How to develop psychic abilities in yourself? How to develop extrasensory abilities in yourself at home: exercises, tips Exercises for the development of extrasensory abilities

In this article:

There are beliefs that in ancient times, almost all people had the gift of clairvoyance. They had a powerful intuition and a strongly opened "third eye". In order to survive in difficult conditions, it was always necessary to feel and repel the attack of the enemy - whether it be a warrior of the enemy army or a dangerous beast. After all, man was weaker than other animals, and in order to survive it was necessary to "keep your eyes open"

The development of psychic skills is associated with various negative phenomena. The main one is fear. When you begin to develop clairvoyance, then various pictures come to you with it - not all of them are pleasant. To see something that is not invested in the norms is not for the faint of heart. Experts say that fear is normal, this is how the Higher Forces check you for “lice”. Although most people, it is at this stage in the development of psychic abilities, stop exercising. And in vain, the world has lost many talented psychics precisely for this reason.

If you get scared and decide that this is not yours, then take up other types of predictions. If you decide to start developing extraordinary abilities, then good luck in your endeavors. Although it is difficult to develop psychic abilities on your own, it is better to find a Teacher.

The development of extrasensory abilities is impossible without entering into yoga. Even if you open some abilities, they will be short-lived and can easily pass. The opening of all chakras is a complete path to the world of clairvoyance. You can open certain chakras only with the permission of your Teacher - Guru. This applies especially to Ajna and Sahasrara. Ajna is responsible for intuition, clairvoyance, and Sahasrara chakra is world consciousness. Conduct any experiments with Sahasrara - only with the permission of your Teacher. The development of the chakras will lead to an understanding of the world, being and one's life path.

How do you know if you have a gift?

Remember how you said that it would be so. It was so? Have you ever had a situation that you know this place, although it’s definitely the first time in an unfamiliar place?

There are many signs that determine the presence of abilities. These signs of the gift are easy to identify from Zenner's cards, Luscher's, Eysenck's and Szondi's tests. It is good to conduct such tests in pairs or in a group, then the results will be much more effective.

The gift can be passed down through generations.

If your great-grandfather or great-grandmother treated people and predicted the future, you definitely have hereditary clairvoyance.

The faculties have surrendered to you, only they are dormant. They need to be awakened, brought to a certain level.

The gift can wake up after a long illness, catastrophe or clinical death. All these situations activate unused areas of the brain. Science carefully studies the phenomenon of extrasensory perception, but does not yet give a definite answer. The new millennium is in the yard, which should clarify the situation around this mysterious topic. Suddenly you can help unravel the mysteries of clairvoyance?

Ajna Chakra: Meditation on the "Mental Sky"

Working with ajna helps to open the third eye, which is necessary for the manifestation of psychic abilities. Here's how to do this simple but effective meditation:

  • Sit in a meditative position, calm your breathing - relax. Recite the AUM mantra 3 times;
  • We very slowly close our eyes and discard all anxieties, worries and unpleasant thoughts;
  • Now you need to look with closed eyes directly "into the darkness." Contemplate with calmness the world that can be seen with closed eyes. Start with 3 minutes and work your way up to 5. There is no point in meditating for more than 7 minutes;
  • Recite the AUM mantra 3 times and then slowly open your eyes.

Such a simple meditation, but gives an amazing result:

  • mental relaxation. Relieves stress, brings peace and deep tranquility. Leads to equanimity of spirit. Strengthens the human psyche, restores strength;
  • If practiced regularly, it opens the third eye. When working with Ajna, phenomenal abilities will appear - to see through the eyelids, in the dark and through walls. Imagine what opportunities will open up for you? Psychic abilities.

Meditation Notes:

  • Just look, don't try to see anything. This exercise does not require the active creation of images - they must come by themselves;
  • At the very first time, you will not see anything - only darkness. Then white and blue colors will appear - symbols of spirituality;
  • In the intermediate stage, vague images, color spots or flashes from "nowhere" will appear. A whole series of visions will appear. Your consciousness will enter the astral worlds - into various planes and projections. With these visions, fear will come to you. Experts say it's normal. Although many abandoned classes precisely because of these visions. It is up to you to decide whether to be a psychic or not. If you are afraid and do not want to continue training, then read the Hat mantra - the visions should pass;
  • If you want to practice extrasensory perception, then find yourself a Guru - a yoga practitioner who has been practicing for a long time and can give you advice in difficult situations.
  • Any meditation is not practiced at high-voltage stations. If a high-voltage cable runs nearby or there is a power plant, you cannot meditate! You can get sick physically or mentally. Follow a diet and do not drink alcohol.

Feel in the distance

Any development of extrasensory abilities is impossible without feeling and seeing objects at a distance. You will be able to establish a bioenergetic contact without touching the object. Vanga, Edgar Cayce and Messing could see and feel other people at a great distance. Casey even made diagnoses and treated people who were hundreds of miles away. Edgar was a very religious person and believed that his gift was given by God to help people.

Here is a good exercise to develop the energy messages of the hands. Rub your hands - imagine that you are warming them up from the cold. Bring your palms together, the hands are bent so that you can place a small ball between them. Hold your hands in this position for a while. Can you feel the warmth emanating from your fingertips? The air between the fingers vibrates gently.

Imagine that there really is a ball between your hands. It is not material, but energetic. Now expand and contract your palms. Keep this feeling. The ball should spring and vibrate. If you did everything right, then you should succeed.

Working with energy - the foundation of the basics

Reading information from a photo

Maybe you saw in the "Battle of Psychics" or "The Psychics are Investigating" how participants read information from a photograph? We will now develop these skills. This exercise is not easy and requires already a certain ability to work with the subconscious and the Ajna chakra. If you have awakened your subconscious and opened your third eye, you can continue to develop your abilities in photographs.

It is better to train your psychic abilities in photographs of relatives. Take a photo of your loved one. Hold it in your hands, run your palms over it. You can even stroke. Imagine this person “live”, remember your most recent meeting with him. His clothes and the words he then spoke. Gestures, movements that emphasize the character of a person. Remembered?

Practice in a relaxed environment. Do not strain - everything should go without visible effort of will. Reading information from a photograph is the highest level of clairvoyance.

Let go of all impressions completely. Now ask the subject any question. It is advisable to ask a question to which you already know the answer. Ask question after question. What do you feel? You must remember all your feelings, but it is better to write them down. This is necessary to control the development of psychic abilities.

Keep a diary where you record all your workouts and your progress in them. You can also enter your predictions there.

Ask this person what he thinks of you? The answer is already in the subconscious - "catch" it. If you have awakened the subconscious, then you will succeed. You may feel a "flash in the brain" or warmth in your chest. Everyone has their own.

This is an example of an exercise that you can make more difficult. If you're good at it, then work with photos of strangers. So you can even train telepathy - to read the thoughts of other people. Learn and you will succeed.

Clairvoyance is a divine gift that is used only to help people. The development of such a gift occurs in someone else. Some immediately begin to easily see what is hidden behind reality. Others train for months - the result is zero. So it's not yours. Then use indirect methods of predictions - fortune-telling and other types of indirect techniques. Develop and help yourself, your family, as well as other people.

A psychic is an outwardly ordinary person. It is difficult to distinguish him in the crowd, taking into account only personal characteristics. However, the inner world - mysterious, mysterious - it is special. Did you know that every person from birth has the ability to extrasensory perception? Everyone had a situation when, as if according to a prediction, exactly the song that the “clairvoyant” voiced began to sing, or perhaps, among 30 exam tickets, you learned only one, which you got. Coincidence? Perhaps, if you do not take into account the fact that everyone has psychic abilities: for some they only sleep in deep sleep, and someone has found his way in order to comprehend this skill. How to develop unusual, magical qualities in yourself?

Psychic - in the soul of everyone

Humanity has been surrounded by magic since ancient times. First there were shamanic predictions, then extraordinary miracles, still unsolved mysteries of nature. Is there really something magical and supernatural? Each person seeks the answer to this question based on their worldview principles: a skeptic claims that there is nothing magical, a real psychic gives not only verbal examples, but also real evidence that magic exists.

In fact, extrasensory abilities (the ability to perceive bioenergetic waves in an altered range) are inherent in every person since birth. When conducting numerous studies by American scientists, it was found that in the biofield of all the subjects there is an incomprehensible clot that changes its size depending on how hard a person works on his abilities. The higher a person shows intuition, prediction and telepathy, the stronger and brighter the image is formed. So, it remains only to reveal yourself, work on your capabilities - and you will definitely be able to do what you did not even dream of doing before!

The main thing is peace!

Have you seen a psychic who is not at ease with himself? Constantly anxious, irritable, worried and nervous? No? The thing is that it is impossible to work on your inner world, being out of balance with it. On the contrary, people engaged in yoga, spiritual self-improvement, calm and harmonious personalities show not hefty abilities, from which others are delighted. The first rule that a person who wants to join the army of psychics must master is complete calm, both external and internal.

In order to learn how to control your emotions, kung fu, qigong, yoga, and the like can help you. Try not to sort out negative events in your memory, always think only about the positive, pleasant. Even if some kind of trouble has arisen, learn to restrain your emotions - this will help you feel more subtle and clearer the imperceptible vibrations of the energy field of other people.

If you want to develop in yourself qualities that have not yet been explored, focus on your body, your emotions. If you learn to interpret and understand your own feelings, then you will understand the nature of the unknown better. In order to learn how to focus, do these simple tricks:

  1. Feel the blood running through your body. To do this, turn on all your creative energy, take a comfortable position, relax and listen only to your body. In the early stages, it will seem to you that it is impossible to feel how the blood moves. However, each time you do it will get better and better. Don't stop there!
  2. Look at your palms and feel the pads of your fingers pulsate. Again, you need complete calm, concentration. Look at your hands, imagine how the energy runs through your hands, capturing everything, giving you new sensations and greater strength. Feel how warmth begins to move through your fingers, how the tips pulsate - this is also impossible to feel the first time. Therefore, you force yourself to work on new abilities again and again, increase them, multiply them.
  3. Work on the second point, but with a different goal. As you already know, a psychic feels all energy with the help of his hands. At this stage, try to control your energy, reduce or increase its radiation. Connect your palms together. Feel how your hands warm up, disunite. Repeat this activity until you begin to clearly notice the warmth of the hands.

Feel the energy of objects

In order to more quickly learn how to control psychic abilities, you need to experiment a lot. The next stage of learning is based on practice. Close your eyes and turn on your imagination. Sitting on the table, try to catch the energy of the objects located next to you - it has already been noticed more than once that any thing is capable of releasing a certain amount of heat at the micro level. The palms of the hands should be slightly closed so that all information received goes directly to the center of the hand. At the initial stage, you can work with your eyes open, in order to better navigate among the surrounding objects, then, complicating the task, close your eyes. Learn to identify objects without touching them. It is difficult, but you can believe that such work will bring you nothing but pleasure!

Always work on yourself

In order to develop psychic abilities, it is not at all necessary to spend a large amount of time locked up, trying to feel new clots of unknown energy. In this case, it is much more effective to work on oneself in full connection with the outside world.

  1. Show telepathy. Telepathy is the ability to read other people's thoughts. A person only thinks, and you already understand what is in his head and what he wants to say. When talking to others, change your position from the speaking interlocutor to the listener. Delve deeper into the conversation, try to catch any manifestations of his energy. Speak your guesses out loud only if you are confident in your guesses. Advice: if you are just learning, do not talk about the fact that you are a future psychic. Better keep the boasting to yourself, and devote more time to practice.
  2. Play with children. In order to really realize your possession of extrasensory perception, try playing this game with your children. Close your eyes, ask them to put some object in front of you - a cube, a ball, a felt-tip pen. Without touching the object under study, try to determine what lies in front of you. To do this, consider the energy of the object, try to determine the color, shape, size. Try to do this not spontaneously, but consciously, study the information that comes to you through the palms of your hands. Remember the resulting vibration, compare it with other objects under study.
  3. In the same way, you can develop your abilities anywhere: at a bus stop, even just wondering what time it is. First, listen to your intuition, and only then look at the clock. Imagine the appearance of a person, looking only at his back. Before starting any business, put a few questions for yourself: how will the new activity turn out, will it bring success and immediately answer them, including your intuition and clairvoyance. After completion, compare your answers with the real situation.


Prepare a candle, an aroma lamp, sit in a comfortable position and take a deep breath, and then a slow exhale. Focus all your attention on the third eye, which is believed to be on the forehead between the eyes. Try to mentally pass through yourself the solar numbers 3, 2, 1, which represent a huge stream of positive energy, light, joy and tranquility. Stop the lesson only after you are sure that you are on the right enlightened path.

If you want to impress your family, friends and others with unusual abilities, take up self-improvement. Always find time to experiment on yourself and others, be sure that you will certainly succeed. Know that extrasensory perception is inherent in every person. Someone only knows how to manage it, and someone does not even notice its presence.

Video: Psychic Development Program

Roman Wide

Reading time: 4 minutes


Usually people are skeptical about supernatural phenomena. While watching the show "The Battle of Psychics" on TV, the audience admires its heroes. After the end of the program, there is an opinion that what he saw is a carefully thought-out TV show. However, there are also individuals who are interested in how to become a psychic.

Psychic abilities are a special gift that a person receives from nature. The gift most often manifests itself in an unexpected way, a person becomes a real psychic after a certain extraordinary event. It can be a serious injury, clinical death, serious illness, mental shock or other health problem.

According to psychics, unique abilities can be trained and developed. Strength does not depend on education. The indisputable proof is the fact that among psychics there are both educated people and true "nuggets" who cannot even read a sentence without errors.

Science considers some human abilities unproven - healing by ordination, diagnostics from photographs and predicting the future. Scientists carefully study people who call themselves the bearers of the gift.

The results of research are sometimes amazing, but it has not yet been possible to achieve stable results. Therefore, researchers refer to the startling results as mere coincidences. As for the people participating in the experiments, they are considered fraudsters or delusional individuals.

What useful advice can be given to a person who dreams of becoming a psychic?

  • If the desire is irresistible, first of all make sure that extrasensory abilities really exist. Try to guess a few numbers given by the assistant. If in half of the cases the numbers were guessed, this indicates extrasensory inclinations.
  • It is better to refuse help that promise to help in realizing a dream. Dubious type of resources promise to determine the level of perception of the client, demanding in return a solid payment via SMS. There is no way to verify the authenticity of information sold by scammers. The money will be wasted.
  • Sign up for a course or school that teaches you the basics of unique opportunity management. There are many similar establishments in cities and small towns.
  • Before becoming a student of an institution, realize that it is not the duty of the people working in such schools to make students psychics. Contrary to the big name, such courses are like an interest club.

You got an idea how to become a psychic. The life of a person who has supernatural powers is very difficult. He has to constantly see the faces of suffering people whom he cannot help. Therefore, many newcomers often take on the problems of clients themselves, and this is accompanied by a great psychological burden, which not everyone can cope with.

How to become a psychic in real life

Many do not even realize that they have psychic abilities from birth. For this reason, to get an answer to the question of how to become a psychic in real life, it is enough to look into yourself.

In most cases, the manifestation of extrasensory abilities in a person begins after a huge trouble, which is of a large-scale nature. It is trouble that becomes a powerful impetus that opens the previously dormant forces of the subconscious. With the help of new abilities, a person looks into those places and areas, the existence of which was not even known before.

If you are determined to become a psychic, this does not mean that you have to go to extremes, like a coma or an accident. In some cases, meditation helps find the way. In this state, the body relaxes as much as possible and sends information about peace and complete calm to the brain. During meditation, the soul begins to soar above the body, which creates a feeling of peace. Such moments are suitable for searching and opening a kind of "secret door".

According to experts, only a balanced and calm person can become a psychic. What is a psychic? This is, in fact, an ordinary person who has learned to control unique forces. Only a cold mind allows you to take control of this power. When a person is in a state of peace, he acquires energy, the work with which determines the existence of supernatural forces.

Envious and irritated people constantly waste energy. Therefore, in order to become a real psychic, you will have to learn to forgive insults and drive bad memories and hurtful words with all your might. The past cannot be returned, and the future must be given special attention.

Let's look at how to experience psychic abilities and what you need to do.

  1. Do what you love. If not, select . This will allow you to occasionally be alone. In a moment of quiet and calm atmosphere, you will understand whether you really want to become a psychic. If so, start exercising.
  2. The abilities of many psychics are barely discernible at the beginning. Thanks to the classes, they have reached a new level.
  3. It does not hurt to get closer to nature and the outside world. If you can’t forget a strong offense, go up to the tree, lean on the trunk and once again think about what is causing concern.
  4. A living tree will take away negative energy, which will make life easier. Birch is best suited for these purposes. But, planting it under the window is not recommended, it takes not only negative, but also positive energy.

How to become a psychic in real life? The answer to this question is individual in each case. Therefore, only a person who dreams of becoming a psychic will answer it. Only in case of success will it be possible to look at the world from a new angle.

How to become a psychic at home

Scientists have proven that all people from birth have supernatural abilities. For this reason, one should not be surprised if abilities manifest themselves under certain conditions.

Some psychics say with confidence that the gift of clairvoyance is inherited. At the same time, the main advantages of a true psychic are heightened intuition, powerful energy, subtle susceptibility, which helps to explain what is happening and the future.

In this part of the article, we will figure out how to become a psychic at home, and whether it is real at all. It will be about the development of a psychic gift within the boundaries of housing.

  • First of all, know your own potential. Not without constant training. Practice using ordinary objects or playing cards. At the same time, a prerequisite for training is a constant increase in the level of complexity of the exercises performed.
  • Pay special attention to inner vision. Experts say that anyone can learn to use inner vision if they devote a few minutes every day to training.
  • All psychics have developed hearing. Practice by identifying sources of sounds that go very far. For this purpose, choose the right moment. It is best to exercise before bed.
  • Keep a diary in which you write down your desires. A few months later, you will notice that there are opportunities that help to realize even the most intricate ideas.
  • Do not ignore the development of the sixth sense. Life is a laboratory in which it is easy to train intuition. Predict the future by starting small. Each correct answer will bring experience and joy.
  • Be sure to work on opening up more senses. According to accomplished psychics, you will have to devote your life to their search and discovery.

I told how to become a psychic at home. In conclusion, I will add that there are many methods, but psychic candidates should develop in the area where abilities are most manifested.

There should be no problems with the definition of the area if you overcome a certain part of the path on your own and pay attention to self-knowledge.


Anyone can become a psychic, because psychic abilities are present in everyone from birth. Most often, their manifestation begins under certain conditions. This is facilitated by electric shock, clinical death or deep depression.

As practice shows, even a person with hypersensitivity and excellent intuition is unable to develop abilities without training. In this section of the article, I will give effective exercises.

Extrasensory vision exercise

The first exercise is focused on training extrasensory vision.

  1. Once in complete darkness, look around and try to determine the shape of the objects that are in the room as accurately as possible.
  2. If you can determine the outline of an object, think about what its shape resembles.
  3. Similarly, work through several items and list them in your mind.

The exercise will develop attention to surrounding objects. If you do it daily, after a while you can easily notice any little things. It is possible that even those things that were simply not noticed before will not be hidden.

Extrasensory hearing exercise

The second exercise is as simple as the first, but develops extrasensory hearing.

  • Almost all people before going to bed protect themselves from extraneous sounds. The essence of the exercise is that you will have to concentrate on these sounds for several minutes in order to determine the sources.
  • If you hear barking, imagine the appearance of this animal. If people's voices are heard, identify their gender, height, or clothing.

Performing the exercise will allow you to establish control over the sounds that penetrate the subconscious.

Extrasensory Sense of Smell Exercises

The third exercise is designed to train the psychic sense of smell, because the senses of a true psychic must be highly developed.

  1. Relax and try to identify the surrounding smells.
  2. If this succeeds, direct your thoughts towards the sources of smells and try to imagine them mentally.

If you constantly train, after a certain time, the amount of odors around you will become shocking. This will help to discover smells that were previously overlooked.

Extrasensory touch exercise

The fourth exercise will help develop extrasensory touch. And this is good, because the productivity of the "superman" directly depends on the performance of all the senses.

  • Close your ears and eyes, and gently touch the skin of your legs, arms, and face.
  • Describe your feelings in words. In particular, the skin is hard, silky, rough or smooth.
  • Examine in detail other things that will be at your disposal.

Performing the exercise, you will be able to perfectly navigate in the dark, using a developed sense of touch. By paying special attention to the development of the senses, you will become a hypersensitive person, and take your perception of the world to a new level.

Now it's no secret how to become a psychic. But, believe me, this is not enough. The fact is that extrasensory perception has different directions, including hypnosis, clairvoyance, psychology and others.

How to choose the right mentor

If you want to become a good psychic, it is unlikely that you will succeed without the help of an experienced mentor. The teacher will give knowledge and direct in the right direction.

True, in today's world you have to be careful. If you lose your vigilance, you will definitely fall for the trick of scammers. Before you trust a person, be sure to check him out.

If you think that immediately after your question, the psychic begins to receive a picture from space, this is not so. A pair is required to properly recognize the situation. The first half is a person living in a situation, and the second half is a clairvoyant with a sixth sense.

A psychic is a person who has a sensitive perception of phenomena, events and people. At the same time, each expert has his own direction. Some consult by phone, others invite to an appointment. When a person finds himself in a difficult life situation, he wants to seek advice. Often people come to a psychic for help. People crave expert advice, not friendly advice.

At first glance, it seems that the life of a psychic is interesting and simple. This is an illusion. A clairvoyant who senses the illness of another is not always able to heal the client. At the same time, he has to accept the pain of the patient, and this is not easy.

For the normal development of consciousness requires a mentor. A good instructor will point out mistakes, tell you how to avoid them, and help with useful recommendations. In addition, the presence of a gift requires a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bability. In this case, be sure to consider that in some cases they appear randomly. If supernatural abilities are not developed correctly, this will lead to mental discomfort.

A person who has developed latent abilities receives ample opportunities for their application. Therefore, both schoolchildren, DJs, and rich people are interested in how to become a psychic.

Of all their abilities given by nature, people realize a negligible percentage - about 5 out of 100. Many psychics confirm the information that supernatural abilities can not only be inherited, but also awakened on their own. If a person has a gift, then you need to know how to develop extrasensory abilities in yourself and be able to use them.

What are superpowers

Everyone has a certain set of skills - physical, intellectual, creative. Paranormal abilities do not manifest themselves in everyone, in some they are poorly developed, and you need to know how to unleash magical abilities in yourself. These include increased intuition, the ability to travel in the astral plane, clairvoyance, telepathy, super vision and hearing, teleportation, and the ability to hypnotize.

The psychic has enhanced features:

  • see events regardless of time - past or future;
  • see and feel the biofield, aura, high-frequency energies;
  • see other worlds.

Such abilities are not limited in space: a psychic can see people, identify hidden objects at great distances, based on their feelings. It is important not only to reveal the gift in yourself, but also to get out of this state in time. To do this, it is important to monitor the correct execution of techniques.

Some believe that the presence of superpowers can be calculated by date of birth. In fact, it turns out that this method is not reliable, but can only push a person to further develop the sixth sense and search for oneself in this world. The most pronounced signs of the possession of a gift in a person are:

If a person is thinking about how to discover superpowers in himself, then it is necessary to conduct a thorough introspection. The presence of one or more of these indicators is a serious reason to think about the presence of extrasensory abilities that need to be discovered and developed.

Do not take extrasensory perception as the machinations of demonic forces. Abilities are inherent in a person by nature itself, the main thing is to correctly recognize and awaken them.

Ways to develop human abilities can be completely different. One of them is receiving an emotional shock in the form of suffering, deprivation and pain. This path is unsafe and deliberately hardly applicable in life. Another path is softer - self-knowledge and development of the spiritual world.

Before you get interested in how to reveal superpowers in yourself, you should clearly realize that the use of various practices carries a colossal responsibility.

Poorly prepared both spiritually and physically, a person can contact negative energies, destroying their own destiny. For self-knowledge and development of the pledged gift

Extrasensory perception is a mysterious and magical field of human abilities that allows you to go beyond the boundaries of the usual perception of the world. Far from anyone thinks about the fact that he, it turns out, owns hidden extrasensory abilities. It is enough just to learn how to develop them - and a truly magical world will open before you.

What is extrasensory perception

The word "psychic" comes from the Latin extra - "over" and sensus - "feeling". In other words, it shows a person who is able to feel much more than others, who has supernatural abilities.

The psychic is able to receive information directly through the brain, without using sight, hearing, intuition and touch. These messages come to him as drawings, voices, or other phenomena familiar only to him.

Psychic abilities usually come from telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, or telekinesis. Also, these people are able to see the aura of people, animals or objects.

Extrasensory perception can be called the voice inside a person, which gives a hint to him the right answer to solve a complex problem, even if it contradicts logical thinking.

Most people believe that only a select few can have extrasensory perception. This is a wrong judgment, so that any of us can become a psychic. Superpowers are hidden in any person from the moment of birth, but in most cases, they remain undisclosed.

It is sad, but most of the people, having matured, lose their own potential, not finding methods in the modern world to reveal their capabilities. But most of the little kids are real psychics, able to create and hear much more than adults.

But don't get upset. If you are worried about questions about the meaning of life and the Universal laws of the universe, it means that your time has come to comprehend the mysteries of extrasensory perception of the world and develop superpowers in yourself.

Manifestation of psychic abilities

Psychic abilities can manifest as:

  • Clairvoyance is the ability to receive information about what is happening regardless of time without the role of the organs of vision. This is an inner vision of what goes beyond the real world.
  • Clairaudience is an inner voice, receiving knowledge about the Universe at the level of auditory vibrations.
  • Claircognizance is the ability to receive information directly from the Universe, awareness of the actions taking place in the Universe. A person gets the right answer out of nowhere and cannot explain how this knowledge came to him.
  • Intuition - the ability to predict certain actions, using the clues that the world sends, dreams and premonitions.
  • Telekinesis is the ability to act on objects with the power of thought without any physical effort.

Quite often, extrasensory abilities open up in cases where there is a threat to life or a person is in a critical situation and needs help. At such moments, a certain inner voice gives a hint on how to act.

Also, a person can feel superpowers in himself, being in a modified state of consciousness under the influence of psychotropic or narcotic substances. Healers and shamans in different cultures were well aware of this, and used the characteristics of certain plants to enter a state of trance and communicate with otherworldly forces.

How to find the presence of psychic abilities

To assess your ability to extrasensory perception, try asking yourself a few questions:

  • How lightly do you sleep?
  • Do you have a developed intuition?
  • Do you feel someone's presence when you are alone in a room?
  • Are you lucky in life?
  • Are you superstitious, do you listen to various signs and signs that the world sends for you?
  • Are there people in your family associated with mysticism, witchcraft, healing?
  • Are you sensitive to the energy of the people around you?
  • Try to spread your palms apart at a distance of about 20 cm. Do you feel the warmth that comes from your hands?
  • Do you think you were "born in a shirt"?
  • Have you experienced a sense of discomfort and horror in places where some kind of catastrophe happened, although you did not know about it before?
  • Do you communicate with inanimate objects?
  • Can you just persuade a person to certain actions?
  • Will you be able to help the unhealthy and alleviate his pain when dealing with him?

The greater the number of affirmative answers, the stronger your extrasensory perception is developed. If you answered "yes" to more than 10 questions, it is absolutely necessary for you to develop your abilities, because you are a real psychic.

But having opportunities alone is not enough to become a specialist in our field. One must also develop one's sensitivity and intuition through practice and exercise.

Exercises that develop extrasensory abilities

For people who dream of developing extrasensory abilities in themselves, there are a number of exercises that expand the spectrum of perception. These techniques activate dormant extrasensory abilities.

How to learn to feel the aura with your hands

If you want to learn how to accept a person's aura, do this exercise:

  • Sit comfortably in a chair with your back straight.
  • Relax and stop the flow of thoughts, rub your palms together.
  • Move your palms one from the other by 30 cm, keeping them parallel with all this.
  • Start slowly bringing your palms together until they touch. Do the exercise again a couple of times.

After a while, you will begin to feel the limits of your own aura with your hands. There will be a feeling of warmth emanating from the hands, the palms will become elastic. After a few sessions, these feelings will become not just subtle, but completely real and physical. In the future, you will also learn to feel the aura of others, to feel its boundaries.

How to learn to create an aura

The exercise is done in two steps.

At the first step, you need to try for a couple of days to see the small lines that appear in front of your eyes when you peer into the place between the eyelids. It is better to create it in the evening, lying in bed. For this exercise, 15 minutes a day is enough.

In the second step, proceed as follows:

  • Place an object in front of you - a jug, a flowerpot or something else. It is better that the object is one-color. Place it against a snow-white sheet of paper to neutralize the background.
  • Start peering into the subject, but not directly, but casually. Over time, a slight haze will begin to appear along the border of the subject. Then you will begin to distinguish its color, depending on the color of the object. For example, a greenish object has a reddish aura, and a yellowish object has a blue aura.

It is best to do the exercise before bed.

How to learn to create prophetic dreams

We all know about the paradox of prophetic dreams or the ability to predict the actions of the future on the basis of dreams. In order to see a prophetic dream, you need to give yourself the installation. Before going to bed, tune in to the fact that in a dream you should see how tomorrow will pass. Do this any evening for a month. Gradually, you will learn to create fragments of events that should happen soon.

Try to understand your own dream in small details and analyze it. So, over time, you can develop your own system for interpreting dreams.

Beginning psychics are recommended to visit nature as often as possible, away from the bustle of the city. Try to spend more time in solitude and meditation, learn to hear the voices of nature and peer into the night sky. Then, perhaps, the Universe itself will speak to you.