How to develop a child's speech from birth? Games, tasks and exercises for the development of speech. Part 1 Course development of speech in 1 year

The formation and development of speech in children is especially active up to 3 years. Closer to 1 year, all parents are looking forward to the baby saying the first word, then speaking in sentences, learning to clearly express their desires, reasoning, asking questions. Mom, dad and other relatives are able to help the baby in the development of speech, speed up the process of its formation and compensate for possible violations. To solve this problem, homework, properly organized communication and, of course, attention to the needs and individual characteristics of the child are necessary.

How speech is formed in young children

The development of speech in a child occurs in stages, because the baby will have to acquire so much knowledge and skills: learn to make sounds, remember the meanings of words, understand the logic of constructing sentences. Consider the features of the formation of communication skills at different ages.

From 0 to 6 months. The first attempts to communicate with the outside world the baby makes immediately after birth. From birth to 2 months, the only form of communication available to the child is crying. So the baby lets mom know that he is hungry, tired or wants to sleep, feels uncomfortable. From 2-3 months there is a cooing. The child learns to pronounce the first vowels and consonants: “a”, “y”, “s”, “g”. And now the parents rejoice at the first “aha”. The baby tries to control his voice intonations, listens to the speech addressed to him. At 3-6 months, the baby reacts to sounds, turns his head towards their source. In the same period, the child begins to babble, learns his name. Parents may notice that the baby cries differently when tired, hungry or sleepy.

From 6 months to 1 year. At this stage of speech development, the first syllables appear. Usually, at the age of about six months, a child reproduces combinations of the sounds "ba" and "ma" - they are the easiest to pronounce. He often repeats syllables, and by 7-9 months he learns to combine them with each other. By the year, onomatopoeia appears. The kid tries to repeat the sounds from the speech of adults, responds to his name. Already at this age, he understands what the word "no" means.

From 1 year to 1.5 years. From 12-13 months, the development of speech in children is at an increasingly active pace. The long-awaited first words from two identical syllables appear: “mom”, “dad”, “uncle”, “woman”. The kid listens more and more attentively to the speech of an adult, tries to combine syllables in a new way, imitating the way parents speak. At this age, the child understands requests and instructions: “sit down”, “take it”, “go”, etc. The baby uses sounds and gestures to attract attention, is interested in books.

From 1.5 to 2 years. At this stage of speech development, the vocabulary is constantly expanding, the baby remembers and repeats simple words. He can already answer a simple question with words or gestures. For example, it shows where the toy is, says the name of this or that object. Closer to 2 years, the vocabulary already includes from 20 to 50 lexemes. Most children at this age love when adults read to them and look at pictures in books with interest.

From 2 to 3 years. At 2 years old, the child’s speech becomes more and more meaningful, the first sentences appear: “Give it!”, “Where is mom?”, “Kitty is here.” The baby gradually learns to express his thoughts more and more clearly. The kid begins to use prepositions, pronouns, adjectives in his speech. He understands and follows fairly complex instructions that include several sequential actions: “Take the blue car from the nursery and take it to dad in the living room.” Closer to 3 years, the child speaks up to 150-200 words.

After 3 years. At this stage of speech development, simple sentences of three or more words appear. The child knows the names of the primary colors and definitions of size (large-small, tall-low). He can repeat familiar stories, hum his favorite tunes. At the age of 3, the period of early childhood comes to an end, and the baby can already express his desires quite clearly, ask questions, and be able to talk about something. The vocabulary becomes so large that it is already difficult for parents to calculate how many words it contains. At the same time, even after 3 years, children may have slight difficulties with the pronunciation of some hissing and whistling sounds.

What affects the development of speech

Individual physiological features. For the formation of speech, it is important that the baby's hearing organs, certain centers in the brain, and the nervous system function correctly. Healthy physical and mental development is a necessary condition for mastering communication skills in terms that are considered the age norm. The course of pregnancy and childbirth can have a great influence on physiological characteristics.

social environment. For the harmonious development of the child, a full-fledged speech environment is necessary from an early age. When a baby grows up in a supportive environment, the development of communication skills occurs naturally, often even without the additional efforts of parents. Their task is to make the baby feel comfortable in the family circle, feel the love and support of loved ones.

Other factors. The pace of speech development in a child can be influenced by stress, illness, a multilingual environment (usually for such babies several languages ​​​​at once become native, but they begin to speak later than their peers).

Sensory Stimuli and Early Language Development

In the first years of life, children perceive information about the outside world through hearing, sight, taste, and touch. In infancy, cognition is carried out precisely through sensory channels. The kid listens to sounds, pulls objects into his mouth to study their taste and shape, twirls toys in his hands, examines bright objects. For the early development of speech in children under one year old, it is important to help them get as much information as possible about the world around them. This can be done with the help of sensory stimuli.

Hearing. For the development of speech, it is necessary that the baby is well able to perceive information by ear. Let the baby listen to a variety of sounds: birds singing on the balcony, street noise, you can introduce him to classical music or children's songs. And most importantly, the baby should hear the sounds of his native speech.

Vision. The kid does not immediately know how to focus his eyesight and keep his attention on objects. From about 3 months, colored and/or moving objects, such as balloons, may already attract his attention. The baby pays special attention to the faces of people, gradually he begins to recognize his parents. To interest the child, you can hang bright toys above the crib, stick printed colorful pictures on the opposite wall.

Touch. A baby can learn so much about an object simply through tactile sensations. For the development of this sensory channel, massage and gymnastics, games with cereals and objects of various shapes are useful. It is good if the child has balls, cubes, rattles from various materials. Funny and especially useful for the development of speech, finger games will also help the baby to explore the world around him through touch.

Taste. From 4-6 months, the baby's diet expands, and many discoveries await him. Add dishes of different tastes and textures to its menu (according to age, of course). Let the child learn the difference between sweet, sour, bitter, salty. With the appearance of teeth, you can introduce your baby to solid foods: dryers, baby cookies, pieces of fruit.

The importance of communication with the child for the development of speech

What is the most important for the development of speech, what should be given special attention? These questions are asked by many parents. The answer is simple: during early childhood, all a child needs is adult attention, daily communication and support. No matter how the baby develops, no matter what articulation exercises and speech therapy techniques caring mom and dad use, the most important thing is to talk with the baby. Communication should be not only during classes, but also constantly, every minute of being together with a child. The addressed speech of adults is a powerful stimulus for the development of the baby. Talk to him about everything, voicing your actions. Usually, mom does it easily: she simply accompanies feeding, bathing, dressing, laying down with comments. It is important to show the child the surrounding objects and name them. When the baby begins to coo and babble, you need to respond to the sounds he makes, as if maintaining a conversation. As speech develops, it becomes easier and easier to communicate with a child on a variety of topics, but it is also necessary to talk with him at an early age.

Speech development methods

Speaking situations. We have already said that for the development of speech, every action must be accompanied by words. It is useful to pronounce situations during games, viewing pictures, getting ready for a walk, etc. You don’t need to specifically choose a topic for conversation, just voice what is happening. Let's give an example of how this can happen when dressing a baby. “We will now go for a walk on the site, we need to get dressed. Where is the sweatshirt? There she is. And these are pants. Now we will put them on: first on the right leg, now on the left. Show me where the pockets are. Well done. And who is drawn on the blouse? This is a kitten. Let's go put on shoes, etc.

Finger games. The peculiarity of such games for the development of speech is that an adult not only bends the baby's fingers or performs other actions with his hands, but also tells a poem, a nursery rhyme at the same time. In a playful way, the child learns to perceive speech by ear, memorizes words and sounds, which he will then try to repeat. You can start classes with a baby with games familiar to everyone: “There is a horned goat”, “Forty-white-sided”. Another option is to learn the names of fingers by bending them.

Looking at pictures. To develop speech, you can show your child cards and books for the smallest with colorful pictures. A good option is drawings with animals already seen at home or on the street. You can tell what sounds they can make. The kid will try to imitate them: the next time he sees a cat or dog, he can say "meow" or "woof-woof" himself. Such classes are useful both for the development of speech, and for getting to know the outside world as a whole.

Games for the development of phonemic hearing. Words are made up of meaningful units called phonemes. Words with different meanings can consist of the same phonemes: “nose” and “sleep”, “jar” and “boar”. Phonemic hearing allows you to distinguish them from each other and understand them correctly. To develop this ability, you can play the following games with your baby.

  • Guess the instrument. If there are several different musical instruments at home, even toys, you can invite the child to guess what mom or dad is playing. The kid will quickly learn to distinguish how the piano, guitar, drum, harmonica sounds.
  • As the animals say. Prepare pictures of animals familiar to the child. Invite the child to show how a cat, cow, dog “talks”. Then you can ask to reproduce the sounds that their cubs make: how a kitten meows, a calf lows, a puppy yelps, etc.
  • Repeat after me. This game for the development of speech involves an adult tapping out a simple rhythm or making a certain sound that the child must repeat. When he masters this game, you can change. Let the baby make sounds, and parents reproduce them.
  • Learn by voice. This game requires at least 3 adults (the more the better). The child is placed with his back to them so that he does not see who is speaking. Then one of the players says the name of the baby, and he must guess who called him.
Logopedic classes. They can be carried out both with a specialist and at home. Exercises for the development of speech and language mobility should be selected by a speech therapist. If parents deal with the crumbs on their own, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations exactly. During the exercise, the baby should be fun and interesting. To do this, classes are held in the form of a game. It should be borne in mind that it is difficult for a child to hold attention for more than 5 minutes. Keep the exercises short, but done every day.

Articulation gymnastics for the development of speech in babies

The main task of such gymnastics is to form the child's skills in the correct pronunciation of sounds. The proposed exercises help to train the articulatory apparatus. Skills are fixed gradually, and success depends on the regularity of classes. For 1 time, you should not offer the baby more than a couple of exercises. It is important to first show the child what exactly needs to be done, it will be easier for him to repeat after an adult than to understand the instructions.
  • "We open the gate." The child opens his mouth wide and remains in this position for several minutes.
  • "Show me the fence." The kid closes the teeth of the upper and lower rows, smiles broadly so that they can be seen.
  • "Brushing our teeth." The baby opens its mouth wide and tries to run its tongue first along the inner and then along the outer surface of the teeth.
  • "Artist". This is a more difficult exercise for the development of speech. The child needs to draw any shapes in the upper palate with the tip of the tongue. And then hold the tongue, as if with a brush: “paint over” the entire sky.
A few generalized recommendations on how to develop speech in a child will help parents who want their baby to speak as soon as possible, constantly expand their vocabulary and learn to build detailed sentences.
  • React to the sounds that the baby makes, imitate babbling and cooing.
  • Repeat nursery rhymes, short rhythmic rhymes.
  • Teach your child the names of objects, the names of relatives.
  • Read aloud every day, such as before bed.
  • Draw your baby's attention to various objects that make sounds (animals and birds, vehicles, household appliances, etc.).
  • Encourage your child when he initiates communication, learns new words.
  • Maintain eye contact with your baby while talking.
  • Describe in detail to the child what he sees, hears, feels.
  • Include audio fairy tales and children's songs for your baby.
  • Make sure that the speech addressed to the little interlocutor is competent, clear and expressive. Choose words that the child understands, use not too complicated sentences.
  • As the baby grows older, replace onomatopoeia and simplified words in his speech with correct ones. Up to a year, a baby can say “am-am” instead of “eat”, “meow” instead of “cat”, “tu-tu” instead of “train”. For the correct development of speech in the future, it is desirable to accompany the form uttered by the child with a generally accepted word each time. For example, the baby saw a cat, points at it with a finger and says “meow!”. Mom can add: "Yes, this cat ran."
  • Tactfully correct mistakes in the baby's speech, do not scold or shame him - this discourages communication.
  • When talking about situations, use a narrative style instead of a descriptive one (“Look, this is a dog, she is carrying a stick to her owner, this is how she plays” instead of “There is a dog”).
  • Replace the child's simple phrases with full sentences, this helps to enrich the speech. If the baby says: “Let me drink,” you can comment: “Do you want to drink water.”
  • Teach your child to follow simple instructions. In a playful way, ask him to complete simple tasks consisting of several actions: "Find a bear, pick it up, bring it to me."
  • Give your child simple instructions (for example, take a candy wrapper to the trash can), thank you for your help.
  • Play role-playing games with your baby as much as possible - they contribute well to the development of speech abilities and communication skills.
  • Show that you are listening carefully to the baby: nod, ask questions, smile.
  • Tell your child what you think about, how you reason and plan.
  • Use visual material for speech development: cards, posters, toys.
  • Ask your child various questions, stimulate him to think.
  • In the evening, discuss with the baby how the day went, remember the most interesting things together.
  • Praise your child even for minor progress in mastering their native language.

What can slow down the development of speech

Overprotective parenting. Excessive guardianship of the child and anticipation of all his desires can slow down many processes in the development of speech. If the parents immediately give the baby what he wants, one has only to show with a gesture or cry, he does not have a need for a clear expression of thoughts. Why work hard when mom and dad will do everything anyway? Motivation plays a very important role in the formation of speech, so you should not immediately rush to the aid of a one and a half year old or two year old baby before he tries to ask for it in words.

Too low or too high requirements. Some parents do nothing to talk the child and do not motivate him to communicate, others force him to constantly repeat words and sounds. And sometimes in the same family there are both extremes: mom takes care of the baby, and dad demands that he learn to ask for what he wants. This adversely affects the development of speech. The balance between the formation of the need for communication and excessive demands is important.

Incorrect speech of adults. Sometimes parents and especially grandmothers get too carried away in imitating children's language, using only simplified forms of words (“am-am”, “bow-wow”, “bee-bee”, etc.) in communicating with the baby. It is important not to forget that the speech of an adult is a model for a child. If he does not hear the correct forms of words, then he will not remember them. Some parents speak too quickly, indistinctly, without pauses and intonation. Such speech is simply difficult for a baby to understand. Adults should try to use all the diversity and richness of their native language.

Intelligent overload. Early development has become a trend in recent years, and many parents are in a hurry to teach their baby to speak, recite poems by heart and even read. Overwork from long sessions, constant memorization of words and texts can have the opposite effect: the formation of speech will slow down.

When to see a doctor

If you have any concerns about the pace of your child's learning of their native language, first of all, consult with a pediatrician. If necessary, he will refer you to specialized specialists: a neurologist, an otolaryngologist, a speech therapist. If violations or a lag in the development of speech are detected, doctors will develop a plan for further action. The following signs may indicate that the baby needs to be shown to specialists.
  • At 1.5-2 years old, the child does not pronounce understandable short words (“mom”, “dad”, “give”), speaks only in his own language.
  • At 2.5 years old, the baby did not have speech or his vocabulary does not exceed 10 words.
  • At 3 years old, the child rearranges or skips syllables in words (“button” instead of “button”, “patochki” instead of “slippers”).
  • Speech stutters appeared at any age (the child repeats the first syllables of words).
Developing a baby's speech is not as difficult as it might seem. Constant communication with the child, entertaining games, reading books - all this is not at all difficult to include in the daily routine. A little patience and systematic practice can give great results. If problems with speech development have already appeared, the specialist will tell you how to help the baby master his native language.


In order to learn to think and speak, one must be able to look and see, listen and hear, that is, process and comprehend information received from the surrounding world. Without well-developed attention and memory, imitative activity is impossible, and it is precisely this that underlies the teaching of speech.

A baby from one to three years old needs activities with educational toys, so that he learns to distinguish objects by size, color, shape. It is important to constantly involve the child in communication, giving the simplest speech samples to repeat: interjections (ah, oh), onomatopoeia (beep, meow) simplified words (boom, lala).

As soon as the first onomatopoeia and simplified words appear, it is necessary to carry out voice development games (singing of individual vowel sounds or onomatopoeia in a voice of different strength and height).

After all, if a child has a weak exhalation, then his voice will be quiet, and many sounds will not be able to be pronounced.

In a non-speaking baby, the movements of the lips and tongue are not developed enough, in such cases it is necessary to do speech therapy massage and passive articulation gymnastics, as well as hand massage and passive and then active finger gymnastics.

The brain of a child is a very mobile system. The speech zones of the cerebral cortex that are not used in time can eventually “switch” to perform other functions. And this means that after three years it will be extremely difficult or even impossible to teach a baby.


Speech is made up of active and passive vocabulary. It is necessary to lay the foundation for speech - to accumulate a large enough passive vocabulary in order to make it possible to move to an active dictionary (independent speech). Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to teach the child to understand speech.

You need to learn to speak not only in special classes, but also in everyday life, during everyday communication. To do this, the baby is asked questions that at first the adult has to answer himself. So, the mother makes the bed for the baby and says: “Where will Vanya go now? To the crib. Sleep". If at first the baby said “Bye-bye”, then after a while he will begin to answer this question “Pat” (“Sleep”). Thus, onomatopoeia and babbling words will be gradually forced out of speech.

You need to talk with a small child only about those objects that attract his attention at this moment, or about the actions that he performs. For example, when bathing a baby, it makes no sense to talk about toys, it is better to pay attention to a washcloth, soap and a towel.

The kid, carried away by the game, will begin to repeat the proposed sound complexes and simplified words after you. And no matter what quality these first words will be, it is important that they finally sound. Praise the child and rejoice with him.


Cube and brick (from 1 year old)

Take two cubes (with a side of at least 4 cm) and two bricks (with sides of at least 1 x 4 x 5 cm) of the same color.

Show the kid the cubes, name them and demonstrate how you can build a house (put one cube on top of another). Similarly, teach your child to lay out a path from bricks (put one brick after another).

During the game, constantly repeat the names of the building material, saying: “This is a cube. Let's put a cube on a cube", "This is a brick. Let's put brick by brick."

Now put a cube and a brick in front of the child and ask: “Where is the cube?”, “Where is the brick?” And then ask: “Give me a cube (or brick)!”


? The game helps the child develop the ability to distinguish objects by name and shape, teaches the child to perform the simplest buildings according to the model given by adults.

Assignments (from 1 year)

Take 5-8 toys that the baby constantly plays with.

Ask the child to give you toys (objects) whose names the baby knows well, or put the toys (objects) in their place; open or close the door to the room, etc.

Calling the names of loved ones, ask the child to bring them a toy or bring an adult here.


? With the help of the game, the child will develop an understanding of speech (without showing) - the names of several objects, actions, the names of others, the execution of individual assignments.

It is forbidden! (from 1 year old)

Seeing the undesirable actions of the child, contact him and, calling the baby by name, strictly say: “No!” At the same time, you do not need to name the action itself or the objects taken by the child (for example, you do not need to say: “Do not touch!” or “Put the cup!”), And also take them from the hands of the baby.


? The game develops in the child an understanding of the word “no”, the ability to obey the prohibition of an adult.

Familiar things (from 1 year 3 months)

Use toys that the baby constantly plays with; household items. During games, feeding and hygienic care of the child, name the objects and toys used by the baby (car, ball, towel, soap, watch, etc.).

Place four objects (toys) in front of the child and ask them to show each of them. At the same time, ask the child questions: “Where ...?”

Arrange the same objects in front of the baby in a different order and again give the task to show each of the named objects.


? The game helps to expand the stock of words understood by the child, denoting household items, toys.

My clothes (from 1 year 3 months)

When getting ready for a walk, dressing after sleep, name the baby's clothing items (shirt, shorts, tights, T-shirt, etc.).

Lay out 4 pieces of clothing in front of the child and ask them to show each of them. At the same time, ask the baby questions: “Where ...?”

Arrange these items in front of the baby in a different order and again give the task to show each of the named items.


? The task of the game is to expand the child's stock of understood words on the topic "Clothes".

Show your nose (from 1 year 3 months)

When communicating and playing with a child, often show and name parts of the face of the baby himself, as well as toys: dolls, dogs, teddy bear.

Ask the child to show with his index finger where his nose, eyes, mouth, ears are. Then give the task to the kid to show the same parts of the face on the doll, on the animal toy.


Lyalya doll (from 1 year 3 months)

You will need a doll, a doll bed, a plate, a spoon, a trolley (a stroller for a doll).

Show your child different options for playing actions: put the doll to sleep, feed from a spoon, ride in a cart (carriage). Comment on all your actions.

Offer the child: “Feed the doll”, “Put the doll in the crib”, “Ride the doll in the cart”.


? The game will help the child to expand the vocabulary of understood words denoting different actions.

Wipe Lala's nose (from 1 year 6 months)

Take the doll and handkerchief. Pointing to the doll, tell the child: “Lyalya has a dirty nose. Here is the handkerchief. Wipe Lyalya's nose.

The kid will apply the handkerchief to the nose of the doll himself.


? With the help of this game, the child will learn to display in his game actions often observed in life, expand the vocabulary of understood words.

Fees for a walk (from 1 year 6 months)

Lay out your child's street clothes on a high chair before going for a walk. Say: “Now we will go for a walk. Where is our hat? There she is. How fluffy it is - touch it with your hands! Let's put a hat on our heads. Like this! Take a look in the mirror. What a beautiful hat - blue-blue! And these are the ribbons at the cap. We will now tie ribbons to keep the ears warm. Like this! Warmly? Warmly!"


? The game will demonstrate to an adult how to pronounce their actions when communicating with a baby, and expand the vocabulary they can understand.

Exhibition of toys (from 1 year 6 months)

Make a shelf for the child, located at the level of his eyes, and arrange toys on it. Name the toys on the shelf one by one.

Allow the child to take these toys and play with them, but then ask them to put all the toys back. During the day, bring the baby to the shelf several times, show and name the toys placed on it. At the end of the day, name the toys on the shelf again and ask the child to show them himself.

The next day, replace the toys or, if the baby has not yet remembered the names, leave the old ones, but add a new one.


? The game will help to expand the child's passive vocabulary.

Lunch for animals (from 1 year 6 months)

Organize a feeding game with animal toys, a toy table and dishes. Tell the child that the animals are hungry. Offer to feed them lunch. At the same time, have a dialogue with yourself:

- Here the cat is running - top-top-top! (Move the toy cat.) What does she say?

- Meow meow! I want to eat!

- Sit down, kitty, at the table! (Sit the cat at the toy table.)

- Who's walking around? The bear is walking - top-top, top-top! What he says?

- Eee! I want to eat!

- Sit down, bear, at the table! (Sit the bear at the toy table.)

You can put a dog, a bunny, a monkey at the table and give everyone a plate and a spoon, having previously discussed that “soup is poured into the plate”.


? The game develops the child's understanding of the speech addressed to him.

Who's doing what? (from 1 year 9 months)

Take plot pictures, for example: a boy is eating, a girl is sleeping, children are playing with a ball.

Show your child these simple pictures and tell him who is in them and what he is doing.

Then lay out the pictures on the table and invite the baby to show the one on which the boy eats. Then let the kid choose the picture in which the girl is sleeping and the one where the children are playing. Using the same pictures, you can ask the baby questions: “Who is this?” and "What does it do?"

To the question "Who?" the baby will give you pictures. And to the question "What does he do?" - Demonstrate familiar actions. If speech capabilities allow, then the child will answer questions.


? With this activity, the child will learn to understand simple questions.

Body parts (from 1 year 9 months)

When communicating and playing with a child, show and name parts of the body.

Ask the child to show on himself where the different parts of the body are: eyes, forehead, nose, hair, back, stomach, arms and legs.

Ask to show the same body parts on the doll. Let the child show them in the picture.


? The game will help the child remember the words denoting parts of the face, will contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Magic bag (from 2 years old)

You will need a bag of bright fabric and small toys. Show the child the bag and say that it is not simple, but magical: now different toys will appear from it. Take out a toy from the bag, for example, a fox, name it, and then pass it on to the baby.

Taking out the next toy from the bag, for example, a cube, name it too. So, one by one, take out 3-4 toys from the magic bag, name them and give them to the child for examination.

When the baby has examined all the toys, ask him to put the toys in the bag. At the same time, call one after another, and let the child put them in turn in a magic bag.


? The game develops a child's understanding of speech, expands his passive vocabulary.

Who is this? (from 2 years old)

Take pictures of boy, girl, man, woman. Lay them out in front of the baby and call each one: “This is aunt”, “This is uncle”, “This is a boy”, “This is a girl”.

Ask to show the boy first, then the girl, etc. When the baby shows the picture correctly, give it to him. At the end of the game, all four pictures should be with the baby.

You can continue the game by asking the child to return the pictures to you: first the boy, then the girl, then the aunt and uncle. After receiving the pictures, arrange them in two rows on the table, and then say: “I will hide the girl!” and turn the picture upside down; "Hide the boy!" and flip the next picture, and so on.

Ask the baby to remember: “Where did the boy hide?”, “Where is aunt?” etc. Having given an answer, the baby can turn the pictures upside down by himself. If he made a mistake, name the picture correctly yourself. If the child chooses the picture correctly, praise.

Similarly, play games with pictures that depict domestic (cat, dog, cow, horse) or wild (bear, fox, wolf, hare) animals.


? The game develops the child's understanding of the speech addressed to him and improves fine motor skills of the fingers.

What is he doing? (from 2 years old)

Take plot pictures: a cat is sleeping, a cat is eating from a bowl, a cat is playing with a ball. Lay them out in front of the baby and ask them to show where the cat sleeps, where it plays, and where it eats.

You can invite the child to show pictures with the boy: the boy runs, jumps, swims, eats with a spoon from a plate, drinks from a cup, drives a car, draws, plays with a balloon, washes, cries, etc. (for one game - no more than five pictures).


? The game develops a child's understanding of speech, expands his passive vocabulary through verbs.

Listen and do (from 2 years old)

In everyday communication, in games, name and show a variety of actions. So, show how you can spin in place, jump, raise and lower your arms, squat, etc.

Then ask the baby to follow your commands. Commands can be as follows: “Sit-get-up-jump”; "Stand up - put your hands up - put your hands down - sit down"; "Jump-circle-crouch"; "Stomp your foot - clap your hands - run to me."


? The game will help to consolidate the words denoting actions in the child's passive vocabulary.

Show and hide (from 2 years old)

Take two cubes, two balls, two nesting dolls, two cars. Lay out the toys on the table and ask the child to choose the ones you name and then hide them in the box. For example, say: “Hide the blocks in the box,” and when the child completes the task, comment: “There are no blocks. Where are the cubes? It's in the box there."

Do the same with the rest of the toys.


? The game will help develop a child's understanding of the grammatical forms of words: the genitive plural of nouns, the meaning of the preposition "in", the interrogative word "where".

Naughty toys (from 2 years old)

Use any soft toy, such as a cat, to play with. Take a toy and tell your child that the cat has been naughty today:

Jumping, jumping, playing

Where, she doesn't know.

Put the cat on the child’s shoulder (while holding it) and ask: “Where is the kitty?”, And then answer yourself: “On the shoulder.” Then put the toy on the child's head and ask again: “Where is the kitty? On head." The cat can be put on the child's lap, on the palm.

Similarly, a cat hides under various pieces of furniture, and you comment on her actions: “Pussy under table, under chair, under bed”, etc.

The next time the cat will hide behind any objects: behind cupboard, behind armchair, behind back, behind a door, behind curtain.

And finally, the pussy got tired of being naughty and lay down to rest. Here she lies at dads, at mothers, at grandmothers and at the baby himself on his knees and sings a song: “Mur-mur-meow! Moore-mur-meow!"

Next time play with a bird hanging from a string that “flies” around the room and sits on various objects, toys and people.


? With the help of this game, the child will begin to understand the meaning of prepositions.


Who is at the door? (from 1 year old)

Lay out toys or pictures in front of the baby and ask: “Give me moo!” or “Give av-av!”

Next time, add an element of surprise or mystery to the game. For example, ask a child, “Who is that knocking on our door?” Having opened it and found a plush dog, offer to play hide and seek with it.

Then show the baby what circus numbers the dog can show: walk on its hind legs, do somersaults, jump to the ceiling, jump on the baby’s shoulder, etc. Keep in mind that the dog is not silent, but barks loudly and fervently: “ Aw-aw!”


? The game helps the baby learn to imitate an adult and pronounce onomatopoeia.

What is the baby doing? (from 1 year old)

Show your baby how to indicate actions that are familiar to him with the help of a certain combination of sounds.

For example, when feeding a child, say: “Am-am!”, When bathing: “Kup-kup!”, And putting to bed: “Bye-bye!” When playing outdoor games with your baby, do not forget to voice your actions. While dancing, hum: “La-la-la!”, stamping your feet, say: “Top-top-top!”, clapping your hands: “Clap-clap!”, jumping: “Jump-hop!”

Playing with the child in the ball, repeat the sound complexes and the words: “Oops!”, “On!”, “Give!” When showing your baby how to dig sand or snow with a shovel, do not forget to voice your actions: “Cop-cop!” and encourage your child to do so.


Musical toys (from 1 year old)

Show your child how to play musical instruments and let them play by themselves.

Show how musical toys sound: a pipe: “Doo-doo-doo!”, an accordion: “Tra-ta-ta!”, a bell: “Ding-ding!”, a drum: “Boom-boom!”

After that, pronounce the appropriate onomatopoeia and, without taking musical instruments in your hands, depict how they play the pipe, harmonica and bell (see the description of finger games). Encourage your baby to repeat movements and onomatopoeia after you.


? The game teaches the baby to actively use onomatopoeia.

What is Lala doing? (from 1 year old)

It is useful to organize a game with a doll, showing the child familiar actions with it, and, of course, voice them.

Let the doll laugh, cry, play pranks, fall, surprise the baby with his ability to dance. During the game, call her the babble word "Lalya". Voice how the doll cries: "Wah-wah!" Show your child how to rock the doll by singing to her a song: "Ah-ah!", And when she falls asleep, say: "Bye-bye!" Feed the doll with your child (am-am) learn to walk (top top), and when the doll falls, say “Bukh!”, “Lale bobo!” Let Lyalya learn to sing (la la la) dance (tra-ta-ta), clap (clap clap), saying goodbye (bye Bye).


? The game teaches the baby to actively use onomatopoeia.

Show the child a toy cow and say: "Moo-hoo!", then show the cat: "Meow!" etc.

You can take turns hiding these little animals in a house made of cubes, behind a screen (a big book), a curtain or under a table and ask the baby to guess who is giving the voice.

Let the kid guess sound riddles, and you will guess them.

First answer correctly, and then deliberately make a mistake. The kid will be surprised at the wrong answer, but he will soon realize that this is a mistake and will have fun. As a result, the game will become even more interesting.


? The game teaches the baby to actively use onomatopoeia.

Who lives in a fairy tale? (from 1 year old)

After your child learns to recognize and imitate animal voices, look through books with familiar fairy tales and poems.

Ask the kid to show the characters he knows and voice them.


? The game teaches the baby to actively use onomatopoeia.

Clockwork toys (from 1 year old)

You can repeat onomatopoeia by playing with clockwork toys. To do this, first show your child a clockwork toy and demonstrate how it works. Start the toy with a key or by pressing a button and, watching with your child how it moves, pronounce the appropriate onomatopoeia.

Next time, tell your baby that he himself will be a clockwork toy (chicken, frog, duck, etc.). “Turn” it with your index finger, like a key, or press an imaginary button and ask to show how the toy moves or “says”. If the baby is silent, say that the toy is broken, “fix” it and offer the game again.


? The game teaches the baby to actively use onomatopoeia.

From the very first days of his life, the baby hears the sounds of human speech. Gradually, he begins to catch the intonation with which he is addressed, to understand the meaning of what was said. For the development of a child’s speech up to a year old, it is very important how a mother talks to her baby, because it is the sounds of her voice that become the very first that a child hears after birth.

Brief regulatory indicators

At 1-2 months, the baby does not yet understand the words that are spoken to him. He sleeps and only shudders from sharp sounds. By the age of 3 months, the child can already “respond” to the speech addressed to him with a smile, and a little later, by 5-6 months, he tries to walk - at this time you can begin to teach him what this or that word means. Every walk, feeding, washing, playing can be voiced verbally. So the baby will gain his first vocabulary. At first, he will begin to understand the meaning of each word, and by about the age of 10 months he will learn to pronounce simple words himself: “mom”, “dad”, “woman”, “na!” etc.

Parents need to talk as much as possible with the crumbs during any actions to care for him. Often say simple affectionate words to him, tell rhymes, folk rhymes, sing children's songs. During the first year of life, your baby remembers a huge number of words, and it is from them that his future speech will be formed.

In order for a child to gradually learn to speak, he needs constant emotional and verbal contact. It is advisable for the mother to explain to the baby what she is doing, sing songs to the child and accompany classes with the baby with rhythmic rhymes.

Speech development in children from 3 to 6 months

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The development of the speech skills of a young child occurs in several stages. So, at 3 months, the baby already fixes his gaze well on the subject, he can lie on his tummy for some time, turning his head to look at everything around him. Now you can show him various objects, put toys in front of him, clearly pronouncing their name. We must try to pronounce simple words in a singsong voice, in an affectionate calm voice, slightly stretching the vowel sounds under stress.

At the age of 4 - 5 months, the child vividly enjoys the game "horned goat". Accompany the movements of the hand depicting the "goat" with affectionate melodic words in rhyme. You can take the baby in your arms and play with him in the "horse". The rhyme is accompanied by bouncing movements depicting riding a horse: “We will ride, ride, ride, ride on a horse! We laugh, not cry, everything is fine with us. We tell the rhyme to the beat of "jumping".

At 5-6 months of age, the baby is already trying to "talk". He makes separate sounds, “hums”. From 5 months, you can begin to actively develop the baby's speech apparatus, encourage him to coo, reacting with a smile and affectionate response words.

You can show the child several exercises that prepare the organs of speech for their main function, then encourage the baby to repeat them, for example:

  1. Stick out the tongue, move it from side to side, roll the tongue into a tube.
  2. Inflating your cheeks, make blowing movements (as if blowing off the fluffs of a dandelion, by the way, in the summer you can blow off the fluffs with your child in reality).
  3. Try to reach the tip of your nose with your tongue.
  4. Put various objects into the baby’s hand (“On!”), And then ask them: “Give!”, At the same time taking the object back. So the baby will learn to understand the meaning of these short words.

Pronounce the vowels long and affectionately, prompting the child to respond. The kid will be happy with any communication, like any game.

The kid imitates the behavior of adults, so the mother can show her child the simple speech therapy exercises available to him - he will repeat them without any requests

We teach to speak a child from six months to 1 year

Starting from 6 months, the baby masters the pronunciation of simple syllables, babbles. Around this age, the first word "ma-ma" is usually pronounced in syllables. Knows his name, turns his head when called, knows the names of toys, household items. If you ask him: “Where is the bunny? Where is the bear? ”, Looks in the right direction. At this time, you need to communicate more with the child, gradually accustoming him to the sound of short words consisting of 1-2 syllables, responding to his babbling.

At the age of 7-8 months, the child already knows how to sit, he will gladly accept the game of patties, in the magpie, which cooked the porridge. All actions for caring for the baby, all games with him must be spoken. For example, bathing him, you can tell a rhyme: “Pure water will wash mom’s face, grandmother’s hands, and Antoshka’s legs!”

Now you can play peek-a-boo with him. Covering her face with her hands, mom asks: “Where is mom?” and again appearing to the baby, he says: “Ku-ku!”. The baby will react with a joyful squeal, and soon he will learn to hide and look out.

From 8 to 9 months, the baby can be taught to depict animals with sounds. Having shown him a dog or a cat for a walk, say: “Here is a dog, she does av-av, this is kitty, she makes meow-meow.” Then the baby himself will show you a dog or a cat with a pen, accompanying his gestures with his voice.

Many benefits for the development of speech will bring games in which the parts of the body are named. You can show the child where the doll has an eye, where the head is, where the tummy is, where the leg is, naming them loudly and clearly. Next, invite the baby to show where his eyes are, where his ears are, his nose, then where the adult has them.

Games for the development of speech of children from 1 year to 2 years

The development of speech in early childhood depends on how parents talk and play with the child (for more details, see the article:). If they do a lot with the baby, at the age of 1 he will not only understand the speech of an adult addressed to him, but he will also be able to pronounce short words. "Baba, come on! Dad, on! - such phrases are already quite within his power. In addition, immediately after 1 year, the baby learns to walk, and perhaps even already walks on his own. Simultaneously with learning to walk, continue to expand the active and passive vocabulary of the crumbs. For example, helping him take his first steps, say to the beat of walking: “One, two, three, four, we taught Lyalya to walk. One, two, three, four, five - Lyalechka walks again!

You can come up with a lot of speech-developing games for your son or daughter, for example:

  1. Games for the development of intonation. Put a toy kitten and a lion in front of the child, let him try to portray, by changing the timbre of his voice, how the kitten squeaks and how the lion roars.
  2. Show the baby some part of the toy because of the fabric (a wheel from a typewriter, a dog's head), ask him to say what kind of toy it is. After hearing the answer, give the child a toy and offer to voice how it does.
  3. From one to two years old, it's time to show the baby children's books with large color pictures. It is best if these are Russian folk tales, the meaning of which is clear to the child - "Kolobok", "Turnip". Look at the pictures with your child, let him name which character is shown in which picture, what he does: eats, sleeps, plays, and so on. Then read aloud to the child slowly, with expressive intonation.
  4. Hide a toy and invite the baby to find it. Just hide nearby so that the child does not look for too long, otherwise he may get tired and upset. The game should deliver positive emotions.

Children's books are a great helper for mom, as they help build vocabulary, enrich the child's emotional perception

Games for the development of fine motor skills

In the second year of life, the development of finger movements matters, since the famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky proved the close relationship between the development of children's speech in early childhood and the development of fine motor skills of the fingers (we recommend reading:). According to his method, you can develop the baby's fingers through the following games:

  1. Invite the baby to close his eyes, and give him some toy in his hands. Let him guess by touch what it is.
  2. Assemble a simple constructor with him: a boat, a house, a tree.
  3. You can give the baby clothespins and a circle of cardboard, and teach him to make "sun" with them.
  4. Let the child try stringing the rings onto the cord. If the baby can easily cope with the task, replace the rings with large buttons.
  5. It's time to teach your one-year-old son or daughter how to fasten large buttons or lace up shoes, let the child train - this skill will be very useful to him in the future in kindergarten. See even more.

Do not worry if your child starts talking later than other children, his peers (we recommend reading:). Parents should remember that all children develop language skills in different ways. At the age of 2, one child is already reciting poetry with might and main, and the other, after two years, is just beginning to pronounce the first words (see also:). Find out more . Do not demand from the child that it is too early for him - everything has its time!

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in Clinical Psychology

From an early age, you should teach your baby to correctly express his emotions, to correctly build sentences. At first glance, it seems that the process will not cause labor, and there will be no difficulties on the way to achieving the goal. However, every child is different and may not start talking right away.

When to teach a child to speak

There are age periods by which you can determine how well the development of speech in a baby is going. There are no strictly defined rules. The learning process should begin from birth: the baby should sing songs, tell stories, talk to him while walking. The mother's heart will tell you how to act.

In the period from 6 months to a year, the brain centers responsible for speech are actively formed, so communication with the baby should be given increased attention.

In the period from 2 to 3 years, the speech areas are almost completely formed. It is at this time that children begin to freely express their thoughts, speak, and learning should be as active as possible. Do not worry if there is no sharp jump by this age. The best option is to consult a specialist, and in the absence of signs of illness or physiological abnormalities, continue to develop the speech apparatus.

Norms of speech of children of different ages

Each period of growing up is characterized by certain sounds, words and sentences with which the baby expresses his emotions.

What does a 12 month old baby say?

The first sounds from the baby can be heard as early as 2 months (in addition to screaming and crying). The kid says “-gu” with pleasure, stretches out the vowel “-a”. It is important to answer the crumbs, to make it clear that communication is important. After a few months, more complex combinations can be heard. It is useful to include music, audio books, etc. for him. A one-year-old baby knows about 5-10 words, consisting of a couple of syllables.

Speech norms for children 1-1.5 years old

The speech of a child in a year and older becomes more extensive. His vocabulary is growing every day. He understands well what his parents ask him to do, for example, go wash his hands, go to bed, etc.

By 18 months, a child can memorize up to 20 new words.

The baby likes to learn everything new, he himself rejoices if he remembers and reproduces more. Well in this period, books with three-dimensional pictures help to develop, which must be considered together and asked questions about them.

How children 2-3 years old should speak

At 2 years old, the vocabulary of children includes about 70 words, and a year later, the baby knows more than 200 new expressions and about 1000 words. In addition, the child already knows how to decline words according to cases, inserts pronouns into sentences. Sound pronunciation is not clear, but by the age of 5 this problem is solved by itself.

What should a child say at 3-4 years old

Starting from the age of three, kids can learn little songs and poems, guess easy riddles. The speech of the crumbs can be easily understood, even despite errors in the use of gender, number and case.

Vocabulary reaches nearly 2,000 words by age 4.

The kid begins to fantasize, invent his own expressions. There are more adverbs, pronouns, adjectives and numerals. The main problems at this age are the rearrangement of syllables, the absence of sounds [r], [l] or [c].

What do children say at 4-5 years old

The speech of children in the period from 4 to 5 years consists of 3,000 words, not including "remade" in their own way. The sentences are already saturated with different prepositions, adjectives. Toddlers are great at tasks such as describing an object, retelling a short story, reciting a poem with intonation, and alternating soft and loud pronunciation. Most children can count to 10.

Speech of a 6-7 year old child

The speech of children 6 years and older is distinguished by literacy, a small number of grammatical errors. They easily communicate with peers and adults, can easily describe any life situation and objects. Having more than 4,000 words in reserve, the child is able to compose an interesting story, come up with a name for it. Of the main problems in this period, the distortion of unfamiliar words, the incorrect placement of stress are distinguished.

How to teach to speak and develop a child's speech

The development of speech in one-year-old children, older toddlers and preschoolers takes place in different ways. It is important not only to focus on the established norms, but also to take into account the individual characteristics of the child.

How to teach a child to speak at 1 year old

Often parents are faced with a situation where a child in a year does not say what is considered the norm for this age. What to do in this case?

  • Try to communicate in such a way that he responds. For example, going for a walk, you can ask him what color shoes he likes best. Naturally, the baby will not be able to respond appropriately, but a few connected sounds are also the result.
  • Communicate with your baby more often: on a walk, at home, in a store, at a party.
  • Voice out loud all your and his actions. It can be cleaning around the house, discussing animals, toys.
  • Pay attention to reading a large number of books, viewing pictures. You can choose not only fairy tales, but also encyclopedias for children. Perhaps the baby will show interest in animals, insects, climatic phenomena, etc.
  • Communicate using correct speech, without cutting or mangling words. Talk to your baby like an adult.

Don't worry if you can't get a positive result. It often happens that the baby is not yet ready at 1 year for full communication.

Speech development of children 2-3 years old

If a child communicates with difficulty or does not speak at all at 2 years old, it is necessary to stimulate his speech.

What can be done:

  • Play alphabet. Toddlers of this age love to repeat letters after adults. It is necessary to pronounce sounds clearly and loudly, this gives certain skills in learning the alphabet.
  • More often ask questions that are difficult to answer unambiguously: “no” or “yes”.
  • Repeat those words that are difficult for the baby to cope with, or those where he “swallows” the endings.
  • For any problematic sound, you should select poems or songs. At the same time, you need to pronounce each line with the child so that he can see how an adult does it.
  • Correct the baby every time he tries to replace a complex sound with a simpler one. Most often this happens with the letters "l", "g", "r" and "s".
  • Let them listen to children's songs, watch educational cartoons, introduce new people: peers and adults. In communication, the baby will develop faster.

There is no need to worry about the incorrect pronunciation of the letter "r" at this age. The help of a specialist will be required if the problem is not resolved by the age of 6.

Teaching the speech of a child 4-5 years old

The development of speech for children aged 4 to 5 years should take place through games, exercises and training.

Don't forget to share picture books. It is necessary that the baby tries to talk as much as possible about the objects that he sees. Learning poems and songs by heart helps a lot.

How to develop speech for children 6-7 years old

The main thing in the process of developing the speech of a child of 6 years old is to form phonemic hearing, to teach them to distinguish words from large sentences, and specific sounds from words. In addition, it is important that children divide at least small words into syllables. This is important not only for speech, but also for the further ability to carefully read and comprehend what is read.

To avoid speech delays, you must do the following:

  • Regularly give children the best literary works. Moreover, the child should not just listen to him (if he cannot read), but try to retell or prepare a scene where he would play the role of the main character.
  • Make riddles, give a variety of tasks related to texts or words. For example, it can be the correct arrangement of syllables, words in a sentence. You should carefully monitor the mistakes, correct them in time, regularly repeat what the child has a weak spot in.
  • Play word games. The simplest and most popular are associated with the rearrangement of letters in the opposite direction, the selection of synonyms. Many children like the game "third wheel".
  • Speak proverbs and sayings with the baby. This is considered one of the most effective methods for the development of the speech apparatus, the elimination of defects.

It is best if all problems are resolved before going to grade 1 so that the baby does not have difficulty in reading and writing.

Many parents do everything to ensure that the child's speech apparatus develops correctly: they re-read mountains of literature, sign up for consultations, turn to children's centers. The best thing is to try several ways, and choose the most suitable for the baby.

Technique "Lettergram"

The developing technique "Lettergram" is a real helper for parents. The program developed by the candidate of psychological sciences S. Shishkova is based on the principles of neuropsychology, speech therapy, and defectology. Designed not only for preschool children who are weakly concentrated on the material and restless, but also for teenagers.

The purpose of using the technique is to activate memory and attention, as well as to correct all types of speech.

These tasks are carried out through exciting activities included in the program. Mental work alternates with breathing exercises, physical exercises. Shishkova believes that proper breathing helps to strengthen the work of the brain centers. In total, the program includes 20 classes that require regular implementation.

Shishkov about the "Lettergram" method:

Cartoons for the development of a child's speech

Watching cartoons is one of the favorite activities of any child. However, even this hobby can be turned into a useful one. There are many cartoons for the development of speech, which will be of great benefit with the right selection.

At the age of 3 to 5 years, the baby absorbs all the information he sees and hears, so you can replenish his vocabulary through cartoons with colorful characters.

It is worth paying attention to the age restrictions. Some educational animated series ("Smeshariki. Pin-code", "Fixies") will be of interest to elementary school students, but "Mickey Mouse Club" or "Aunt Owl's Lessons" are ideal options for preschoolers.

Games that develop speech in children

For the development of speech, you can play with children. If a child likes to make faces and grimace, he will like to play "funny grimaces." One of the parents should sit opposite the baby and tell what is required of him. This may be a request to puff out your cheeks, stick out your tongue, move your jaw in different directions, etc. The main thing is to use as many combinations as possible to use the maximum muscles of the face.

In the game "watch" you need the child to work with his tongue, imagining that this is an hour hand. They should move, changing the speed each time, in different directions.

Another version of the game is to invite the baby to portray a giraffe and a mouse. In the first case, the baby should kneel, raise his hands clenched in his palms, stretch as high as possible while inhaling. Accordingly, on exhalation, the baby depicts a mouse, crouching, lowering his head, clasping his knees with his hands. Be sure to follow the repetitions.

Famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky advises parents not to worry if the child does not speak until the age of 2. It is worth sounding the alarm if the baby has reached the age of three, and does not know how to correctly express his thoughts or refuses to speak at all.

  • You need to talk with the baby without using diminutive suffixes.
  • If the baby is silent for a long time, then the kindergarten will help correct the situation. Some children thrive in this environment.
  • Children need to turn on music regularly, ranging from funny songs from cartoons and fairy tales to classics. All this has a positive effect on the perception of speech, sounds, and the world.
  • Use any free minute for conversations. You can discuss everything: the color of a car passing on the street, the height of a running dog, vegetation, etc., the main thing is to use a large number of adjectives.
  • Constantly ask questions, even if the baby refuses to answer them.

Positive dynamics with regular exercises will certainly be noticeable if the baby is healthy and does not have any physiological abnormalities.

Ushakova's methodology for the development of children's speech

Learning coherent speech is a long and complex process. The technique of the famous doctor of pedagogical sciences O. Ushakova can help parents. The purpose of the program is to improve the pronunciation of sounds, improve diction.

The technique is built on small poems, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes and games.

The program involves the use of syntactic, lexical, and phonetic structures in order to accelerate the development of meaningful and coherent speech. It is great for young children attending kindergarten, for schoolchildren. Many speech therapists choose the technique as the basis for correcting speech defects.

The development of speech of preschoolers based on the methodology of Ushakova:

Patter for the development of children's speech

Tongue twisters are assistants not only in the knowledge of the native language, but also in the improvement of the speech apparatus. Moreover, many children prefer tongue twisters, rather than poems or songs, which is associated with the fascination of their pronunciation and fun. Saying a difficult phrase quickly helps to eliminate most problems.

If you correctly build the process of familiarizing yourself with tongue twisters, then it will be difficult for the baby to break away from studying them. He will like not only the fun activities themselves, but also the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities to friends. You can start with such easy examples as “puppies had their cheeks cleaned with brushes” or “there lived a giraffe, chewed fat.”

Do not worry if the child does not speak at an early age, because everyone's speech skills appear at different times. There is no single learning rule, parents will have to choose from a variety of options, experiment, and observe the reaction of the crumbs. Patience and the ability to listen to the baby will lead to a positive result.

Often, parents believe that there is no need to think about the development of a child's speech if obvious pronunciation defects do not appear (the child lisps or does not speak at all). However, many problems in the future can be avoided, and a competent and clear speech of the child can be formed if you start paying attention to the development of speech as early as possible throughout the entire period (and, and a year, and two, and three ...).

The development of speech is not at all work on individual disturbed sounds or on expanding the vocabulary, as is commonly believed. The formation of speech depends on the activity of many areas of the brain, so you need to work in all areas: develop fine motor skills, enrich sensory experience, work on articulation, breathing, increase vocabulary, and much more.

I have written more than once about games that contribute to the development of speech in 1-2 years. In this article, I would like to put everything together, as well as publish many more useful exercises for articulation and breathing exercises and more.

So, games and exercises for the development of speech:

1. Finger and gesture games

Scientists have found that in the brain, the nerve centers responsible for the movements of the fingers and hands are in close proximity to the areas of the brain responsible for the development of speech. Therefore, it is simply necessary to promote the active actions of the fingers and hands of the baby. Wonderful assistants in this matter are finger games, I have already written about them more than once, a complete list of interesting finger and gesture games, sorted by age, can be found here:

In addition to funny rhymes, it is very useful to learn simple gestures together with the baby, for example:

  • To the question "How old are you?" show the index finger - "1 year old";
  • We threaten with the index finger "Ai-ai-ai";
  • We show "yes", "no" with a movement of the head;
  • Show "thank you" with a nod of the head;
  • To the question "How are you doing?" show the thumb - "In!" ("Fine!")

  • We depict how the bear walks (legs shoulder-width apart, we shift from foot to foot);
  • We depict how a bunny jumps (arms in front of the chest, hands down, jump);
  • We depict how the fox walks (we wag the booty);
  • We depict how a wolf clicks its teeth (we open and close our mouth wide, clicking our teeth);
  • We depict how a butterfly flies (we wave our hands, we run around the room);
  • We depict how an airplane flies (arms motionless to the sides, we run around the room);
  • We depict how a duck walks (we move on our haunches).
  • Closer to the age of two, we begin to learn a new answer to the question “How old are you?” and we train to show at the same time the index and middle fingers - “2 years old”. The same finger figure can be called "Bunny"

2. Sensory games for the development of fine motor skills

A complete list of fine motor skills games can be found here:

3. Articulation exercises

One of the very first and very useful articulation exercises that a one-year-old baby can handle is blowing. Tasya learned to blow at the age of 1 year 3 months, a candle helped us with this. Immediately, as they got used to the candle, it began to turn out to blow into the pipe and inflate soap bubbles. So, what can you learn the blowing skill on:

    blow out the candle;

    Blow into a pipe;

    Blow through a straw into a glass of water to make the water bubble;

    Blow soap bubbles;

    Blow on a paper butterfly tied to a string so that it takes off;

    Blow off small papers laid out on a plate.

Here are some other articulation exercises you can practice (from about 1.5 years old, something, perhaps, will work out earlier):

  • "Hide and Seek". First we show the tongue - we stick it out as far as possible, then we hide it, so we repeat it several times.
  • "Watch". We move the tongue from side to side - left-right.
  • "House". We declare that the baby's mouth is a house. Mom gently taps her finger on her cheek: “Knock-knock,” and the baby’s mouth opens. We say: “Bye! Bye!", and the mouth closes.
  • "Yummy". We open our mouth and lick ourselves: first we draw the tongue along the upper lip, then along the lower one.
  • "Balloon". We inflate the cheeks and burst them with our fingers;
  • "Fence". We show our teeth (“we grin”) and say that the tongue is hidden behind the fence.
  • "Brushing our teeth." We show the teeth again, then with the tip of the tongue we slide first along the upper teeth, then along the lower ones.
  • "Horse". "Clicking" with the tongue, like horses.
  • "Choose out." We stand together in front of the mirror and begin to exaggerate: smile broadly, frown, stretch out our lips.

4. The game "Who lives in the house"

In my opinion, the game is wonderful in encouraging the child to pronounce simple sounds. In addition, a surprise moment in it increases the interest of the baby. So, in advance we put in a bag or box several plot toys (animals, dolls, etc.), which are well known to the baby. Then we ask several times “Who lives in the house?”, catching up with intrigue. When the child is really interested, we take out the first character and say it together (and later the baby does it himself), for example, “Cow” or “Mu-mu”, depending on what stage the child’s speech is at. So in turn we get all the hidden toys.

5. Rhymes that encourage the pronunciation of sounds and words

This is my favorite. Tasya and I simply adored these rhymes, my daughter tried her best to repeat simple words after me. The text in the verses is chosen in such a way that it motivates the child to talk. Even if at first the child will not repeat anything after you, this does not mean that the verses are useless. It is worth returning to them periodically, and the baby will definitely begin to try to repeat simple words and onomatopoeia.

How can we go for a walk? Top top!
How do we close the door? Clap!
Cat to us from the porch: Jump!
Sparrows: Chick-chirp!
The cat is happy with the birds: Murr!
Sparrows took off: Furr!
Further legs: Top-top!
And now the gate: Clap!
How does the grass grow? Sh-sh-sh!
Who is scurrying about in the grass? Mouse!
A bee on a flower: Zhu-zhu!
Wind leaves: Shu-shu!
River in trickles: Tribulation!
Hello bright summer day!
A cow was grazing in the meadow: Moo, moo.
The striped bumblebee flew: Z-z-z, z-z-z.
The summer breeze blew: F-f-f, f-f-f.
The bell rang: ding, ding, ding.
A grasshopper chirped in the grass: Tr-r-r, ts-s-s.
A prickly hedgehog ran: Ph-ph-ph.
The little bird sang: Til-l, til-l.
And the angry beetle buzzed: W-w-w, w-w-w.

in a book «» (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop) you can find many similar rhymes, although basically they are a little more complicated than these two, but reading them will also have a very beneficial effect on the development of the child's speech.

6. Breathing exercises

(from about 1.5 years old)

    The wheel burst. First we clasp our hands in a circle in front of us, depicting a wheel. Then, as you exhale, we begin to slowly cross our arms (so that the right hand rests on the left shoulder and vice versa) and say “shhhh” - the wheel is deflating.

  • Pump. Next, we offer the child to pump up the deflated wheel. We clench our hands in front of the chest into fists, as if holding a pump. We lean forward and lower our hands down, accompanying our actions with the sound “s-s-s”, repeat several times.
  • Loud quiet. We pronounce a sound loudly and quietly. For example, first we pretend to be big bears and say "Uh-uh", then we pretend to be small bears and say the same thing, only quietly.
  • Woodcutter. First, we put our hands together (as if holding an ax) and raise them up. Then we sharply lower them down, bending over and saying “wow”. We repeat several times.
  • Wizard . First, we wave our hands and hold them at the top. Then we smoothly lower it, pronouncing the syllables: “M-m-m-a”, “M-m-m-o”, “M-m-m-y”, “M-m-m-s”.

7. Reading books

While reading, it is advisable to constantly use the questions “What is this?”, “Who is this?” (even if you have to answer them for the first time), questions activate the mental detail of the baby, encourage him to talk.

8. Role-playing games

The role-playing game is a very fertile environment for the development of speech. During the game, the child has a natural need to say something: you need to somehow name the main characters of the game and their actions, express their thoughts and feelings.

Read more about how to play role-playing games with a 1-2 year old child.

9. Viewing Doman cards or other material that expands the child's horizons

I will wrap up on this. I wish you interesting activities with your baby!

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