What to wear on vacation at sea. Beachwear for men. How to quickly sew clothes at sea with your own hands: simple and effective solutions

8-07-2016, 23:30

If you are going on a long-awaited trip to the sea, to the sun, sandy beaches and sea breeze, but your suitcase is still not packed and you still have not decided what things you will take with you, then this article is just for you. What should your wardrobe be like while on vacation at sea? How to make it rational, but at the same time different, and not drag around a suitcase of unnecessary things that will remain in it for the entire duration of your vacation?

1. Swimsuit

The first is, of course, a swimsuit. There should be two swimsuits, or even better three. They should be different in color so as not to give the impression that you are wearing the same swimsuit.

What color should the swimsuit be?

Classic colors are always a win-win in this regard. Blue, Beaujolais, red, chocolate, etc. Black is also possible if it suits your color type. A white swimsuit, as well as all light shades, look good only on a tan. Therefore, it is better to wear such a swimsuit when you are already a little tanned or if your skin is initially dark.

When choosing the color of a swimsuit, you can use the shade of your eyes and hair, it always looks great. For example, if you have chocolate in your appearance - brown eyes, chocolate-colored hair, then you can take a swimsuit of the same color, it will only emphasize your natural characteristics.

Also, bright monochromatic swimsuits and bright variegated options always look great, even on untanned skin.

My advice: take brighter versions of the colors of your color type to the sea, since at the resort all the colors look much brighter than in the city. A bright, dazzling sun, a bright blue sky and a turquoise sea - against this background, the less bright colors of clothes that are familiar to city life will look too faded and dull. Therefore, feel free to take things on vacation in richer, brighter colors than usual.

Next point. A swimsuit should undoubtedly fit your figure well, emphasizing its advantages and correcting its disadvantages.
For example, if you have a dominant bottom and fairly small breasts, then a push-up or a bra shape that looks like a strip will help to visually enlarge it.

If your figure is dominated by the top, then it is better not to take this type of swimsuit. In this case, you can divide the swimsuit by color, taking a plain top and a colorful bottom. This will visually make the figure more balanced and divert attention from the wide, larger top to the hips.

2. Beachwear

You can go to the beach not only in a pareo. An excellent choice would be a light dress or tunic made of bright, colorful chiffon fabric. Thanks to the bright variegated colors, the fabric will not show through, despite its lightness and translucency.

3. Shorts

Be sure to pack shorts in your vacation suitcase. These can be cotton or denim shorts, short or longer, depending on your figure. It’s convenient to move in them; you can walk in them not only around the hotel, but also somewhere outside of it. For shorts, be sure to choose several top options, loose tops and T-shirts; it can be hot in T-shirts, so give preference to a loose fit.

Do not forget about the rule of a rational wardrobe - there should be 3-4 times more tops than bottoms. This will not only allow you to look different when paired with the same shorts, but it is also practical because tops will often get dirty. Therefore, if you take two pairs of shorts, then for each pair you need 3-4 top options.

As an alternative to shorts, you can take a pair of cotton or silk trousers in case of cool weather.

4. Skirts

If you plan to take a skirt with you, it can be either a short cotton or denim skirt or a long silk skirt. The advantage of a long silk skirt is that it is perfectly ventilated, it is very comfortable, and you don’t have to think about how to sit down, bend over, etc. in it. you can wear it without heels, and plus, wearing such a skirt you will be allowed into any decent restaurant. And again, you need to remember the rule of rationality - we take 3-4 top options for the skirt.

5. Dresses.

An excellent option for a holiday at sea would be a light cotton or linen knee-length dress, which is not only very comfortable, but also perfectly highlights your tan. You can take with you a long, bright plain dress or some colorful option. Remember, at the resort you can afford to wear things much brighter than usual. If you plan to visit discos on vacation, then you can put a short dress, a club option, in your suitcase.

6. Shoes

Flip-flops or flip-flops are perfect for the beach; give preference to models with pebbles and similar finishes. Such models always look very advantageous. If you want a heel, if you are planning to go out somewhere, then a wedge heel is good - it is both comfortable and at the same time lengthens your legs, looks chic in sets with dresses and skirts.

7. Sunglasses

Don't wear glasses that are too big or you'll always look surprised, which doesn't look good. It is better that the top edge of the glasses is not much higher than the eyebrows. Also, glasses should not move too far away from the actual contour of the face. As for the color of glasses, give preference to brown glasses or glasses with a color transition. It will always look more expensive than black ones. Black glasses are perfect if you are traveling, for example, to Africa. Glasses frames can come in a variety of colors.

8. Accessories

Bring a straw hat and a bright scarf. The size of the hat brim depends on your height and face shape. A wide-brimmed hat looks good on tall people; if you are short or average, you risk looking like a mushroom.

Planning a trip to the sea for every woman brings pleasant troubles associated with what clothes to take with her. This issue is especially acute for young ladies who plan to attend a social party during their vacation, see the sights and soak up the seaside.

So, let's think about what clothes a woman should take to the seaside so that the suitcase does not reach mind-boggling sizes and the vacation brings only positive emotions.

Women's clothing at sea

Of course, when going to a resort, you need to pack your things rationally, taking into account the climate of the country you are going to and your own build. Also, do not forget about personal preferences, if you are going to spend most of your time on the beach, then this is one wardrobe, and if your plans include going to the mountains, you need to take care of the appropriate equipment. Of course, there is no universal list of what clothes a woman should take to the sea, but it is simply impossible to do without some things on vacation:

  1. A swimsuit, of course, is better if there are several of them. Do not forget that swimwear for the sea for obese women should be chosen taking into account all the features and problem areas. As a rule, plump young ladies prefer one-piece swimsuits and suits with a halter bodice in plain colors.
  2. Also obligatory attributes of a beach look are a hat, flip-flops or flip-flops.
  3. Shorts and T-shirts. Two pairs of shorts and several T-shirts will save you from problems and thoughts about what to wear on an excursion or going out into the city to buy souvenirs.
  4. Surely, a light romantic dress or sundress will come in handy. In such clothes, a woman by the sea will look especially attractive.
  5. When thinking about what clothes to take to the sea, every woman needs to take care of the comfort of evening walks. For such cases, light trousers, a long-sleeved blouse or a shirt are suitable.
  6. Check the weather forecast in advance; it is possible that even in southern countries you will need jeans, a sweater and closed shoes.
  7. Lovers of active recreation and long walks should bring sneakers and a light tracksuit.
  8. Of course, young ladies who plan to visit expensive restaurants and parties simply cannot do without an evening dress and beautiful sandals.

What clothes to take to the sea is a relevant question for older women, young fashionistas and young mothers. At the same time, each determines her own priorities, the only thing that can be advised to all girls without exception is to take things from natural fabrics that combine well with each other.

Vacation, sun, sea, beach – a dream. The sea gives strength, relieves the fatigue accumulated over the year, and saturates with energy. This is why most people prefer to spend their holidays on the seashores with family or friends.

But friends will pack their own bag, but you and I will have to think through a wardrobe for ourselves, our husband and child, and what, exactly, to take with us on vacation. Before you start packing, make a complete list, including all the little things, down to the nail file. Then you are less likely to forget something.

Seeing his wife getting ready to go on the road, especially a long trip, any man secretly or openly begins to be indignant - where to get so many things, why do you need this, why do you need this... And it’s good if the matter does not end in a scandal. Therefore, dear men, if a woman does not ask you for advice, then, perhaps, the right decision would be to leave and not interfere with her collecting her wardrobe.

What clothes should a woman take to the sea?

  • Swimsuit. It’s better to take two – open and closed. And a change on the beach won’t hurt if you suddenly don’t like sitting in the wet.
  • Headdress - a brimmed hat or baseball cap to cover the face. It’s not very nice when a burnt nose peels off.
  • Several sets of underwear - panties, bras, T-shirts, nighties. How many? At your discretion, depending on how long you are leaving. 3-5 sets are basically enough. One nightie is enough.
  • Set of home clothes. After all, you will need to wear something at home. And it is advisable that it is not a robe, but something decent - a T-shirt or tank top with shorts or capri pants. One set is enough for the entire holiday. Two is the maximum.
  • Walking clothes. Something simple and practical, it is advisable to take something that is wrinkle-resistant and, of course, made from natural fabrics - linen or cotton. It can be a trouser suit or a dress - at your discretion. 2-3 sets are enough for any woman. Try to have a light cardigan or jacket in your wardrobe that covers your shoulders, because during walks they most often “burn” in the sun - this is not a pleasant feeling.
  • A nice dress or suit if you plan to visit restaurants or clubs. As practice shows, one is enough. Just don’t take any velvets and silks. An elegant linen outfit is suitable for evening gatherings with a glass of martini.
  • For shoes, take flip-flops or flip-flops for home and beach, shoes or sandals for walking, and sneakers. You are unlikely to need high heels.
  • Do I need to take a warm kit? More often - yes. In the South it can also be cool in the evenings, so jeans and one thick sweater won’t hurt. Linen is better.

In addition to clothes, don’t forget a woman’s cosmetic bag, a manicure set, “soap and foam” accessories, a beach towel or blanket (if you’re traveling wild), sunglasses, personal hygiene products and, of course, protective creams: you won’t get sunburned in the sun, and you’ll have a better tan. will stick.

Men's clothing for seaside holidays

Yes, yes, he also needs to pack his wardrobe. It’s a little simpler here, although the principle is the same - to the beach, to the house, to go out and for the evening.

  • Swimming trunks, or better yet a pair.
  • Headgear, preferably a hat rather than a bandana.
  • Briefs, 3-4 pairs, and two pairs of socks, you won’t need more.
  • T-shirts, tank tops, shirts. Some men prefer to walk around in T-shirts, but the sun doesn’t care who it fry. Therefore, try to convince your husband to also cover his shoulders if he does not want to suffer from sunburn.
  • Shorts or breeches, two pairs, light trousers or jeans. You can take a tracksuit.
  • Shoes: flip-flops and sneakers. If your man is an esthete, add summer shoes or sandals to his wardrobe.
  • And, of course, the essentials - shaving accessories, shampoos, soaps, toothpastes, glasses, an everyday beach bag or backpack that can accommodate a blanket and a bottle of water.

What to wear for a child at sea

If you have a son, we prepare for vacation in the same way as we do for a husband. Two pairs of swim panties, at least 2-3 pairs of shorts, 4-5 T-shirts and shirts, a tracksuit, jeans, a baseball cap.

Collect a girl like a woman, that is, yourself, according to the same principle - beach, walk, evening. Dress or sundress, shorts or capris, T-shirts and blouses, slippers, sandals, sports shoes.

For your baby, take a few small toys, shovels and sand buckets - the best solution. And also a swimming ring or armbands. If a child goes alone (to a camp, for example), then immediately show him what to wear. Arrange a fashion show the day before, dress him and explain what goes with what, and how it is worn. Be sure to convince him to hide his head and apply sunscreen if he doesn’t want to spend the entire holiday in an isolation ward with burns.

A couple of tips

Should a woman take fluffy dresses and bows with her on vacation? Definitely not. They are both hot and impractical. Well, of course, you can take bows, but long ball dresses will be out of place in a beach wardrobe.

The same goes for boys’ suits with “butterflies” - they are not needed at sea. Give each family member a small backpack to hold a water bottle and other personal items. An anti-diarrhea remedy and something for burns might come in handy. Perhaps that's all. Have you forgotten anything? Think, there is still time.

When going on vacation at sea, you need to take care in advance about the things you will take with you. It often happens that you seem to have already taken everything you need, and only at sea it turns out that some very important thing is missing, it remained lying somewhere in the closet, and without it, the vacation becomes not as comfortable as it could be with it . That’s why you definitely need to read this article, which has already helped several thousand people relax at sea comfortably and without trouble. So, what to take with you to the sea.


Select clothes based on the climate of the country where you are going to go on vacation. If you are lounging on the beach in your country, then choosing the right wardrobe will not be difficult. But if you want to visit another state, then find out in advance about the local climate and rainy season, because in some countries it can rain for several months in a row. Therefore, the answer to the question “What to take to the sea?” not as obvious as it might seem at first glance.

Don't take too many things, as most of them won't be needed at all. Also keep in mind that the suitcase should not weigh more than 20 kg if you are flying by plane (most airlines have such conditions), otherwise you will have to pay a lot, and it will be cheaper to buy things near the sea than to carry them from home. If you want to buy things cheap, then buy them not in shopping centers located near hotels or beaches, but in markets where they sell everything for local residents. You can find out about such places from your guide, at your hotel, or at the consulate.

If you are driving your car to the sea, you don’t have to limit yourself in choosing things; take what you want.

For women

  • Swimwear (2 pieces). 2 swimsuits will be enough. You bathe in the first one - the second one dries, in the second one you bathe - the first one dries and so on in a circle. It is better to take swimsuits of different models and colors. No swimsuits or some that are already out of fashion? It doesn’t matter, it’s just an excuse to buy a new beautiful swimsuit. A huge selection of swimsuits is presented on, and they will be delivered quickly.
  • Pareo (1 piece). An excellent addition to a beautiful swimsuit and an almost obligatory attribute for a vacation in hot countries. The main thing is to choose.
  • Skirt (1 piece). It is better to take one long skirt for going to restaurants or entertainment venues. For the beach, the item from the next paragraph will be useful.
  • Shorts (1 piece). Very convenient for the beach, not hot, practically do not get dirty. What else is needed:)
  • T-shirts (2 pieces). Comfortable, can be worn anywhere.
  • Tops (2 pcs). The same as in the previous paragraph.
  • Hat (1 piece). It will protect from the sun and will serve as a beautiful and interesting addition to any clothing.
  • Jeans or pants (1 piece). If it suddenly gets colder, then thanks to jeans you will be warm and comfortable, and you can wear them in any place, be it a hotel, restaurant or shopping center.
  • Evening dress (1 piece). Take it only if you are sure that you will attend exhibitions, expensive restaurants, and dinner parties; otherwise, it is better to leave the evening dress at home. If you unexpectedly need it on vacation, it won’t be difficult to buy a new one on the spot; remember the weight limit on luggage on the plane; if you take everything in a row, you’ll end up with a significant excess.
  • Sandals (1 pair). Take them only if you are sure that you will need them (see point above).
  • Flip flops (1 pair). Excellent shoes for the beach, and in some places even mandatory for going into the sea, as there are beaches near which the bottom of the sea is covered with stones that can injure your feet.
  • Sneakers (1 pair). Take it if you are going to visit sights, take a long walk around the city, or go to mountainous areas. And in cool weather, these shoes come in handy.
  • Jacket (1 piece). Even in warm countries it can get unexpectedly cold, especially at night, so take a light, long-sleeved jacket.
  • Underwear (3 sets). This is quite enough for an average holiday of two weeks.
  • Pajamas (1 piece). Sleeping in the same clothes you've been walking down the street in all day is not quite the right decision, so take one pajamas or nightgown with you.
  • Decorations (minimum). Do not take expensive jewelry made of gold or with precious stones. There are thieves at every resort, so precautions will not be superfluous. Read the article about.

For men

  • Swimming trunks (2 pcs)
  • Briefs (2 pcs)
  • Socks (5 pairs). If your feet give off a foul odor, take more socks and change them every day. Of course, women like some of the smells of men, but the smell of socks can be killer, in some cases even in the literal sense of the word :) .
  • T-shirts (3 pcs). If you sweat a lot, it is better to take 5 T-shirts or take the existing ones to the dry cleaner.
  • Panama hat (1 piece). Good protection against sunstroke.
  • Jeans (1 piece)
  • Shorts (1 piece)
  • Jacket (1 piece). It is better to take a long-sleeved jacket, not too warm, but not too cool.
  • Flip flops (1 pair)
  • Sneakers (1 pair)
  • Shoes (1 pair). Take it if you are planning a special event or if you are going to visit expensive places.
  • Dress shirt (1 piece). Take under the conditions described in the previous paragraph. It is better to take a shirt with short sleeves so that it is comfortable and not hot.

For children

  • Swimming trunks or swimsuits (3 pieces). For a boy, take three swimming trunks, and for a girl, 3 swimsuits.
  • Briefs (2 pcs)
  • Socks (3 pairs)
  • Jeans (1 piece)
  • Shorts (2pcs)- for a guy
  • T-shirts (2 pcs)- for a guy
  • Dress (1 piece)- for girl
  • Skirt + top (1 set)- for girl
  • Panama hat (1 piece)
  • Jacket with long sleeves (1 piece)
  • Light pajamas (1 piece)
  • Flip flops (1 pair)
  • Sneakers (1 pair)

List of “What to take with you to the sea”

Creams, ointments, etc.

  • Sunscreen (1 piece)
  • Tanning product (1 piece)
  • Wet wipes (1 pack)
  • Mosquito cream (1 piece)
  • Shaving cream (1 piece) – men
  • Toothbrush (1 pc)
  • Toothpaste (1 piece)

First aid kit

What medications should you take with you to sea? Pack a mini first aid kit just in case. Although there are hospitals in every city, especially a resort town, there are situations when help needs to be provided immediately, and sometimes you just get a headache, and you shouldn’t go to the hospital because of this when you came to rest.

  • Activated carbon
  • Mezim
  • Medical alcohol
  • Band-Aid
  • Disinfectant (you can use brilliant green)
  • Pain reliever (for example, analgin)

Electronic devices

The fewer gadgets you take on vacation, the better. Take a day off for your electronic devices. Of course, it’s up to you to decide whether to take a laptop with you or not; for some people it is necessary, while others can easily leave it at home.

  • Photo-video camera (preferably)
  • Mobile phone
  • Phone and camera charger
  • Small laptop (you can do without it)

Of course, you will take at least one electronic device with you. But keep in mind that phones, tablets and cameras often run out of charge at the most inopportune moments. Sometimes you don’t notice how time flies on vacation and you use the camera for a long time, and at some point it turns off due to a dead battery, but how many more interesting photographs could be taken that would delight you for many years. It is for such cases that portable chargers were invented, with which you don’t have to worry about battery life. One such device can provide power to a tablet, smartphone, player and other devices. You can buy such an irreplaceable item inexpensively in an online store; almost all experienced independent travelers have this device in their bag, so you can buy it right now.


What should you remember to take with you to the sea? Documentation! You can't go anywhere without them.

  • Passport
  • International passport
  • Tickets (plane, train, bus)
  • Printout of hotel reservation
  • Visa (if required)
  • Consent to take the child abroad. Required if only one of the parents goes on vacation with the child.
  • Money and bank card. I recommend reading the information about.

Other useful things

  • Sunglasses
  • Cosmetics (minimum)
  • Small umbrella
  • Board games
  • MP-3 player

Attention!!! Don’t forget that for traveling you need a comfortable and high-quality bag or backpack. An incorrectly selected backpack can create troubles that will be felt already during your vacation. Therefore, to make your trip enjoyable, purchase special backpacks for travelers (all recommendations are written in), these are sold in the online store at low prices, and the quality is very good. In general, I recommend it, take it - don’t hesitate.

Summer is the time for vacations, swimsuits and holiday romances. This sultry season encourages flirtation, relaxation and spontaneous purchases. What could be better than summer shopping, when the abundance of new models of women's swimsuits in boutiques makes your head spin? The hot sun allows us to bare ourselves and show the whole world our body ready for relaxation, so there is no point in hiding it under strict clothes. Head to the beach and show off all your assets!

  • Several swimsuits. The swimsuit should not be in a single copy. After each visit to the pool or swimming in the sea, you need to change your swimsuit so as not to get an infection. The fact is that bacteria multiply rapidly in a humid environment, which can lead to inflammatory processes. You don’t want to treat thrush at a resort, do you? To ensure maximum comfort, purchase several swimsuits. It is advisable to select models of different cuts. An open bikini swimsuit is suitable for sunbathing, and a more closed tankini swimsuit is useful for going to a cafe near the beach. Pay attention also to this season's fashion trend -. The color of the swimsuit is up to you. Focus on your skin tone. But remember that black suits almost everyone. It’s better not to buy models in a marsh or light pink shade. And pay attention to the material - the fabric should dry very quickly.

  • . Without this detail, the beach look cannot be considered complete. To ensure that glasses fit you perfectly, consider your face shape. The larger the face, the more massive the frame should be. Are you at a loss and don't know which one to choose? Buy aviators. Their teardrop shape suits everyone. To stand out from the crowd, choose original glasses frames. Nowadays, models with massive jewelry on the frame, with all kinds of chains and stones are very popular. For maximum sun protection, black, gray or brown lenses are best. If you are going to a party, then lenses in red, gold or blue will turn you into the queen of the evening. But your clothes should be as silent as possible and not attract attention: glasses play the first violin in your stylish evening look.

  • A very practical and stylish detail. She can both demonstrate all the curves of a woman’s body and hide it from unnecessary immodest glances. When you choose a pareo, consider the cut and color of your swimwear. Avoid a cacophony of shades. If the swimsuit is green, then do not buy a pink pareo. Give preference to white, ivory or lemon color. Light shades do not attract the sun's rays as much, but in a dark pareo you will be too hot in the sun. A pareo can easily replace a sundress, so choose a more closed model that you can wear for a walk outside the beach.

  • Material – cotton, linen. You can buy a high-quality straw hat that has a stronger and more reliable frame. Wide-brimmed hats perfectly protect not only the face, but also the shoulders from the sun. These are the areas of the body that suffer the most from excessive tanning. A hat on the beach is simply irreplaceable, because it protects against sunstroke and protects your ears from overheating. A wide-brimmed hat easily turns into a stylish accessory. Decorate it with a bright satin ribbon and pin a brooch. Then it will not be just a headdress, but a fashionable and original highlight of your image.

  • Do you associate these shoes with cheap market slates piled up in a heap? Get it out of your head! In fact, slates are not only comfortable. This is a real decoration for your feet. High-quality slates are decorated with various original decor: beads, embroidery, sequins. These are simply irreplaceable summer shoes. You can’t go to the beach in high heels, and it’s unbearably hot in sneakers. And slates combine both comfort and style. Their advantage is that they are waterproof. It’s not scary to get your feet wet in them, because the moisture in such open shoes quickly evaporates. When you choose slates, pay attention to the quality of the details: beads and chains should be well secured. Good slates without an unpleasant smell. If shoes are downright smelly, they can cause allergies. It's better not to buy such a product.

Buying a basic beach wardrobe is a pleasant and responsible activity. You care not only about your beauty, but also about your health. Quality items will not only help you look stylish, but will also protect you from overheating in the hot summer sun.

What else do you need to take on vacation?

  1. Shorts. Short denim, sophisticated lace or Bermuda shorts - the choice is entirely up to the fashionista! However, stylists continue to insist that they must be monochromatic - in this case, the image will definitely turn out harmonious!
  2. Rompers. Fashionistas often claim that if you take this piece of clothing with you on vacation, almost the entire suitcase (except, perhaps, a swimsuit) will remain untouched. Light, flowing, seductive and incredibly comfortable jumpsuits have become a true must-have, and this is not at all surprising!
  3. Linen trousers. A great option for a romantic walk along the embankment on a cool summer evening - elegant, simple and expensive.
  4. Off Shoulder Top . A great opportunity to demonstrate femininity and fragility without revealing anything unnecessary. The best part is that thanks to it you can create a truly charming look - both with a skirt and with jeans.
  5. Floor length dress. Of course, you can’t do without this outfit: the feminine cut and maximum coolness have become undoubted advantages that millions of fashionistas have been able to appreciate!
  6. Lace cocktail dress. Stylists especially insist on it if the vacation is planned for a romantic one. For an unforgettable dinner, this outfit will come in handy, and you can complement it with wedge sandals.
  7. Ripped jeans. This trendy model will perfectly complement a nautical-style look - a striped top and espadrilles are more than appropriate here!

Several unique models of clothes, shoes and accessories for beautiful fashionistas will allow you to create your own summer. Let it be as stylish, bright and unforgettable as each of them!