at the world differently, from the point of view of his worldview - gives rise to claims that sooner or later will destroy any relationship -

The problem is, you still need it.

I know you still love him, but you'll tell your friends again that you don't give a fuck.

Letting go gets easier each time. There are no more children's tears and tantrums. If you don't like it, leave. And don't come back.

A man, in order to drag a woman into bed, can do the most incredible things. But only a woman who has firmly decided to get married can surpass him!

You consider it a problem that there is no right person nearby, but remember the expression - "no person - no problems." And if there is a problem, then such a person exists!

Such an awkward moment when you meet someone for the second time in a day and do not understand whether you need to say hello again.

It was raining heavily in the morning, I didn't go to the institute. If it hadn't rained, I wouldn't have gone to the institute for some other reason.

OH: will you cook food for me until death do us part???

SHE: if I cook food for you, then death will separate us very soon-

Expensive! I have two news for you - good and bad. Let's start with the bad! I spent all your money! And the good one: I even like the beggars!

Husbands leave good wives, thinking that the other will be better, but they don’t leave bad wives at all, because they are afraid that they will get worse! :)))

No need to climb into my life without an invitation! The righteous are not welcome here, but the sinners will get bored- I'm just happy!

Don't be afraid to live. Life is too short to spend it on fears and doubts -

You know, I live very well without this “only”, “forever”, “I won’t give it to anyone”!

The coolest thing is to hear from that person who really likes: Well, will we meet tomorrow?))))